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Conflagration Page 26

by Tessa Teevan

  I return his smile, feeling as excited as he looks. “We really are.”

  AFTER A much-needed nap, I’m feeling refreshed and much better after the earlier run-in with my parents. Part of me is still uneasy that I didn’t get to see Benjamin face to face, and I hope that leaving the ring is enough for him to get the message. Now that my parents are aware of where I’ll be, I certainly wouldn’t put it past them to send him after me.

  A nagging thought forms in my mind. Why me? There are plenty of women I know who are acquainted with Ben and would gladly take my place. I don’t understand why he wants it to be me, especially since he admitted that he’s not in love with me. It doesn’t make any sense.

  Instead of dwelling on it, I focus on the night ahead, and as Branson and I make our way to the elevator, excitement wells up in me at the thought of the two people I love the most finally meeting for the first time.

  Branson must pick up on it. He chuckles and places his arms on my shoulders, pulling me into him so his front is pressed against my back. Leaning down, he gives me a kiss on top of my hair, and I melt back into him.

  “You’ve really missed her, haven’t you?” he asks, his perception spot-on.

  With a sigh, I turn in his arms and link mine around his neck. “Yeah,” I admit, and his eyes darken just a bit, though he tries to mask it. “But you’ve done a fantastic job keeping me too occupied to realize it. And as much as I hate the idea of moving away from her, I hate the idea of not living with you even more.”

  “We’re not that far away. Sure, it’s not around the corner like my parents are, but we can make the drive any time you want. I promise.”

  When the elevators doors open and we walk out, I say, “I know. I haven’t told her yet, so I’m kind of nervous about her reaction. Although she knows all about us. She might not even be surprised.”

  Before he can respond, I hear a familiar squeal and turn to see my sister waving at me from down the hall. I let go of Branson and rush towards her, throwing my arms around her when we reach each other. We embrace for a moment before she pulls back and looks at me, her eyes twinkling.

  “Ari, I’m so glad you’re here! I’ve missed you, but it seems the time away has been more than good for you.” She looks beyond me, her smile growing wide. “And I can see why.”

  With a laugh, I see that Branson’s joined us, and I link my arm through his. “Branson, I know you’ve ‘met’ on Skype, but this is my sister. Alyssa, this is Branson,” I say, watching as they shake hands.

  “In the flesh,” Alyssa quips, eyeing him appreciatively.

  I give her shoulder a playful bump. “Back off!” I joke. “Where’s your own Wellington?”

  As if on cue, Shane appears. “I’m right here, but last I checked, I wasn’t anyone’s anything,” he says, a scowl on his face that’s directed at my sister. Oh my. There’s definitely a story there, and I make a note to ask Alyssa about it the next time we’re alone.

  The men greet each other as we make our way to the hotel restaurant. By the time drinks are delivered and our meals have been ordered, we’ve fallen into comfortable conversation. It’s short-lived, however, when my sister turns to Branson, a gleam in her eye.

  “So I hear you had the pleasure of meeting our parents today. How’d that go?”

  I nearly choke on my wine. “How’d you hear about that?

  Alyssa lets out a laugh. “Are you kidding? As soon as they left your condo, they called me all in an uproar. Thanks for telling me you’re moving to Nashville,” she says, narrowing her eyes. “Apparently, a lot has happened that you haven’t told me. Care to enlighten me on how a fake engagement turned into you packing up your things and moving in with the guy?”

  Shane’s eyes narrow and he leans forward, looking at Branson with a confused expression. “A fake engagement? What the fuck, Branson?”

  Branson scowls at my sister and then at Shane. “It’s not fucking fake,” he growls, his voice low and husky.

  I place my hand on Branson’s, and he turns to look at me, anger swirling in his eyes. “Calm down,” I tell him. “She didn’t mean it that way. I haven’t exactly had the chance to tell her everything that happened after the wedding.”

  “What happened after the wedding?” Alyssa asks.

  “Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Shane echoes.

  Branson sits back in his chair with a sigh, his thumb rubbing over my engagement ring.

