Never Loved (Crescent View Academy)

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Never Loved (Crescent View Academy) Page 1

by Lucille Wiekel

  Copyright © 2013 By: Mary

  Wiekel All rights reserved. This book or

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  reproduced or used in any manner what

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  First Printing, 2013



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  Thank you for taking the time to read this book. This was actually a series of blog post, which I had deleted and was asked to repost or submit as an eBook. So here you go. I hope you guys like it and feel free to criticize as much as possible. I like to learn from my mistakes and you will be doing me a great service if you provide me with your honest and constructive reviews. Thank You.

  Never Loved

  Three months ago...

  Morgan, my boyfriend, and me were heading to one of Tony Bonnet’s annual end of the school year party. Which happens to be next to Crescent View Academy, the boarding school where our parent’s ship us off for nine months out of the year. It’s a huge Victorian style building that breaks apart into several smaller building that look exactly the same as the main building and everything is surrounded by woods.

  It’s possible to walk the two mile gap between each locations, but it’s jam-packed with thick trees, moss, sap and all that other woodsy stuff I try to avoid unless it’s the weekend and we’re hanging out.

  Morgan insisted that we drive instead of cutting through like everyone else was doing and I totally agreed and was even relieved.

  I mean, those woods gave me the creeps. It's like way too dark even during the day, I’d never step foot in there unless there were like six of us and I was sure I could out run at least one of them.

  Jason, Morgan's best friend, insisted he heard screaming and voice during the night.

  Unwilling to sacrifice my weekends at the clearing in the middle of the woods, I convince myself it was just a bunch of horny kids in search of some alone time with their girlfriends. I mean, Crescent View wasn't too strict on enforcing curfew. As long as no boys were found in the girl’s dorms, and vice versa, they pretty much let us do whatever the hell we wanted.

  “Babe.” Morgan said flashing me with a warm smile, as he took his eyes off the road for a just a fraction of a second. “I was thinking… My old man, wants me to fly out to Sydney for a month in a few days. But after that, I was wondering if your old man wouldn’t mind if I crash in y’all’s guest house for a few weeks before heading up to L.A to visit my mom.”

  “I know my dad won’t mind. He loves you. You’re like the son he always wanted. I swear he asks for you, like every night. Sometimes I think he calls just to get a chance to talk to you about men stuff.” I calmly said, trying despretaly to hide the warm fuzzy feeling of having Morgan all to myself for two weeks.

  “Oh-h yeah, we talk about girls, and make plans to hit the clubs on the weekends.” He chuckles.

  “I hate that you’re leaving, it sucks.” I pouted.

  The mood shifts and a thick wave of uneasiness takes over him. He stiffens his back, and narrows his eyes forward. “I hate it to, you know…Us not being together during the summer. I’m going to miss you like crazy.” He declares.

  Usually, I'm not the kind of girl that goes all crazy for the little things but, Morgan and I had been dating for six months and those words melted away any doubts that we weren’t meant to stay together forever.

  I know six months might not seem like such a long time, but for girl who had just turned sixteen, and was experiencing her first boyfriend, who also happens to be the first guy she’s ever had a crush on, it meant -oh-my-god-we-are-so-getting-married-and-living-happily-ever-after.

  I was such an idiot, but in my defense, Morgan was the perfect boyfriend. Sweet, understands, funny, unbelievably gorgeous, and his body left nothing to be desired. Let ‘me tell ya, washboard abs, and a decent amount of bulging biceps, to even out those broad shoulders of his…

  (So. Where was I…? Oh yeah!)

  I've been having this weird butterfly effect feeling stirring in the pit of my stomach for weeks now. And. No. I wasn’t pregnant or anything like that. Morgan and I have only gone to second-and maybe half of third base, I’m not sure what third base feels like but some of the things we did, sounded a lot closer to a homerun.

  Anyways, Morgan had been acting distant for the past few weeks, sometimes it was almost like he was a totally different person from the Morgan I knew. At times I thought he wanted to break up. I mean all his friends were breaking up with their long term girlfriends and bedding with some of the bitchiest girls in school. Maybe he wanted to get in on all the action, I don’t know. So I asked him, once.

  The way he reacted was something new to me (remember, first boyfriend newbie here), his eyes grew wildly big, the nerve on the side of his jaw pulsated with anger, his hands quiver with such velocity, I was certain if I placed a beaker of water in his hand he could extract H2O out of it and I’m pretty confident that’s not possible. God. A simple NO would have sufficed.

  But, that day he was his old self again, so I pushed the uneasy feeling out of my head and hyped myself up for the party.

  “So, I heard that Tony’s dad actually bought the liquor for the party, and he has like this butler hiding in the bushes outside the front door. He’s been ordered to not let anyone drive drunk, and tackle you to the ground if you don’t hand over your keys.”

  “Tony’s dad is a frat boy by heart. He buy’s liquor to all of Tony’s parties.”

  “Really. How come no one ever gave me any?” I asked.

  “Come on babe… You know I couldn’t let my little munchkin consume anything stronger than an O’Doul’s.” he laughed and I knew exactly why.

