Possession (Texas Titans #8)

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Possession (Texas Titans #8) Page 7

by Cheryl Douglas

  “Just a few glasses of wine,” she whispered, trying to play it off. “How was I to know he couldn’t handle it?”

  “Please,” Dalton said, rolling his eyes. “You just have to take one look at the guy. He probably weighs a buck fifty. My sister could drink him under the table.”

  “How do you two know each other?” Jeremy asked, bracing a hand on the back of an armchair to steady himself.

  “My brother is a good friend of Dalton’s,” Sophie explained, trying to ignore Dalton’s annoyed look. “And, um…” She knew she should tell Jeremy Dalton was the man she’d been seeing and one of the reasons she turned him down when he asked her out, but she didn’t want things to get any more awkward. “We’ve been friends for a long time, Jeremy.”

  “Friends?” Dalton’s eyes passed over her slowly, clearly staking his claim. “Sweetheart, we’re a hell a lot more than friends. Why don’t you tell your new partner the truth about us?”

  Before Dalton could blurt out the fact they’d been sleeping together, Sophie slipped her arm through Dalton’s. “Clearly Jeremy can’t drive home tonight. I’m going to have to head down and find him a cab. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back.”

  “This is him, isn’t it?” Jeremy asked, hooking a thumb at Dalton. “He’s the guy you were seeing?”

  Sophie knew there was no point trying to deny it. Besides, maybe if Jeremy knew the truth he wouldn’t embarrass himself by coming on to her again. “Yes, he is.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me your boyfriend was a goddamn ‘roid head?”

  “A ‘roid head?” Dalton stepped forward. “I’d keep your mouth shut unless you want to lose all your teeth, little man.”

  “Dalton, please,” Sophie pleaded, stepping between the two men. “Don’t do this.” She planted her hands on his chest. “Just give me a few minutes to see Jeremy off and then we can talk.”

  “Did you hear what he called me?” Dalton asked, scowling at Jeremy over the top of Sophie’s head. “No one gets away with that. I need to-”

  “Do this for me,” she said, closing her hands around his face to get his attention. “Please, baby,” she said, trying to let him know she understood how much of a sacrifice it would be for him to let it go. “It’s been a hell of a day and I’d like nothing better than to curl up in your arms. But first I need to see Jeremy out.”

  “I don’t need your help,” Jeremy said, reaching for his discarded jacket and tie. “I can manage just fine on my own.” He swore when he stubbed his toe on the edge of the chair, kicking the offending object with the other foot.

  “Be that as it may,” Sophie said, taking a deep breath. “I’d feel better if I knew you’d found a cab.”

  “Can’t you just call the doorman and ask him to take care of it?” Dalton asked, pulling Sophie closer. “He’s not your responsibility.”

  “He kind of is,” Sophie explained. “He had the wine at my place. That means I’m responsible for making sure he gets home safely.”

  “I’ll walk him out,” Dalton said, sighing. “You just relax.”

  “No,” Sophie said, thinking about what could happen between these two volatile men between the elevator and lobby. “He’s my guest. I’ll see him out.”

  “Yeah,” Jeremy interjected, as he wrestled with the sleeves of his jacket as he tried to slip it on. “Besides, I need to have a word with Sophie.”

  She had no intention of listening to Jeremy’s rants about her personal life and would have no problem telling him to mind his own business… when he was sober and able to comprehend how serious she was about the line she’d drawn between her business and personal life.

  Sophie didn’t risk another look in Dalton’s direction before escorting Jeremy out of the apartment. She just wanted to get him out of there as quickly as possible, before he started shooting his mouth off again.

  They were in the lobby of her building, seated on the sofa in the waiting area while the doorman called a cab when Jeremy finally muttered, “Now I see why you weren’t interested in me. If that guy’s your type, I don’t stand a chance.”

  “I don’t have a type.” Though before Dalton, Sophie would have thought it more likely for her to date a man like Jeremy than someone like Dalton. She’d always loved sports and grew up a bit of a tomboy, but she’d never considered dating an athlete. She’s always assumed there had to be some merit to the bad reputations most had earned.

  “Are you guys still…?” Jeremy glanced out the window when a car pulled up to the curb. “You know.”

  Sophie knew he was asking whether they were still sleeping together. She considered telling him it was none of his business, but decided for the truth instead. “We’re still very close. I tried to end it when I moved out here, but I don’t think either one of us is ready for it to be over yet.”

  “He obviously isn’t.”

  “This long distance thing is new for both of us,” she said, knowing Jeremy may not even remember this conversation in the morning. “We’re still trying to decide how to proceed.”

  “Is he the reason you’ve been so unhappy here?”

  Maybe he was more perceptive than she gave him credit for. “I’m not unhappy, exactly.” She sighed. “It’s just an adjustment. Arlington is my home. I’ve never wanted to live anywhere else.” Sophie linked her hands, questioning how much of this conversation she should save for the office. “I may have been a bit impulsive, accepting your offer without taking more time to consider it.”

  “Are you saying you want out?”

  Was she? Bailing on her partnership with Jeremy was a big decision, one that would have a major impact on her business. “I don’t know what I’m saying just yet. I think we both need a little more time to figure out whether this can work.”

