The Cowboy's Dark Desires (Billionaire BDSM Steamy Romance)

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The Cowboy's Dark Desires (Billionaire BDSM Steamy Romance) Page 11

by Irons, Rose

  She could feel Joe’s cock pulse inside her as he came. He gripped her hips tightly as he spilled his cum in her. She could feel it filling her womb and groaned at the aftershocks of need.

  He held her then, perfectly tender and solicitous, his lips at her neck as he rested inside her.

  Mindy moaned and leaned into him, feeling blessed. "You saved me."

  He nuzzled the nape of her neck. "I couldn't let you die."

  She gestured to her scars. "I didn't mean this. I mean coming back here, being with you again... You saved me from myself. I can't ever repay you for that."

  The Sheriff bit at her neck gently. "Yes, you can. Stay here and be my deputy. Never leave me again."

  "Oh, I couldn't leave you." Mindy shivered pleasingly under his teeth and nipped him back. "After all, bears mate for life."


  “Shit.” Daphne leaned over the cliff and squinted down, considering. Her pack had fallen a long way and now tangled in the snarl of bushes she had pushed through hours before. It was too far to recover tonight. Tomorrow she would have to start the long trek down the mountain.

  She chewed her hair, frowning. This trip hadn’t been what she expected so far. True, Daphne had never gone camping by herself before, but once the idea had occurred to her, she hadn’t been able to let it go. She was burnt out and she knew it. Working late hours meant she had no time for a social life or for herself. She felt like she was drowning.

  But out here, all of that faded away. The birds singing, the soft breeze through her brown hair, the way the sun warmed her shoulders. Everything seemed right for once.

  With a sigh, Daphne headed back to her campsite. The bag she’d lost didn’t hold all of her supplies, thankfully, but it was still a loss and it meant she’d be cutting her trip short after only one night. Most of her food was now gone. All she had in her other pack was a bottle of Jack Daniels and some granola bars. A very filling dinner, she thought wryly. Not exactly the relaxing vacation she had planned.

  As she hiked, Daphne felt sweat trickle between her ample breasts. The forest would cool as night fell, but now, with the sun beating down on her, she was burning up. Plucking at her shirt, Daphne wished she could just strip down now so she could better feel the breeze.

  “Well, why not?” she laughed. “I’m alone up here.”

  Saying the words aloud electrified her. A thrill ran through her as she lifted the hem of her shirt over her generous curves, exposing herself to the forest. Daphne had always been a little shy about her body as a girl, but years later, after several men had told her that she was big and beautiful, she was finally a growing comfortable in her own skin. Besides, who was there to see?

  She unzipped her shorts and began to pull them down, feeling them catch against her cotton panties as she did. Daphne felt a twinge of nervousness as she stepped out of those as well. Delighting in how naughty she felt, Daphne gathered up her clothing and continued down the path, giggling a little at how bad she was being. It had been a long time since she had worn anything other than a suit for work; this morning, she had counted herself lucky for getting to wear a plaid button-down. But this was better. She felt free. Daphne’s breasts bounced as she walked and the breeze against her ass was wonderful. She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out.

  After a few minutes, Daphne felt the back of her neck prickle as though someone was watching her. When she turned, though, she saw no one.


  No answer came.

  She wondered anxiously if she should get dressed. She didn’t think there was anyone else on the mountain. The ranger she had passed on the way in had said this was not a popular place to hike for some reason. But still, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there were eyes on her, exploring her every curve and fold.

  Defiantly, she spread her arms. “Like what you see, pervert?”

  Again, the woods kept still, refusing to reveal their secrets.

  If someone was watching her – and she felt a warmth between her thighs at that thought – then what could he possibly want, staring at her like this and not coming out?

  She had to be imagining things. Trying to get herself under control, she took a deep breath, hoping to calm her fluttering heart. Forcing herself to drop the pitiful protection of her bundled clothes, Daphne spun. She saw no one. Emboldened, she ran her hands over her breasts, feeling the luscious skin still covered in sweat. Kneading her breasts, she stared into the undergrowth. “Do you want a show? Is that it?”

  She pinched a nipple, feeling a sharp pain course through her. With a little gasp, she twisted, and her lips grew damp. She felt silly, but also excited. There was something so tantalizing about the thought that she was touching herself for a stranger.

  Her knees grew weak at the thought of him, a strange man watching her from the trees as she violated herself. Slowly, her hands drifted lower until they reached the hair between her legs and the slick wetness there. Imagining his piercing gaze, she slipped a finger between her lips. She bit her lip at the thought of his cock hardening for her.

  Forgetting that she had wanted to be alone only moments before, she indulged, letting her imagination run wild as her fingers moved faster. Her heart pounded in time with her motions as she thought of him aching for her, desperate to see if she tasted as good as she looked.

  Sensation coursed through her, a sweet pulse in time with her eager fingers. She worked her hand faster, wondering how it would feel with other, more calloused hands against her clitoris. As the pleasure rose within her, a branch cracked from somewhere to her left.

