The SEAL's Second Chance Baby

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The SEAL's Second Chance Baby Page 11

by Laura Marie Altom

  Instead of answering, Mabel blew her a kiss. “Why not?”

  * * *

  THE NEXT MORNING, Marsh showed up at Effie’s five minutes early. Ominous clouds threatened to dump a gully washer any second, and he’d hoped to get Effie and her precious cargo in the truck before the storm started.

  He knocked on Mabel’s screen door in time to catch one helluva commotion.

  “I don’t wanna go! The police are gonna get me!” Colt ran out the door. Too bad for him, Marsh was there to catch him.

  “Whoa. What’s the hurry?”

  “Mr. Marsh, please save me! Mom’s taking me back to jail!”

  “Good morning,” Effie said.

  “Morning.” While Colt hid his face in the crook of Marsh’s neck, Marsh tipped his cowboy hat in greeting. “Everything okay?”

  Cassidy rode her mama’s hip. Her eyes were red and cheeks tearstained.

  “No, Mr. Marsh, I’m not okay.” Colt clung tighter. “She’s crazy if she thinks I’m going back.”

  Lightning cracked and thunder boomed.

  The baby burst into tears, as did Colt.

  Damn. Marsh forced a deep breath. “Colt, wanna know a secret?”

  The boy nodded.

  Marsh whispered in his ear, “I know where your mom’s taking you, and it’s not to jail.”

  “How do you know?” he whispered back. “Because she said we’re going to school, but I don’t believe her.”

  “Well, you should. You have a meeting with your school principal. She’s sad about how you acted at the bank and wants to talk to you.”

  “What about the scary policeman?”

  “He won’t be there.”

  “Promise?” he asked with a sniffle.

  Marsh nodded.

  “Will you go, too?”

  “If your mom says it’s all right.”

  “It’s fine,” Effie said, “but we need to get going to beat the rain.”

  She passed off the baby to Mabel, then all three of them dashed to the truck just as the deluge started.

  By the time Marsh reached the end of the drive, golf-ball-size hail had begun to fall. The pounding against the top of his truck made an awful racket.

  He pulled to the shoulder and Colt scrambled into the front seat to sit on his mother’s lap.

  “Think it could break the windshield?” Effie asked, cradling her son.

  Marsh shrugged. “Hope not, but anything’s possible.”

  “What if the ice hits our eyeballs?” Colt asked.

  Laughing, Marsh said, “I thought Remington was the only one worried about his eyeballs.”

  “I worry, too,” Colt said. “But I’m not a big baby and always telling everybody.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  There was a certain intimacy and peace to sitting in silence together while riding out the storm. Maybe if their situations were different, Marsh would have held Effie’s hand, stroking his thumb reassuringly over her palm. For now, he took pleasure in passing time with her and her son.

  When the hail stopped and only rain fell from the still gloomy sky, Marsh had Colt scramble back to his seat so they could resume their journey.

  With Colt making vroom noises while driving a Matchbox Corvette across his window, Marsh said to Effie, “You were worried about how Mabel would take all of this. Once I left, how did things go?”

  “Perfect. She never said a word. Sometimes I wonder if I’m my own harshest judge. Like because of what happened with my ex, I automatically assume blame when in reality, sometimes stuff just happens.”

  “I know the feeling. Wonder if there’s a support group for that? It’s-my-fault-aholics?”

  Her laugh filled him with warmth and goodwill and a general feeling of acceptance.

  All too soon, the truck devoured the miles to town, and he was back in the school parking lot, pulling alongside Effie’s van.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Sort of?” Her short laugh and clasped hands gave away her nerves.

  “Come on.” He indulged his own nerves by giving her hand a squeeze. “Everything’s going to be fine. Colt can start serving his sentence, and then things will get back to normal.”

  “Mr. Marsh,” a small voice said from the backseat. “Can you carry me? My legs don’t work.”