  “Sorry, babe,” I murmur, giving his fingers a squeeze. “I should’ve told Lyssa to keep her big mouth shut.”

  “Hey! I didn’t know it was some big secret,” she protests, which is true.

  “Seriously? Someone enlighten me already,” Shane inserts.

  I nod when Branson gives me a questioning look, letting him know it’s okay to tell Shane everything.

  “Fine. I’ll tell you, but you have to promise to keep your mouth shut until I’m finished and you can’t tell anyone about this.”

  Shane nods in agreement and Branson highlights our story, starting from the night of the accident to this past Sunday, when he officially asked me to move in. He leaves out a lot of the detail, only hitting the main points, for which I’m grateful. I fill in the blanks from when Branson was unconscious, but for the most part, he has full control of the story as Shane listens intently, rolling his eyes every so often when Alyssa gives a swoony sigh at Branson’s sweet words. Once he finishes, he leans back in his chair and drains his whiskey, signaling for another one as our waiter passes by.

  “That’s it. The whole story. It may have started out as fake, but it quickly turned into something real. I love her and that ring on her finger will never come off.”

  Shane’s eyes narrow. “You’re telling me no one knows this? Everyone just accepted that you had some hidden-away fiancée?”

  “You did, didn’t you?” Branson asks.

  “True. Still… Don’t you think this is a little sudden? You’ve barely had time to get to know each other. She’s coming off an engagement and you haven’t even been divorced for a year. What the hell’s the rush?”

  “Don’t mind Shane. He doesn’t believe in love or monogamy,” Alyssa quips, causing him to scowl.

  Oh yeah, there’s definitely a story there. I know they’ve been friends since college, but there’s never been a hint that there’s anything more than that. I’m starting to wonder what all I’ve been missing since I’ve been gone.

  “I think it’s romantic, and I’m happy for you both.”

  “Thank you, Alyssa,” Branson says, ignoring his cousin.

  “That being said, let me get my obligatory ‘if you hurt my sister, I’ll cut off your nuts’ threat out of the way,” she teases, and I could kiss her for breaking the tension at the table.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he insists, leaning over and kissing my cheek.

  As another round of drinks is delivered to the table, Shane takes his rocks glass and holds it up. “To the happy couple,” he says, and it almost sounds as if he means it.

  I should feel offended by his cynicism, but I can’t really blame him. It makes me wonder if it’d be better for us to come clean with everyone now that he knows. I’d hate for anyone to hear it secondhand and question our relationship the way Shane’s been doing tonight.

  “Well, I will definitely miss you, but I’m thrilled for you both. I’ve never seen my sister happier than I’ve seen her tonight.”

  I start to choke up, because as much as I miss her, she’s right. “I’ll miss you, too.”

  “Okay, okay. None of that,” Alyssa laughs, wiping her eyes. “I have a proposition for you. My lease is up, and you know I’ve been having problems with my landlord. What if I rent your condo from you? Then you won’t have to worry about finding a buyer, and you’ll always be able to come home to visit me whenever you want.”

  “You mean it?!” I ask excitedly, thinking this would be the perfect solution. She nods. “Yes, definitely. That would be perfect!”

/>   She beams, and I know I’m equally as ecstatic. Branson gives me a warm smile. Everything’s finally falling into place, and I couldn’t be happier.

  AS MUCH as I want to yank Shane out of his chair and kick his ass for questioning my relationship with Ariana, I get it. Even I can admit that it sounds a little crazy as I recount it for him. Not to mention, he was there for me with all my problems with Megan, and in hindsight, he was right when he warned me from marrying her, so I can see why he’d try to have my back again. At the same time, I know that what I feel is real, and no amount of anyone else’s judgment is going to change my mind.

  Fortunately, he seems appeased once I’m finished, and as the girls start getting all mushy about missing each other, he changes the subject and starts discussing the merger we’ve been working on this week. The Atlanta division of Wellington Enterprises has become top-notch for business take-overs as more small businesses in the area succumb to the economic downturn. Even though Shane previously wanted a low-key job, in the last couple of years, he’s stepped up by running the Atlanta office and turning it into one of the most productive.

