The Offer

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The Offer Page 6

by Lily Zante

“You don’t know him.”

  “Then tell me about him.”

  She shook her head. “There’s nothing much to tell.” Then after a few moments, “When is it?”

  “The dinner?” He asked, “The weekend after next, on Saturday.”

  “That’s short notice.”

  “I’ve only been asking you for a month.”

  “I know.”

  “All you have to do is show up.”

  “And find something to wear,” she said, making him hopeful. This was the most he’d ever gotten from her. She seemed to be thinking about it.

  He’d been giving the matter more thought. Instead of trying to persuade her to go on a business trip, why not just go away and take a real break instead, something not business related? He loved his waterfront home in Miami. It was an oasis of calm. It was exactly what they would need after the Gala dinner. “We could even go to Miami for a few days afterwards,” he suggested. It would make sense to stay away while the media speculation mushroomed. He wasn’t sure to what extent it would blow up but if he warned Savannah, she might get scared and back off. He couldn’t afford for that to happen.


  “For a few days, after the dinner.”

  “Just you and me?”

  “Jacob could come along.”

  “He has school and I don’t want him to miss any days.”

  “It seems the universe is conspiring to provide us with the perfect opportunity.”

  “It would be wonderful to get away,” she whispered, as if she were talking to herself. Her eyes glittered and he could see she was sold. Lowering his head, he kissed her lightly on the lips. “Would five days be alright for you? We could leave the day after the Gala and be back on Friday evening. Or we can make it as short a trip as you want. It’s entirely up to you.”

  Her brows knotted. “Surely it’s up to you? Don’t you have a company to run?” he did but she was becoming more important to him. The company would continue to run without him. But what they had was growing stronger and he was falling deeper. No longer was he content with snatched pieces of time with her. He needed days and nights alone with her and he would savor as many as she would let him have.

  “I’ve never been to Miami.”

  “Then this would be a good time to see it although we can also go someplace else, if you’d like.”

  She shook her head. “I’m happy with what you’ve decided.”

  It was settled.

  “My parents are going on a cruise in the summer,” she told him. “They’re going from Miami to the Bahamas. My dad booked it as a surprise for my mom’s 60th birthday.”

  “They’re more than welcome to spend some time at the house in Miami,” he told her. He’d make sure his housemaids were available.

  She laughed, dismissing the suggestion. “We’ll see where we are by then.”

  “Stronger,” he replied. “And still together.” He told her, speaking with a conviction she didn’t yet share. She traced the outlines of his lips with her fingers.

  “Let’s take it a day at a time,” she replied, touching his lips.

  “Five days in Miami.” His insides stirred with excitement. The lure of being with her completely warmed him inside. It told him something—that he had come a long way, that he had healed and was now ready to move on.

  “Five days,” she murmured, and lifted her face towards him.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “For going away?” She asked.

  “To both?”

  “Yes,” she replied, suddenly smiling, as if making the decision had lifted a weight off her. “To both.”

  His gaze fell to the necklace he’d given her. She wore that all the time now, he noticed. He kissed her deeply then. Flames of fire crept along the backs of his legs and spread throughout his body. He was powerless to pull away as he sunk deeper into her kiss, tasting her mouth slowly as his hands slipped underneath her blouse and his fingers moved along her skin and the satin of her bra. With an urgency that shot along his body, he hoisted her up onto the countertop and stood between her legs, his hands pulling her skirt up until he could see her panties. She had her hands on his shoulders as he began to kiss her again, slowly undoing her blouse. He nibbled on the skin above her bra, his hands doing double duty as one hand caressed her thighs, raising goosebumps along her skin.


  “Excited.” He felt her thigh muscles flex as his fingers traced over her inner thighs.

  “Let’s see how much.” He peeled the fabric of her panties to one side, exposing her nakedness, then rubbed his thumb around gently, making her sigh in the way he had come to know so intimately. She mewled softly. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded, as his thumb circled around her most intimate part.

  “I don’t plan to,” he croaked, his own excitement building. She slowly undid the belt of his jeans and unzipped him. “What’s there to do in Miami?” She asked as his fingers slipped inside her, making her shudder. Her hooded eyes glistened and he pulled back to look at the expression on her face. Stilling his thumb, wanting to prolong her build-up, he leaned forward and whispered. “We could do this, all day long.”

  Her breath was hot against his face as she sighed, opening up to him and pleading for more.

  Chapter 11

  “How’re your parents finding New York?” Briony asked, when she returned to work the next day. It seemed strange to show up for work on the last day of the week but as much as she would have liked to have seen Tobias again, she needed to preserve her holidays.

  Especially now that she had made up her mind to go away with him. She didn’t even care where it was, she’d have happily spent the entire time at his apartment, but she’d never been to Miami, and it added an additional layer of excitement to the trip.

  “They’re loving it. I might have overdone it with the places I squeezed in during the three days. They stayed at home yesterday and they’re taking Jacob to the park today.”

  “You were off for four days, not three,” Briony said.

