Building Heat

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Building Heat Page 20

by K. Sterling

  Avery set himself at Mason’s entrance and shivered as the head of his cock pressed past the tight ring. He slid in a few inches and gave Mason a moment to catch his breath before he slowly rocked his hips forward until he was sunk to the hilt in Mason’s clenching heat.

  “I will never get enough of this, I will always need you.” Avery promised as he slid both of his hands up Mason’s chest and closed them around his shoulders as he rolled onto his back, pulling Mason on top of him. Mason let his head fall back over Avery’s shoulder and his legs relaxed on either side of Avery’s.

  There was a breathless gasp as Avery’s hands slid down Mason’s chest and stomach before they wrapped around Mason’s erection and sack. Avery began to thrust up into Mason as his hands stroked and gently squeezed. Mason turned his head and found Avery’s ear.

  “I can’t believe you thought you needed me to teach you anything.” He groaned and Avery’s hand started to stroke more firmly as his body undulated beneath Mason’s.

  “My body just needs yours. I can’t think, I just have to find a way to feel more of you.” Avery whispered as his hands slid along Mason’s thighs, caressing and gripping as he rolled his hips into Mason.

  “Oh, God… I love your body, Avery. I’m going to come soon.” Mason said as he raised his head to look down at his erection.

  “Come for me. I need to feel it.” Avery urged as he drove hard and fast into Mason. “I’m going to come so hard but I have to feel you first.” He bit down on Mason’s shoulder. Mason started hissing frantically as he watched his cock twitch.

  “Avery, Avery, Avery…” Mason chanted desperately as a stream of come burst from his cock. He clenched tight around Avery as more come spurted from him, thick and hot and he shuddered violently on top of Avery.

  “Mason!” Avery gasped as his body became rigid and his lungs locked. His eyes stared at the ceiling and his mouth flew open on a silent scream. Mason shrieked and shivered as he writhed upon Avery when he felt heat and pressure explode deep inside his ass. Avery’s arms locked around Mason, pulling him hard against his body as he convulsed. They struggled to breath, their chests heaving violently as their fingers intertwined. Mason slid and pulled Avery's arms around him as he settled on his side again. Mason laughed softly as his fingertips swirled in gentle circles through the hair on Avery’s forearm.

  “We should fight more, that was incredible.” Mason murmured. He felt Avery shake his head.

  “No. We don’t need that. It was the dancing and everything after. Where did you learn all of that?” He asked as he rubbed his lips against Mason’s shoulder.

  “Mostly MTV. I was a big fan of Eric and The Grind. I never bought that business with Julie. I still think he’s gay.” He said and Avery raised his head.

  “The only thing I understood in all of that was MTV.” Avery grumbled and a loud snort exploded in Mason’s throat before he fell apart. He laughed until his stomach hurt and he was in tears.

  “I’ll have to see what I can find on YouTube. You’ve got about twenty years of The Real World and Ed Lover to catch up on.” Mason teased. Avery was still for a moment before he lowered his head and kissed Mason’s ear.

  “I might have to pass on The Real World but Ed Lover sounds like a fun guy.”

  Mason might have laughed for a solid half hour.

  Chapter 25

  “What do you want to do this weekend?” Mason asked and licked his spoon. He’d made tiramisu for dessert. Not just because it was his favorite, the mascarpone and whipped cream were a great flirting medium. Avery’s eyes were fixed on Mason’s mouth and a demitasse cup hung in the air between the table and Avery’s lips, espresso completely forgotten. Avery blinked several times before shaking his head. He brought the cup to his lips and sipped.

  “Mmmm!” He moaned as he swallowed and jumped from his seat. “I got an email from Jeff this afternoon. He sent some listings he thought we might be interested in.” Avery said as he grabbed his laptop off the coffee table. Mason narrowed his eyes as he watched Avery start up his laptop. He didn’t like Jeff. He was a young, hot shot real estate agent but Mason got the distinct impression that Jeff wanted to show Avery a lot more than houses. Irritation and possessiveness started to claw at Mason and he snorted as he crossed his arms over his chest. Avery looked up at him and frowned. “What?” He asked as he turned the laptop toward Mason. Mason narrowed his eyes and stared at Avery.

