Opposites Attract

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Opposites Attract Page 6

by Cat Johnson

  And an entire life ahead of them.

  The End


  Chapter 1

  Amy Gerald took her favorite mug off the shelf, added two packets of sugar substitute and exactly two spoons of non-dairy creamer, filled it with half decaf and half regular coffee and stirred. She raised it to her lips, about to take the first blissful sip of the morning, when her assistant’s head shaking stopped her mid-way to her eager lips. “What?”

  Henri shrugged and smoothed the perfect cuff of his impeccably clean and pressed white linen shirt. “Nothing. It’s just no wonder you have no man in your life. Look how picky and precise you are about your coffee. No man could possibly live up to your impossibly high standards.”

  She thought about the last jerk she’d dated. Unfortunately, her so-called high standards hadn’t extended to him. Amy raised a perfectly plucked brow. “And you should talk?”

  “I have a man in my life,” Henri reminded.

  “I know. Thank you for rubbing it in. And Kenneth is perfect, which is, I’ve decided, exactly the problem. All the good men in this town are gay.”

  Henri tilted his head, considered that thought, then nodded. “You’re right.” He indicated himself with a dramatic sweep of one arm. “Case in point.”

  She laughed. “At least I’ll always have you. Now come on, Maria’s interview will be on television in a few minutes and I don’t want to miss it.”

  Amy led the way from the break room to the conference room and flipped on the television.

  Henri “hmmphed” as the television sprung to life. “It still pisses me off it doesn’t burn your butt Maria White published her first novel here with us, then hauled her lesbian self over to our competition where she wrote a New York Times bestseller.”

  “We’ve been over this. They’re not our competition. We publish romance, not memoirs. We always knew that’s what Maria wanted to write. Her romance novel with us was just a stepping-stone to get her an agent so she could get her memoir published. Besides, she’s become a good friend, so stop being bitchy.”

  “Oh there’s a bitch in this room, sister, but it’s not me.” With that he crossed his arms and refused to look in her direction. Henri was a great assistant in a field where finding and actually keeping a good one was next to impossible and somehow in their two and a half years together they’d also become friends. But at times like this, Amy enjoyed fantasizing about a day when she actually felt like his boss and he didn’t give her any attitude.

  Just then, the host on television introduced Maria.

  “Shh. She’s on.” Amy grabbed the remote control off the conference table and raised the volume.

  Maria looked great on screen in her black suit and cropped hair. The interview went perfectly, all two minutes of it. Maria talked about her new book and her life that had led up to the writing of it. At the end, Maria mentioned Amy by name and thanked her for publishing her first book that gave her a start in writing.

  Amy switched off the television. “See, she thanked me. And I expect to see an increase in sales of her romance novel because of that appearance, so it’s a win-win situation for everyone.”

  “‘Win-win’? You’ve been in the conference room with the big guys too much. You’re starting to sound like them. Next you’ll be ‘thinking out of the box’.” He emphasized his point with air quotes.

  Amy rolled her eyes, picked up her coffee and headed out the door. “Oh, speaking of being out of the box, I won’t be staying at my apartment for the next week. I’ll be sleeping at Maria’s. I’ll leave you her number since my cell doesn’t work great in her building.”

  Henri raised a brow. “Have you got something to tell me? Have you switched teams due to the lack of eligible straight men in this city?”

  “No. I’m cat-sitting for her while she’s away on another cruise.”

  Henri snorted. “You hate cats.”

  “I do not. I just choose not to have any, that’s all. Hey, how often do you think I have to clean that litter box thingy the cat goes in?”

  “When it smells.” Henri looked at her like she was an imbecile.

  “Doesn’t it kind of always smell?” She assumed it would, considering what the cat deposited in it.

  Henri nodded. “Pretty much. Have fun with that.”

  “Stop being bitter because I’m helping Maria out. Besides, my landlord is a miser with the heat and Maria’s apartment is always toasty warm and sunny, not to mention way bigger than mine. It’ll be like being away on vacation for a week.”

