Enticed By The Corsair: A SciFi Alien Romance (Corsairs Book 3)

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Enticed By The Corsair: A SciFi Alien Romance (Corsairs Book 3) Page 12

by Ruby Dixon

  His breath fans hot on my cheek, and I feel a shiver ripple through my body. My nipples rub against the front of my jumper and I feel hot and achy all over. “Are we still drifting?” I ask in a soft voice as I lean in. The short strands of his hair tickle against my skin as I do.

  “Yes. We will until we stop surging. It's dangerous if you're not tied down when you stop, because you can get dumped pretty hard. That's why people belt in.”

  “But until then, we're safe?” I extend one leg and feel his thigh brush against my leg, and I automatically hook it around him. Then, I'm straddling his thigh and that sends new shockwaves of feeling through me.

  Alyvos groans and cups the back of my head. He buries his face against my neck and I can feel his horn rub against the side of my face, all warm metal and hard surface. His tongue slicks against my collarbone and sends a jolt right to my pussy. “You're always safe, love. I'd never let you get hurt.”

  I drag my fingers through his drifting hair. “Kiss me again,” I demand, and he makes a sound that's a cross between a huff of amusement and pleasure.

  “Are you scared?” he demands back.

  “No.” I rub up and down against his thigh, determined to show him just now unafraid I am. Of course, that small movement increases the friction of his body against mine and I'm so turned on that I gasp. I never thought that humping on someone's leg could be so damn sexy, but it's making me crazy with need. “I'm not scared of anything you do.”

  “I never thought it'd be so sexy when a female hit me,” he murmurs, and then I feel his breath against my ear. A second later, his teeth scrape over the skin and I instinctively rub against his thigh again. “You gonna smack me around a few more times, fierce little thing?”

  Shuddering, I lean in, and when my face brushes against his, I bite at his jaw. I love the tremor that moves through him, the soft intake of his breath that tells me he likes that as much as I do. And because I'm feeling bold and powerful, I tug at his collar. “Show me how this comes off.”

  For a moment, I expect him to refuse me. To point out that I propositioned him for sex last night because I was panicky and feeling helpless. But this is different in every way, and he only chuckles and touches something at his neck, and in the next moment, the fabric of the tunic is loose under my grip.

  Greedy with eagerness, I push the material aside and slide my hands over his bare chest. I've touched him furtively while we were in the bed together, but it was always a slightly different sort of vibe between us. Those were accidental brushes of skin against skin, or innocent explorations of his shape to learn his appearance. Today, my touch isn't innocent at all and I moan when my fingertips catch against the hard edge of the thick plate over his breastbone. It's fascinating and alien and sexy all at once. “What color is this?”

  “Blue, just like everything else. Just darker blue.”

  “Mmm.” I mentally picture it and love the visual in my head. “You're not as soft here.” I let my fingers play over his chest.

  Alyvos groans. “Never tell a male he's soft.”

  “But you are. You're so soft to the touch here.” I let my fingers slide under one plate's edges, caressing the skin there. “And here.” I trace a finger along his collarbone. “It's fascinating to touch you. I feel like there's always more to explore and learn.”

  “And you're not scared? Of the fact that I'm an alien?”

  I shake my head. Maybe I was once, but he's proven to me over and over again that he's nothing like the ones that captured me. He's different in every way, and I trust him. So I pull his tunic open wider and float in to kiss at his thick neck. “Does it bother you that I'm human?”

  “Never.” He pauses and then his hand skims down my back, caressing my spine. “You ready for this between us, love? I'm not sure you're thinking clearly—”

  “Don't tell me what I think.” I slap at his chest again and then rake my nails over the plates of his chest and feel him shudder against me.

  Alyvos groans again. “Kef me, love, but it's incredible when you're fierce like this.”

  Does he truly think so? Because it's making me wild. I'm a little surprised that letting go like this feels so good. I put a hand to his jaw to find his mouth and lean in to give him another hard, fierce kiss. I bite at his lip. I claw at his chest. All of it just gets me hotter, and judging from the noises he makes, he feels the same way. His tail flicks against my butt, as if it wants in on the action, too, and I even like how it feels. I like everything.