  “Yes,” she replied, “I was.” She wondered if now was the time to come clean. “I was at Tobias’s yesterday.” To her surprise, Briony didn’t move a muscle.

  “Was it a ‘Tobias day’, you mean?” Her voice was smooth. Too smooth.

  Savannah’s face colored as she stared at her shoes. “Not exactly. I took a day’s leave.”

  “Huh,” Briony made an unconvincing sound. “You did?”

  “Yeah,” Savannah looked up slowly.

  Briony smiled as if she’d uncovered a great secret. “I was wondering when you were going to tell me. I could feel the vibes between you two.” She shook her head, grinning.

  “Oh, puh-lease.” Savanna waved her hand at her friend and hoped the color from her cheeks had faded.

  “All these days away—”

  “Only a few!” Savannah protested.

  “The body language, the looks,” Briony rolled her eyes for dramatic effect.

  “Stop it,” Savannah warned, feeling her cheeks heat up again.

  “The sizzle!” She shimmied her body like a dancer from the 50s.

  “Now you’re making it up.”

  “I’m not,” Briony insisted. “There was definite electricity between you both.”

  “How could you tell?” Savannah asked, “I thought you were only tuned into—”

  “My instinct is almost always spot on,” Briony declared. “I thought I’d get electrocuted if I got caught up in the sexual tension between you two lovebirds.”

  “Okay, enough!” Savannah insisted.

  “But seriously, you’ve both been looking relaxed lately, and it suits you. It was about time Tobias lightened up.”

  “Does everyone know?” Savannah asked. “Chloe and the others?” This had been her main worry, the other women in her office. And, of course, Piranha Queen herself, Candace.

  “The rumors have been spreading faster than herpes in a brothel,” replied Briony. “You know what
this place is like.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while,” said Savannah, “but I wasn’t sure of what you might say and I didn’t want it getting out while I was still getting used to the idea. But now people are noticing and it’s getting harder to keep it a secret.”

  “I understand,” replied Briony. “I had the same thing myself when I first came out. Trust me, the people who mind don’t matter, and the people who matter, don’t mind.”

  “That is so true. I’ll have to remember that.”

  “Of course now I need to tell my son. He’s going to find out next weekend anyway.”

  “Next weekend?” And before Savannah could answer, Briony replied. “He’s taking you to the Gala event, isn’t he? The rumors have been circulating for days.”

  “I need your help.”

  “For what?”

  “I have no idea what to wear.”

  “Max will. Leave it to her.”


  Another Friday afternoon managers’ meeting had finished and Tobias gathered together his papers. Matthias was busy on his cell phone.

  “Something up?” he asked, putting his hands into his pockets as his colleague ended his call. Matthias looked up as he put away his cellphone.

  “No. I was simply waiting for you.” He got up and the two men hovered around the large conference table. “Have you ever considered looking into the Telecoms sector?”

  “I keep my eye on it,” Tobias replied. “Why? Has something caught your eye?”

  “There are a lot of new startups in San Diego we could check out, since we’re going there to meet with Dextronics in a few weeks’ time.”

  “Put something together and I’ll take a look.” They started to move towards the door when Matthias stopped and asked him, “Are you going to reveal the identity of your Gala dinner date?”

  “To reveal would imply that you don’t already know, Matthias.” This was why his colleague had been waiting? Matthias leaned forward and stared at Tobias. “She’s a very lucky lady, that Savannah Page.”

  Tobias nodded and returned the smile. “So you’re still guessing?”

  “Isn’t it Savannah? You’ve set tongues wagging with your days off. The two of you have been AWOL from the office on more than one occasion.”

  “Who’s counting?”

  “Does it matter? Think of it more as a collective observation.” Matthias replied, and laid his arm on Tobias’s back, almost congratulatory in its placement. “It’s good to see you looking happy. It’s been long overdue.”

  Tobias lowered his head and took a deep breath. “I don’t want it to be awkward for Savannah. She feels odd about people finding out and acting differently towards her. Her son’s already had some comments from the kids at school.”

  “It’s serious then,” Matthias commented, with a grin, “If school children are involved. What sort of comments?”

  “The kind of comments that label Savannah a gold-digger,” Tobias replied. “I went to Jacob’s awards ceremony at school a few days ago. I thought it would be low-profile, turns out, some people recognized me.”

  Matthias laughed. “What makes you think anything you do is going to be low-profile? With your looks and wealth—you’re a babe magnet for every pussy in New York city.”

  Tobias squeezed his eyes shut. “Must you determine a woman’s worth by the—”

  “I’m only stating the facts, my man. Just the facts.”

  “That’s not why I’m with Savannah.”

  “I’m sure it isn’t but the fact of the matter remains. More pussies gravitate towards you than is statistically fair. And that, on top of your billions and your film star looks, is a fucking pain in the ass for mere mortals like me.” Matthias patted him on the back. “But I’m happy for you, buddy. I really am. God knows it was about time you met someone who made you happy and if Savannah Page failed to appreciate my wit and charm, I’m glad to lose her to you. It’s her loss anyway.”

