KAT: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 6)

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KAT: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 6) Page 15

by Jessie Cooke

  She felt David slow down, long enough to let her work through it and recover. Once her breaths were back to normal, he let go of her and said, “Turn on your back, baby.” Kat did as she was told, rolling over onto her back on the bed. David climbed up on top of her and once again entered her. Kat loved it this way because she could see his face. God, she loved his face. He was staring down at her with those sexy green eyes and she prayed this wouldn’t be the last time she got to look up at him while their bodies were tangled together and he was buried inside of her, deep.

  “Kiss me,” he said, hoarsely. Kat raised up off the bed and found his lips, letting her tongue run across them, and trace them, before plunging it into his mouth. David was drilling her pussy and while they kissed, Kat put her hands on his shoulders and clawed at his skin until she heard and felt him let out a fierce groan. His body went even more rigid and although he was wearing a condom, she felt the warmth fill her as he came.

  David collapsed down on the bed next to her and pulled her in so close that it was hard to tell where his body ended and hers began. He rolled off the condom and tossed it and then wrapped his long legs up in hers. They were connected by smooth, sexy, wet skin…and in Kat’s case, an inability to send any kind of signal to her brain to move. She didn’t want to say anything and break the spell, so she let David just hold her and stroke her hair. She closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face. Hours later, before the sun had even come up, she opened them again…and David was gone.


  Kat managed to get the okay from Handsome and get off the ranch without running into anyone else. It was early and everyone was still sleeping. As she walked out front, she could see the Skulls’ bikes were back in place. They had gone out the night before, led by Dax and eager to end this war once and for all. Kat hadn’t heard them come back. After making love to David, she’d been dead to the world. Dead enough that she didn’t even feel him leave her.

  “Miss Brown?” Kat looked up to see one of the prospects coming toward her when she was almost to the shop.

  “Yeah…Monte, right?”

  “Yeah. V.P. wants me to follow and make sure you get home okay.”

  Kat didn’t want to be followed. She wasn’t in the mood to “people” at all. But, she wasn’t going to argue with Dax’s hospitality either. “Okay,” she said, simply. When she got to the shop, she geared up, slowly. She kept hoping that David was going to suddenly come running after her. She felt stupid just having the thought, but she knew when she realized the truth that it was going to hurt too much. David was just like every man she’d been with since him. He wanted her…her body and what she could do for him in the moment. But he didn’t want her. He didn’t want the woman who had trouble controlling her anger, who had no qualms about the fact that she probably hit one of those guys she shot at the day before and who had, in his eyes, committed the murder of a baby. He may have forgiven her, but that didn’t mean he wanted “them” back. She was such a fool.

  She finally got on her bike and as she drove toward the front gate of the ranch, she didn’t look back. Monte rode alongside her and when they got to Brownie’s, he waited for her to get off the bike and put her key in the door before giving her a wave and taking off. Kat was happy to see that Dillon had remembered to lock the door. It was a crapshoot with him sometimes. She unlocked it and had barely stepped in the door before she knew right away that something wasn’t right. The bar was clean…spotless. It was exactly the way she’d left it before going on her ride the day before. There was no way that Dillon would have cleaned it up. She’d expected to walk in to a disaster with glasses and plates everywhere and alcohol spilled on the tables and floors. She was almost surprised at her own disappointment. She was frozen to her spot for a few seconds and then as if they suddenly took on a life of their own, her legs started toward the stairs. By the time she got there, she was running and yelling out Dillon’s name. He didn’t answer her and there was no noise coming from the apartment. She was happy to find the door unlocked and she yelled for him again as soon as she threw it inward. She thought she heard a groan, but she wasn’t sure. She raced into his bedroom and stopped dead in her tracks.

  Dillon was lying on top of the bed, wearing only his shorts. His whole body was yellow…almost fluorescent…and there was vomit running down his chin, neck, and chest. “Fuck. Dillon?” She was almost whispering at that point, scared to death that he was dead. If he’d died while she was out having fun, or worse yet, fucking David, she didn’t know if she could forgive herself. Dillon could be an asshole. He was impulsive and annoying and he was a drunk, an idiot, and a has-been…but he was her dad and she loved him. “Dillon!” He did groan that time; she was sure of it. That got her moving again and she got close enough to put her fingers against the side of his neck without the vomit and feel for a pulse. There was one there, but barely. She pulled out her phone and dialed 911. She didn’t even realize until later that how much an ambulance was going to cost hadn’t even crossed her mind.

  “Miss Brown?” Kat had been sleeping, dreaming that she’d come home and found Dillon dead and her mother was there…alive…pointing a finger at her and telling her it was all her fault. She jerked herself awake, pulled her eyes open, and looked at the middle-aged man in burgundy scrubs standing over her.

  “Yes,” she sat up straight and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “How is my dad?”

  The doctor sat down next to her and said, “Miss Brown, you know that your father has end-stage liver disease, right?”

