Clearing the Web

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Clearing the Web Page 8

by Cary J Lenehan

  The five at the front were hard pressed. The sheer weight of numbers of their foe pressed them slowly back down the stairs. Cries and the sound of blows echoed through the vast shaft. Christopher moved from a prayer into a chant.

  It is easier to use such a familiar thing rather than extemporise. It provides an odd, almost musical, backdrop to the combat and is having some effect, but there were so many of the godless undead that really all I am doing is slowing their advance, as some tried to turn and became tangled with others. I suppose even that is some use.

  Suddenly Stefan and Hulagu are both being forced back out of the fight towards me. Hulagu is bleeding from multiple cuts through his leather armour. Stefan has taken a thrust from an attacker armed with a broken rusty spear. It had appeared from between two others who shielded it from view and the point had been planted in his ribs. It is still there.

  “Father…” gasped Stefan. Astrid sprang forward into the gap as Christopher ceased his chant and leapt up the stairs, heedless of the combat above him. Get them and drag them clear…change to another prayer…pull out that blade. He finished and looked at them both. No, they still need more… Betterberries. He began forcing berries from a pouch onto them. They chewed and swallowed and went back forward, but too late.

  Silly girl. Even I know that a spear without a shield in front of it has no place in the shield wall, no matter how fast the person wielding it is. Astrid had been duelling with several be-weaponed opponents and suddenly she gave a scream and fell, back down into the two coming back. Bianca and Verily tried to take over the gap with Bryony behind them.

  Astrid fell and rolled down the stairs, her spear clattering after her. Basil jumped to stop her fall, “Puss!” he cried. There is blood pouring from her shoulder and her eyes are open and staring. That is a bad blow. Christopher put a bandage in Basil’s hand.

  “Stem the blood.” He shoved Basil’s hand against the hole in her mail and the gaping wound beneath. I start praying again even as my hands tend the smaller wounds with salves. Eventually, her eyes blinked weakly.

  “Good, now drink this…again…and again.” He was pulling her mail over her shoulders now. “Basil, use force directly on the wound. We must get her jacket off.” He started stripping her top off where it was revealed under the mail and then tightly binding the pad to her shoulder.

  “Will she live?” asked Basil.

  Christopher was feeling Astrid’s pulse and then placed his hand on her stomach. Yes, I was right. “They are both fine,” What a relief.

  “Both?” asked Astrid weakly as she returned to consciousness.

  What a way to tell them. “You, silly girl, somehow you missed out on realising that you are pregnant…now rest for a while. Only stand up if it is an emergency. You are healed, but it will have to take effect before you are much use.” He looked around for her spear and found it. He moved it to beside her. “Basil, be useful, go and see what has to be done to make sure your baby gets home safe.” Basil kissed Astrid and stood up.

  The battle is nearly back to us already. The Princesses are already behind us. Kãhina came over and took those of Astrid’s arrows that remained in her quiver. She is grinning at Astrid. She obviously heard what I said to her. Anahita was gleaning some arrows from the stairs where they had been spilled by someone. “You need to move back” Christopher said to Astrid. Reluctantly, she obeyed him.

  Next, it was Aziz’s turn to fall out of the line. His thicker skin gives him some protection, but otherwise he has only a shield and his light leather jerkin. Back to work again: bandaging…prayer…and another draft. Just as well it is not addictive. Back on his feet, and now Stefan is back again.

  The sound of explosions has ceased. The Khitan girls must be out of arrows. I have barely healed and dressed Stefan when it is Ayesha coming to me holding her side. Christopher looked at her wound. “I am sorry, but you will need to take your jerkin off. I cannot bandage that wound with it on.”

  She may be holding herself with blood coming around her hand and in obvious pain, but she is hesitant. Stubborn girl. I am not interested in lusting after your breasts. “Ayesha, I need to save your life. I am a married man. I love my wife. I see the girls at Mousehole half-naked all of the time and no-one else will see you. I am sure that your god would prefer to see you alive and fighting rather than clothed and dead.”