  “Oh!” Daphne whirled to face whoever it was, her face flushed and red.

  She saw movement in the trees. Her throat tightened. She crouched, fumbling for her clothes, suddenly afraid of what she would see.

  But instead of a man, a bear sauntered out between two trees a little ways down the path.

  Daphne laughed aloud in relief. So she was alone, mostly! The bear turned to consider her briefly and then trotted down the path. She smiled to see it go; it was beautiful. The fading sunlight turned the lighter parts of its coat into a golden halo, and it looked almost unearthly as it moved.

  “Good night,” she called after it.

  It turned its head briefly to look at her once more, and for a moment, she could have sworn she saw amusement in its amber eyes. And then it was gone, disappearing into the trees on the far side of the road.

  Shaking her head, Daphne gathered her clothes and headed back to camp. Her thighs were still wet from her interlude, and she pinkened a little to think of how foolish she had been. But she couldn’t be upset for long; the sunset was beautiful, and after all, she had come into the woods for a vacation, hadn’t she?

  She made it back to camp just as the sun began to sink behind the last peak, taking the golden hues with it. In the last few moments, the forest had come alive then around Daphne, full of cicadas and calls as the nighttime denizens moved about. It didn't take long to start a fire and take stock of her few remaining supplies. Munching on a granola bar, Daphne unpacked her bedroll one-handed and sat.

  She watched the flames of her campfire crackle against the darkness and smiled. It was true that in the morning she would have to cut her trip short and go home early, but this night was almost perfect. True, it would have been nice to have someone to share it with. But Daphne was alone, and had been for some time. It had been a long time since the last man in her life. She was used to being alone, which was why she worked so much. But even she could admit at times that she would have done better with someone to help her relax.

  With the fire crackling merrily and the night finally having fallen in earnest, Daphne began to enjoy herself. The flames threw up sparks against the dark forest, looking for all the word like thousands of fireflies. She took a pull of the Jack and coughed. It burned as it went down, fire within her, and she smiled at the symmetry. After another mouthful, she decided she liked the burn. After two, she was actually starting to rela
x. She kicked off her shoes and wiggled her toes before the fire.

  As the night went on and Daphne grew tipsy, she found that she was no longer concerned about losing her pack, or having to cut her trip short. She was here now, and that was what truly mattered.

  The flames had begun to die and she was just trying to decide if she should let them die or build them up again when she realized there was a pair of eyes staring at her across the flames.

  Daphne sat up straight, scrambling backwards and nearly knocking over the flask. “Who are you?”

  No answer came, but after a moment, the figure stepped forward. She almost laughed in relief. It was the bear! He was watching her again, with no sign of fear or aggression in his amber eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Yogi,” she told him. “I haven’t got any food.”

  He tilted his head as though considering her. And then before her eyes, he began to change.

  Bones creaked, muscles stretched, sinews roped and lengthened. His silvery fur became tawny and softened into skin. He stood, slowly drawing height from the darkness. Only his eyes remained the same, an amber that shone in the fire light.

  “Actually, it wasn’t the food I was looking for,” he replied calmly.

  Heart pounding, Daphne couldn’t help but stare. Her tipsiness deserted her as she ran her eyes over him. The dying firelight flickered over his well-toned body, and he was starkly, gloriously nude. She could see every muscle as he rose above her. Tall for a man, his arms seamed massive, and his chest big and firm. His tight stomach curved down into a well-defined muscle at his waist, and then lower…

  She blushed, but it was impossible not to look. Curving up out of the thatch of dark hair at his groin was a cock so thick and beautiful that she ached to touch it. It rose into the night, starkly lit by the fire. It was the largest cock she had ever seen, and Daphne blushed again as she caught herself wondering how it would feel deep inside her. She crossed her legs against the surge of sensation.

  “Did I surprise you?”

  She swallowed, trying to drag her eyes back up to his. “You’re a werebear.”

  He inclined his head. “I am what I am. Does that frighten you?”

  Daphne searched his eyes. She saw power there, true, but no malice. “No,” she whispered.

  He smiled, and she felt her cunt clench anew. “Good.”

  “So what were you looking for?” Daphne was amazed at how normal her voice sounded. As though she conversed every day with naked werebears who looked even better than the men in her imagination.

  “For you. What else?”

  “Me?” Daphne floundered. “But why?” She felt childish, questioning him like this, but she could hardly think.

  He took a step toward her. “I think you know why.”

  Hardly daring to breathe, Daphne shook her head. Bear or not, this beautiful creature couldn’t possibly be interested in her – could he?

  “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you.” Another step. “I couldn’t get your little performance out of my mind.”

  Daphne thought she might die of embarrassment. Her throat prickled uncomfortably. “I didn’t think anyone was watching.”

  He raised an eyebrow as if to say, Didn’t you?

  She shivered at the knowing look in his eyes. He was close enough now that she could feel the heat of him, even warmer than the fire, her body aching to touch him and to be touched.

