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MisStaked Page 39

by J. Morgan

  She had watched them deal with Breathred's loss and still found their reactions strange. He was just one man, yet they acted like he was the entire world. The girl had been trying to sleep throughout the day, but had yet to find the rest her spirit needed. D'brea's heart went out to her. She wondered what it felt like to love someone that much.

  Her host was not immune to these feelings. She caught glimpses of his emotions when his mental shields were down. He cared for the man as much as the girl, if not more. The chimp's bluster hid the fears that consumed his every waking thought.

  Finally, she induced the sleep he so badly needed. D'brea wished she could do the same for Luna. She had tried, but her powers were just too weak to do more than send a calming wave throughout the room. It took the edge off the tension but did little else. The girl had stopped pacing, so it achieved the desired effect to a certain degree. Nothing short of an elephant tranquilizer would put the girl down, but every little bit helped.

  D'brea shifted Stud's head toward the little window overlooking the storefront. Her gaze had constantly been turned toward the street. It was strange to see the things for herself that her mind had glimpsed during her slumber. The plane ride had only been the start of the marvels she witnessed. It made her thirst for the feel of her own body.

  It also made her wonder if she was willing to return to the sleep she had enjoyed. No, she would not return to her old half-life again. D'brea wouldn't be a slave to her vampiric children either. She was ready to live. Would Breathred and his friends feel the same way?

  The opening of the door tore her from her thoughts. Joan waved as he tiptoed into the room, trying to be quiet so Luna could rest. She could have told him not to bother, but held her tongue. The girl was pretending to be asleep. D'brea saw her lift an eyelid when the door opened. The girl shut it as soon as she caught sight of the big man.

  "Brogan just called. He's on his way up,” Joan announced in a hushed whisper.

  Luna sat up. “Is it time to go, already?"

  D'brea felt the excitement uncoil from where it sat in the girl's gut.

  "Not yet. We still have a little time left. Try and get some rest before you strain something important.” Joan laughed and flicked her fingers at the girl.

  "I couldn't, if I wanted to.” Luna threw the quilt off, swung her legs around and pouted.

  "Don't give me that face. It didn't work when you were a kid and it ain't working now.” Joan reached down and pulled Luna's cheeks up until a forced smile plastered the girl's face.

  Luna batted away the man's hands. “Stop it! I'm not five years old, anymore."

  "Touchy. Touchy.” Joan shook her finger at Luna. “Then, stop acting like it."

  Before Joan could say another word, Brogan walked through the door. Luna nearly leapt for joy to see him. D'brea believed the girl would have been grateful to see the devil himself walk through the door, if it meant stopping one of her uncle's tirades.

  "So, what did you find out?” Luna turned to Brogan once he sat down, hoping it was enough to distract Joan from any more mothering.

  "Not much. I thought I might score some intel, but nothing.” Brogan slumped into an open seat with a loud sigh. “Nobody knows anything. Or they won't talk."

  "Well, I've got a plan.” Luna's gaze swept across the group to see if she was the only one.

  "Shoot, this is your show, as far as I'm concerned.” Brogan rocked back in the chair. “The closest thing I got to a plan is buying fake vamp teeth and knocking on the front door posing as Avon ladies."

  "All right. The way I see it, Leopold will be expecting Stud and me. He'll figure Brogan will stay in Canada, and has no idea at all about Joan.” She paused long enough to see if they were following her. “So, I think me and Stud should just walk up to the front door and knock. While we distract Leopold, Brogan, you and Joan find a back way in."

  "And we get Breathred and D'brea, while he's busy killing you two. Nice plan, but I don't think so.” Brogan eyes went wide. “I've heard some crazy shit in my life but that tops it all. That's not a plan. It's a recipe for suicide."

  "I hate to say it but she's right. If we come at them head on, he won't be expecting you. Come on, Brogan. You know us. This is so crazy Leopold'll buy it.” Stud said. “I hated to say anything, especially when it might involve me getting killed, but I can't think of anything else that'll work."

  "You're forgetting something. D'brea'll be along with us. She's our ace in the hole.” Luna said. Brogan had to see that with D'brea along, they'd have all the protection they needed.

