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Indulge Page 10

by Georgia Cates

  I just sleep farted.

  I turn to look at Beau to see if he heard me. “Yeah. You did it so you might as well claim it.”

  “Shut up!”

  I’m. Fucking. Mortified. Someone kill me now.

  “Chill. Peach. We all fart.” He doesn’t even look in my direction.

  He’s working on his laptop. “Come here. I want to ask you about something.”

  I sit up and slide over to take a gander. Looks like real estate listings on the web. “You remember I told you I flip houses with my brothers? My job is to find and negotiate the prices. Wilder takes care of the financing. Judd and Hutch contract it, sometimes doing a lot of the work themselves. That all depends on the job and how sideways the budget becomes. The problem is the price of Buckhead real estate is astronomical. You have to use the best materials in a reno because it’s what residents of Buckhead expect and demand. While upscale furnishings will help sell a house, it doesn’t always bring a higher appraisal since they’re based on dollars per square foot. Spending more and getting no return cuts into profit.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “We’re thinking of branching out to middle-class suburbs. It’s far less a gamble to have three hundred thousand tied up in a reno rather than one and a half million.”

  Whoa, Nelly. That’s a shit ton of money even if they divide it four ways.

  “I’m looking at some properties in Buford, and I’m curious to know what you think.”

  “Buford is a great place to locate if you don’t want to live in the middle of all the chaos in Atlanta. It’s quiet. Family-oriented.”

  “I’ve found six short sales I’m interested in.”

  “What’s that?”

  “An alternative to foreclosure. Basically the property is sold for less than the home owners owe.”

  Beau’s cursor hovers over one of the houses. Click! “This one looks really good. Doesn’t appear to need a lot of extensive work but of course that’s basing it completely on the listing, which can be deceiving. Do you know this neighborhood?”

  It takes a minute for me to get my bearings. “Yeah. I know someone who lives in that subdivision. Nice neighborhood but it’s close to a busy highway. It’s really loud.”

  “Those are definitely things you have to consider on a flip. Variables like that will prevent a house from selling, and each day it’s on the market is money coming out of our pockets.”

  I think he values my input. It feels good to have my opinion considered.

  He closes his laptop. “Enough about that. What do you want to do today?”

  We did a lot of driving yesterday. I’d prefer we didn’t do that again. “How would you feel about something low-key?”

  “I’m up for that.”

  Beau’s the one who’s familiar with Montego Bay. “Any suggestions?”

  “I want to take you to Luminous Lagoon in Falmouth, about a thirty-minute drive. It’s a night tour so we could hang in Montego Bay today, have lunch with the locals, and do a little shopping.”

  Totally carefree day with Beau. I love it. “That sounds perfect.”

  I peek at the clock. “What time you want me to be back?”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To my room to get ready.”

  “Why do you need to go to your room? You brought your stuff over last night.”

  I laugh. Silly boy thinks that duffle holds everything I brought. “This is an overnight bag to do me until the morning when I can go back to my room. All of my things are in my suite.”

  “You aren’t going to be sleeping there. I’ll arrange for a bellman to bring all of your things here while we’re out today.”

  That’s a little dominating. “Do I get a say?”

  “You already did when you agreed to be with me this week.”

  I consider showing my ass until I see the logic in what he’s suggesting. I won’t be sleeping in my suite this week and running back and forth is going to become a hassle. “I’ll be back when I’m finished getting ready. And done with packing.”

  I look over at Beau and he’s grinning. It’s the sideways one so only one dimple shows. Gah, I love that smile. It sends goosebumps up and down my skin.

  He uses his finger to motion me closer. I step within his reach, and he pulls me onto his lap. He kisses my mouth hard and deep, taking my breath away.

  He pulls back and looks at my eyes. “Thank you for moving your things over.” Oh, this delightful man.

  “We’ll see how thankful you are when you see everything I have.”

  I get up and he smacks my ass. “Oww.”

