Building Heat

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Building Heat Page 4

by K. Sterling

  “Please, take off your pants.” Mason begged. Avery’s hands left his body and Mason looked down as the silk pants slid down Avery’s legs. Mason grabbed Avery’s shoulders for support. He would have been mesmerized by perfect thighs and the no doubt perfect ass behind Avery but Mason was paralyzed at the sight of Avery’s cock. “Holy… shit.” Mason breathed as he looked up at Avery. His brows pulled together in confusion and Mason looked back down to make sure that he’d seen what he thought he’d seen. He nodded in confirmation. Yup. Really long, really thick and really uncut. Mason had seen the way Avery’s pajama pants had tented through the evening and he assumed he was large. He thought Avery was large like he was but he was quite a bit bigger. “Holy shit.” Mason gasped as he looked up at Avery again. His eyes were wide with concern as he looked at Mason.

  “I swear if you don’t say something else, I’m going to have a stroke.” He whispered urgently. “Is something wrong? You don’t like…” Mason cut him off with a laugh before he pushed against Avery’s chest causing him to fall back on the bed.

  “The only thing wrong is that I’m not used to feeling inadequate.” Mason put his knee on the bed and crawled over Avery’s body. “It’s so right and I’m going to show how much I like it.” Mason whispered against Avery’s lips as he lowered his body onto Avery’s. They groaned in unison as their bodies slid against each other and locked together perfectly; Mason’s arms around Avery’s neck, Avery’s arms around Mason’s chest and waist as their legs tangled. Once again, their mouths fused and heat burst upon them. They started rolling and twisting around each other, trying to touch and taste every inch of the other person’s body. Every time their erections pressed together, electricity shot through Mason.

  “You feel so good, Mason.” Avery growled against Mason’s collar bone before he laved. Mason arched against him and slid his fingers into Avery’s hair. “I love how you taste.” Avery murmured before he bit the corner of Mason’s neck. “All of you… so perfect” It was a muffled groan and it was as if he’d hit a switch that made Mason’s cock leak. Need exploded within Mason and for a moment he felt frantic.

  “Do you have any condoms?” Mason panted as Avery licked his shoulder. Avery’s head snapped up and his mouth hung open. Mason grimaced, he could almost hear Avery’s thoughts. Did you see any?

  “No… I…” He looked so distraught, Mason needed to sooth him. He made a shushing sound as he rolled Avery onto his back and wrapped his arms around him.

  “It’s fine. I told you, no pressure or expectations. We were just going so fast and I wanted to make sure we’re on the same page.” Mason nibbled Avery’s neck. “I could do this all night. I could do anything you want.” He mumbled against Avery’s skin as he raised himself and started trailing his lips down Avery’s chest. He licked and sucked until he came to Avery’s nipple. He flicked it with his tongue and Avery’s hips bucked off the bed as he gasped. Mason brushed his lips over the tight tip. “Mmm… You like that.” He whispered before he closed his lips over it and sucked. Avery cursed and his hands closed around Mason’s head, clasping it against his chest. Mason chuckled as he took it between his teeth and nibbled.

  “Jesus!” Avery shrieked as he twisted beneath Mason.

  “You’re in so much trouble, Avery. I’m going to do everything I can to hear you make that sound.” He whispered as he went to the other nipple to repeat the torture.

  Avery tried not to shriek but he was only able to hold out for a few minutes until Mason sucked hard and blew on it. Avery sighed in relief when Mason started to move down his stomach but wound up gasping and clawing at the duvet when Mason found his navel with his tongue and it dipped in, probing and flicking. He groaned when Mason bit the side of his stomach and licked his way down and traced the muscle along the side of his ass and down his thigh. Mason rolled Avery onto his stomach and crawled back up his body so he could nip at his shoulder. He licked and nibbled down the long, sweeping planes of the muscles of Avery’s back and lapped at the dimples above Avery’s ass. Mason brushed his lips all over the taut, round cheeks, savoring their smooth warmth. Mason felt his mouth water as he let his tongue slide in and down the cleft of Avery’s ass. He felt Avery tense beneath him and tilted his head as he pushed his tongue deeper between Avery’s flesh and he jumped. Mason lifted his head and let his hand slide slowly down Avery’s back.

