Protecting Their Mate: Part One (The Last Pack)

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Protecting Their Mate: Part One (The Last Pack) Page 6

by Moira Rogers

  Ashley stirred as he guided the van into a parking spot in front of a women's clothing store. "Are we there?"

  "We're making a quick stop," Blake answered. "What do you want to buy?"

  She rubbed her eyes as she sat up. "I thought we were going back to my house."

  "It's too risky right now, sweetheart." He tilted his head toward the mall. "You can get whatever you need. Or if there's something we can't find, Connor can handle it."

  She hesitated, blinking out the van window at the storefront. "If you guys live off the grid, how do you have money for steak dinners and shopping trips?"

  "We beat people up and take their lunch money," Mac told her with a grin.

  Smartass. Blake slid out of the van and hauled open the side door. "A few different ways," he told her. "Underground fighting is a big one. Most of us are good at it."

  "Underground fighting," she echoed in disbelief as she took his outstretched hand and stepped down.

  Would she like to watch one? The idea might take some getting used to, but he could see it had already taken hold in her imagination. The wild side of her would find it as thrilling as he did, once she let herself enjoy it. The violence, the adrenaline, the naked competition to be the strongest...

  Victory would be more gratifying with her around. He could already picture her on her knees. She didn't know how to give a blowjob yet, but that hadn't stopped her mouth from being the sweetest thing he'd ever felt. He would let her practice all night, licking and sucking and humming and moaning--

  His cock hardened again, so he cut off that train of thought and tucked her hand through the crook of his arm. "We've worked hard for a lot of years. We had to build a safe--" Den, was poised on the tip of his tongue, but he changed it. "A home. We hoped we'd find females like you."

  "Right, because I'm rare." Mac trailed behind them as they headed into the shop, and she glanced back at him. "How rare?"

  "Never met one," he answered quietly. "Not before you. Lucas has, but he's older. Been around longer."

  Did she even know how long longer could mean? "Suppressing the magic is--"

  Mac grabbed his arm with a hiss. "Not here, man."

  Because the clerk behind the register was already watching them. Well, watching Mac, at least--girls had a habit of watching Mac no matter where they went--but if Blake started talking about werewolves, he could probably get her attention.

  "Suppressing it is dangerous," he said instead, trying to pick his words more carefully. "It's hard on us. Living--" Among humans. "--around lots of people makes it worse. It can make you sick." Sometimes, a strong wolf in denial shut down under the stress of it--as Ashley's father no doubt had. "But if you embrace it, you can live well for a long time."

  "Oh." She paused by a display of filmy shirts to rub the material between her fingers. "What about you?"

  "I was fifteen when I met Lucas." He touched the shirt too, enchanted by how thin it was. If she wore nothing beneath it, he'd be able to see her nipples through it. "We spent the first fifteen years certain we'd find mates. The last ten, we've been searching. Every place we can think of."

  She said nothing, and he looked up to find her watching him, her eyes wide with astonishment. "You, uh, don't look that old."

  Lucas was even older--and hadn't changed much in all the time Blake had known him. "You won't, either." He flicked one of the shirts. "You should get one of these."

  A tiny smile tilted her full lips at the corners. "Where would I wear it?"

  His bedroom. At breakfast. Everywhere. "You can wear whatever you want in the lodge. It's just us." He leaned closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Most of us don't wear much anyway."

  She dipped her head, but not before he caught sight of her pink cheeks. "You like to tease me."

  "Mmm. But you better pick something, or Mac's gonna buy you all that fancy underwear he's eyeing."

  Ashley looked over and groaned at the sight of Mac talking to the sales clerk, his arms laden with what looked like a dozen slinky nightgowns. "He doesn't even know my size."

  Blake snorted. "He had his hands all over you. I bet he has a good idea."

  "Oh shit, he's headed for the counter." She began to flip through stacks of clothing, tossing pairs of pants and shirts at Blake. "Doesn't waste time, does he?"

  "No, he doesn't." He debated briefly before deciding to warn her. "He didn't really grab any panties. Probably doesn't want you wearing them."

