CHANCES ARE (Last Chance Rescue)

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CHANCES ARE (Last Chance Rescue) Page 18

by Reece, Christy

  “Maybe that’s why he never injured her,” Jake said. “But why kill the women who looked like his wife?”

  It was beginning to make sense in a sick twisted way. “I think he was trying to replace her,” Angela answered. “That’s why he kept shoving those scripts in my face and telling me to read. And when the women didn’t live up to his expectations, he got rid of them and went on to another one.” Her brow furrowed. “But why put the tattoo on my neck? He had never done that with any of his other victims.”

  Noah and Jake locked gazes, the expression on both men’s faces indicated neither wanted to answer the question.

  “What?” she asked.

  “We think he had chosen to keep you,” Jake said. “Marking you with the rose was his brand.”

  Despite her feeling of wellbeing, shudders of revulsion went through her. She tried her best to make light of the situation by quipping, “How about that. I must be a better actress than I thought.”

  Noah’s mouth moved up in a slight smile but Jake’s remained flat and grim.

  Wanting to erase the sadness from his face, she changed the subject. “Did Clarissa make it home okay?”

  “Yes.” Noah’s mouth tilted up even more. “She’s tougher than she looks.”

  He was right. Clarissa had come by yesterday to thank Angela once again. Though the young woman looked fragile and would probably suffer nightmares for years, the set to her chin and the look in her eyes told Angela she would be fine. Amazing what a person could endure and survive.

  “I’m hoping I’ll get to go home today.”

  Jake shook his head. “You need to stay here a couple more days.”

  “I’ll feel better at home. There’s nothing more the doctors can do. I just need some healing time.”

  “You can’t walk yet.”

  She lifted her chin. “So? No matter if I stay here or go home, I won’t be able to walk for weeks. At least if I’m home, I’ll be in my own bed.”

  Jake watched her closely. Even though he wanted to keep her here, protected from the world, he didn’t argue. Just seeing the stubborn light in her eyes was worth any additional worry he had that she needed to be completely healed before going home. Compared to how she’d looked three days ago, her recovery was nothing short of miraculous. He would never forget the moment she tried to walk to him and then collapsed in his arms. Her courage awed him.

  He had yet to tell her that she wasn’t going home alone. They hadn’t talked about their relationship. Hell, she had no idea that he even wanted one. He had been waiting for the right time but now wondered why he hadn’t already told her. At that question, he stopped. Of course he knew why he hadn’t told her. What if she said no? She didn’t seem to blame him for what happened but that didn’t mean she wanted anything else to do with him. He’d rejected her, slept with her when she was in a vulnerable state, and almost let her get killed by a serial killer. It was a wonder she allowed him into her room.

  Remaining cautious, he said, “Let’s see what the doctor says before you get too set on leaving.”

  As if she’d been summoned, a knock sounded and Dr. Bittner appeared. “How are we doing today?”

  “We’re doing just great and want to go home.”

  She smiled. “Now that’s a coincidence. I came to tell you that you’re being released today.”

  Angela threw a look at Jake, her eyes dancing with an ‘I told you so’ light. How could she act as if nothing had happened when every time he closed his eyes, he imagined the horror she had endured? Her resilience amazed and humbled him.

  “No trying to walk on those feet for at least another ten days or so. I’ll send your chart to your regular physician.”

  Jake listened carefully as the doctor issued orders about her feet, the lingering headaches she might experience because of her concussion, and the need to watch for infection of the numerous cuts on her body.

  “I was thinking about hiring a nurse,” Angela said. “Just for a few days to help me get in and out of the shower and things like that.”

  The doctor nodded approvingly. “That’s an excellent idea.”

  Jake could feel McCall’s eyes on him. Yesterday he had informed his boss that he would be taking care of Angela when she was released. The man had been set on bringing Angela to his home and hiring someone to care for her. He’d said Samara was quite intent on the idea. Jake had assured him that Samara was more than welcome to come by for visits but that Jake would see to Angela’s care.