  “Don’t be gone long or there will be more of that when you get back.” Is it bad that I hope so?

  I call my mom before getting into the shower. She puts me on speakerphone so I can talk to her and Willa at the same time. “Tell us everything.”

  Umm . . . no. I won’t be doing that.

  No one but Meredith and Grayson knows I’m at a hedonism resort. That would not go over well with my mom or sister. And I can’t imagine what the school or parents of my students would say if word got out. There would be more rampant rumors than already exist after the shit Drake pulled.

  People love to talk shit.

  “It’s breathtaking. The beaches are white. The water is the bluest and clearest I’ve ever seen. And I got to swim with dolphins.”

  “You finally got to do that. I’m so proud, honey.”

  “Meet any handsome men?” Willa asks.

  Before I left, she bet I’d meet a man while in Jamaica. She’s trying to find out if she’s in the red or fifty bucks richer.

  “You’ve won, Willa. I owe you fifty dollars when I get back.”

  “Yes,” she yells. “Tell us about him.”

  “His name’s Beau, and he’s from Buckhead.”

  “Shit. You went all the way to Jamaica to meet a man who lives in Fulton county?”

  “I know. Sort of funny.”

  “Do you like him like him?” I like fucking him.

  “I’ve known Beau four days, but I like what I know so far.” Except that he enjoys having two women at the same time. “We’ve discussed seeing one another after we get home, so we’ll wait and see how it goes.”

  “Be cautious, Anna. Don’t allow yourself to be swept away because you’re on the rebound.”

  I had been incredibly cautious with Drake. I’d done everything right and still got screwed. Now I’m in a place where I just don’t feel like being guarded all the time. I’m ready to take a leap. But I won’t tell that to my mom. “You know I’m always careful.”

  “I’m so grateful you’re with Meredith and Grayson. I know they’ll take care of you.” She’d shit a golden egg if she knew those two brought me to a hedonism resort and dropped me to fend for myself.

  “I gotta run. Beau is waiting to take me shopping.”

  I’m rather proud of myself. I’m ready and back at Beau’s suite in record time, considering I packed all my things as well.

  I knock and wait. He needs to give me a keycard since I’m calling this suite mine the rest of my stay.

  Beau opens the door, looking very much like a deer in headlights. “Don’t be upset, Peach.”

  “I’m not.” But those big eyes are scaring me. “Unless you’re giving me a reason to be.”

  “I didn’t invite these girls over.” I peek around Beau and see a pair of brunettes on his couch.

  “Then why did they come to our suite?” If I’m staying here then I get a say about who comes and goes.

  “Why do you think they came?” Right. Sex. Why else does anyone come to your room at Indulge?

  “Do you know them?”

  “I briefly met them during another stay.”

  “Well, do you still want to spend the next six days with me or would you rather fuck them?” I’m pretty confident he isn’t interested in these chicks, but I need confirmation. If for some reason the pendulum is going to swing back in the poly direction the
n I want to know now, before I move my shit.

  “I want you, Peach. Just you.” Good. We’re still on the same page.

  “Then let’s put ’em out on their asses.” I brush past Beau. “Hello, ladies. Your interest is appreciated, but no thank you.”

  They look at one another and laugh. “We didn’t come here for you.”

  I cross my arms and turn to Beau. He must be the one to turn down these two sausage jockeys.

  “Thank you for your interest, but no thank you.” The pair doesn’t move. It’s as though they didn’t hear what he said.

  For fuck’s sake.

  I go to the door and open it wide. “It was lovely meeting you, but Beau and I have plans for the day. We really should be going.”

  I let go of the door as they exit, and it’s possible it hit the second one in the ass.

  “Please don’t be angry.”

  “I’m not.” Beau didn’t do this. There’s no reason to quarrel over something he has no control over.