  She nodded and between them they removed her top. At last I can see it properly. At least the wound is long, rather than deep. It runs directly across below her breasts, but it runs deep enough that her ribs were exposed on each side. “I would like to have time to sew this. I am afraid that I might leave you with a scar.” Her hand fluttered dismissively.

  Christopher bound the wound and started to put her top back on her. Ayesha is looking up. Hulagu has moved back and is now sitting beside her, holding his head with blood coming from between the fingers and swaying, but with his eyes locked and entranced by what he sees before him. Ayesha is blushing, her lack of upper clothing making this more apparent.

  Christopher looked from one to the other. At least Bianca and I were not as bad as this. Still, I wish that one of these two would talk to me so I can say what the Metropolitan said to me. I suppose that they will when they are ready…if we live.

  He hurriedly helped her regain her top and shoved a bandage at her. “Quick. Hold his head. He is about to collapse.” So, with her top on, but unlaced, Ayesha cradled Hulagu’s head against her breasts while she tried to stem the blood from a large flap of skin hanging loose on his temple.

  Christopher rummaged in his pack for more supplies. He turned and took over, tightly binding the wound. Hulagu’s blood was all over Ayesha. “Lace yourself up and go back. I have him now.”

  He felt inside his head. Saint Winifred, patron of healers, be with me. I should have used all of my mana for the day, why do I feel as if perhaps I have a little more to give. Am I growing? Maybe I have one more small prayer in me without overdrawing my prayer account. He tried. I was right. He finished tending Hulagu and moved him to where Astrid sat slumped.

  “Did Ayesha…did I just see…did she hold me?” he muttered in Khitan, barely sensible.

  “You did, and she did. I am sure that you will remember the sight fondly in your dreams tonight. Now drink this…and then chew on these and rest.”

  He stood up and looked around. The torrents of the undead have stemmed, and no more are coming down to them. The remainder are so close that Rani and Theodora would have been unable to fire at them, although all I see from here are empty pouches. Theodora has taken her place in the line.

  Rani has joined Basil behind it, waiting to see if any break through. She has her sword and main-gauche out and so they both lack a shield. The hunters now stood shoulder to shoulder with shields locked and with a hammer, maces and swords, lacking all subtlety, just rising and falling, rising and falling, smashing skulls as they did.

  Suddenly, it was over. We have won. Looking at the lights above we have retreated nearly half a turn of the stairs. Bodies soon slumped to the ground…exhausted. All of them bore signs of battle, armour was torn, and wounds bled. It is time for me to get busy binding the minor cuts. Ayesha is still sitting down, but she is also tending wounds. She must be feeling better.


  When all was done, he looked up. Rani is moving around, checking how everyone is and taking exploding arrows from those who still have them, and giving them to Kãhina and Anahita regardless of how strong a bow they were meant for, and whether they were three or four fletched.

  Anxiously he took stock of his flock. Everyone, except the mages and me, bear visible bandages and the clothing on several is stiff with drying blood. The vigour of only two hours ago is gone, and again, we are exhausted. Astrid and Hulagu may be healed, but the strain on their bodies shows in hollow cheeks and grey under the eyes. Astrid is being made to drink some water and nibble on so
me food by Basil, while his köle fuss over Hulagu.

  “Don’t you dare die on us,” said Anahita. “You have sworn to find us good husbands and you would be leaving your duty behind.” He grinned weakly.

  Saint Luke, patron of physicians, grant me wisdom on this. I am sure that we will not survive another battle. I have to give this counsel. Christopher went up to Rani. “I don’t want to do this,” he said. “But either we need to retreat, or we need another draught of Sleepwell. The Masters cannot be far away. I am not sure why they are not attacking us themselves now, for I am sure that we couldn’t fight off a moderately determined rabbit at present.”

  Rani looked around and looked at the bones heaped ahead of them. What more lay ahead? “Do it. We cannot retreat.”