  “That’s not good.” Marsh opened his door and slid out from behind the wheel. “How about I help you down, then we’ll figure out the problem?”


  By the time Marsh walked around the truck, Effie had already opened Colt’s door and unbuckled his seat belt.

  The storm had passed save for the black clouds off to the east. Filtered sun made grass especially green. Front-range peaks had gotten snow.

  “See?” Colt flopped his legs. “They don’t work.”

  Marsh scooped him up and out, planting him firmly on the blacktop.

  “It’s a miracle,” Effie teased before taking his hand. “I’m so relieved.”

  “You hold my hand, too.” Colt thrust out his arm toward Marsh.

  “Please,” Effie coached.

  “Pleeeease,” Colt said with a jump.

  They walked as a trio to the school’s main entrance, but then Effie pulled back before going inside. “Colt, I’m worried you’re not taking this seriously. You made a bunch of very bad decisions at the bank, and I’m afraid you think this is all a joke.”

  “I don’t, Mom.” Colt shook his head. “I’m gonna be real good forever! Mr. Marsh is gonna help, right?”

  “Sure,” Marsh said. “But listen to your mom.”

  He and Effie shared a look that made him feel like an integral part of her son’s team. When she smiled, pride swelled in his chest.

  Effie signed in with the school secretary, then they waited outside the principal’s office.

  Funny how even though Marsh had done nothing wrong, his clenched stomach told him he was right back in hot water himself. School even smelled the same—like old books and pink erasers and crayons.

  “Last time I was in this position,” he whispered to Effie, “I’d just pitched about five water balloons on the school bus.”

  Effie shook her head and held her finger to her lips. “Don’t give him any ideas.”

  Those lips... Little did she know, she was the one giving him seriously bad ideas—like leaning in to steal a kiss.

  “Mrs. Washington, Colt—Principal Foley is ready for you.”

  Introductions were made, with Marsh being labeled as a family friend, then Colt sat between Effie and Marsh. He looked small in the grown-up chair, but held his chin high. Would he learn from this experience or revert to his mischievous ways?

  “Colt.” The stern-faced woman removed tortoiseshell-rimmed glasses and set them on her desk. “I’ve been principal of this school for fifteen years. I like to think in that time I’ve seen everything, but I’m still floored by the chaos you caused.”

  As if he only understood a fraction of what she’d said, Colt cocked his head.

  “This school has had an excellent relationship with First State Bank for many, many years. Now, because of what you did, no students will ever be allowed to tour again. How does that make you feel?”

  “Bad.” He hung his head.

  “How do you think I felt when police questioned me and your teacher, asking us if we’d asked you to take that money? I was mortified. So was Mrs. Logan, and I’m sure your mom. You’re old enough to start thinking of others when you make decisions.”

  “What does that mean?” Colt asked.

  “Excellent question.” She leaned forward, bracing her forearms on her desk. “Let’s say you’re in the lunchroom and decide you don’t like green beans. You then decide since you don’t l
ike the beans, the best place for them to be is on the floor. Sound familiar?”

  “I did that...”

  “Yes, Colt, you did.”

  “Why wasn’t I told?” Effie asked.

  “His teacher sent a note home,” the principal said.

  All eyes shifted to Colt. He started crying. “I threw the note out the bus window to see if it would fly!” He made a stab at leaping up from his chair, but Marsh’s reflexes were quicker, and he held him down.

  “Not so fast, buddy. We’re not running from problems anymore. We’re going to face them head-on—like a man. Okay?”

  Colt nodded.

  The principal cleared her throat. “When you threw your beans on the floor, you didn’t know it, but you started a chain reaction. You might have scooped up those beans with a napkin, but later that night, the janitor had to scrub extra hard on that spot on the floor. What if the nice lady who cooked those beans saw you throw them on the floor? Do you think that would’ve hurt her feelings? Maybe she felt bad the whole rest of her day. Do you see what I mean? When you behave inappropriately, you’re not the only one affected. Just like our country and state and town, our school is a community. We all need to help each other do better—not worse. Do you understand?”