  “Is that why you were so insistent about having that provision in the contract?” Jeremy asked, sounding much more coherent than he had upstairs when he’d been coming on to her. Maybe he’d been exaggerating his inebriated state so he’d have a legitimate excuse if she rejected his advances. “Because you questioned whether we could make this work?”

  “How could I not have reservations about uprooting my entire life, leaving my family, friends, and studio behind?”

  “Not to mention your boyfriend,” he muttered. “Can’t forget him.”

  “No, I can’t,” she said, intent on driving the point home. “I’ll admit leaving Dalton has been a hell of a lot harder than I thought it would be.”

  “Then you’re in love with him?”

  Sophie refused to discuss her feelings for Dalton with Jeremy. “It looks like your taxi’s here,” she said, standing. “Tony will walk you out,” she said, gesturing to the door man who was approaching to escort her guest to the cab. “We can continue this conversation at the office. Sleep well.”

  He leaned in to kiss her cheek, capturing her hand in his. “I’m sorry if I came on strong tonight. I didn’t know about him.”

  Sophie forced a smile. “No harm done. And now you know.”

  Chapter Six

  Dalton was trying to rein his frustration as he paced the floor of Sophie’s tidy apartment, counting off the minutes she’d been gone. By his estimation she’d had more than enough time to dump that jerk in a cab and come back to him.

  “Sorry that took so long,” Sophie said, finally opening the door and kicking her high heels off before making her way to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, tipping her head back to look up at him. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  Just like that all of his fear melted away. When she looked at him like that she made him feel like the most important man in the world, like no one, no matter how sophisticated or attractive they were, could lure her away from him. “You sure about that? You looked kind of surprised to see me when you opened the door.”

  “I was surprised,” she admitted, standing on her toes to kiss him. “But in a good way. Things with Jeremy were getting a little tense and I was
glad to have an excuse to be rid of him.”

  “What the hell was he doing here anyways?” He knew he sounded protective and she would likely resent his interference, but he had to know why they looked so cozy. “And why were you plying him with alcohol?”

  “I was not plying him with alcohol.” She laughed. “We had a business dinner and still had a few things left to discuss so I thought I’d invite him up here. I left the bottle of wine on the table and he kept re-filling our glasses. Before I knew it the bottle was empty.”

  “How much have you had?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. If Jeremy’s plan had been to ply her with wine and take advantage of her, Dalton decided he would have to pay him a little visit on his way out of town.

  “Not much,” she said, shrugging. “I think he had more than I did. Speaking of which, would you like something to drink?”

  “No, I’m fine.” After his sister’s lecture about his meds, he’d decided to be more careful about mixing alcohol and pills. “Thanks.”

  “You didn’t bring a suitcase,” Sophie said, looking over her shoulder to the spot where he’d kicked off his shoes by the door.

  “I didn’t want to make any assumptions. I brought a rental car from the airport. My suitcase is in the trunk.”

  “Of course I want you to stay with me,” she said, looping her arms around his neck. “How long are you here?”

  “A day or two, tops.” Maybe a little longer, if he could manage it. “Can you free up a little time for me?”

  “You know I will.” She unbuttoned his shirt before slipping his blazer off. “God, I’ve missed this,” she whispered, kissing his bare chest.

  “Me too, sweetheart.” He inhaled deeply, taking in the familiar scent of her shampoo as his hands rested on her waist.

  “I want you to know there’s nothing going on with Jeremy,” she said, running her hands over his shoulders. “It’s just business. That’s all it will ever be.”

  “Good to know,” he said, sliding the zipper down her back.

  “Um, what about you?” she asked, biting her lip. “Have you been seeing anyone since I left?”

  He chuckled. “When would I have time? I’ve talked to you almost every night.”

  “Carly told me you were over at their house for dinner the other night.” She hesitated. “She said her assistant was really into you.”

  “So?” She was obviously jealous, which thrilled him, but he longed to hear her say the words, that she wanted him to be hers.

  “I was just wondering how you felt about her.” She let her hands slide down his stomach, pausing just before she reached his belt buckle. “Were you into her too?”

  “She was pretty,” he said, knowing he was being evil for goading her. “And nice.”

  “I see.” Her expression was pained when she asked, “Did you have a lot in common?”

  “She loves sports, especially football.”

  “Yeah, Carly mentioned something about that.”

  Seeing her uncertain expression pained him, making him feel like a jerk for toying with her. “Soph, I haven’t been able to think about another woman since you left,” he whispered, slipping his hands beneath her long hair. “I mean it. I think about you night and day.”

  Her face softened, a smile brightening her features. “Really?”

  “Really.” He peeled her dress off, kissing her shoulder. “We have to figure this thing out, Soph. I don’t want to be with anyone else and picturing you…” He couldn’t finish the thought without admitting he’d never felt more vulnerable.

  “I don’t know what to do.” She rested her head against his chest. “I feel the same way about us. I guess I didn’t realize how attached I’d become to you until I left. It’s been hell.”