  Theodora came to him. “Father, before we go on, will you hear my confession?”

  She was the first. Before we can move on, I have granted absolution to all of those who are directly of my flock and performed a short Mass of thanksgiving on the slope of the stairs. I wish that I had a confessor here.

  Ayesha has prayed by herself. At least, if they were not to survive the next, and hopefully last, encounter, they would at least go with a clean conscience.

  I have difficulty separating myself from my office when it is Bianca’s turn. I will always have that conflict. She admits to the sin of envy, as she has done before, but this time it is envy of Astrid for being with child. After granting her absolution, he kissed her. “I am sure that, if we try hard enough, we can fix that little problem after this is over, if you still wish it.”

  Before setting out again, he shared out another sip of Sleepwell to them all, and they had some more to eat and to drink. The effects of the draught were obvious and immediate. Hulagu sat up and came alive. He is stealing sideways glances towards Ayesha. She has noticed and is trying not to meet his eyes.

  After a short while, Astrid threw up again. Basil was fussing over her and holding her hair out of the way. At least she can now eat. I have not mentioned this, but I pray to Our Lady, patron of mothers, that this potion has no effect on the unborn, as some do.

  He looked at the Khitan girls. From being close to them, if I am right, they might be finding husbands somewhere else, but they will also be leaving babies in the valley. I need to ask Bianca what effect that will have. She will either know already or else she will be able to find out.

  Chapter VIII


  6th Undecim

  I am to be a father. Who would have thought that when all of this started? We have started out around what must be the last few turns of this seeming endless stairs. We have to crunch our way through the bones of the Dwarves. Ahead, Thord keeps alternately muttering apologies in Dwarven and promising retribution for what we have been forced to do.

  Another three turns and we are at the top. There is a huge platform here at the head of the stairs. Only one vast corridor leads away, but I can dimly see two others coming off it at the limit of the light. Pay attention. We must be near the end of this…one way or another. All I want is to be somewhere safe with Puss.

  “Where now?” asked Rani.

  “Straight ahead unless we’re attacked. T’ side corridors ’ll just be rooms for guards or for visitors to wait in.”

  On we go, still putting nails into walls as we do. Ahead, it is possible to see that the corridor opens out into a large room.

  “T’is area ahead of us may not be where t’ey are,” said Thord. “It could be an antechamber. If’n it is, I suppose t’at we should still expect something to be waiting t’ere.”

  We are trying, but it is hard to go cautiously when you have a series of bright lights shining ahead of you and moving around as the shields they are mounted or shifted. The chamber opened up ahead of them. There is a dragging noise from ahead.

  “Bianca,” ordered Rani, “a light stick—straight ahead.”

  Bianca had been ready for this, and the globe of light sailed up and out through the dark. It lit the roof as it went. This chamber is smaller than the concourse below. It landed. What in hell is that? That gasp was from Theodora beside me.

  “Blasphemy,” said Rani. There is revulsion in her voice. “Abomination.”

  What is emerging from the opposite tunnel looks like a giant snake; so large that some of it is still inside the tunnel. In place of a head there is the naked torso of a giant woman with six arms. Her eyes are black and flat, and she is smiling a hungry smile. In each of her arms there is a massive weapon: a whip, a sword, an axe, a mace, a flail and a sickle. She…it…is moving towards us.

  “It must die!” Rani said softly.

  “Lamia,” said Theodora. “Do not get close to it, or it will take control of you. Ayesha, it can see you when you are invisible, do not even think of it…and it can bring in other creatures of the spirit world and demons. Even if it just hits you with any of those weapons, you will die in both your body and your soul.” Great. Now I have two women I have to try and stand between to protect and it can destroy with a touch. He pushed forward a bit.

  Anahita and Kãhina had started firing over the heads of the others. Bianca had her sling out and quickly started despatching bullets.