  “You called me here,” he whispered, the intimate tones caressing her ears. “You wanted me to be real. The beast in me could feel your hunger.”

  His eyes traveled frankly down her, lingering on her belly, her ample hips, her curved thighs. “I can still feel it.”

  “But,” Daphne stammered, “why me?” She stopped herself, flustered and confused, and not knowing how to tell him that she was afraid he only wanted her because he knew she was here alone.

  She ached to taste him. A man like him would never look twice at her in the city, and knowing that made her pause. She wanted to be wanted for who she was. But her body was trying very hard to make that decision for her. Daphne bit her lip.

  The werebear laughed then, a gentle laugh with no trace of mockery. “Do you really doubt I desire you? Do you think I would appear to just any human? Most would run from me. But you,” and he stepped so close she could feel his breath on her cheek, “you did not. I knew you were special.”

  Leaning forward, his lips barely touching the lobe of her ear, he murmured, “Besides, I like a little meat on my bones. All the better to eat.”

  “Oh god,” she whispered, and then his mouth met hers.

  The softness of his lips belied the bruising force with which he kissed her, as though his passion could not be contained. Daphne surrendered to him, letting her body curve against his and finally encircling him with her arms. He was hard and muscled under her fingers, and she explored him as his tongue opened her.

  She shivered as he moved his mouth to her ear and then her neck, nipping and licking. As his teeth suck into her, she felt her knees give, but she was held, caught, trapped within his viselike grip. He lifted her as though she weighed no more than a child before easing her down onto her sleeping roll.

  There, for a moment, he paused, his eyes locked on hers. Daphne felt as though he studied her, knew every one of her innermost secrets, and accepted her for them. The gaze that met hers was at once wild and tame, and she thought for a moment she would weep at the strength of the emotion therein.

  His right hand – large even on her generous hip – moved then, and she felt his thumb press between her legs. The touch was electric, and sent a shock through her very core. With a whimper, she opened her thighs. Daphne didn’t need to see the smile on his face to know that he was pleased at her reaction.

  He paused then, his thumb against her pubis and his other fingers deliciously lower. Holding her captive, he lowered his mouth to hers once more. Then her collarbone, and then just at the neckline of her shirt.

  Daphne thought she might die if he didn’t touch her again with his mouth. She thought she might die if he did.

  Slowly, with aching tenderness, he gripped the hem of her shirt in his teeth and pulled. The buttons gave way eagerly, most willing to slide free and expose her heaving breasts, but she heard one pop off and skitter against the dirt. He stared down at her ample chest, and she could feel him grow harder against her leg.

  Trembling at the lustful look in his eyes, she reached and undid the front clasp. Her breasts sprang free, offering themselves to him for the taking.

  And he did. Gently at first, but then with heightened urgency, he sucked her nipples, first one, then the other. Daphne gasped as she felt his teeth score her tender flesh. Teasing, he circled the areola with his tongue before nibbling again. She cupped her breasts and pushed them further into his mouth, and with an eager moan, he took as much as he could, staining her pink flesh red with desire. She panted and raised her hips, trying to press herself against his thumb between her legs.

  He leaned back, and she cried out as the pressure against her cunt ceased. Rocking back on his heels, he ignored her whimper of protest. “Let me see you.”

  She had no will to disobey him. Her fingers shook as she unzipped her jeans, wiggling out of them and then out of the cotton panties beneath. Finally, she lay as naked as she had been before him earlier that day. But this time, he was no fantasy. He was real, and the knowledge of it was almost painful in the most secret place within her as she ached for his touch.

  She wanted to beg him to fuck her, but instead she bit her lip, trying to wait. Drinking in the sight of him as he crouched between her legs, beautiful as ever, his muscles clenching with need. She could see a small dip on his thigh from where his cock had dripped for her.

  Reaching for him, she wanted to touch it, to lick it off him, but he backed away from her with a small smile. “Lay down.”

  Wordlessly, she complied. The night breeze stroked and shivered her flesh, raising goosebumps in agonized anticipation
of his body on hers once more. But it was not his hands she felt at her hips, or his legs on hers. Instead, he lowered his mouth to her nether lips, and slipped his tongue between them.

  “Oh god,” Daphne moaned, unable to help herself. His mouth was warm and insistent, an extension of everything she needed. She could feel him drinking in her juices and could not longer tell where his tongue was. It seemed to be everywhere, drawing cries from her as he suckled her clitoris as he had done to her breasts only moments before. She felt his hand below, thumb against her and shuddered as he coaxed another cry from her. It was the sweetest sensation she had ever felt.

  Pressing her thighs gently against the ground, he took another long lick, his tongue stroking her to new heights. She could feel each movement deep in the core of her, exquisite and aching. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her until Daphne begged for release, but he took her to the pinnacle and made her scream as he continued, his face buried deep in her cunt. She came, and came again, and still his tongue devoured her, a savage animal prizing his mate. She shuddered against him. His thumb at her opening was torture, but she had lost the words to beg him to penetrate her and could only gasp, her wide eyes full of fireflies in the night.


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