Dragon Blaze (Dragons of Perralt Book 3)

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Dragon Blaze (Dragons of Perralt Book 3) Page 14

by Sher Dillard

  She looked at him, then back at the books, and then again at him, unable to believe what she was seeing.

  It would take a lifetime to read all the books. Her heart ached at the realization that she would not get the opportunity. One more thing she would lose when she left.

  Rachel felt the world go numb as she started to walk down the long shelves. Her fingers ran across the bindings. Finding old friends and new treasures. Some lay flat on the shelves, others were stacked side by side.

  There was no semblance of order. No grouping by category. Just book after book.

  Thad followed closely. Silently letting her take it all in. He obviously knew what this meant to her. He let her enjoy it all. The wonder, the love, the pure happiness knowing that this place existed.

  Her father would have been in heaven, she thought. The greatest of libraries, and it was owned by dragons. His ultimate dream had become true.

  The warm room welcomed her as she continued into it. Deeper into its welcoming embrace.

  Comfortable chairs and long leather clad couches were strategically placed to catch the light. This was a room meant to be used. Meant to be enjoyed.

  Rachel found herself lost in this new world. Occasionally, she would glance over her shoulder to make sure that Thad was still there. But, she couldn’t talk. Couldn’t really think of what to say.

  A small opening in the line of books caught her eye. She was a librarian, born and bred, a missing book would always capture her attention.

  Two small leather bound volumes preceded the opening. Her fingers shook as she reached up to remove them. Volumes one and two of the Velenciter volumes.

  She gasped and looked at Thad. He smiled back at her in acknowledgment.

  “It was your book you brought to my father,” she whispered in disbelief.

  “It’s your book now,” he said.

  She looked down at the two books in her hand then back up at the big man before her. “It belongs here,” she said.

  “So do you,” he answered with a softness to his voice that made her heart jump.

  Thad looked down at her for a long moment. His eyes probing hers. What did he mean? she wondered. Before she could come to some kind of answer though, he lowered his head and took her lips with his.

  A soft, tender, caressing kiss that erased the world from her mind.

  This was Thad, her Thad. Her arms went up to his shoulders as she melted into him.

  The kiss grew in intensity and passion. Thad’s hands snuck to her rear and pulled her close as his tongue lit her body on fire.

  She needed this man, now, here. Every fiber of her being demanded it now. One last time before she left. One last memory to take into her old age.

  “Oh, Thad,” she moaned, as she held her body next to his.

  He responded by sliding a hand under her knees and lifting her into his arms.

  Smiling down at her with soft warm eyes, he carried her to a couch and gently placed her at the center of his world.

  Rachel looked up at him, her hands resting on his strong arms. The two of them stared into each other’s eyes and they both knew. This was going to happen.

  Thad broke the shared gaze to once again take her lips with his. His hands cupped her breast and she moaned into his mouth. Fire, her body was awash with fire and need.

  Reaching up, she began to unbutton his shirt and he unlaced her dress. Their lips never leaving the other.

  At last her breasts were free for him. He took a nipple in his mouth and Rachel sank into oblivion. Her world became centered. All that was important was this man. Of pleasing him and being pleased by him.

  Her hands reached for his pants. She needed him now. She couldn’t wait. There would be no doubts, there would be no second thoughts. She must have him inside of her.

  Once his pants were loosened, she raised her bottom and slid her underthings off, letting them fall to the floor, as her hands reached for him once again.

  “Please,” she begged. “Hurry.”

  Thad smiled as he positioned himself above her.

  “God, how I’ve missed you,” he said, as he slowly entered her.

  Rachel threw her head back and bit her lip to stop herself from screaming with pleasure.

  He was so big, so powerful, filling her. Stretching her to new heights.

  She moaned and pulled him down on top of her. She wanted his weight, wanted to feel him, all of him. Their body’s together, one.

  Thad began to move inside of her. Back and forth. Oh, the pleasure, she thought. The pure sweetness of this. Her heart ached with happiness and the fear of what the rest of her life without this would be like.