  “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. You just need to tell me, Avery.” He whispered. He saw Avery nod into the bed, hiding his face. Mason frowned in concern. “If you’re uncomfortable, we can go back to what we were doing before or we can stop and just talk.” He saw Avery shake his head against the duvet. “Hey, you need to look at me.” Mason commanded gently and nipped Avery’s ass playfully. Avery rose on his elbows and looked over his shoulder.

  “I want you to do it. I want you to do anything you want. It’s just that I’ve never…” His voice broke again and Mason was sure Avery was blushing. He wished the light was on.

  “Let anyone rim you before?” Mason offered gently. Avery shook his head.

  “Or other things.” He said weakly. Mason let his lips brush gently along the crevice of Avery’s ass.

  “So, not a lot of foreplay, then?” He whispered against Avery’s flesh. He smiled but it faltered when Avery shook his head again and groaned in frustration.

  “Not a lot of anything.” He admitted. A very impossible thought started to bloom within Mason’s brain.

  “Ok… but you’ve been with a man before, right?” This time his voice cracked and he felt his heart start to beat faster. Surely he’s not… Mason held his breath as he watched Avery. All of the blood rushed from his head when Avery frowned.

  “Not really, no.” His voice was so low, Mason barely heard it. He pushed up and sat back on his heels. Too fast. He almost fell back and grabbed the duvet as he waited for the dizziness to pass. Once he found his voice he tapped Avery’s leg.

  “Sit up.” Mason ordered. Avery rolled over and sat up, pulling his knees against his chest. His face was stricken as he looked at Mason. “No more dancing around this, are you a virgin?” Mason really wished the light was on so he could see Avery’s eyes better. Avery pulled in a shuddering breath before he nodded.

  “Aside from two very brief encounters over two weekends, I’ve never really done anything.” Avery mumbled as he rested his chin on his knee. For a moment, Mason was just a gaping mouth and wide, unblinking eyes. He took a deep breath and shook his head.

  “That’s… Are you serious?” He still didn't believe it when Avery nodded. “What happened during these ‘two brief encounters’?” Mason asked. Avery shrugged.

  “I gave him a hand job and he gave me a blow job. I was too afraid to do anything else so he lost interest and moved on.”

  “That’s it?” Mason asked in dismay. Some man had a chance to touch and taste Avery’s perfect body and unbelievable cock and he just walked away?

  “That’s all I’ve done. Look, if you aren’t interested anymore, I understand.” He turned to get up and Mason stilled him by pressing his hand on his chest. Avery looked at him with uncertainty.

  “Was he any good?” Mason asked as he pushed Avery back onto the bed. Avery stared up at Mason in confusion.

  “I don’t know. It didn’t last very long and I don’t have anything to compare it to. He was really drunk.” Avery was babbling as Mason started to move down his body. He waited until Avery’s eyes met his before he grinned.

  “I guarantee I’m better.” He breathed the words against Avery’s cock and it jumped. “Do you want me to do this?” Mason asked as he let his lips hover down the length of Avery’s erection. He inhaled and his own cock throbbed painfully. All the scents of Avery along with warm, aroused flesh flooded Mason. Avery rose on his elbows and nodded wildly.

  “God, yes! I want everything with you.” Avery panted. Mason felt the words in his chest and in his groin. He slid his hand up Avery’s thigh then gently o
ver his rigid length.

  “I’ll give you everything. I promise, Avery.” Mason murmured before he set his tongue to the base of Avery’s cock and let it slowly travel up his length. Hunger exploded within Mason as his tongue washed over the head and Avery hissed as he clutched at the duvet. “Christ, you taste so good!” Mason moaned before he started licking up and down Avery’s shaft greedily. Avery was panting Mason’s name as his chest rose and fell rapidly. Mason pushed off the bed and wrapped his lips around the wide head and slowly started taking him into his mouth. Avery was so wide, Mason could feel his lips burn as they stretched around him. He heard Avery filling his lungs raggedly as Mason took him in as deep as he could. Mason stopped when the head hit the back of his throat and Avery exhaled loudly. He hissed and fell back on the bed when Mason sucked hard as he raised his head.

  “Ooooh… fuuuck.” Avery moaned as his head lolled on the bed.

  “Mmm hmm.” Mason hummed around Avery’s cock and his shoulders came off the bed as he gasped Mason’s name.