  McCall hadn’t argued but had seemed dammed amused for some reason.

  “I have the plane on standby,” McCall said. “I’ll let them know we’ll be leaving in a few hours.”

  As soon as McCall and the doctor walked out the door, Jake turned to her. “I’m going home with you.”

  She blinked at him. “Of course you are. There’s plenty of room on the plane.”

  “No, I mean I’m moving in with you.”


  He grinned, hoping he didn’t look as nervous as he felt. “You told me I needed to find a better place to live.”

  “Do I get a say in this?”

  Jake swallowed hard, the lump in his throat growing larger. Dammit, she was right. After what happened to her, she probably wanted nothing to do with him.

  “Let me do this for you, Angela. What happened to you was my fault. I should have watched your back.”

  Dark eyes stared hard at him for several seconds. He withstood the look. If she wanted to slug him for not being there for her, he’d take that, too. It was no less than he deserved.

  Finally, with a small nod, she said, “I appreciate the offer. I could really use the help.”

  Relieved that she hadn’t just told him to get the hell out of her life, he said, “I appreciate you letting me help.”

  “You’re wrong about one thing, Jake. What happened wasn’t your fault.”

  He disagreed, but wasn’t going to argue. She’d let him off the hook way too easy. “I can’t believe you’re healing so quickly. You’ll be back to researching at LCR before you know it.”

  Instead of the spunky comeback he expected, her eyes remained dark and solemn. Jake didn’t know what to say to return the light to her eyes. He only knew that he felt responsible for being the one to make it go away in the first place.

  Chapter Twenty


  “This tea is too tepid,” Angela groused.

  “Sorry.” Jake took back the mug of tea he’d just handed her. “Let me heat it up for you.”

  She watched him disappear into the kitchen and blew out a heavy sigh. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the tea. It was Jake’s attitude that was driving her crazy.

  She’d been home for over a week. Since her apartment was on the third floor, she had decided to stay in her parents’ home. A single level with no steps or stairs, the house was a breeze to maneuver through on her crutches.

  Oddly enough, coming to her parents’ home had given her some kind of closure. The grief wasn’t as sharp or overwhelming as it had been before. Instead she had found comfort here, as if her family’s love had been retained within these walls. She now knew she wouldn’t be selling the house. She was going to give up her apartment and move back here. This was her home now.

  Hearing the microwave ding, Angela braced herself for the confrontation. Jake had taken care of every need she might have. He’d been sweet, attentive and kind. Had done everything she asked and had attempted to anticipate her needs before she even had them. Was it any wonder he was driving her up the wall?

  Where was the man who went out of his way to piss her off to get a reaction? Where was the man who joked with her, flirted with her? Where was the man who’d made such passionate love to her that just the memory of that night could bring her to arousal?

  She missed that man. The fascinating, frustrating, and infinitely loveable Jake Mallory had been replaced with a guilt-ridden, too-polite stranger. She wanted the real Jake Mallory back. S
he wanted to fight and laugh with him, kiss and caress him until her breath became his.

  He blamed himself for what happened and had apologized multiple times. And for each apology, she had insisted that what happened hadn’t been his fault. The guilt from his wife’s tragic death had colored the true facts. He was intent on taking all the blame on himself. Angela couldn’t allow that to continue.

  And even if there was blame, then it should be shared. They’d been partners and had completely missed the fact that just because she had taken herself off the op, didn’t mean the killer wasn’t following her.

  For the last couple of days she had become deliberately impossible, making all sorts of demands on him that any reasonable person would refuse. But Jake and his wrongly placed guilt continued to take her abuse. She wanted to cry.

  Returning to stand in front of her, he handed her a steaming mug. “Here you go. See if it’s any better.”

  Not lifting her hand to take the tea, she just shook her head. “It won’t be.”