  "Joan, what do you think?” Brogan asked.

  "I'm like you. Luna's mama would skin me alive for putting her in danger, but I can't see any other way.” Joan stared blankly into the air for a moment. Just as quick, the moment passed. “Runs Like agrees with Luna. He sees no other way. This is the path we must follow."

  "See, Brogan? You have to go along with my plan.” Luna sat forward with a smug look on her face.

  "Count me in.” Brogan sighed, as he turned from the window. “In for a penny, in for a pounding, as my dad used to say before the whippings started."

  D'brea listened to the friends, but didn't speak. She had her own thoughts about the plan and Luna's dependence upon her and saw no reason to disabuse the girl's notions. Perhaps when her spirit was again close to her body, her powers would return to their full strength. Yeah, and unicorns would dance a jig out of this monkey's butt. Only blood would strengthen her. The only hope D'brea had was her body would be reawakened. Then, she could return to it.

  At least that was her hope. It was a slim one at best, and not one she wished to voice. D'brea didn't want to talk at all, afraid her feeble voice would betray her weakness to the others. Pride was an old sin she had cultivated to the extreme, and one she wasn't about to throw it away now.

  The first threads of dusk were hidden behind the mounting storm-heads. Through her connection with Stud, D'brea heard the others rising from their seats. Soon, they would leave. Already, she sensed the urgency in Stud's thoughts to be gone from this place. She wondered how ready he would be, if the chimp truly understood what he was about to face. Probably, he was stupid enough to ignore the obvious.

  * * * *

  Leopold was so giddy with anticipation he hadn't been able to sleep. He simply stared at the satin lining all day, counting a thousand individual threads before growing bored with the project. Lewis had been thoughtful enough to put the mail in before retiring for the day. Most of it was worthless, like all mail tended to be. But, sweet nirvana greeted him at the bottom of the pile. So, he spent the remainder of the afternoon reading his new issue of Vogue by flashlight.

  The vampire was thinking about getting one of those refrigerator lights installed in the coffin. That would save him a fortune in batteries. The clerk at the Buy-U-More was constantly giving him the strangest of looks, when he pushed the rattling death trap of a cart through the checkout. The first few times, Leopold chalked it up to unrequited feelings of a purely sexual nature and nothing more. He tended to have a powerful effect on the weaker willed.

  Then, the abuse became highly vocal and of a personal nature that Leopold could not dismiss. It was most unsettling to be harangued by a blue-frocked, prepubescent, closet masturbator. Finally, he had decided to avoid the subject altogether by being especially snippy to the pimply-faced buffoon. It seemed to work, except for the fact the clerk wiggled his finger and made an annoying buzzing sound every time he went through his checkout.

  But, that was not important now. The dark was coming and with it the greatest achievement of his long life. The resurrection of the Mother would show Marcus and the rest of those old women he had the balls to do what they were too afraid to do. After tonight they would be the ones bowing and scraping to his will. No more putting up with the high and mighty council and their womanish ways.

  They were the vampiric lords created by the hand of the Mother herself. For countless ages they enforced the law that no
vampire should reveal him- or herself to the human world. Some of their laws were simply ridiculous. Why should they hide? They were the ones with the power, not the humans. When he and the Mother were finished, everyone—vampires and humans—would know who held the true power.

  Oh, Leopold knew he wouldn't be the one in power, but he knew behind every woman was a man who did the dirty work. He would be that man, as long as he didn't get dirty doing it. He planned to buy a whole new wardrobe befitting a man of his vaulted position. Leopold must order new catalogues from the finest shops. No more would he be forced to wear chain department store knock-offs and bootleg seconds from Thailand sweatshops that still smelled of forced child labor. No, he would dress like the king he was born to be.

  But, what of Lewis? There would be no room for two right-hand men. The younger vampire deserved some sort of remuneration for his years of semi-loyal service. A Duchy in a far off locale. It would have to be somewhere garish to fit his personality. Las Vegas, Rio, and Brooklyn sprang to mind. Perhaps, it would be best to leave such decisions to a later date. The Mother would have ideas of her own. She might even want to keep Lewis as a pet. Deities were known for such dark humors.