  Kat knew, but she didn’t want to think about that. “Yeah. How is he?”

  “He’s in bad shape. His liver isn’t working at all any longer. He’s jaundiced because his blood isn’t being filtered and his gall bladder is also not doing what it’s supposed to do.”

  “Can you fix it?”

  “No,” he said, softly. “The only way your father would have a chance of beating this would be if he could get a liver transplant.”

  “Okay, do that.”

  He smiled, sadly. “There are thousands of people on the transplant list. Your father wouldn’t be a good candidate, based on his history…”

  “What are you talking about? You’re going to pass him a death sentence because he’s a drunk? He’s not a bad person. He lost his football career when he was young and then his wife, and he was left with a kid to raise on his own…” Defending him, surprisingly, seemed to come naturally to her. Why did it take his almost dying for her to realize that she didn’t want him to?

  “Miss Brown, I’m not passing judgment on your father. I’m sorry, but I’m just telling you that there are criteria someone has to meet to make the list and your father wouldn’t meet those criteria in time.”

  “So we just sit here and wait for him to die?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No! No, that’s not good enough.” Kat got to her feet. She was surprised with herself for feeling this so deeply. She hated that she was suddenly feeling everything so deeply. It was fucked up because there was never anything to feel good about. Fuck! “What about my liver?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’ve heard that people live with only a part of a liver. Why can’t you give him part of mine?”

  “I guess that might be a possibility, but you’d have to talk to a transplant surgeon and get some testing done and it’s all pretty expensive…” She saw the look in his eyes. Her father didn’t have insurance. They couldn’t afford to save his life even if she was a match. She wanted to scratch the man’s eyes out even though she knew it wasn’t his fault. Her chest was aching and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. “Miss Brown, maybe you should sit down. You look pale.”

  “You just fucking told me my father was going to die. I think I have a right to be pale. I want to see him.”

  “They’re moving him up to ICU right now. As soon as he’s settled, I’ll have the nurse come and get you.” The man stood up, but Kat must have had that homicidal look sh
e got in her eyes because he took a step back so that he was an arm’s length away from her. He waited for a few seconds like he expected her to thank him. She knew it was unreasonable, but she wasn’t going to thank the man for telling her she was about to be an orphan. Fuck him if he has feelings about that. He finally mumbled something about good luck and left her there…alone. She paced the length of the waiting room for several minutes before an idea came to her. She walked outside the ER and took out her phone. She called her old roommate, and she could tell by the sound of his voice on the other end that he was no more happy to hear from her than everyone else always was.

  “Katrina Brown, as I live and breathe.” Her old roommate was gay and from the south and he was always saying things that put Kat in mind of an old southern belle. Sometimes it was as annoying as hell.

  “Hey, Gavin…”

  “Long time no hear. How are those recipes working out for you?”

  “They’re working out good. Gavin, I’m sorry I haven’t called. Things have been crazy here. Gavin, I need help.”

  “Of course you do or you wouldn’t be calling me.”

  “Gavin, please don’t be that way. My father is going to die if I don’t do something.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I was feeling sorry for myself while you’re going through all that. I just miss your pretty face.”

  “I miss your pretty face too. Gavin, does your brother-in-law still work for Vinnie Tucci?”

  Gavin sighed heavily. “That loser is in county jail. He beat some guy with a tire iron right under a security camera. Moron.”

  Damn. “Do you know how to get a hold of Vinnie, or maybe your sister would know?”

  “Baby girl, what do you want with a piece of shit like Vinnie?”

  “I need money.”

  “Oh, no…no way…you are not dealing with that man.”

  “Please, Gavin. My dad is going to die. I’m going to get tested to see if my liver matches his and if I am a match, I’ll need a lot of money to pay for the surgery…please…”

  “Kat, Vinnie Tucci is an animal, you know that.”

  “I know. But I’ll work my ass off to make every payment on time and I won’t have to worry about that. Gavin, if you love me…”

  “Oh, yes, I don’t hear from you for months but now it’s ‘if I love you.’ Katrina Brown, you are a mess, girl, you know that?”

  Kat reached up and wiped the tear that had fallen from one of her eyes. She hadn’t cried since the night David left her five years before. It wasn’t something she did often, but her emotions had to get out some way or she was going to self-destruct. “I know, Gavin,” she said, softly. “But you’ve never seen a mess like the one I’ll be if I don’t at least try to save Dillon’s life.”

  He sighed again. “Okay, girl, but he’s going to want to see you here in California, so if you’ve got one of those big, strong motorcycle guys you always talk about handy, bring one with you for backup…or two….” Kat could picture him smiling wickedly. “One for you and one for me…”

  “I love you, Gavin.”

  “Tell me that after this bottom feeder calls you. Please, Kat, be safe.”