  “We?” Mason said as he raised a brow. “Why didn’t he email me?” He asked as he cocked his head to the side and waited for Avery to reply. Avery shrugged as he pushed the laptop closer.

  “I don’t know. Does it matter?” He asked. Mason sat back, refusing to look at the screen until Avery acknowledged that the little creep was after more. Avery’s head pulled back in confusion. “What’s wrong?” He asked. Mason sighed.

  “I promise you, it’s just a matter of time before he tries to get you all the way out there without me or set up a meeting while I’m not available so he can make his move.” Mason declared as he stood and gathered their plates and cups. He set them in the sink and jumped when Avery’s hand slammed on the table. He turned and stared in shock at Avery. He was pacing as he squeezed his temples.

  “Don’t start with this, Mason!” Avery warned. Mason held his hands up placatingly as he walked around the counter.

  “I know you’re not encouraging him. It’s not you I’m worried about.” Mason insisted as he reached for Avery. Avery let Mason pull him close but didn't return his embrace.

  “First of all, Jeff hasn’t done anything. He’s been nothing but professional. Second, it wouldn’t matter if he was interested. I’m trying to buy a house with you. Clearly, I’m not on the market. Besides, it’s not in his best interest to break us up. He’d lose a hell of a lot of money if the deal fell through.” Avery reasoned. Mason rolled his eyes.

  “What’s worth more? The commission on one house or getting in your pants?” Mason said as he traced the waist of Avery’s pajama bottom. Avery frowned.

  “Don’t be vulgar, Mason. No decent agent wants that sort of reputation.” He said and Mason shrugged.

  “Whatever. I think we should find someone else.” Mason leaned close but Avery shook his head and pulled away.

  “No. There’s nothing wrong with Jeff aside from the fact that you’re being paranoid. I’m not using another agent unless he actually does something unprofessional.” He turned and started for the bedroom. “I’m going to bed. You don’t have to look at the listings but I’m setting up a meeting for this weekend whether you come with me or not.” Avery said as he went into the hallway.

  Mason scrubbed his hands over his face. What the hell is wrong with me? He thought as he turned back to the table and sat down. Avery was right. It didn’t matter if Mason thought Jeff was sleazy. If he behaved professionally and didn’t cross any lines, there was no reason they couldn’t work with him. Mason looked through the properties and saw two he thought were worth seeing. His eyes had watered a bit at the prices. Clearly, Avery had told Jeff that their budget was higher than he and Mason had originally agreed to. No wonder Jeff was emailing Avery, he was the one with the deeper pockets. Mason sighed as he shut the laptop. He was going to have to make a few things clear to Avery. Mainly that he wasn’t going to be a kept woman. Mason didn’t make Avery McKannery money but he still did pretty well. First, Mason would apologize for being a massive twat. Then, he’d warn Avery about getting carried away with their weekend home. Then, he’d do his best to make Avery forget he’d been such a massive twat.

  Chapter 26

  Mason was first to arrive at Gramercy Tavern. He confirmed his reservation and waited for Nancy and her agent to arrive. He shoved his hands in his pocket and hummed to himself as he let his eyes move lazily over the dining room. His eyes drifted over Avery and Mason’s mouth automatically curved into a gentle smile before he did a double take. Avery’s elbows rested on the table and he appeared to be deep in d
iscussion with the man seated across from him. Mason could make out little about the man aside from an expensive haircut and well tailored suit. Avery raised a wine glass and laughed. Mason felt acid burning his throat and all sounds were drowned out as his heart started beating in his ears. Without thinking, Mason’s feet carried him through the dining room. Avery looked up and his eyes flared for a moment when they met with Mason’s. Surprise then wariness flashed before Avery offered a tight smile. Mason clenched his jaw as he came to a stop, standing over Avery and his lunch date.

  “I wasn’t expecting to find you here, Avery.” Mason kept his tone even but it came out a little hard. Avery narrowed his eyes as he watched Mason.

  “Yet, here I am. What are you doing here?” He asked. Mason wondered if he sensed a little accusation.