  Henri sniffed at that. “It’s not like you can’t afford a better apartment.”

  “Yeah, on my huge Acquisitions Editor salary. Besides, you know I’m saving for a house.”

  They’d reached Amy’s office. She slid behind her desk and opened her email browser, trying not to feel overwhelmed by the eighty-one unread emails waiting there for her.

  “I know, your dream house with the white picket fence and the hunky husband. Lucky for you Home Depot now installs picket fences since you don’t seem to have the hunk to do it for you.”

  Boy oh boy, Henri was being way more catty than usual. Amy couldn’t help but wonder if there was trouble in paradise and Kenneth wasn’t so perfect after all. Although, putting up with Henri did qualify Kenneth for sainthood. Her too, come to think of it.

  “What would you know about Home Depot?” Amy questioned. He wasn’t the only one with attitude.

  “I’ve got a few lesbian friends of my own, missy.” With that, Henri flounced out of her office.

  Amy sighed. Besides Henri’s attitude this morning, it was Friday. She wasn’t into working at all today, particularly after seeing Maria on a nationally broadcast talk show.

  This job had been fulfilling enough for a while, but now she wanted more. Maybe it was the lack of a man in her life, or her depressingly small apartment, or the fact that she had launched countless writing careers for others and had yet to get her own off the back burner of her life.

  Whatever the cause, she was feeling a building restlessness that made sitting behind her desk and facing the day nearly unbearable.

  The ringing of her phone provided a welcome excuse for procrastination. She grabbed for it. “Amy Gerald.”

  “Did you see me?”

  Hearing Maria’s excitement radiate through the earpiece made Amy smile. “Of course. You looked great. And thank you for the mention.”

  “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t have even been there without you. And, guess what? Oprah’s people called. I’m booked on her radio network the week after I get back.”

  “Oprah. Wow.” Amy clawed through the green haze of envy that settled suddenly upon her at that bit of information and actually managed to come up with a heartfelt, “Congratulations.”

  For her own sanity, Amy changed the subject. “Are you ready for your cruise?”

  “More than ready. I need some time off after this first leg of the press junket. We leave from New York at noon today. Are you all set to stay at my place?”

  “Yup. Got my bag packed and your extra set of keys in my purse. Anything special I need to know about taking care of the cat?”

  “Just don’t let him out. He’ll take off and believe me, he’s not easy to catch.”

  Great. That’s all Amy needed was to accidentally lose Maria’s cat. Although really how fast could a cat be? Didn’t they have those short little legs? And that long tail should be easy to grab onto, kind of like a handle.

  “Got it, no letting the cat out. You have a great time and don’t worry about a thing. Your kitty and I will be fine.” Or at least Amy hoped so.


  Hours later, the damn cat was the last thing on her mind as Amy stood at the door of Maria’s apartment and struggled with the keys and locks, two of each, to be exact.

  “Damn, damn, damn.” She turned the deadlock one more time, only to find that the doorknob didn’t turn. She reversed the key in the doorknob, but the door still didn�
��t open.

  Amy sighed and let her forehead fall hard against the door. She had a Masters Degree. She should be able to open a damn door.

  “Problem?” The deep masculine voice behind her brought her head up quickly.

  There was a brief struggle within her about whether or not to use her pepper-spray, which was immediately settled the moment she saw the Greek god that stood before her.

  Tall and broad, he looked like he could easily hoist her currently ten pound overweight body right up and carry her to his bed without breaking a sweat. She liked the image of that. He smiled at her and his white teeth sparkled as brightly as his beautiful blue eyes. His strawberry blond hair was cropped short in almost a military cut. She would follow any command he gave, yes, sir.

  Her gaze dropped to his left hand. No ring. Good sign. Who was this man and what would it take to make him hers? It’s raining men. Halleluiah, it’s raining men. Amen.