  With another muttered curse, Ashley stopped by a display of assorted styles, organized by size. She scooped up a handful and rushed toward the counter.

  The sales clerk watched them surreptitiously as she rang up their purchases. Her curiosity was almost palpable, and it might have been amusing if it hadn't made Ashley blush again, hot and furious.

  On their way out, she nudged Mac with her elbow. "What did you say to her?"

  He shrugged and rubbed his side. "Nothing. Just told her we were picking up some things for our girlfriend's birthday."

  Ashley seemed torn between amusement and outrage. "You're an asshole."

  "And he's still on his best behavior." Blake laid one hand at the small of her back, edging his thumb under her sweatshirt. Her skin was warm--not feverish, not yet, but she was still in heat. Lust could flare at any moment, for all he knew, but he couldn't help the need to touch her. "What else do you need?"

  But Mac shook his head. "Gotta hit the road," he said apologetically. "Anything else she needs, Connor can get it."

  Because the heat could seize her again at any moment, and lingering might mean the difference between getting her to the comfortable bed she deserved and a quick, hard fuck in the back of Mac's van. Not that she'd care, if it came to that, but he needed to care.

  "Mac's right," he grated out, guiding her toward the van. "Let's get you home."

  He'd do the right thing by her, no matter the cost. Even if it meant finally facing his alpha.

  Chapter Eight

  Blake had a talent for understatement. He had told her they lived off the grid, in the middle of nowhere, but his words had failed to accurately convey the reality.

  The pack's lodge was a huge log structure nestled in the forest at the base of a mountain. It had taken them nearly an hour after turning off the main road to reach it, and the seclusion only added to its rustic beauty. There were smaller buildings surrounding it--tool sheds or barns, maybe--and a fenced area around back.

  If not for a few modern conveniences, they could have stepped back in time. But solar panels had been installed on the lodge's sloping roof, along with a small, sleek satellite dish, and several more vehicles were parked outside.

  Ashley gazed at it as she hopped down from the van. "It's beautiful," she breathed. "How many of you live here?"

  "Five, right now."

  "Not counting me?"

  Blake smiled. "Six, then. But we're not all here all the time. We go out hunting, for money or mates."

  Now that she was here, she almost didn't want to go inside. She tried to tamp down her nervousness, but it rose up, threatening to choke her. So she turned to Blake, her stomach clenched tight with apprehension. "What if the others don't like me?"

  "Impossible." He stated it as simple fact. As if he couldn't imagine anything else. "You're more likeable than Mac, and they all put up with him."

  It did make her feel better, just a little. She shook her head. "I guess I'm just anxious. What if I walk in there, and there's been some kind of mistake? That I don't belong here, after all?"

  He didn't wave her concern away this time. Instead, he gripped her hand and pulled her toward the lodge. "Only one person decides who belongs here--the one who sent me to find you. It's time to meet him."

  Oh God. Whatever nervousness she thought she was suffering before, it paled in comparison to the cold knot that twisted in her gut as he led her up the wide stone steps to the front door.

  The door swung open. The man--the wolf--standing there was tall and lean, with brown
hair sticking up in all directions and the start of a beard. His gaze swept up her body, lingering for a few guilty seconds on her breasts, then jumped to hers. "Well, you're the most adorable damn thing ever, aren't you?"

  Blake made an irritated noise. "Connor. For fuck's sake."

  "What? She is."

  She could feel her cheeks getting hot as she extended her hand. "I'm Ashley. Nice to meet you."

  "Hi, Ashley." He grinned and shook her hand, his grip lingering until Blake growled again. His fingertips slid over her palm as he let her go, eliciting a tingling heat. "The alpha's waiting."

  Blake curled his arm around Ashley's waist and guided her through the door. "Help Mac unpack the van," he ordered as they passed Connor.

  "You're welcome for bringing your bike home," Connor called after them, but Blake ignored him and led her through the foyer and into a large, open room.