  He thrust again and again into her. Bringing her away from outside thoughts. All she could think about was him. Inside of her. Pushing her higher and higher.

  “Yes!” she screamed. “Yes!” This was what she wanted, this was where she belonged. Under him as he drove her mad with passion.

  He continued to push into her, over and over as he looked down into her eyes, trapping them, until she could hold back no longer.

  “Thaaaaad!” she said, as wave after wave of pure pleasure washed through her.

  He rode her climax with her, then thrust one last time as he erupted inside of her.

  The feel of his warm seed filling her sent a sadness through her as she realized this would be their last time together. Even with this beautiful library here in Perralt. She could not stay. She would never be able to live knowing the man could not be hers.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Rachel lay in Thad’s arms on the floor of the castle’s library. Her mind racing a mile a minute. What if someone came in? What if someone had heard her screams of ecstasy?

  What was he thinking? And, why had she allowed this to happen? It could only lead to more heartache, she thought.

  But, yet, it felt so right. So perfect.

  “What did you mean before?” she asked him, as she ran a hand across his chest, her head laying on his shoulder.

  “When?” he asked with a sleepy voice.

  Rachel took a deep breath. “When you said I belonged here?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” he said.

  She laughed. “Thad, nothing has been obvious between us since you walked into my library and made my heart melt. What did you mean? That I should live in the valley and I could use your library?”

  Thad pulled away from her so that he could look down at her. His brow was creased in confusion.

  “My wife would live here in the castle, not the valley. And, you wouldn’t just use this room. You would be its custodian. Yours to grow and set in order.”

  “Your wife,” she said, as her heart raced.

  He stared at her for a long moment. His soul shining in his eyes.

  She had trouble grasping his words. Her eyes searched his looking for the truth. Had he really meant it? His wife?

  “I know you despise the beast inside of me. And I promise. You won’t have to deal with it. I’ll ...”

  “I don’t despise that part of you,” Rachel said, as she reached up to gently caress his face. “I don’t understand it, but I don’t despise it. I couldn’t. He is a part of you. The part that makes you strong, and fierce, and a little terrifying. But, it is a part of you. One of the many parts I love.”

  Thad’s eyes glistened as he studied her, obviously trying to see if she was speaking the truth. Her insides tightened up into a ball as she waited for him to respond.

  He sighed heavily and smiled.

  “Miss Rachel Hopson, I have loved you since the moment I saw you bent over that book in your father’s library. I have come to love the sound of your laugh, the curve of your hip, and the openness of your mind.”

  Rachel’s heart swelled to the breaking point.

  “What is more,” Thad continued, “I will always love you because you are mine and I am yours.”

  Tears of happiness began to spill from her eyes as she reached up to pull him to her.

  “I love you, Thad of Perralt, and always will. Because you are my man, my dragon, and my soul’s treasure.”

  The End


  I would like to thank my family and friends for all of their support. Especially my mother, who passed along my love of stories. I would also like to thank Sheryl Turner for her assistance in editing.

  As with any story. It is you the reader that makes it come alive. Thank you so much for reading Dragon Fire.

  Author Note

  As always. I love to hear from my readers. If you would like to contact me, please send me an email at [email protected] or check out my Facebook page at facebook.com/sher.dillard

  The first book in the series Dragon Fire is available at Amazon

  Nothing says big and bad like a fire-breathing dragon.

  Elsbeth needed help. Big, bad help. The only solution is the reclusive Drake. The only man brave enough to dare the Forbidden Forest. He might be rather rough around the edges, and heart stopping handsome in that big, tough way of his. But, she will ignore those wide shoulders and the attraction that pulls at her heart. At least she hopes so. After all, she has a kingdom to claim and protect.

  Drake had enough problems of his own. The last thing he needed in his life was a pampered princess. But, the Princess unknowingly claims an ancestral promise. He is duty bound to help her. Duty bound to protect.

  The Forbidden Forest will be easy. Around this woman, taming the beast inside of himself might be impossible.




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