  All these fanciful notions were nothing more than that—notions to wile away the time. For Leopold had no more time to waste. Night had fallen. Outside the confines of his slumber-less coffin storm clouds masked the night, but it was there nonetheless, like a patient lover.

  Leopold rose to greet his lover. He had done so for over three hundred years, but tonight it was different. Tonight, he would be its master. And, heaven help those who got in his way. He may even take the time to go to Buy-U-More and find out just what that wiggly finger meant before shoving it up ... Well, you know the rest.

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  Fifty Five

  Don't blame us if you get your butt killed. And don't come back and bite us on the neck, either.

  The rain lessened with the coming night. It had not disappeared, but it moved toward the north at a slow, meandering gait. Luna thanked God for even a short respite.

  She and Stud stood in the drizzling rain for fifteen minutes, trying to work up the courage to cross the street. Leopold's townhouse mocked them with its darkened silence. Blank windows glared, telling them only despair awaited within its confines.

  Luna couldn't accept that. Breathred was in there. She stared at the huge house, looking for some indication he was still alive—like Leopold would have signs put up saying, “Virgin Hostage Inside.” It was stupid of her, but she had to look. It was the principle of the matter.

  Lightning crackled above them, sending her flailing back into the shadows. The idea of revealing herself to the vampires made her skittish. It shouldn't have. That was what they were here for, wasn't it? To be perfectly honest with herself—her bravado back at Uncle Joan's had played itself out.

  Stud's hand closed over hers. Luna gave him a weak smile. His returned smile looked as strained as her own must have to him. In spite of his pained look, it was nice to know she wasn't alone. Brogan and Joan were close by, but weren't here with her. For tonight, at least, Stud was her knight in shining armor. Together, they would be Breathred's.

  "Luna, they should be in position by now.” Stud looked across the street.

  "I know. Stud, I'm glad you're here with me at the end.” She smiled down at him, feeling a little better for his comforting hand.

  "What is this the fricking last movie in a trilogy? They're just vampires, not some dark lord bent on world domination."

  "You're an ass. Do you know that?"

  "I try, but it's hard being this hairy and not Greek.” Stud started to laugh, but she gave him a look to say now wasn't the time.

  "What does that have to do with anything?"

  "Nothing. I just want it made perfectly clear—in case the subject comes up—I'm not Greek.” He made a disgusted face at the thought and spat on the murky sidewalk. “So, are you ready, or what?"

  "As much as you are.” She bit her lip to hold back laughter, and looked back to the townhouse. Reality set in, drying her laughter into a cold lump that clogged the middle of her throat.

  Before Luna could think herself out of it, she stepped off the curb. Her ankles were instantly surrounded by a rushing torrent. She chose to ignore it. After all it was just water. The way things looked she would be wading through a lot worse than this before this night was done.

  * * * *

  Breathred was thrown roughly into the room, his arms cuffed behind his back. His knees skidded across the cold, stone slabs that made up the floor. He let out an involuntary whoosh, as he came to a jarring halt somewhere in the middle of the room. Breathred wanted to open his eyes to see where the vampire had taken him, but when he did, the voice would come back.

  As long as he kept them good and crunched up, Breathred could convince himself the voice wasn't real. He was getting good at it, might even have succeeded if the vampire hadn't come to get him. It was too late to worry about imaginary voices now.

  Breathred could smell the cloying scent of jasmine incense burning around him. It made him want to sneeze. Which he did. He bit his tongue in the process, drawing a thin river of blood into his mouth. His first impulse was to spit, but considering his companions, he decided against it. Soon enough, they would be seeing more than he liked without giving them a free preview.

  "God bless, you.” Leopold tittered.

  "Thank you.” Breathred answered back. They may be able to kill him, but that was no reason for bad manners.

  "See, Lewis. I told you we should have turned up the heat. That was very rude of us. The virgin is catching a cold.” Leopold continued to laugh.