  “Look Jake, I really appreciate all you’ve done but I don’t think this is going to work out.”


  “Because nothing you do can change what happened.”

  Setting the tea on the table beside the couch, Jake slumped into a chair across from her. “You’re right. God, I’m so sorry, Angela. Instead of bringing you tea, I should be asking your forgiveness. I should be—”

  “No. Stop, Jake. I can’t take it anymore.”

  “You want me to leave?”

  “What I want you to do is acknowledge that what happened to me wasn’t your fault.”

  “Of course it was. “

  Frustrated, she went another direction. “What did you tell me when I first called and told you that the killer was within a few yards of me?”

  He frowned. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “What did you tell me to do…what were your exact instructions?”

  “I told you to hold your gun on him till I could get to you.”

  “Exactly. Did I do that? No. I disobeyed your order and I let Delacourte take me.”

  “But I shouldn’t have allowed—”

  “Allowed? You didn’t have a choice. I made the decision on my own.”

  Several long moments of silence followed. Angela’s heart was in her throat as she watched emotions play across Jake’s face. Then slowly, as realization came, the too solemn expression she’d seen the last few days changed to the beginning of anger. His eyes took on a glint and her heart kicked up an optimistic beat. Had she, at last, penetrated his wrongly placed guilt?

  “You had no right to make that decision on your own.”

  “But I did. And it turned out okay.”

  “It sure as hell didn’t. You were tortured, dammit.”

  “But I’m alive, Jake. And so is Clarissa.”

  Jake surged to his feet and shoved his fingers through his hair. He’d been living on adrenaline since Angela was taken and had yet to let go. Now it all came crashing down on him—the fear, the dread, the terrible knowledge that she could be dead. And then finding her, only to realize that she had been tortured.

  Now came the anger, which he had to admit felt damn good. “You disobeyed a direct order,” he said softly.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “You could’ve been killed.”

  “I know.”

  The more he thought about it, the more pissed he became. He paced as he continued, “You were a rookie. Making this decision against my orders was impulsive and irrational. Getting yourself killed wouldn’t have solved anything.” He whirled around to glare at her. “You should’ve followed my orders. That was what you agreed to do. You should have—”

  For the first time since he’d begun lambasting her, he noticed that instead of looking guilty or angry, she was smiling.

  “What the hell are you smiling about?”

  “Because this is exactly what you should have said to me all along instead of treating me like some sort of damaged creature. I’m injured, not damaged. I can take the heat.”

  Explosive feelings he hadn’t had in years coursed through him. Hell, he didn’t know if he’d ever felt this way. His head told him to continue to rail at her, that he was still furious with her for putting herself at risk. His heart said something else.

  Listening to his heart for the first time in years, Jake dropped to his knees in front of her and pulled her into his arms. Holding her tight, he whispered harshly, “Do you know what it would have done to me if I’d lost you?”

  “I’m so sorry I put you through that.” Her arms twined around his shoulders and she said softly, “Forgive me?”

  His chest tight with emotions he dared not let loose, Jake pulled away slightly to kiss her. He had meant it to be soft and sweet…a loving kiss, nothing more. Making any demands on Angela’s abused body was out of the question.

  As usual, Angela had other ideas. The instant Jake’s mouth touched hers, she opened, letting his tongue slip through. When he would have pulled away, she grabbed his shoulders and spoke against his lips, “I’m not made of glass.”

  Refusing to deepen the kiss, he backed away. “I took advantage of you once before.”

  Her responding laugh was soft and full of sexy confidence. “Really? Well then, feel free to take advantage of me like that any time you like. In fact, I have some time right now. How about you?”

  Unable to stop himself, Jake ground his mouth against hers, smothering her laughter. As she melted into his arms, peaceful contentment filled him—something he barely recognized as belonging to him. With Angela in his arms, safe and sound, all was right with his world at last.