  She cleared the lump from her throat. “Actually, yes. I can’t seem to get both locks to cooperate at the same time.”

  He extended his hand and took the keys from her.

  Real smart, Amy. This guy could be a serial killer and she’d just handed him the keys, as well as her life. No, she argued with herself. God would not be that cruel and put the mind of a serial killer inside a package like this. No way. Besides, this was a secure building and no one could even get in the front door without checking in with the doorman, so this guy must live here. Yummy, she sure hoped so.

  “The deadlock key turns toward the right, you can remember that because you want the deadbolt to pull away from the doorframe. Okay?” He looked over his shoulder at her.

  She nodded, feigning interest in what he was saying when in reality she was far more interested in watching his butt in those tight jeans.

  “And the door knob turns the opposite way. Turn the key and the knob at the same time. It’ll probably take two hands for you.” He glanced down at her hands.

  Doesn’t take two hands for you, does it, big boy?

  Oh boy, wouldn’t those big hands feel good right about now. Jeez, it had been way too long since she had a man in her life. She better get herself under control before she started drooling.

  The door swung open easily and he handed her back the keys, picked up her overnight bag and placed it effortlessly just inside the doorway. Still standing in the hall he asked, “Anything else I can do for you?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. Thanks for the help.” What are you, crazy? her libido yelled. Don’t let him get away. “Um, I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Amy Gerald. I’m a friend of Maria’s.”

  “Ah.” One ginger-colored eyebrow rose.

  “Ah?” What the hell did that mean?

  “I meant that makes sense since you don’t look like the typical burglar. I’m Troy. Troy O’Donnell. I live right across the hall.” He extended his hand. Amy reached out and shook it, enjoying how big and warm it felt against her own.

  “Nice to meet you—” A blur of motion caught Amy’s attention as the cat came whizzing out of the door. “Shit. I’m not supposed to let the cat out.”

  She hadn’t even gotten into the apartment and she’d already messed up.

  “Not to worry. He and I have a special relationship. I cat-sat for Maria last year while she was away.” With a smile, Troy bent and scooped up the cat that was weaving its way in and out between his legs, rubbing and purring loudly.

  Amy knew just how the cat felt. She wouldn’t mind doing some rubbing against him herself and she was sure he could make her purr.

  “I guess maybe I didn’t do such a good job, since she didn’t ask me again this year.” Troy stroked the cat in his arms.

  “Oh, that’s not it at all.” Amy’s mouth was now dry from watching all the petting. “I offered. I needed to get out of my apartment for awhile.”

  He raised an inquisitive brow. “Oh? Roommate trouble?”

  “No, I live all alone.” She wanted to assure him of that. No roommate, no husband, no boyfriend, hint, hint. “It’s just my landlord thinks that because it’s after March first, it means he can turn off the heat no matter how cold it is outside.”

  He nodded and handed her the cat, which she took from him with as much enthusiasm as if he had handed her a dirty diaper. “Well if you need anything while you’re here, just knock. I should be around. I filled in for a guy at work and did back-to-back twenty-four hour shifts so I have the next few days off.”

  “Those are some hours. What do you do?”

  He opened his ski jacket and pointed a thumb at the fire department insignia on his sweatshirt. “I’m with Ladder Company #3.”

  She tried to control her glee. It was too good to be true. This guy was her dream man, the very stereotype of her fantasy of the hunky fireman. “That’s near my neighborhood. It’s good to know that my fire safety is in such capable hands.”

  The cat was now in the process of trying to claw its way out of her arms, hooking her favorite cashmere coat in the process. A greased pig would be easier to hold than this thing. Talk about a kill joy. This cat was ruining her flirting with hunky fireman Troy.

  “Do you need help with that cat?” Troy grabbed him mid-leap as the cat was about to make a break for freedom. He cuddled the again happy cat in the crook of his elbow.

  “You sure have a knack with it…um I mean him. Actually I don’t have much experience with cats.”