  Mason let his head lower as he relaxed his throat, trying to swallow as much of Avery as he could before he raised his head. The sweet, soft taste of Avery’s pre-cum coated Mason’s tongue and he moaned in delight and let his tongue swirl around the head before it teased the slit. Avery undulated on the bed, panting and praying Mason’s name hoarsely. Mason lost track of time and the rest of the world as his lips pushed the tissue soft foreskin back and he let his tongue slide around the smooth skin beneath. He sucked and licked ravenously as his hand stroked the length he couldn’t take into his mouth. Avery’s legs stretched and shook as he twisted and arched, his lips murmuring and moaning words incoherently. Mason gathered Avery’s sack in his hand and squeezed and massaged it as he carefully eased more of Avery’s cock into his throat.

  “Oh, God!” Avery’s voice was a thin plea as his balls pulled tight. “Mason, I’m about toooo…” His jaw clenched and his shoulders came off the bed when Mason ran his saliva soaked thumb over the tight bud of Avery’s ass as he sucked hard. Mason pulled his lips from Avery’s cock and looked up his quivering body.

  “Come for me, Avery. I want to taste you, I want to drink every drop of you.” Mason commanded gently before his lips closed around the head of Avery’s cock and started to suck ruthlessly as his hand stroked the shaft firmly. He took Avery deep into his mouth and hummed, massaging him with the muscles of his throat and tongue as he squeezed Avery’s balls. A strained sob spilled from Avery’s throat as he rose on his elbows. Mason’s eyes locked with his as he hummed and sucked hard. Avery’s head fell back and his hips came off the bed as a yell ripped from his throat. Mason felt Avery’s sack pull tight and his cock pulsed before he felt a burst of thick heat flood his mouth. He moaned in delight as he sucked hungrily. Avery tasted tart and slightly sweet and Mason could swear there was a hint of cherry. And there was so much. Mason had to pull back slightly and swallow rapidly to keep from losing any of Avery’s essence. Mason didn’t want to stop, he sucked and licked until Avery was spent and clean and begging Mason to let go. When Mason finally released him, Avery shivered as he reached for him. Mason crawled back up Avery’s body, a satisfied grin curving his lips as he pressed them to Avery’s. He let Avery’s tongue slide into his mouth, sharing the taste of Avery’s release. Avery moaned and his hands closed around Mason’s face as his tongue swept around Mason’s lazily. When Mason lifted his head, Avery’s eyes were still heavy and a wide smile filled his face.

  “How was that?” Mason asked against his lips. Avery pulled his lips between his teeth and shrugged.

  “Ehhh… all right.” He kept his face straight for about two seconds before he laughed. Mason bit Avery’s lip and playfully punched him in the side. Avery wrapped his arms around Mason and pulled him tight. “That was the most incredible thing that has every happened to me. I had no idea my body was capable of feeling like that.” He said softly as he rubbed his lips against Mason’s ear. “Can I try?” He asked. Mason laughed softly as he rolled onto his side, pulling Avery to face him.

  “You can try anything you like.” He said as he brushed his thumb over Avery’s lips. Avery started to move and Mason stilled him. “I’ll do anything you want as long as you communicate with me. I want to make everything good for you but I can’t do that if you don’t talk to me.” Avery’s eyes were wide and a tremor passed through him.

  “You’re sure this isn’t too much? You could be with someone who knows how to satisfy you. Not some bat shit crazy virgin.” Avery’s eyes searched Mason’s. He shook his head as he grabbed a handful of Avery’s hair and stared deep into his eyes.

  “First, I don’t think you’re crazy. And you’re worth a few quirks. Second, I’ve been on the verge of coming since you grabbed my ass in the elevator. Anything you do to my body with any part of yours is going to satisfy me.” Mason paused to see if the words were sinking in and rolled his eyes when Avery frowned and looked like he was about to argue. Mason sighed and pressed a quick kiss to Avery’s lips to stop him. When Mason pulled back he glared, warning Avery not to speak. “Third, what happens between us, when we kiss and our bodies touch, I’ve never felt anything like that. Its like everything else disappears and it’s just you, me and heat. I forget where I am, who I am. The fact that you trust me enough to be so vulnerable and let me be the first, it blows me away.” He kissed Avery, deeply, letting him feel how much he wanted him. When their lips parted, Avery looked as if he was coming around. Mason brushed his fingers down Avery’s back until his hand closed around his ass and pulled him hard against his cock, letting him feel how aroused he was. “I’m going to tell you a secret: It’s been so long since I’ve done any of this, I might as well be a virgin. And I’m pretty sure I’ll feel like one when you fuck me.” Mason admitted and Avery’s lips curved down.