  Instead of tables and chairs, the room was furnished with low couches, with plenty of throws and pillows scattered around on the floor. The only light came from the huge fireplace that dominated one wall and cast shadows over the rough wood and stone.

  A man stood by the fireplace. Before he even turned to face them, Ashley knew who he was--Lucas, the alpha. The one Blake expected her to be drawn to.

  And oh, she was. The burning need that had been blessedly quiet during the drive reared its head again, cutting off all rational thought. It was as bad as that first glimpse of Blake in her parents' basement--her skin heated, her breasts swelled, and her pussy...

  Everything was hot, wet. She wanted to drop to the floor, crawl across it, and present herself to him--and he hadn't even looked at her yet. Then he did, and the yearning that seized her made everything that had come before seem slight, foolish. This was desire. This was need.

  His blue eyes twinkled. It should have been an impossibility, in the firelight and shadow, only there he was, smiling at her with just his eyes as he crossed the room to study her. "Hello, Ashley."

  She opened her mouth to reply, but the words wouldn't come.

  Blake's arm tightened around her, pulling her flush against his body. "Ashley, meet Lucas. Our alpha."

  Somehow, Blake's touch grounded her enough to speak. "I know who he is."

  Lucas smiled. His jaw was covered with stubble, like he'd forgotten to shave for a few days, and his dark hair was peppered with a little gray. It only made him look more masculine, more dangerous. "Did you have a nice trip?" he asked Blake. "Uneventful?"

  "We got here in one piece." Blake's fingertips edged under her shirt, stroking over her heated skin. "Just in time, maybe."

  She had to get some space. She took one step away and almost stumbled. Somehow, the distance was worse than the proximity--just like before.

  "Blake..." Her voice didn't even sound like hers. It was too low, too breathy. Too desperate.

  "I've got you." He grasped her hips and guided her to the nearest couch. "Lucas, what the hell?"

  "I'm new," he murmured. "And your alpha. It was bound to hit her hard, meeting me."

  Blake crouched in front of her, his hands on her knees. "Look at me, sweetheart."

  She didn't know if that would ease the desire clawing at her or make it worse. So she closed her eyes and focused on breathing--in and out, slow and easy.

  Lucas sighed. "You're not going to like this, Blake. But I need you to leave."

  Blake's fingers tightened, digging in to her legs. "Lucas..."

  "And shut the door behind you."

  His touch vanished. "I'll be right outside."

  It was the last thing she wanted, but she stopped short of a whimper as Blake backed away. But she couldn't quite contain her wince as the heavy door shut behind him.

  It left her alone with Lucas, and she didn't know whether to howl or cry. But when he sat down beside her, her body leaned toward his, proving that her ambivalence about the situation was entirely one-sided.

  Ashley wasn't sure, but her wolf damn well was.

  Lucas brushed her cheek softly, then eased his hand beneath her hair to cup the back of her neck. "Shh, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to help you."

  So much like Blake's first words, and Ashley trembled at the possibilities, even as she squeezed her eyes shut.

  But he didn't kiss her. He didn't run his hands over her. Instead, a consoling surge of warmth flooded her, washing away her uncertainty. It went on to smooth the rough edges of the desire clawing at her, and Ashley nearly sobbed in relief.

  "There you go," he whispered. "You're all right. You're okay."

  She sank into his open arms and clutched at his shirt, her wolf finally, truly quiet for the first time in years. "Thank you."

  Lucas patted her back. "You must have questions. I'll try my best to answer them."

  Only one came immediately to mind. "How did you find me?"

  "It's a long story," he admitted. "I knew your parents, back when I was young. We were part of the same pack." He hesitated. "I met you too, you know, once or twice. You were just a kid then."

  Ashley looked up at him. "My parents always told me I was born after they left."

  Lucas hummed in disagreement. "You used to play with another girl from the settlement. Her name was Danielle, I think."

  "Dani," she corrected without thinking. A hazy memory floated up in her mind, the image of a laughing little girl with blonde pigtails and perpetually skinned knees. "Everyone called her Dani." Tears welled in Ashley's eyes, and she dashed them away angrily. "They used to say I was making it up. That I had never had a friend like that."