  “Kinda,” Colt said.

  “Thank you for your honesty. If I used big words, maybe later your mom or her friend Marsh might help you understand.”

  “Of course,” Effie said.

  “Good. Now, on to your punishment. Since we’ve never had anything quite like this happen, your teacher and I weren’t sure how best to handle it. You’ve broken a number of school policies, so first, you will not be allowed on any further class field trips for the rest of the year. Second, you will be suspended from class for all of next week. Your teacher will give your assignments to your mother, and you will be expected to do all of your work. Third, with your mother’s help, you will write an apology letter and, considering your age, compose an appropriate drawing, explaining how sorry you are to have caused so much trouble. I’ve had the school secretary draw up a behavior contract for you to sign, and for the rest of your time at our school, I will expect you to follow it.” She slid a piece of paper across the table, then read the document that she had him write his name on.

  Marsh didn’t figure the little guy had a clue what was going on, but he gave the principal props for making it all scary and official.

  Once Colt painstakingly wrote his name, the principal asked her secretary to make him a copy, handed it to him and then they were excused.

  In the hall, Colt saw his class lined up for a visit to the school library. Marsh stood by, ready to snag him if he started to make a run for his friends, but to his credit, he didn’t, and they were soon back at the vehicles without incident.

  “Thank you for coming—yesterday and today,” Effie said.

  “Glad I could help.” He wasn’t ready to leave them. “Want to grab a late breakfast or early lunch? My treat?”

  “Yeah! I’m starving!” Colt jumped in approval.

  “I’d love to,” Effie said, “but judging by this guy’s reaction, I should probably pass and get him straight to work. I don’t think he should be rewarded for getting kicked out of school.”

  “Good point.” Even though Marsh knew she was right, that didn’t make him any happier about seeing them go.

  Chapter Twelve

  Saturday morning, Effie took care with her makeup and hair. She told herself the reason she wanted to look extra nice was for her grandmother’s benefit. Nobody wanted their maid of honor looking like a hobo while shopping for a wedding dress. But honestly, she couldn’t wait to see Marsh again.

  He’d been a rock through the entire bank incident, and so far, Colt had done his chores and school lessons without complaint. He was like a new child, and when he’d done an exceptional job of cleaning the chicken coop, then asked her if she thought Marsh would be proud, her heart grew two sizes.

  The plan was for everyone to ride into town in her van, then trade it in for the new SUV. She still didn’t feel great about having Wallace pay for her new ride, but when winter rolled around, she sure would welcome four-wheel drive.

  Marsh and Wallace arrived at Mabel’s by nine thirty, and by ten they realized that four adults, two boys and a baby and all of her gear wouldn’t be a comfortable fit.

  “Marsh,” Wallace said, “how about you and Effie take your truck? Now that I got my license back, Mabel and I can handle the kids.”

  “You’re sweet to offer, Wallace,” Effie said, “and no offense, but with your driving track record, I’d feel better if you weren’t behind the wheel.”

  “We’ll be fine.” Mabel shoved her toward Marsh. “You have my solemn vow that Wallace will drive under the speed limit the whole way.”

  “That wasn’t at all suspicious,” Effie said a few minutes later while climbing into his front passenger seat. “My grandmother fancies herself to be quite the matchmaker.”

  “You’re getting that vibe, too? Wallace was all over me for not taking you car shopping earlier—alone.”

  “Maybe the wedding has our grandparents wanting to spread their love bug?”

  “Maybe?” He turned onto the county road that was slightly less bumpy. “Shoot, I can’t even remember the last time I was on a date. I wouldn’t even know what to do.”

  “I hear you. Mine would have been with my ex, and the only place he ever took me besides a rodeo was Dairy Queen.”

  “Big spender, huh?”