  “I’m meeting Nancy and her agent. I told you we were having lunch.” Mason saw Avery relax. Slightly. Mason looked at Avery pointedly before he turned to the man across from Avery. He was older, maybe early fifties and Mason started to get that sinking feeling. While he wasn’t bad looking, he wasn’t what Mason would consider handsome. And he reeked of the board room. Shit. Definitely not a date. Mason’s clothes started to stick to his body.

  “Mason, allow me to introduce Grady Bright, of Bright Media.” Avery said and the man smiled warmly as he stood and offered his hand. Mason took it and tried to smile easily. Oh, fuck. Get out of here, fast! Mason forced himself to shake the man’s hand calmly. “Grady, this is Mason Whitfield, president of U.S. Operations at Winston Sheffield.” Avery said and Grady Bright’s smile widened as he released Mason’s hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mason.” He said as he took his seat. Avery’s eyes remained fixed on Mason.

  “Mason is my partner.” Avery said as he reached for his glass. Grady nodded absently before the words registered and his eyes widened.

  “Oh! I didn’t know…” He said as he stared at Avery in mild shock. Avery nodded. Grady gestured toward the seat to his left. “Would you like to join us, Mason?” He offered. Mason shook his head as he stepped back.

  “No. I just came over to say hello. I didn’t realize this was business, I shouldn’t have interrupted.” Mason started to edge away and Avery’s eyes hardened.

  “Of course, this is business.” Avery said. “What else would it be?” Mason could tell Avery was trying to make it sound like a joke but Mason knew that Avery didn’t find any humor in the situation. Mason cringed as he looked toward the door. He almost wept with relief when he saw Nancy walk in.

  “I don’t know, social?” Mason looked at Avery, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. Avery shook his head faintly. Mason swallowed hard before he turned back to Grady. “I better be going, my party has arrived. It was nice to meet you, Grady.” Mason said and shook the man’s hand before moving as quickly and calmly as he could through the dining room. He almost threw himself into Nancy’s arms. “Hide me!” Mason begged and he squeezed Nancy’s hand.

  “Is that Avery?” She asked as she craned her neck. Mason turned her.

  “Yes, and I’ve just made a total ass of myself. He’s so pissed at me right now.” Mason looked toward the bathroom and considered hiding in there until Avery left.

  “What did you do?” Nancy whispered urgently.

  Mason quickly filled her in before they were mercifully seated at a table on the opposite side of the room. Mason sat with his back to Avery and could barely focus on the meal. He did his best to stay with the conversation but his head wasn’t in it. He knew Avery was leaving when Nancy smiled weakly and waved. Mason’s chest became tight when he realized Avery wasn’t going to say goodbye. After that, Mason didn’t even pretend to pay attention. As soon as he paid the check they departed.

  “You need to apologize, fast.” Nancy demanded as they waited for a cab. “You need to get over this insecurity thing before you scare him off.” She warned as she kissed Mason on the cheek. “I’m taking this cab. Call me later.” She said as she stepped off the curb. Mason waved as he pulled out his phone.


  I’m an idiot. Please, please forgive me.

  Mason sent the text before he ducked into a cab. He directed the driver to take him to his office then stared at his phone as he waited for Avery to reply.

  The first hour, Mason kept telling himself that Avery was probably busy and hadn’t had time to check his messages. It had never taken him more than ten minutes in the past but Mason tried not to panic. After two hours, he was definitely panicking.


  I’ll make it up to you, I promise.

  An hour later, Mason was pacing in his office as he tried to decide how to get Avery to respond. Honesty.


  You’re scaring me. Please, say something.

  Two minutes later, Mason nearly fainted when his phone vibrated.


  We’ll talk when we get home. I’ll meet you at your place.

  Mason collapsed in his chair and sighed in relief. As long as he could talk to Avery in person and touch him, he could get Avery to forgive him. Mason looked at the clock. He could wrap up whatever it was he had been working on and be out the door in less than an hour. He nodded and forced his mind to focus.