  “I’m taking her to the Gala dinner next week,” Tobias said. “It seemed to be the place to announce it, not that I care to make announcements regarding my personal life, but working here complicates matters and it’s better to come out with these things.”

  “Stepping out in style,” said Matthias. “Does she know she’s going to lose her anonymity from that moment on?”

  “People will lose interest in a few days’ time. I don’t party, or go out. We’ll still maintain a low-profile. Actually, we’re going to Miami the following week.”

  “The week before we go to San Diego?”

  “It’s only five days. I’ll be back in time for San Diego.”

  “The break will do you both some good,” Matthias agreed. “It could get crazy once news gets out.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “You underestimate your fame.”

  Tobias shook his head. Leaving the day after the Gala would be a good way for them to be out of the public’s eye. He didn’t doubt that there would be a lot of press interest in the beginning. It would no doubt be the same in the office. He could already see the rumors spreading around each office in the building and beyond.

  They walked out and headed back to their respective offices. Tobias stuck his head inside Candace’s office seeing that her door was wide open. “I’m sure you’re already aware of this,” he said, “But just to confirm, Savannah Page will be accompanying me to the Gala dinner next week.” Candace looked up, caught completely unawares.

  Her mouth was still wide-open as he turned and left.

  Chapter 12

  “Rushing out again, Ruby Red?” Her father looked up from his newspaper as she rushed into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of orange juice. “Sit yourself down,” he said, putting away his paper and getting up from the table.

  “But Dad, I need to get Jacob up and—”

  “Mom and I are here and we’ll take care of Jacob.”

  “But I was going to get him ready—” She glanced at the hallway and saw her mother disappear into Jacob’s bedroom, which she was sharing with her son while her parents were visiting.

  “Your mom will see to him.” She didn’t want to completely relinquish her responsibility to her son, nor did she want her parents to do everything. This was supposed to be a break for them as well but they seemed to be adamant.

  Yesterday, on his first day back to school after the spring term break, she’d gone into work a little later in order to show her parents the route to school and where to drop Jacob off. He wouldn’t need to go to the Breakfast club and they would also pick him up at the end of the school day. Rosalee would have a few weeks free from childcare.

  “You don’t need to worry about him. Your mom’s got it under control. Now, what’ll you have? Fried eggs on toast?”

  Fried eggs on toast this early?

  “No thanks, Dad.” He gave her a look that told her he wasn’t going to let her go until she’d eaten something. “I’ll have cereal.” “Coffee, dear?” Her mom scurried into the kitchen, fully dressed.

  “I’ll get it, Mom.” Savannah got up but her mom had already poured her a cup, and when she sat down at the kitchen table with her, Savannah felt as if they were sitting her down to discuss something.

  Her father cleared his throat. “How’s your—” Hrrph. He coughed again. “Your friend? Mr. Stone, is it?”

  Since that day at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, her parents hadn’t said a word about Tobias.

  “He’s fine. Why?” She hadn’t been wrong in her assumption.

  “We’d like to meet him,” her father said.


  “We thought he was someone who worked alongside you, dear.” Her mother looked worried.

  “He is,” Savannah replied, looking at them both and trying to figure out what they were getting at.

  “Jacob says he owns the company,” said her father, sitting down with his fried eggs and toast.

  “And what if he does, Dad?”
Her father stopped cutting into his toast and stared at her, speechless.

  “How old is he?” She could tell from her mother’s voice that she assumed Tobias was some kind of aging Hugh Hefner. The idea made her laugh. It fell into place, this early morning interrogation. She looked at them both, pleased to be able to put their minds at rest. “He’s a year older than me. He’s twenty-nine.”

  “He inherited the company, did he?”

  Flustered, she raised her hands. “Why does it matter? And no. He made his fortune himself. He’s a smart businessman.”

  “Jacob says he drives a very flashy car.”

  “It’s not that flashy.” She stood up, having drunk her coffee quickly. “Are you two worried about me?” She spread her hands on out the table, palms down as she leaned across, examining her father’s face carefully. “Daddy?”

  “Ruby Red, it’s not that we don’t trust you, but this relationship of yours makes us nervous.”

  “Did he try it on with you?”

  “Mom!” Savannah was mortified. “He didn’t take advantage of me, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Jacob says he bought you gifts, flowers and gift baskets and he bought Jacob toys. That’s how it all starts.”

  “How what starts?”



  “He’s after something.”

  “Mom!” She couldn’t believe her ears.

  “You said you hadn’t had sex yet.” Her father almost choked on his toast. “He’s not buying you gifts for nothing. Some men have ulterior motives.”

  “It’s nothing like that.”

  “Why is he so interested in your son? Jacob says he went to the awards ceremony at his school. It doesn’t sound right to me or your father.” Savannah hung her head in shock. Of all the assumptions her parents could have reached, this hadn’t been one of them. “He is the kindest and most sincere man I have ever met. He cares deeply about me, and I’m lucky that he cares so much about Jacob.”

  “His interest in you both sounds unhealthy.”

  “As opposed to…” She took a few steps back from the table. “As opposed to someone like Colt Brookes? Am I only suitable for the likes of people like him?”


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