  “I can’t believe I actually believed you, when you said O’Doul’s had alcohol in them.” I smacked him on the shoulder, and I crumpled further down in my seat.

  “I can’t believe you actually thought you were drunk.” He said through a howling laugh. “Remember the last time you got drunk off O’Doul’s?”

  “Shut up! Don’t remind me.”

  “You came up to me, in front of all my friends, you looked so fearless, determined and extremely adorable that night. Like a cute drunk kitten getting ready pounce. You told me you were in love with me. And then afterwards you tried to take it back by saying you were drunk and that you didn’t know what you were say…”

  “Yeah, but you wouldn’t let me take it back, texting me pictures you secretly took of that night, and telling me that there was no take backsies.”

  I stared at him, lips puckered, eyes narrow and arms crossed.

  “Awe come on, babe. There’s no take backs, not when you looked so adorable.” A loud rippled escaped his lips.

  “Oh.My.God. and when you finally told me O’Doul’s were none alcoholic beers. I thought I was going to die, I was so mortified.”

  “As you should be. I mean, wobbling around, slurring everyone’s name. But, don’t worry. I told them I had spiked your drinks, when you weren’t looking.”

  “Awe, you made yourself look like a sick pervert, for me?”

  “Damn right!” he shouted.

  “Why did you do that anyways? I mean… stop me from drinking all those times. Jason told me that you bought a six pack of O’Doul’s just for me whenever we went to a party together or when we all hanged out in that clearing in the center of the woods. You know I’ve always wanted to ask you that.”

  For a while, Morgan stayed quite, too focused on the road that was known for having only one or two cars pass by every night. I thought I had said something to upset him, maybe he didn’t want Jason to tell me the truth.

  I was unnervingly fluctuating in my seat, and my hands were fidgeting on my lap when he said. “Cause, even back then. I knew you were going to be mine, and that I just needed to figure out a way to get out of the friends zone. I knew you liked someone.” He gloats. “I didn’t want you getting wasted and confessing to someone else, I thought for sure, Mandy was going to tell you but she didn’t. I never once thought I would be the lucky guy you would have confess to.”

  I stayed quite for the longest time, trying to calm the overwhelming bliss his words generated in me

  I notice that a gleaming strand of Morgan's golden blonde hair had spilled on to his face. I slowly brushed it away as he drove through the open metal gates leading to the front of Tony’s house. He turns to me, and at that moment, one of the many rods lighting our way through the narrow path, glistens across his face. His honeysuckle eyes glowed with such strength, I quivered at the thought that he was mine. He held my gaze not bothering to pay attention to the acre long stretch between his car and the front of the house. I swore to myself that I would never love anyone as much as I loved him at that exact moment.

  When we reach the wide metals doors decorated with cast iron vines trailing down to an antique metal door handle. I reached for it, and tried to pull it open, but it was locked. I turned to Morgan, I must have seemed lost, since he gave me a crooked smile and pointed at the doorbell right next to the door handle. I smile innocently, embarrassed at how nervous he made me feel, but not the bad kind of nervous the good kind, the one that makes everything around you seem like marshmallows.

  I reach for the doorbell. When Morgan unexpectedly grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me up to his chest until I was pressed up against him, and was forced to wrap my arms around his waist.

  I felt the hardness of his chest against the softness of mine. I take in a deep breath and readied myself for the impact his touch always created inside me. I knew if that night kept getting better, (and if I could muster enough courage) Morgan might be allowed to hit a home run for the first time in both our lives.

  He opened his mouth, and stared into my eyes. I could tell he was struggling to say something. But at this moment, his lips would be wasted with words, I thought. Almost as if he had read my mind he gently places his hands on either side my burning cheeks and jerks me up towards him, searing our lips together, and once again, taking my breath away. I close my eyes and felt the waves of warmth that took over me. When he pulled away, I felt my knees struggling to stay firm.

  “Stay with me Nicole.” He said, his eyes devouring me from the inside out. “Don’t leave my sight, like ever. I feel so much calmer when I'm with you. Like I'm where I'm supposed to be"

  I take in a deep breath, replacing the one he had stolen from me with his words. My eyes intently focused on his lips. “I won't..." I managed to huff out before standing on the tip of my toes and I leaning in for one more wave of warmth.

  I finally pressed the soft lighted button next to the door handle and this ridiculously loud orchestra of chiming bells mixed itself with the quacking base of alternative rock and laughter coming from inside the house.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look” he said admiring every inch of my body. “And, how sexy you look, and how incredible your lips feel, and that I fucken love you.”

  “I fucken love you too, and no you haven’t. But, I’ll forgive you. Eventually”

  I was completely gloating now, I ran my hands over the bustier top, down to my waist where it begins to flare out. I made sure my cleavage was hidden and no loose strands escaping from my wild fringed out ponytail, making sure everything was perfect, when Morgan ran a finger across my collar bone and I shuttered to his touch. I was about to lean in for another heart stopping kiss when this tall muscular body the size of –I don’t know- the empire state building, pulls open the front door.