  And I'm excited to experience more. I nip at his lip again, loving that I feel sharp fangs when I run my tongue over his teeth. “Can I finish undressing you?”

  “I'd be sad if you didn't.” His hands are on my belt, holding me so I don't float away. “I'm yours to do whatever you want with.”

  I like that thought most of all. I let one hand go to his chest again, and then pull at his tunic. I imagine that it's open in a big sexy vee that shows off his blue abs, and I feel a twinge of sadness that I don't get to see what must be a visual delight for myself. But my remaining senses are heightened, and I tell myself that I notice things that I wouldn't before, like the delicious scent of his body, which is musky and appealing, or his skin, which fascinates me endlessly with its texture.

  And then it doesn't matter, because I'm letting my fingers glide down his hard, muscled abdomen and I don't need eyes to know how incredible his body is. His chest is so hard it's like caressing warm marble. I graze over the divot of his navel and then skim lower. “I just realized you're completely hairless except for your head. Do you have body hair…elsewhere?” Am I blushing? I bet I'm blushing. It's a weird thing to ask, but I want to visualize his appearance.

  “No. Does that bother you?”

  “I do. Does that bother you?”

  He makes a husky little growl in his throat. “Never. I think that little patch of hair between your thighs is sexy.”

  I bite my lip and wriggle on his thigh. He's so big and hard between my legs that I'm tempted to stop my exploration of him and just grind out a quick, brutal orgasm against that massive leg. God, that would just be so naughty and wrong…and I love the thought of it.

  But then I'd have to stop touching Alyvos, and that's the last thing I want to do. I'm just now getting to the good stuff. There'll be time enough for grinding later. I move my hands to his belt and then tug the loose material of his long tunic free. “If you take this off, what are you still wearing?” I'm so breathless I don't even recognize my own voice. “Describe it to me.”

  “Trou. Just plain gray trou. I don't dress fancy like Kivian.” Something tugs on a floating lock of my hair and I realize he's caressing it. “And boots.”

  I slide a hand down his hip and over his thigh. “You're so big and muscular. I'm trying to picture all of you in my head.” In my mind he's mouthwateringly gorgeous. The body under my hands sure is.

  “Take all the time you need to see me,” Alyvos murmurs, and his hand skims over my shoulder, caressing me. I love that small touch and want to lean into it, but the slightest movement makes us float and bump away.

  I make a sound of frustration as we drift apart again, and he hitches a hand in my belt once more.

  “We can always wait for gravity to return,” Alyvos tells me, a huff of amusement in his voice.

  “No,” I tell him, and wrap my arms around his torso—or try to. He's big and brawny and I'm pretty sure I look like a barnacle against him, but I don't care. I hold on tight and press my mouth to his skin. “I've slept against you for far too many unfulfilled nights already. I want you and I'm tired of waiting.”

  He groans and his hand drags down my back, then cups my butt cheek. “You could have reached for me on any of those nights, you know. I would have been more than happy to pleasure you even if you weren't ready for a full mating.”

  I shudder, my mind filling with visuals of him “pleasuring” me. “I wasn't sure until I kissed you if you felt the same way—”

  Alyvos takes
the hand I have on his chest and drags it downward. A moment later my palm is pressed against something thick and hot and very, very big. “Do you feel that, Iris? I've been hard for the last week and a half waiting for you to touch me. I've wanted you since the moment I saw you. I knew you were mine the moment you reached for me.”

  Fascinated, I stroke the length of him, learning him with my hand. The fabric of his trou is strange, kind of a cross between plastic and cotton, and rustles when I caress him. I can feel the outline of him through the material, and I pause, because in addition to how mouthwateringly thick he is, I feel…ridges. And that can't be right. But when I stroke over him again and hear the hiss of his breath, I realize that I'm not wrong. He's got thick, hard ridges along the length of his cock reminiscent of his tongue.


  “Your hand feels incredible.” There's a husky rawness in his voice that makes my pussy clench in response. I love the grit in his tone, as if he's barely holding on to control. And when I slide my hand up and down his length, I love the twitch of response his body gives. It's like he can't help himself and has to move against me.