  He comes to me and cradles my face. “I want to be with you. I’ve moved you into my suite. I want you to be the first thing I touch in the morning and the last thing I taste at night. Only you.” A huge grins spreads across his face. “Even if you do fart in your sleep.”

  I slap him on the chest. “You, sir, are not a gentleman.”

  “Never claimed to be.”

  * * *

  The shopping center is crawling with tourists, along with locals ready to take advantage of their fat wallets. The peddlers border on harassment. Many don’t like to take no for an answer.

  Beau is patient but eventually becomes annoyed with the aggressive vendors, so we move toward the upscale stores.

  His hold on me is firm and possessive; I think it’s because he’s concerned for my safety in this horde of people. Whatever the reason, I like it.

  We enter a nice boutique selling a variety of items, including lingerie. I didn’t bring any with me. I had no reason to but I wish I had some to wear for Beau.

  I remove a black lingerie set with fishnet stockings from a rack to take a better look. I study it in the mirror while holding it in place to get an idea of how the sexy ensemble might look on me.

  “Hot damn. You’d look dynamite in that, Peach.”

  “You think?”

  “I don’t need to think. I’m going to find out tonight because I’m buying it for you.”

  I’m not arguing because this lingerie is really all about him. “You won’t regret it. I’ll make sure you get your money’s worth.”

  I join him at the counter and notice he’s buying three lingerie sets. “Whatcha got there, Beauregard?”

  “You’ll find out later.”

  I’ve never been wealthy and have always had to save my pennies, so this lavish spending is a little difficult to swallow. But, what the hell? We’re in Jamaica and this gorgeous man wants to buy me lingerie. I’m in.

  “I look forward to it.” And I look forward to how he takes it off too.

  What a dirty girl I have become. Sigh.

  I pick up all kinds of Jamaican goodies on our shopping trip: rum, jerk spices, coffee. And I find a variety of hand-woven straw items. “You tried to buy them out, Peach. We’ll have to take this stuff back to the suite before we go to Falmouth.”

  I probably overdid it. I may have trouble finding a place to pack this stuff to get it home. “Sorry. But I’m done if you’re ready to go.”

  We find my bags in Beau’s living room when we walk in. “You may regret moving me in with you. Girls take up a lot of room with their stuff.”

  “I know. I’ve lived with two at one time.”

  I don’t know why but I hadn’t considered he cohabited day in and day out with a pair of women. Dumb me.

  I wonder what their sleeping arrangements were. Did they all sleep together, or is it like polygamy stuff where they rotate beds? Not sure I really want to know.

  I open one of the bags and see the special gift I purchased––a hand-carved wooden bunny on wheels. “I bought this for Ashlyn. She can play with it during tummy time. I thought it might be helpful with her motor development.” I demonstrate what I mean. “It has a string so she can pull it when she begins to walk.”

  Beau stares at me, saying nothing. Have I offended him? Or bought something unsafe for his niece. “I’m sorry. Was the bunny a bad idea?”

  He comes to me, taking the toy from my hand. He looks it over and smiles before placing it on the cocktail table.

  I’m confused. I can’t read what’s happening here. “You don’t have to give it to her if you think it’s unsafe.”

  He cradles my face, searching my eyes for a moment, before pulling me in for a kiss. It’s deep and passionate while warm and cherishing. Different from our other fervent kisses.

  I’m nearly breathless when he releases me. “Wow. You must really like bunnies.”

  “I’m fond of this one because it represents your kind and thoughtful heart. It’s a nice reminder that everyone in the world isn’t cruel and prejudiced against those they consider less than perfect. Thank you.”

  I didn’t really know I was doing anything special when I bought that toy. That’s why I’m so surprised by Beau’s reaction. I had no idea something so simple could mean so much to him. This side of him delights me each time I see it.

  I love the way he loves his family. And isn’t afraid to show it. And especially Ashlyn. There’s something incredibly sexy about a man who loves a child, even one who is not his own.

  Beau’s so different from Drake.