  “No?” Amy didn’t miss Troy’s sarcasm as he edged past her. He walked through the apartment to the bedroom where he placed the cat gently on the bed, then shut the door securely. “There, that’ll keep him out of trouble for awhile.”

  “But what if he has to, you know, do his business?” she asked.

  Troy tried not to laugh “He can do his business in the litter box. It’s in the bathroom attached to the master bedroom.”

  He finally took the time to really study this girl now that the cat was out of the way.

  She was adorable, all blushing five feet two inches and perhaps a hundred and twenty pounds or so of her. He was good at guessing height and weight. Hadn’t he carried enough people, both on the job and in training, to know by now how heavy they were? And this girl was curvy in all the right places, just how he liked them.

  Damn shame he’d long since stopped checking out the females that came to visit this particular apartment, pretty much since he had asked Maria if she wanted to go out for a drink the week after she’d moved in and she’d informed him that he definitely wasn’t her type—the problem being that he had a penis.

  That was fine with him though. After careful consideration, he decided that dating a woman who lived right across the hall would be a little too close for comfort. He liked to keep his dating world and his home life separate. Things were easier that way, especially when they ended, which they always eventually did.

  But still, God wasn’t playing fair in his opinion, making women who had no interest in men look so damn tempting. This one had long wavy brown hair that set off her warm brown eyes perfectly. And a perfect button nose that looked made for nibbling on. There were a few other parts of her he wouldn’t mind nibbling on either, given the chance. Even under the blue mannish style suit she wore, he could tell she had all the assets that usually got him going—everything except the need for a penis attached to her lover, that is.

  Damn shame, he thought again and worked his way back across Maria’s apartment.

  “You all set for now?”

  The cute thing who would never want him nodded. “Yes. Thank you again.”

  “No problem. See ya around.”

  “Okay.” She smiled sweetly and again Troy resisted the urge to shake his head at the irony of it all.

  He took his leave of the tempting tidbit he’d never get to taste and went back to his empty apartment to watch the college basketball playoffs on TV.

  Chapter 2

  Amy sat on Maria’s sofa surrounded by the contents of her briefcase and sighed. Anoth
er Friday night spent wading through submissions, reading about whirlwind romances and happily ever afters for everyone but herself.

  A scratching and muffled meow brought her out of her morose.

  “Oh, my gosh.” She jumped up and opened the bedroom door. “I’m so sorry, kitty cat. I forgot all about you.”

  The look the cat gave her was not at all forgiving as he pranced by and went directly to his food dish in the kitchen.

  “Fine. Be that way. I said I was sorry.” Amy walked back to the work that currently represented the sum total of her life. Maybe it was better that she had no man, no house and no children, since she apparently couldn’t even handle taking care of a cat.

  She yawned and glanced at her watch. Eleven p.m. About now, Maria was probably dancing her heart out with her life partner Elena at the club on board the cruise ship, waiting for the nightly midnight buffet to open. She knew Henri would be at his favorite gay bar with his boyfriend Kenneth. And Troy, the hunky fireman neighbor—hmm, what would he be doing at this very moment?

  That question opened up an entire realm of possibilities that made her for the first time in a long time happy she was single so she was available for him.

  Jeez, what was wrong with her today? She hadn’t looked more than twice at a man in months. Well, maybe a second glace last week at that cutie working on his laptop at the coffee shop. And she always had a smile for the guy who changed the oil in her car. But she wasn’t picturing either of them naked the way she was Troy. Must be a full moon or something, making her hormones run on high.

  Maria’s phone rang loudly and she jumped. She grabbed the portable off the kitchen wall and recognized Henri’s cell phone number on the caller ID readout. Probably calling to rub it in that he was out having a great time while she was there cat sitting of all things.

  “Go ahead, tell me I’m a loser for house sitting on a Friday night instead of being out.”

  She expected him to agree. Instead, a huge sob came through the line and Henri ran on with a hysterical explanation that she could barely understand.


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