  I know how that feels. “Kiss me again?” I whisper, because I want his mouth on me.

  With a hungry groan, one big hand cups the back of my head and then his mouth is on mine and I'm being kissed as if nothing else in the world exists but our two mouths. I whimper at how good it feels and stroke his cock through his pants again, wanting him to buck up against my grip once more. I want him to lose control at my touch. He rocks into my hand once, twice, and then breaks the kiss with an explosion of breath. “You're going to make me come too quickly, love,” he tells me.

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  Laughter rumbles through his chest, making me shiver. “Only because it ends the fun far too quickly. Come here.” He hooks a strong arm around my waist, and then I feel a surge as he pushes off of the wall. A moment later, we bounce onto the softness of the bed and then I feel a gentle little tug as he pulls me back down again. Alyvos guides my hand to the headboard, where there's a metal bar going lengthwise across. “Hold on to this.”

  I do, sliding both hands around the metal and waiting. My hips immediately begin to rise, because there's no gravity to hold me down against the mattress.

  Something soft curls around my ankle—Alyvos's tail. It holds me down and I feel one of his hands rest on my belly. “I'm going to undress you,” he tells me in a heated voice. “I want to kiss every inch of your body. Especially that little dark tuft of hair between your thighs.”

  I moan, imagining his big head between my legs. I fooled around with a few dates back on Earth, but I never got quite that far. The thought of the man I love putting his mouth there makes me shudder, and I can feel just how slick my pussy's getting when I shift on the bed.

  “I can smell just how wet you are,” he rasps, and then nuzzles the vee of my thighs.

  I gasp, because I swear I can feel his mouth through the fabric, and I'm shocked at just how strong a surge of arousal washes through me. I've never felt so turned on, like I'm going to die if he doesn't do that again right away. I grip the bar on the bed, holding my breath as I wait for his next touch. Being blind makes the anticipation that much greater, I realize, because I can't see what my lover's about to do. “What are you going to do?” I ask.

  “I'm going to unwrap this pussy,” he tells me, and a hot hand skims over my lower belly. “And then I'm going to taste it.”

  As I lie there on the bed, I quiver in anticipation, waiting for his next touch. I expect it anywhere—leg, hips, breasts, doesn't matter to me. I welcome any touch. But when I feel the ribbon slither off of my brow, I'm stunned.

  Alyvos pulls it off and then brushes a knuckle over my temple. “You're beautiful.”

  I swallow hard, because there's an emotional knot in my throat I can't quite shake. “I'm messed up.” I don't need eyes to feel the horrible scars. I touch them every morning and I can feel the upraised ridges where they healed badly.

  “Not to me. Nothing anyone else did to you changes how lovely I find you. You're perfect to me.” Before I can tell him that he's wrong, his thumb moves over my mouth, and then he slides his hand downward, between my breasts. “And I need you naked.”

  I know he's distracting me, but that's all right. I don't want this to turn into an argument about how I can't be pretty without eyes. I want him to keep touching me. And when his hand moves over the fastener of my jumper and the material loosens, I hold my breath with anticipation of his next touch.

  A whimper explodes out of me when his hand grazes over my bared breast. “So lovely,” Alyvos murmurs. “You're built differently than mesakkah women. They're not rounded here. I think I prefer this.”

  I nearly come off the bed when his thumb rubs over my nipple. I cry out and I hear his breath quicken in response. He jerks at my belt, as if suddenly as desperate as me. In the next moment, I feel his hand ripping at my clothing even as something hot and wet latches over my breast.

  His mouth.

  Oh god.

  My body rocks upward against the bed and I strain against his mouth. We bump and shift in the gravity-free environment, and I cling to the bar to keep me pinned—sort of—to the bed. I'm floating up, but it doesn't matter, because he presses a hand against my belly and pushes me back down on the bed, and then his mouth is on my nipple again, teasing and licking. I feel each stroke of his tongue and it sends a pulse between my thighs. I'm moaning and squirming by the time he moves to the other breast, and I barely pay attention when the rest of my clothing falls backward onto the bed in a heap, the fasteners completely undone.

  I'm naked under him.