  Rani is chanting. It closes and still Rani chants. Shit. This is a big spell. Half way across the chamber, and it has been hit by several bullets and more exploding arrows. They seem to have made little effect on it. We are backing to the entrance of the corridor now. It is only thirty paces away.

  Theodora has pulled out a wand and is pointing it. I can feel the rush of air, but see nothing. Wait…there are dents in its skin…that is all. Suddenly, Rani has stopped chanting…she is throwing her whole firepot at the creature. The firepot has become the centre of a huge ball of flame that is growing as it flies through the air.

  Rani has collapsed in a heap…the fireball has struck…there is a mighty roar. A wash of heat born in a scalding hot wind. Basil felt himself knocked off his feet onto the smooth stone floor. At least I am not the only one. Beside me, Bianca is also climbing to her feet. He blinked. I can hardly see.

  He looked around at the others. They are doing similar things. We were all blinded by the light. As his vision cleared, he could see that the Lamia had lost her human top and the amputated snake’s body that was left was thrashing around the room spraying gouts of blood. He checked on his charges.

  Astrid is just standing there. Theodora is turning to Rani. She is lying on the ground. Screaming in anguish, tears already starting, the Princess threw herself on her husband, to be pushed aside by Father Christopher. If I ever doubted that her love has become real, there is the proof.

  The priest began checking her, first holding his hand flat above her heart. “She is alive,” he said. He checked her pulse, “her heart is weak, but she does not seem to be in danger…what happened to her? I need to know.” He stood up.

  Theodora threw herself back down on Rani and cradled her in her arms weeping and rocking her. “She has used all of her mana…and more…too much…perhaps several days more. I thought that she was dead. She is at least unconscious, but she may never fully come back to us. Please…what can you do?” She raised a tear-soaked face to the priest.

  Christopher shook his head: “Nothing…until I know what is happening with her. She could just wake up. If she sickens I will know, but at present I can do nothing. It is not much, but her life is not in danger at the moment. That is all I can tell you.” He looked around. Basil followed his gaze.

  Everyone is just standing, arms hanging down, watching the mages and waiting for direction. Christopher gently addressed Theodora again. “Princess, the rest of us need you now. We need to know what to do.” Theodora paid no attention. One of us has to take charge.

  “We wait.” That was Verily. Her voice has returned to the flat tones that we first heard. “Father, get the mages into the corridor. Stefan, go back to l
ooking behind us—something could still be in one of those corridors. The rest of you start looking to the front. We cannot do anything until that…thing finally dies. It could still crush us like little bugs if we try to cross before it stops moving. So, we wait.”

  That makes sense. Aziz is looking strangely at her, but she makes sense. We are all obeying her. Basil turned and joined Ayesha in ushering Theodora back into the corridor while Astrid carried Rani. Gently, she laid her down with her head in Theodora’s lap and, opening her backpack, took out a cloak and put it over her.

  They settled down. “Bianca,” said Verily, “How many sticks do you still have?”

  Bianca felt in her pouch. “Three.”

  “The last one that you cast hit the Lamia and bounced off to the left of the entrance. See if you can cast another one to the right, so that here is no shadow there for something to come through.”

  Bianca did as she was told.

  Time passed. The writhing of the snake is slowing to a twitching. Rani groaned.

  “My love, my dearest.” Theodora smothered her with kisses.

  “So, I am alive then?” Rani asked weakly. “Sorry to worry you. I had to do it…give me a proper kiss and tell me you love me. I need it.” She may smother her with that number of kisses.

  After a few more minutes, Verily handed control back to Rani and meekly asked: “Can you tell us what to do?”

  A feeble shake of the head. “I am useless now. I am out of mana for at least another day. Even if I took that potion, I would have none. I am completely exhausted. You will have to leave me and go on.” She closed her eyes. That we are not doing. Theodora will want to stay with her and we need her.

  “That is too dangerous,” said Verily. “Even if the Masters didn’t send something, you could not defend yourself from anything that might happen along attracted by the smell of blood.”


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