  His fingers glided up and down her spine, calming instead of arousing. "I'm sorry, love."

  There were so many things her parents had lied about, questions that only led to more questions, and she barely knew where to start. "Why did they leave? Why was it so damn important for them to live among humans?"

  Lucas gazed at the fire, his eyes unfocused, as if what he was seeing was very, very far away. "Our alpha got hurt, and he didn't heal as he should have. That was how it started--the doubt. The fear. Then he got sick, and nothing we did helped him. He died."

  It was silly, the sudden urge she had to comfort him, but she gave in to it. "I'm sorry."

  He shook his head. "It was a long time ago. We shouldn't have been so surprised--even the strongest of us die eventually--but it sent everything spinning. Because there was no one who could take his place."

  "No one able, or no one willing?"

  He smiled and rubbed his thumb along her jaw. "Clever girl. The ones who were willing--like me--weren't ready yet. And the ones who were able--like your father--wanted nothing to do with it."

  Shock nearly caused the words to wedge in her throat. "My father?"

  "Your father," he confirmed. "He and your mother had had misgivings about the pack lifestyle for a while. Joshua's death was the last straw. They left, and everyone else scattered. Some went north to Canada to join up with a few of the packs there. The others followed Landon's example and decided to settle with the humans."

  It shook everything Ashley had always thought she knew. Her parents hadn't been alone and struggling when they had given up and taken on human lives. They had walked away from something. Something that mattered to her.

  Lucas went on. "Now, I've told you what I know. It's your turn."

  Ashley took a deep breath. "Things weren't so bad when I was younger, before men started noticing me. Before I started noticing them. That was when my parents locked me up. Just a few days at a time, when the hunger was at its worst." She met his eyes. "Or to punish me when I tried to shift."

  Fury burned in his eyes, and his lips pressed together in an angry line. "They didn't let you shift?"

  "Never." It was the one thing truly forbidden in their house--she was never, ever to take the form of the wolf. "Still, it was...bearable. Until my mother died a few months ago. I think my father had some sort of breakdown." Her heart squeezed in anguish. "He kept me locked up all the time after that. And you kn
ow the rest."

  Lucas gathered her into his arms and held her tightly. When he spoke, his breath warmed her cheek. "We didn't know. If we had, we would have come to find you sooner. I swear it."

  His concern was so unexpected, and she realized with a start that she hadn't been fair. She had assumed that, in coming here, she'd be accepting a place in the pack that was somehow less than the others'. But here was the alpha, offering her security and solace when he could have been taking instead.

  It chased away her shadows, and she reveled in the rush of contentment that filled her. "Can we look for her?" she asked softly. "Dani, I mean. It would be nice to see her again."

  "We have been," he said cryptically. A moment later, he raised his voice. "Blake, get back in here."

  The door opened so fast, Blake must have been poised with his hand on the knob. He shut it smartly behind him and prowled to the couch, his gaze flicking from her to Lucas and back again.

  Lucas kissed her cheek and urged her up from the couch with one hand at the small of her back. "Can you show Ashley to her room?"

  She looked down at him, meaning to thank him again. Only then did she notice the fine tremor in his hands, the tense, set lines of his jaw and shoulders. Giving her these moments of gentle peace had cost him.

  Maybe, someday, she could do the same for him.

  "Come on." Blake caught her hand. "The bedrooms are upstairs."

  He seemed troubled, and it made her chest ache, but she waited until they'd reached the top of the wide, carved wooden staircase to pull him to a stop. "What is it?"

  He shook his head and turned, leading her past a long row of doors to a corner room. "Connor ordered some shit when we found out you might be coming. Blankets, pillows. But if you want something else, we can get that, too."

  The room was huge, almost as big as the common room downstairs. Expansive windows offered unimpeded views of the valley outside, and almost every surface was of the same rich, dark wood. The only exceptions were the gigantic bed, piled high with those pillows Blake had mentioned, and an oversized bathtub surrounded by rough slate tiles.


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