  “Always,” she promised before hanging up. She walked for a while, until she found a spot on the hospital lawn where there was no one around. Letting herself cry was one thing, letting anyone see her do it was completely unacceptable. She sat down and let the tears flow. For the first time in a long time she let herself remember the good times with Dillon. Her childhood wasn’t ideal, but her father wasn’t mean or neglectful. He was childlike and broken, but he loved her and no matter what, she’d always known that. She had somehow convinced herself that it was okay that they fought all the time because one day he’d be old and she’d have to take care of him and then she’d be nice to him when he was a sweet, old, crazy man. She had refused to believe she was actually going to lose him so soon. He wasn’t even fifty years old. She was only twenty-five. It might kill her to admit it to him, but she needed him. Dillon was the only person on earth who knew the truth about her abortion. He knew everything about her, the good, the bad, and the really ugly…and he was the only person in her life who never walked away.

  Kat cried for a long time, but once she finally stopped, she felt like a pressure valve had been opened and some of the pressure that had filled her head and chest had been released. She wiped her face, took a deep breath, and headed back inside to tell Dillon everything was going to be okay. She hoped that he believed it more than she did.


  “Hey, Angel, have you seen Kat?” David had looked all over the ranch for her. He’d forgotten to get her phone number and he wanted to kick himself. He finally found Angel and Susie on the Teen Center playground.

  “She left, early this morning.”

  “Damn.” David had gotten called out to a crime scene at three in the morning. Kat was sleeping heavily and he hadn’t wanted to wake her. He did leave a note and he put his phone number on it, hoping that she would call him. “I got called out to work.”

  “Yeah, Handsome told me…and I read it on the note the girls found when they cleaned the room you spent the night…with Kat…in.”

  “They found it? Where?” Angel was sitting on a bench watching Susie in the sandbox with a few other small kids. David sat down next to her.

  “Are we going to talk about the part where you spent the night with Katrina Brown?”

  “Are you serious? Look around us, Angel. You’re a former cop who is married to the president of the most powerful criminal organization in this area…”

  “Alleged criminal organization,” she said.

  David rolled his eyes. “Changing the terminology doesn’t make the facts any different outside of court, counselor. My point is, that when Kyle and everyone else was having apoplectic fits about you being with Dax, I trusted your judgment…for the most part.”

  “I can’t deny you’ve always been supportive. But…I don’t understand, David. I don’t get how you can forget what she did.”

  “I didn’t forget, Angel. But everyone makes mistakes…should we keep dwelling on your husband and his less than stellar history?”

  Angel smiled slightly and said, “Alleged less than stellar history.”

  “I love her, Angel. I never got over her and I’ll be damned if I didn’t try. Five years is a long time and not one single day went by that I didn’t wish she’d come home. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if she did, but as soon as I saw her the other day I knew I wouldn’t be able to just go on with my life without trying. She’s not a bad person. As a matter of fact, she’s an amazing person. You’d like her if you ever gave her a chance.”

  Angel snorted. “That’s the third time I’ve heard that this week.”

  David smiled. “It’s good to know I have back-up.”

  “I don’t have to like her,” Angel said with a sigh. “I just hope that you’re more careful this time. I hope you won’t trust her as easily as you did before. She hurt you so badly, David…and it wasn’t just a broken heart. She struck at the very core of your beliefs.”

  “Like I said, Angel, I didn’t forget. And I hate to keep turning things around on you…but how many of your own beliefs have you compromised to be with Dax?” Angel didn’t answer him, but he could tell he hit another target. He wasn’t trying to make his sister feel bad, he just wanted her to understand. “Where did they find the note?” he asked, steering the conversation back to him. “Do you think she saw it?” Suddenly David was worried. What if Kat thought he just left in the middle of the night after…Geez, if that’s the case, knowing Kat, she might never speak to me again.

  “Naomi was the one that brought it to me. She’s still over at the clubhouse cleaning, I think.”

  David stood up. “Thanks.”



  “You know that I just worry because I love you, right?”

  He sat back down and took his sister’s hand. “Yeah, I know. I
know that after Mom died you became our unofficial mother, even though most of us were older than you. You gave up a lot to help Dad raise four boys. You should get a medal just for getting Kyle to twenty-one.” She laughed and he went on to say, “You don’t have to worry about me anymore though, sis. If you haven’t noticed, I’m really the only one in this family who hasn’t been involved in some kind of shameless scandal.”

  “Hey!” She laughed. “Okay, point taken. Just be careful with your heart.”

  “I will.” David hugged Angel and walked back up to the clubhouse. He saw Naomi as soon as he walked in. She was wiping down tables in the bar. “Hey, Naomi.”

  The pretty, leggy, well-endowed blonde stood up straight and, if David wasn’t mistaken, pushed out her chest even further. “Hi, David.” Her voice was sultry like a porn star’s…no matter who she was talking to or what she was talking about. David had almost hooked up with her once, but he’d decided that getting involved with the girls around his brother-in-law’s club was probably more trouble than he wanted in his life.


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