  The rest of dinner is pleasant—comfortable, even—as we make small talk. Even Shane’s demeanor changes and he engages in conversation with Ariana, his hostility completely evaporated.

  After I pay the bill, I glance over to see Ariana yawn. She quickly covers her mouth then gives me a sheepish smile. “Sorry. Those couple of glasses of wine made me tired.”

  Alyssa glances at her watch then moves to stand. “I have an early morning tomorrow, so I should probably get going. It was so nice to meet you, Branson. I’ll have to come to Tennessee to visit soon.”

  The rest of us stand, and Shane looks at Alyssa. “I should get going, too. I’ll walk you out.”

  She stiffens then loops her arm through Ariana’s. “No need. I’ll walk out with my sister,” she replies, giving him a curt nod before smiling at me. “Have a safe trip tomorrow.”

  Ariana looks confused as she allows her sister to pull her out of the room. I watch as they disappear then turn back to my cousin, amused.

  “What was that about? I thought you two were friends,” I say to Shane.

  He rolls his eyes. “We were. We are.”

  I wait for him to continue.

  He runs a hand through his hair. “It’s complicated.”

  I let out a laugh as we follow the women out the door. “Things with women usually are.”

  He cocks an eyebrow and turns, stopping us by the elevator to wait for it. “Is that true for you and Ariana? Are things complicated?”

  “No. And maybe that’s why we work. Even when we were thrown into living together, it was never difficult. I know you’re worried about it, but don’t be. I’m happy, Shane.”

  He places a hand on my shoulder. “I know. I can tell. But do you know everything about her ex? Do you know why they really broke up? I don’t know. I hate to say this because she seems like a nice girl and I can tell she does care about you, but the whole thing just seems…a little too convenient.”

  I try to swallow the anger that’s threatening to rise up, not really sure what he’s trying to say. “Yeah, Shane. I know. She’s been nothing but honest with me about it, and to be honest, I don’t give a shit why she left him. That doesn’t matter. Just like it doesn’t matter why I’m not with Megan anymore. I’m leaving the past where it belongs—in the past—and I’d appreciate it if you’d do the same.”

  He holds his hands up and takes a step back. “Okay, okay. I’ll drop it.”

  We ride in the elevator in silence, and as we step out into the lobby, I see Ariana and her sister through the window. Shane starts to move past me, but I place my hand on his arm, stopping him.

  “I don’t think I ever thanked you for always having my back, even when everyone else treated me like the bastard I was. I’m grateful for you, and I know I should’ve listened to your advice all those years ago. That being said, Ariana is different. I love her, man, and regardless of how we got together, I’m spending the rest of my life with her. I’d be appreciative to have your support.”

  He swallows hard and then gives me a head nod. “I guess it’s the cynic in me, and after watching you be miserable for so long, I’m just worried about it happening again.”

  “Do I look miserable to you?” I ask, and he lets out a barking laugh.

  “No. Not at all. And to be honest, I was convinced after the wedding. I was surprised you made it off the dance floor before tearing her dress off,” he teases. “I guess I was just caught off guard by the whole fake engagement thing. You have to admit it’s a pretty wild story.”

  “I know, I know. I was even more of a cynic than you are. If I hadn’t lived it, I’d be thinking the same thing.”

  When we get outside, Alyssa’s just getting into a cab, and Shane gives me a quick goodbye before grabbing hold of the car door and sliding inside next to her. I can hear her shriek a protest, but he closes the door, and Ari and I watch as they take off.

  Slipping my arm around her shoulders, I grin down at her. “Any idea what that was about?”

  “No clue. I tried to grill her before you two got out here, but she just gave me some bullshit line about not being able to be friends with the opposite sex. She wouldn’t elaborate, and the moment she saw you guys walking out the door, she hopped in that cab. Although I have a feeling she’s regretting it now.” As we make our way up to our room, she turns to look up at me. “How crazy is it that those two have something going on? Your cousin and my sister?”