  Effie laughed. “Oh—he claimed he forgot his wallet, so I ended up having to pay.”

  “Ouch. Was that when you were in nursing school?”

  “Yes.” How had he remembered? “Pretty sure my parents are still mad at me for dropping out.”

  “Do you see much of them?”

  “Not as much as I’d like. We talk at least once a week on the phone. I’m excited for you to meet them. They’ll be at the wedding.”

  “Nice. My parents will, too.”

  “It’s crazy to think that once Mabel finds her wedding dress, all the planning will be done.” She angled to better face him. “I wanted to throw her a shower, but she said she already has everything she needs.”

  “What about a bachelorette party with all of her bridesmaids and square dancing friends?”

  “That’s not a half-bad idea. Although I’m not sure where to find a male stripper in our neck of the woods.”

  He chuckled. “I’d volunteer my services, but my lack of dance moves would ruin everyone’s night.”

  “Aw, somehow I have a hard time believing that. I’ve seen your chest, and it’s impressive by any woman’s standards.” Her cheeks blazed. Had she really just admitted to not only admiring his chest, but having sneaked a peek? “Sorry. That came out wrong.”

  “Sounded good to me.” His sideways wink made him all the more attractive, and her all the more embarrassed. “You’re not too bad yourself. Maybe we could trade services?”

  “Marsh!” She delivered a playful smack to his shoulder. Touching him was a mistake, because the last thing she needed was a tangible reminder of just how solid he was.

  “What?” he teased with an adorable lopsided grin. “I think it’s a great idea. Swapping would save us both a ton of money. I’m guessing it’s not cheap to get a male or female stripper out this far.”

  “True.” She returned his smile. No matter what they did together, they somehow managed to have fun. Even during the height of Colt’s bank robbery crisis, she’d instinctively known Marsh would make everything better. What did that mean? She’d labeled him a friend, but could there be potential for more? Was that what she wanted? How did she know? Moreover, how did she find the courage for a second chance at romance? “You know, it is kind of nice not having to referee a
fight in the backseat or pull over to retrieve a fallen teething ring or rattle.”

  “I’ll bet. Want to try getting really lucky and wrangling a whole dinner to ourselves after buying your car and Mabel’s dress? I know a great steak house with T-bones so tender you hardly need teeth.”

  “Good to know,” she said with a smile. “That way, you won’t mind if I accidentally leave my dentures in the car?”

  “Not a bit.”

  They both shared another laugh, and as Marsh’s truck ate the miles leading to Colorado Springs, it occurred to Effie that he’d in a roundabout way asked her on a date and she’d accepted—of course, whether or not they’d go was contingent upon their grandparents agreeing to watch her crew.

  Selfishly, she very much hoped they would.

  Nothing sounded better than more time alone with the man who might be her new friend, but whom she felt as if she’d known forever.

  Funny how time had a way of either stretching or compacting depending upon the activity.

  Effie had been dreading car shopping, but Marsh made it a breeze—of course, Wallace’s deep pockets helped, but it was Marsh who helped her understand the benefits of third row seating with an aisle versus bench seats. And it was Marsh who held her hand every time she climbed behind the wheel of one of the monster SUVs. He not only helped her pick between white and midnight blue—blue because it would show less dirt—but he corralled the boys when they’d gotten too rowdy on the dealership’s playground. He’d also coaxed a smile out of Cassidy when a sudden wind gust spooked her by blowing off her hat.

  Was there anything the man couldn’t do?

  When it was time for them to temporarily part ways for the ladies to dress shop and the men to visit an indoor go-kart track, she was actually sad to see him go, but beyond happy that Mabel and Wallace agreed to take the kids straight home while she and Marsh stayed in the city awhile longer for dinner.

  At the bridal shop, it took Effie a few tries before pulling her new tank between the parking space lines, but once she succeeded, she and Cassidy helped Mabel select five dresses to try.


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