  "A cold'll be the least of his worries in a few minutes, Boss,” Lewis snorted.

  "Come, come, Lewis. There is no reason to remind Mr. Petrifunck of his impeding doom. I want this to be a pleasant experience for him.” Leopold shot the vampire a harsh look.

  "Dammit, Leo! We're not taking this guy to a day spa. We're gonna take a really long knife and...” Lewis made a chopping motion toward his chest, but Leopold interrupted him.

  "Hush, not in front of the irgin-vay,” Leopold hissed.

  "That's okay. I kind of figured out what was going on back in the van,” Breathred broke in.

  "See what you've done? Now, he's all upset about being sacrificed.” Leopold chided his fellow vampire.

  "Can you blame him?” Lewis snorted.

  "Well, no, but that's beside the point. I won't have a skittish virgin bringing bad karma down on all my Feng Shui. I paid a lot of money to have Bowen make this room cosmically balanced. I won't have it thrown away because you can't keep your mouth shut.” Leopold shook his finger in the other vampire's face.

  Breathred ignored the rest of the tirade. He figured as long as this would be the last room he ever saw, he might as well see it. It wasn't like he had anything better to do.

  The room was decorated in cool pastels—greens and blues, with a dark, forest green border running across the top of the walls. Breathred's eyes followed the border to two French doors that opened out onto a garden that looked over-grown and unkempt. The doors were thrown open and a light dusting of rain filtered through them.

  He turned his attention back to the room itself. A raised dais had been constructed in front of the French doors. Atop it rested D'brea's body. Leopold had unwrapped her and dressed her in a flowing white gown. A braided gold belt served as her only adornment, other than the diamond-encrusted tiara that rested in the folds of her strawberry-blonde hair.

  Breathred had to admit Leopold had outdone himself. The room was fabulous. He couldn't think of a nicer place to die, though the angel-shaped candleholders were a bit over the top.

  The two vampires had finished their fight and were looking directly at him. Not a good sign. It meant they had decided it was time to get the show on the road.

  "So, guys. It looks like you have a lot to work through. What say I step outside f
or a few minutes while you do that?” Breathred grinned.

  "Thank you, but no. This farce has reached its end, Mr. Petrifunck. My long wait is over. The Mother is ready to be born again. Your time has come.” The excitement bubbled out of the vampire's voice.

  Leopold motioned for Lewis to come forward. The younger vampire held an intricately carved wooden box. He shot Breathred a snotty look before handing the box to Leopold.

  Breathred let out a gulp as Leopold opened the box. The vampire winked over the top of the lid and pulled out a wicked-looking gold knife. Breathred squinted. He couldn't be sure, but it looked like there was an etching of Vivian Leigh on the blade.

  "I see you admire the fine workmanship. Only the finest for the Mother. I ordered this from the Franklin Mint for three monthly payments of $39.95. It's from their ‘Gone with the Wind’ collection. I was hoping the Rhett Butler one would come in before the sacrifice, but alas—Scarlet will have to do,” Leopold mused, more to himself than Breathred.

  "I can wait, if you want,” Breathred offered.

  "No, Ms. Leigh is more than up to the job,” Leopold laughed, running his finger over the blade's razor edge. A thin red line appeared on his fingertip.

  "Boss, can we get this over with?” Lewis snorted.

  "An excellent idea, Lewis. Tie him to the altar,” Leopold ordered, as his blood dripped down the knife blade.

  Lewis reached down and jerked Breathred from the floor. It was like he was weightless in the vampire's hands. Breathred grunted, as Lewis jammed his arms back. He felt his shoulders pop from the strength of it.

  Without an ounce of compassion, the vampire dragged him toward the altar. Breathred didn't even struggle. With his hands bound behind his back there was nothing he could do, anyway.

  In the back of his mind the voice said different. Its promises reawakened in Breathred's mind. Breathred saw everything slipping away. He was a failure as a vampire slayer. Heck, he was a failure at everything. Luna, Stud and D'brea were depending on him to save them, and what was he doing? He was about to become a pincushion. That's what he was doing. Breathred was just grateful Luna wasn't here to see this.


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