  He knew he shouldn’t feel elated that she was as miserable as he was. If he really loved her, he should want her to be happy, but he wasn’t mature or evolved enough to want her to build a new life that didn’t include him.

  “I need you.” He knew they had to figure out the logistics of their new arrangement, but the more pressing issue at the moment was re-establishing their physical connection. “Where’s the bedroom?”

  “End of the hall,” she murmured, squealing when he picked her up.

  His knees were screaming, though she was lighter than the weight he’d been used to curling. He hated that his body was betraying him, preventing him from doing the things he used to take for granted. But he refused to dwell on that tonight. For the next few hours the only thing he intended to focus on was making Sophie remember how good they’d been together.


  Sophie’s hands were braced on Dalton’s muscular chest as she stared down in to his eyes. Oh God, Carly was right. I am in love with this man.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” he asked, brushing her hair off her breasts so he could admire her. “Why’d you stop?”

  She closed her eyes, afraid he could read the fear she was trying so hard to hide. It’s not that she’d never been in love before. She had, a time or two, but the logistics of their arrangement meant she had to make an impossible choice if she admitted the truth to Dalton.

  He would want to know if she loved him enough to come home with him and try to build a life together and she just couldn’t answer that question yet. She needed more time to figure things out, to decide whether her desire to leave Los Angeles revolved around her feelings for him.

  “This just feels good,” she whispered, lowering her body until it covered his.

  He turned his head, aligning his mouth with hers. His hungry kiss shattered the pretense she was fine as her tears fell on his cheeks.

  “What is it, Soph?” He grabbed her waist when she tried to distract him with a slow roll of her hips. “Why the hell are you crying?”

  She swallowed hard, trying to manage even a weak answer that would satisfy him. “Just make love to me,” she pleaded. “Please. That’s what I need more than anything right now.”

  He hesitated before granting her request.

  Sophie’s heartbeat throbbed in her ears as his calloused hands traced her skin gently, his body moving rhythmically with hers. She closed her eyes, trying to shut out the decisions facing her. She wanted to get lost in the moment, in his arms, pretending the answer would come tomorrow.

  Dalton’s hands explored the soft curve of her waist before moving down to her hips as his mouth found her ear. “I am so in love with you.”

  She choked back a sob, torn between elation and misery. Angry with fate for bringing her the man of her dreams and the career break she’d been waiting for at the same time, while leading her down opposing paths.

  “Dalton, I-”

  “You don’t have to say anything. I just need you to know how I feel.”

  She wanted to respond, to tell him she felt the same way, but he stole her power of speech with skilled strokes and caresses that sent her careening over the edge, gasping for breath as she whispered his name.

  Intent on returning the favor, she leaned on her elbows, grateful the lights were too dim for him to see how shaken she felt. She lay panting, her chest still heaving as she tried to pretend he hadn’t upended her world.

  Though she was on top, his body was the one imprisoning hers, restraining her in every possible way as she tried to find that gratuitous state that always seemed to mark their love making. The gray area where her only thoughts involved physical pleasure and reckless abandon.

  “Stop.” He lifted her off of him, breaking their contact in spite of her protests. “I’ve screwed everything up, haven’t I?” He sat up, bracing his weight on one hand as his other hand scoured his face.

  “What are you talking about?” Shocked by his assumption, she sat up beside him, running her hand down his back.

  “Soph, I could tell you weren’t into it. Was it because of what I said?” He looked at her, the light filtering into the room from the bathroom light she’d left on allowing her to see the bitter internal battle playing out on his face.
“You don’t have to pretend with me. You don’t have to worry about sparing my feelings. If you want me to go… if you’re ready for this to be over, just say so.”

  She was too stunned to speak until he threw his legs over the side of the bed, turning his back to her.

  “Are you crazy?” she asked, grabbing his arm. “I don’t want you to go.” Ever.

  Looking at her over his shoulder, he asked, “Are you sure about that?”

  “Of course I’m sure,” she said, ordering herself to breathe when it looked like he was in no hurry to crawl back into her bed. “Why would you think that?”

  “We’ve made love enough times for me to know when your mind’s somewhere else.”

  “You’re right.” She knew her only option was to be as brave as he had been. “My mind was somewhere else. I was trying to figure out where the hell we go from here now that…” Her voice was shaky when she finally said, “I know you love me too.”

  “Too?” He shifted his body so he could see her face. “Does that mean-”

  “Yes.” She wrapped her arm around his neck, bringing his lips to hers. “I love you, Dalton.”

  His large hand held her face gently when they finally broke apart. “Are you sure? I mean, you don’t have to say that just because I-”

  “I’m sure.” She smiled against his lips before stealing another kiss. “If there’s one thing I’m sure about, it’s how I feel about you.” She got carried away in his elation as he pressed her back into the mattress, stunning her with a greedy kiss. “Wait.”

  “For what?” He buried his face in her neck, distracting her with well-placed kisses that made her plant her heels into the mattress. “That’s all I need to know, that you love me, that you want me as much as I want you. We’ll figure the rest out.”

  “It’s not going to be that easy.” She wanted to get lost in his touch, to allow him to help her escape her thoughts for a little while. “Nothing’s changed, not really.”


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