  Alyvos's tongue glides between my breasts and his hand pushes on my hips, keeping me against the mattress. My hands are sweating with nervousness as I hold on to the metal bar on the headboard, but I don't think the big alien cares. He's licking a path down my belly and making soft noises of approval in his throat as he tastes me. “Perfect,” he breathes, and then one big hand cups my pussy, covering it.

  Just that simple touch makes me squirm with need.

  “Look at how wet you are,” he breathes. “So juicy and sweet, waiting for my mouth. You like the thought of that, don't you?” His thumb plays across the curls of my pussy, teasing me without ever delving deeper.

  “Touch me,” I beg, unable to stand it.

  “I am touching you,” Alyvos tells me, and he slides his thumb along the seam of my pussy. “Is there any particular way you want it?”

  I'm sucking in deep breaths, squirming. I should tell him exactly where I want his mouth and fingers, but it feels so bold and all of my boldness—my slapping, feisty boldness from earlier—is deserting me. Truthfully, I wouldn't mind if he put his mouth back on my breasts again. They're aching with the need for his touch. But…that would be like settling for cake instead of ice cream when you've been promised ice cream. It'll be good…but it's still not ice cream.

  I've been passive for so long, though, that the words die in my throat. I don't know how to ask, or even if I can. I just pant and wait for him to touch me, hoping silently that he'll realize my struggle.

  He pets me for a moment more, and then his other hand slides up my thigh. “Maybe I should just explore you and find out for myself, hmm?”

  The pent-up breath explodes from my lungs. “Please,” I whisper.

  “Of course, love.” He sounds so confident, so assured. Like he's got me. Like I can relax. Like I'm not going to fall apart if I say the wrong thing. He pets the curls of my pussy one more time and then strokes a finger deeper, exploring me. The wet sound my flesh makes is utterly filthy in the quiet room and is quickly followed by his bass rumble of pleasure. “You're coating my fingers, love. I can't stop looking at how turned on you are. How ready for me.” He pushes my folds apart and then places one hand over the lower part of my belly, pinning me against the bed as I float up once more. “Mmm, look at that.”

  I squirm. I can't he
lp it. I'm splayed open for his attentions and it's making me crazy. “What is it?”

  “You've got a little nub here,” Alyvos murmurs, and then his finger traces a circle around my clit.

  Ecstasy shoots through me. I cry out in startled pleasure, my body clenching in response. Nothing's ever felt as good as that one little touch, and I can feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment at his low chuckle.

  “I think I've figured out where you'd like to be touched,” my big alien murmurs. “What's this called?”

  “It's a clit,” I whisper.

  “And it feels good?”

  “Oh, yeah.” I practically moan my response because his finger is dipping through the slickness of my folds again, teasing closer without actually touching it. I'm barely aware of how wide my legs are spread on the bed, or that I'm silently rocking my hips in a little undulation, my entire body begging for his next touch. All I know is that I'm going to go crazy if he doesn't do it soon. “Alyvos, please,” I beg.

  “Mmm, I like the way you say my name, pretty one.” I feel a hot nip and realize he's nibbling on the inside of my knee. “Say it again, just like that.”

  “Alyvos,” I breathe obediently, saying it perfectly. No more games. No more testing the waters. I trust him.

  I love him.



  “My sweet Iris,” Alyvos says, and nuzzles the inside of my thigh. I squirm again, but it's not enough. It's never enough. I need his mouth—or his fingers, I'm not picky—back to my clit. I need him to touch me and show me that sensation again. I feel hollow and achy deep between my thighs, as if I'm missing something I've never had. It's the strangest feeling.

  Of course, a moment later he rubs one slick fingertip against my clit again, and I forget all about everything but that touch. The air gusts out of my lungs and I'm a moaning, delirious mess as he explores me, teasing and learning my clit and the best ways to touch it. Little light circles seem to be the best, though I love every touch he gives me. It's the circles that make me arch, trying to press harder against his fingers, so full of need I can't stand it. I feel as if I'm going to come out of my own skin. I don't care about the sounds I'm making in my throat—or the sounds my body is making as his fingers glide through my wet folds. I'm addicted to his touch already. Nothing matters but the feel of his fingers teasing my flesh.


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