  Selfish. Thoughtless. Hateful. Those three words come to mind when I think of my ex-husband.

  I cried myself to sleep more nights than I like to recall because I thought something was wrong with me. Maybe I was unlovable? Or unattractive?

  Turns out I wasn’t the problem at all. I just married a son of a bitch.

  Beau kisses my forehead. “Ready to go?”

  I love being kissed on the forehead. It’s so . . . intimate. “Yeah.”

  Beau got the rental Jeep for the week, but we choose to catch a taxi to Falmouth. It’s a thirty-minute drive, which will be costly, but he wants to have drinks. We are like-minded regarding drinking and driving. I’m glad; I could never be with someone who is under the disbelief it’s okay.

  “They say the tour is best after the sun goes down so we should probably have dinner first.”

  “Fine by me. I’m starving.”

  We’re seated at an outdoor table beneath the covered patio next to the water. I can’t help but notice all the couples sitting around us. “I think they put us in the romantic section.”

  “I would agree.”

  “Have you been here before?”

  “No. I’ve rarely left Indulge during my visits.” Right. Because you don’t really frequent the honeymooning and family establishments when you come to a hede resort.

  “I think this is only one of four or five places in the world you can see this kind of phenomenon. It’s said to be the brightest here because of the consistent weather.”

  I only know this place is called a luminous lagoon. “What is it, exactly?”

  “From what I understand, there’s a glowing organism that thrives where fresh water meets the salt-water ocean. It illuminates because the microorganism emits a flash of light when disturbed by movement.”

  “Organisms sound a little scary.” There I go being cautious again.

  “It’s safe.”

  “Are you getting in?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  The thought of going into the water at night frightens me. “I don’t know if I will.”

  “Come on, Peach. When else will you get to swim in glowing ocean water?”

  I shrug. “I’m excited to see it, just not get in it.”

  “You’re going in. Might as well prepare yourself for it.”

  Beau doesn’t know me. If I decide I’m not doing it, I won’t be forced. A Brahma bull isn’t more stubborn than me
. “We’ll see.”

  Our meal arrives and I’m in heaven. “Dear, Lord. This curried shrimp is delicious.” I peek at Beau’s plate. It sounded disgusting when he ordered but it looks appetizing. “Is your oxtail good?”

  “The best I’ve ever had. So tender. Want to taste it?”

  “I’ve never tried anything like that but I think I would like to.”

  He forks a bite and holds it over the table for me. “Mmm . . . wow. That is good.”

  A mischievous grin spreads and those dimples make their presence known. “See? You’re capable of enjoying things you’ve never tried before.”

  That statement can mean a lot of things. “Are we talking food or something else?”

  “What do you think I mean?”

  I suspect he’s referring to our discussion about trying anal sex but he isn’t going to get me to say so. “I can’t possibly guess what you mean. It could be anything.”

  Our server appears, interrupting our conversation. “Could I interest you in dessert?”

  “None for me,” Beau says.

  I shake my head. “Me either.”

  Beau waits until the waiter walks away to add, “I have my own plans for dessert when we get back to the resort.”

  “Something you want to devour?”

  “Yeah. And I’m feeling especially hungry tonight.”

  I clench my inner muscles in anticipation. “Then let’s get this show on the road.”

  Beau won. He got me into the water. And it was one of the most awesome experiences of my life. It would have been a shame to have missed it. Another experience over too quickly.

  I get out of the car while Beau is paying the taxi driver. Not sure what’s going on but there seems to be some negotiations happening between them.

  I’ve heard the cabbies charge two prices: one for locals and another for tourists. I guess Beau is trying to arbitrate a better price for our ride.

  “Want to sit on the balcony and have some drinks?”

  I’d love that; I can listen to my favorite sound in the world. “Definitely.”

  Beau rings room service and has them bring six bottles of Stella. It’s probably not what I would have chosen for an after-dinner drink, but I’m not a fan of mixing liquor and beer.


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