  “It’s a small fucking world, baby,” I tell her, and she laughs. “All right, sleepyhead. Let’s get you upstairs and into bed. We have a lot to do tomorrow.”

  “Yes, definitely get me into bed,” she agrees, giving me a devilish smile.

  Raising an eyebrow, I open the door to our suite and lead her inside. “I thought you were tired.”

  Her hands come up to my chest and she starts to loosen my tie. “It appears I’ve gotten my second wind. And since it’s our last night here, we should make the most of it. You know, one more night of memories to replace those you lost,” she says, her eyes twinkling as she continues to undress me.

  For the first time since the night of our first date, I allow her to have full control as she pushes me to the bed, slowly stripping and then climbing on top of me. I may not remember everything from that first night we met in this hotel, but she makes damn sure to give me a night I’ll never be able to forget.

  IT’S MY first official weekend living with Branson, and the last thing I want to do is leave the bed. I know, I know. We’ve technically been living together for a couple of months now, but like I said, this is official. It’s also our last weekend before he goes back to work full time. His dad already made sure to let him know that the recuperating excuse wasn’t going to fly for another week. It’s for the best anyway.

  Now that we’ve been back from Atlanta for two days, I’m all unpacked, settled, and ready to get on with my new life. Tonight, however, we’re to be at the Wellingtons, welcoming back the newlyweds from their honeymoon. In my opinion, I’d think they’d want to be alone, but that could be my own wishful thinking, wanting to spend these last two days in a blissful cocoon with Branson.

  At the same time, it’s heartwarming how much of a tight-knit unit the family has become, and at times, it still floors me that, a year ago, they were still in a rift. Perhaps that’s why Amelia is so gung ho about keeping the Wellington brunch tradition alive as well as little get-togethers such as the one she’s planned for this evening. As much as I selfishly want to stay home, I love being a part of this family. Looking down at my ring, I wonder how long it’ll be until we make this official official.

  Branson walks into the kitchen just as the thought crosses my mind, and as soon as I look up, the words leave my mouth without a second thought. “When do you want to get married?” My eyes widen just as he stops in his tracks. Clapping a hand over my mouth, I shake my head vehem
ently. “Sorry, sorry. I was just thinking about Knox and Charlie on their honeymoon, and I guess I’m feeling sentimental. Ignore me.”

  He doesn’t say a word, and when I glance at the clock, I see that it’s nearly time to leave. His silence is deafening, and I start to scoot past him, wanting to get out of this room and this situation. Just as my body brushes his, he slips an arm around my waist and pulls me into him.

  “Look at me, Ari,” he demands.

  I can’t bring myself to meet his eyes though. Instead, I stare at his chest.

  He chuckles then brings his hand to my chin and tilts my head up until I’m looking into his eyes, which are filled with both desire and amusement. “I swear, you ruin everything.”

  Confusion washes over me, and I look away, trying to break his hold. He doesn’t let me go, however. His hands slide down to grip my hips and he turns us around, lifting me up like I’m light as a feather and setting me down on the kitchen island. He takes my left hand and, before I can protest, slides the engagement ring off my finger. My heart begins to race and I want to panic, but he pushes my legs apart and positions himself between them. He lets out a deep sigh, and I force myself to meet his eyes, feeling bewildered.

  “The first time I proposed to you, part of me knew how special you were, but at the same time, I had no idea the impact you were going to have on my life.” He holds the ring between us then takes my left hand and brings it to his chest, where it rests over his heart. “I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I want that to start as soon as possible.”

  My breath hitches, and Branson’s lips lift up in a sweet smile. “I want that, too.”

  Taking my hand, he holds the ring just above my left finger. “I was fooling myself for ever thinking that what we had could be temporary. I want you to be mine forever. Let this be the last time this ring leaves your finger. Marry me, Ariana.”

  His eyes are flicking back and forth between mine, and as I take in our surroundings, my heart melts. I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect proposal. Just the two of us, alone, in the privacy of our own kitchen. Tears prick my eyes as I nod my head.


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