  I curve my focus to the big ass spacious room behind him, filled with loud music, drunk dancing, and lifted red cups up in the air. I turned my attention to the set of eyes blocking my way. He smiles, and there is deviance in his eyes as they trailed down to my legs and up to my chest where they lingered, as he stepped to the side.

  Pervert. I thought.

  I’m half-ways maneuvering myself between me and the door when the tall lumber, who was actually Tony our friend, wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me over his shoulder. I hold on to Morgan’s hand, pleading for him help to me off this Neanderthal, and preferably before I flash my pink satin underwear to everyone at the party. But, something seemed to have snatch Morgan’s attention from the other side of the room. He loosens his grip and let's go. Disappointed, I called out him.

  “Hello! Um, uncomfortable butt and boob action happening right here!” I wave my hands in front of me, trying to snap Morgan’s.

  I thought it was strange that, whatever Morgan was staring at had him spaced out.

  I notice that one of my boobs was about to start playing pick-a-boo so I clamp my hands across my chest and screamed out to Morgan again, this time I managed to seize his attention back to me.

  “Tony, What the hell man!” Morgan shouted.

  “You snooze you lose, bro. Next time make sure to hang on to your woman. This sexy ass belongs to me now.”

  “Fuck you, Tony. You’re such a douche, Man.”

  “Go find your other girl, Jason. I think he’s on his rag and needs you to go get him a tampon or something. He’s been asking for your sweet ass since earlier.”

  “Nicole…” Tony started to say, but I couldn’t hear him, a bunch of drunk sophomores, one I recognized as Stacy, a sweet smart girl, busted out laughing about something Eric had said.

  “I can’t hear you…”

  But it was too late, Tony had already maneuvered around a group of seniors carrying a keg to the other room and now they were blocking Morgan’s path to get to me.

  I felt myself getting carried to somewhere in the back of the house-which later turned out to be Tony's dad's man cave, filled with those old style video games you found in outside of supermarkets, a pool table and a ninety inch television covering the back walk. Morgan protested but Tony yells something over his should and Morgan takes off in the other direction.

  I did this awesome ninja move, where I twisted to the side, moving my center body in the opposite direction. It worked. Well, kind a, I managed to hide my underwear from everyone at the party, but somehow I ended up being cradling in Tony's arms like newlyweds crossing the threshold of our new home.

  He smiles and I blush at how adorably bright his face lit up.

  To be completely honest, I always felt chipper from all the attention Tony showed me. He might have the body of Hercules but he has the face of an angel. Almost childlike with soft brows that never seem to frown, button nose, puckered rosy lips. About half of the school would agree with me when I say, he’s quiet handsome fellow.

  It was no wonder I let him get away with his constant and barbaric jostling.

  I grew up as the red headed, freckle faced girl, with extremely white skin and cat like green eyes. I used to get teased a lot growing up, mostly because I was as straight as the school’s flag pole, minus the pulley thingy. It wasn't till the middle of this year, when I turned fifteen that my curves started to pop out. Nothing to brag about, just a nice round butt, and a solid C bra. It was enough to get some attention from other guys like Tony and that geeky kid from my chemistry class, Duncan, I think his name was. That didn’t say much, I mean once they hit puberty any
thing with boobs would do, right?

  It wasn't like I was interested in any of them. I kept telling myself, for feeling flattered. I knew my heart belonged to Morgan, but being flirted with always brought my confidence level up a notch. And in my warp self-conscience mind it kind a validated my relationship with Morgan. I wonder if all the girls going out with guys who are much prettier than them feel this way. Needy, and paranoid that something better will come along.

  "Put me down." I sternly suggested to Tony, who seemed to have read behind my empty threats and just smiles. No surprise there.

  Tony hands me a red cup filled with pink liquid and to be honest, I kinda wished it was an o’doul’s.

  Tony finally swings me up in the air and gently places me on the top of the pool table located in the center of the room, like if I was some kind of precious crystal that could break at the hardest surface. He ran a hand over his dark auburn hair exposing his rusted coppery eyes, coated with a bit of shimmery gloss. Probably from all the pink drinks he's been drinking, I noted to myself.

  He grabs my hand and places it over his chest, just as Morgan had done before him. I tried pulling it away, but he was too strong. I furrow my brows, willing him to let go with my James Bond- looks could kill- angry stare. Nothing.

  A minute passes and no Morgan to save the day, but a whole lot of Tony emerges.

  “Nicole, Baby. Have I ever told extremely gorgeous you look to night." He slurred.

  "Shit, Tony, are you drunk?" I asked worried a little bit. He was a good friend, and last time he got drunk, his house got ruined and his mom, intimidated his father with a divorce if his dad didn’t remove him from his influential friends.

  Please! Tony’s as wild as they come by lady.

  "Depends. Are you the kind of girl who takes advantage of drunk guys, like date rape them once their past out." He smiles, and I realized that he might be buzzed but he sure as hell wasn't drunk. I start to feel more relaxed.

  "Nope, I'm more of a...steals your wallet, puts your hand inside a bowl of warm water and takes pictures of you slumped over the toilet bowl -kind a girl."


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