  Chapter 27

  It was strange, how calm Avery felt as he walked into Mason’s apartment with his empty laundry basket. After lunch, he’d locked himself in his office and refused to take any calls as he struggled with what to do about Mason. Avery knew he had to figure it out before he went home. As soon as Mason looked at Avery with those tractor beam eyes or touched him, he’d believe anything Mason wanted. Not that Mason had ever really lied. He meant every word he said, it was just obvious that the paranoia and jealousy were beyond his control.

  Avery knew that Mason was getting worse. The longer they were together and the more committed they became, the worse Mason was getting. Avery didn’t enjoy Mason’s behavior or fighting about it but it was the merging of that irrational Mason with Avery’s professional life that had done it. Avery had been terrified as he watched Mason cross the dining room, his eyes full of pain and fury. Avery’s mind seized, caught between heading off an emotional confrontation with Mason that could do real damage to their relationship or stay in his professional, legal persona and fake aloof indifference. Luckily, Mason came to his senses quickly and Avery was able to find a comfortable medium. What about next time? His mind had screamed over and over through the rest of lunch. Forget focusing. Luckily, everything had been all but settled when Mason arrived. Avery was able to nod and smile absently through the rest of lunch. It was too much for Avery. In situations like that, he had a responsibility to the rest of the firm. Blowing it because Mason showed up and flipped out wasn’t an option. Avery couldn't allow Mason to rob him of his control when everyone was depending on him.

  Then, there was their relationship. Everything was so perfect, except for when Mason freaked out. If there was no professional risk for Avery and it was just a matter of the occasional tantrum, Avery could probably deal with it. But he knew it was just a matter of time before Mason went too far and did something they couldn’t come back from. That scared Avery more than anything. He felt helpless, the fate of their relationship was beyond his control because of Mason’s insecurities.

  And Avery had tried. He told Mason so many times that he loved him, wanted him, needed him. Only him. And Avery had shown him in every way he could that Mason was all he wanted, forever. Avery had been so careful too. When they were out together, he was mindful of anything that might set Mason off. He kept his eyes on Mason at all times and he avoided talking to other men as much as possible. Which was all stupid. Mason should trust him. Then, there was the fear of getting “caught” emailing with Jeff. About a house he was trying to buy with Mason! Avery didn’t know how to get through to Mason. It was like they were sitting on a bomb that was about to go off and Avery had no idea when it would happen.

Stop everything. That was the only thing that made sense. Just stop. Take their relationship out of the equation and make Mason deal with whatever it was that made him incapable of trusting Avery completely. It had to be Ryan. Avery knew that Mason wanted nothing to do with him and didn’t have feelings for him but Mason was still hurt. Avery hated the idea of cutting himself off from Mason and not helping him but there was no way he could. And the only thing that would motivate Mason to face the damage Ryan had done was the risk of losing their relationship. Avery knew Mason loved him and he knew Mason was strong. He was putting his faith in his belief that Mason would fight for them.

  By the time Avery stepped into Mason’s apartment, he knew he was doing the right thing and in a way, he was taking control. He’d left work early so he would have time to gather his things from Mason’s apartment before he got home. Avery had to say what needed to be said and leave. Avery couldn't give Mason a chance to change his mind. There was too much at stake.

  Chapter 28

  When Mason finally strode into the apartment building he had a list of things he could do to put Avery in a better mood. He wished he had more time before Avery got home, chocolate cupcakes with cherry frosting would probably work like a charm. Well, cupcakes and a really long blow job. Avery couldn’t stay mad with cupcakes and blow jobs. But, no time. Mason chewed on his lower lip as he unlocked his door and tried to come up with another winning blow job combination. He paused when he saw Avery sitting on the couch holding Darcy in his lap. Mason offered a sheepish smile and was about to say something flirty when the basket on the counter drew his attention. Mason frowned as he stepped closer and looked inside. It was mostly Avery’s clothes, neatly folded. Then, Mason saw Avery’s toothbrush and a few other little items. And Mason’s book. Mason’s keys slipped from his fingers and made a tremendous sound as they hit the floor in the silent room. He turned and saw Avery place Darcy in her bed before he straightened and walked toward him.


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