  Lifting her into his arms, Jake headed to the bedroom he’d been using. Every night he had fantasized about having her there with him. He felt as though he’d waited a lifetime to show Angela what she meant to him. His body urged him to lay her on the bed and bury himself inside her until they were both breathless and sated. Again, he listened to his heart. The first time they’d been together, it had been all about heat and quenching the fire that had been building between them since they first met. And though the fire within him was hotter than ever, tonight he wanted to show her what she meant to him. She needed to understand that this wasn’t just a brief, intense moment of passion. This was something more.

  Jake settled her onto the bed and pulled away to look down at her. Never had she looked more beautiful to him. In his lifetime, he had seen his share of courage. He knew what bravery looked like and what it didn’t. What Angela had survived was anyone’s worst nightmare. And instead of being emotionally damaged, there was an odd kind of peace about her. As if the experience had uncovered a hidden depth of strength within her.

  “What are you waiting for?”

  With a quick jerk, Jake pulled his shirt apart, barely aware of the clicking noise as buttons hit the hardwood floor. Angela laughed softly at his apparent urgency…the husky sound pushing him to go even faster.

  Next came his shoes, jeans and then his underwear. When he was completely nude, he came to her, aching and hard, so aroused that at one touch, he might explode. He wouldn’t.

  Kneeling beside her, he raised her to sit up. “Let’s get rid of these clothes.” His voice sounded like the growl of a hungry wolf—appropriate since that’s exactly how he felt.

  Her expression a mixture of curiosity and need, Angela sat up and looked expectantly at Jake. With quick efficiency, he stripped her bare.

  “Wow, you’re really good at getting clothes off fast.”

  Pushing her gently back onto the bed, he came over her. “Let me show you what else I’m really good at.”

  Breathless with anticipation, Angela lay supine on the bed, waiting for Jake’s next move. She wanted to smooth her hands down his hard, muscular body and allow her mouth to follow. Reading his expression, she knew that this wasn’t like their first time. Then it had been all about devouring each other to satisfy thei
r need. This time, it was something altogether different. Hesitant to read too much into his tender expression, Angela nevertheless felt more hopeful than she ever had before with Jake.

  Starting with the edge of her jaw, Jake’s mouth glided down her skin. He hadn’t shaved in a couple of days and the stubble was both abrasive and arousing. Angela arched her neck to give him greater access. Jake obliged, and then stopped at the hollow of her throat to press a tender, hot kiss.

  “Jake,” she whispered.


  “Nothing. Just…Jake.”

  She could feel his smile against her skin. As he moved away from her neck, her nipples hardened in anticipation. When his hot mouth covered one, Angela’s entire body arched in response.

  Unable to resist, she weaved her hands through his hair and held his head as he suckled her. The throb of her sex coincided with every draw of his mouth. Her body arched again, needing his touch, wanting him.

  A big hand pressed against her lower belly to still her movements. He was only inches away from the part that throbbed, needed, and literally ached for him. She tried shifting, hoping his fingers would slide down.

  Jake released a husky, masculine laugh, causing delicious goose bumps to cover her body. “Impatient, are we?”

  “Very,” Angela gasped.

  “Good things come to those who wait.”

  “I feel like I’ve been waiting a lifetime.”

  He raised his head, locked his gaze with hers, and answered quietly, “I do too.”

  Her heart soared at the declaration. Before she could respond, he moved swiftly and placed his mouth in the exact spot she needed him. Angela opened her legs, arched her hips, and gave herself up to the most intensely erotic moment of her life as Jake used his mouth and tongue…even his teeth to give her pleasure. She stiffened as she neared the edge. With each thrust of his tongue, she drew closer and closer to that moment where she knew she would fall into ecstasy. A blinding light flickered behind her lids and she was there, falling… falling and then she was suspended, floating… Her keening cry echoed through the house as she zoomed through space and then crash-landed into a soft, velvet oblivion.


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