  “I don’t have to if you don’t want to. I don’t want to hurt you.” He said. Mason pressed his lips to Avery’s and laughed.

  “I really want you to. Why do you think I brought up the condoms again?” He nipped at Avery’s lower lip before he pulled back.

  “I thought you wanted… So, does that mean you’re a bottom?” Avery asked and Mason could hear him blushing. He loved that he could tell after just one evening.

  “I enjoy both, as long as it feels right for whoever I’m with.” He said and Avery nodded but kept his eyes on Mason’s chin. Mason ducked his head and found Avery’s eyes. “You don’t have to be either to please me. I’ve known men that don’t enjoy being a top or a bottom. Some couples are perfectly happy doing other things. And I’m not going to rush you to figure it out.” Avery smiled and Mason felt it in his chest.

  “I want to try everything and I want you to show me what you like. I just get nervous when we’re talking about it. When we’re kissing and touching, my body needs you and wants everything. I’m a little afraid that I could get caught up in the moment and agree to butt plugs, nipple clamps and gags.” His delivery was so straight it took Mason a moment to realize the last part was a joke. Then, he fell apart. He laughed until he was wheezing and clutching his stomach in the fetal position.

  “You know, you might enjoy nipple clamps and a gag might not be a bad idea in certain situations, you’re pretty vocal.” Mason watched Avery’s eyes narrow as he tried to decide if Mason was joking.

  “Do you want me to be quieter?” He asked softly. Mason shook his head.

  “No! I love the sounds you make. I leaked like a faucet the entire time I was sucking on your beautiful cock.” Mason said. “But the gag might be a good call if we were somewhere in public that requires us to be quiet.” Avery’s eyes became very wide and his mouth opened and closed several times. Mason took pity on him. “Kidding, Avery. I’ve never been much of an exhibitionist.” He felt the tension drain from Avery before he started to laugh. It started as small chuckle but swelled until he shook the whole bed. Mason waited as long as he could for Avery to calm down. “What?” He swatted him on the arm. A
very held up his hand as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Can you imagine if I got caught someplace in public with a ball gag in my mouth? Me?” He started to laugh again and this time Mason joined him. It would be almost as scandalous as a politician being caught. When they both pulled themselves together, Avery rolled Mason on his back and stared intently down at him. “My turn.” He said as his head fell and his face slid into the corner of Mason’s neck.

  Mason felt goosebumps spill down his body as Avery started to lick and nibble as he explored Mason’s neck and shoulders. Avery slowly made his way down Mason’s body, tracing the muscles and bones until he reached Mason’s hip. He let his tongue run along the inside of Mason’s hip and into the inside of his thigh. Avery let his lips brush down Mason’s thigh and back up the other as he spread them and settled his shoulders between them. His nose pressed into Mason’s sack and he inhaled deeply as he let his lips travel up the length of Mason’s erection.

  “You smell so good.” Avery groaned as his mouth skated back down Mason’s length. He pressed his tongue flat against Mason’s cock and licked slowly up the length.

  “Ok… Wow.” Mason squeaked. Avery looked up and smiled.

  “Good?” He asked before he did it again. Mason almost swallowed his tongue.

  “That’s… yeah, a very good start.” He rasped.

  Avery nodded and then seemed to forget there was a man attached to the cock he started greedily and ruthlessly licking and sucking.

  “So good.” He murmured as he lapped at the head, collecting the slick fluid that leaked from the end before he took Mason as deep as he could and went back to sucking enthusiastically.

  Mason could only stare at Avery’s head as it bobbed up and down over him while he whimpered and gasped desperately. He felt the back of Avery’s throat and his mouth fell open as his eyes rolled back in his head. It had been a long time since he’d felt a mouth around his cock but he was prepared to swear that it had never felt that good before. He panted and tried to fill his lungs and when he closed his mouth to try and speak he found it dry from panting desperately for several minutes. Mason worked the saliva around in his mouth until it felt normal but whatever he was about to say evaporated as Avery hummed as his tongue rubbed against the underside of Mason’s erection. He felt Avery’s hand close around his sack and it immediately pulled tight against his body. Mason arched and reached for Avery’s shoulders.


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