Betrayed by a Dragon: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Exiled Dragons Book 1)

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Betrayed by a Dragon: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Exiled Dragons Book 1) Page 7

by Sarah J. Stone

  Their synchronized moans escalated in relation to the force and speed of his strokes. They were soon lost in the frenzied, primal coupling taking place between them. His thrusts became harder and faster as she begged him for more. It quickly escalated as his jackhammer pounding sent her into a fit of incoherent screams of encouragement. He reached beneath her and pulled her hips up toward him. She collapsed onto the bed beneath her and gave into the punishment being inflicted upon her bruised and battered little cave.

  “You feel so good,” she cooed in a half whisper, half gasp.

  “Not half as good as you do,” he said between his powerful thrusts.

  His thumb found its way to her clit and began rubbing at it furiously, sending her into a spasm. He suddenly let out a long, guttural howl as his body gave into his release. He buried himself inside of her and exploded into the depths of her being. He lingered there for a moment, reaching out and caressing the sides of her legs before gliding his fingers slowly up her sides and across her stomach. Eventually, he moved them downward and rested them firmly on her clean-shaven, pubic mound as he gazed down at her naked body sprawled across the sheets below them.

  “That was incredible. You have an amazing body. I’m so glad you are all mine,” he said breathlessly. She looked up at him and smiled.

  Pulling free, he lay on the bed beside her, sighing with contentment as she leaned over to lay her face across his stomach. He could feel his diaphragm vibrate as he struggled to catch his breath, as did she, no doubt. Connor had not thought about what might happen with Aiden and Owen. His mind was closed to any thoughts beyond the beautiful woman by his side. As long as she was with him, he knew that everything would be just fine.


  “What are you doing today?” Connor asked Emily over breakfast the following morning, taking a sip of the freshly squeezed orange juice she had made him.

  “I promised my aunt that I would go into town and pick up some things for her,” she told him as she took a seat at the table beside him.

  “Isn’t she already in town?” he laughed.

  “Yes, but this is stuff from some of the local shops she wants to get for when she gets back. I guess she doesn’t want to have to go right out and do food shopping as soon as she gets home, and the cupboards are somewhat bare anyway, so I don’t mind. I have to get some things for myself to eat, too.”

  “For us to eat,” he said, reaching for her hand.

  “Maybe, if you play your cards right. Though I’m not nearly as good a cook as you are,” she frowned.

  “I don’t know. This toast and jam is delightful,” he said playfully, holding up a slice before chomping down happily on it.

  “Don’t tease me. I told you the cabinets are almost empty. That’s why I have to go shopping!” she laughed.

  “Fair enough. I have to go and check on Owen to see if he’s still dead set on what he plans to do with Aiden. If so, I’ll probably be there for a bit working on plans for how to get him into shape…well, stronger; he’s already in good shape. If you can wait until this afternoon, I will go with you to town.”

  “I really can’t. I have to get there early and get back. She’s expecting a package, and it’s supposed to be here after lunch. If I’m not here to receive it, they will leave a tag and I’ll have to go wait in line to get it. I really hate that,” she groaned.

  “Okay then. How about you do what you need to do, and I’ll do what I need to do, and then I’ll come back here and spend the night with you?” he grinned as he took another bite of his toast.

  “I don’t know,” she said, feigning shock at his audacity. “Another sleepover so soon? What will people think?”

  “The same thing they think when they see you doing the walk of shame from my place to yours early in the morning before your aunt wakes up. Surely you don’t really think no one notices that?” he asked between bites.

  “I’m sure they don’t,” she shrugged innocently.

  “I guess you don’t think your aunt knows either,” he replied, washing down the last of his toast with the orange juice.

  “Of course, she doesn’t,” Emily replied, grinning. She stood and began collecting their empty dishes to take to the sink.

  “Right. You’re twenty-three years old. I’m pretty sure you don’t really have to hide the fact that you are sexually active with the man you love,” he told her jokingly.

  “No, I just have to hide that from you,” she snapped back, sticking her tongue out at him as he clutched his chest, feigning a mortal wound. She laughed and continued, “Probably not, but you know she is old-fashioned. I am not really hiding it, but I don’t see the point in rubbing her nose in it, either.”

  “She’s your aunt, so I’ll leave that to you. Now, about that sleepover…”

  “Okay, but only if you bring dinner. I made breakfast, after all,” she said as she rinsed off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

  “Sounds fair enough. I think I have some leftover pizza in the fridge we can share. I bought it at that discount food place down in Newry off the clearance shelf where they put the food that is about to go out of date, but I cooked it so it should still be good,” he said, trying to sound serious.

  “I don’t think so!” she laughed, putting in the last dish and turning to punch him playfully in the arm.

  “What? You don’t like my menu?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, if that’s the best you can do to impress me, I guess it will have to do,” Emily sighed, shrugging her shoulders in resignation.

  “Impress you, huh? Fine. I will make you something that will knock your sexy panties right off, and then I’ll take advantage of the fact that they’re gone,” he teased, pulling her close to him and looking down at her, his face inches from her own.

  “That’s my naughty dragon. I’ll see you later,” she said, wiggling free of him.

  “You certainly shall, my love,” he replied, recapturing her and kissing her feverishly before letting her go again.

  Emily turned and closed the dishwasher, turning it on to do its magic before they went their separate ways. Connor walked with her to the front door, giving her another kiss as they said one last goodbye until that evening. It was like torture to be apart from her so long. He hated being away from her, even for just a part of the day.

  When he got home, there was a note from Owen telling him that he had gone up into the mountains to think. It was his brother’s way, spending time alone on the slopes to clear his head. For as long as Connor could remember, this had been Owen’s way, but he also did it often when Emily was over for the night. He claimed that he wanted to give them their privacy, but Connor knew that it was just hard for him sometimes to see their happiness when he had lost his own. It saddened him to think about how lonely his brother must feel at times.

  After a quick shower and change, Connor sat down to work on a nutrition plan for Owen. Even dragon shifters had to have their day jobs, and his was as a nutritionist and fitness coach. He wondered if the people outside his clan that bought his supplements and followed his plans would view him differently if they knew what he was and what he could really do. People outside their world often viewed them as freaks and with fear. That was why they kept their lives and their abilities private from the outside world.

  “What are you doing?” Owen asked when he walked in a few hours later.

  “Getting you ready to become a weapon of mass destruction, brother.”

  “Yeah? How are you planning to do that?” Owen asked, walking forward and looking over Connor’s shoulder at his laptop screen.

  “The old-fashioned way. I plan to work you like a plow horse in a potato patch,” Connor laughed.

  “That doesn’t sound pleasant. Though, I do like potatoes,” Owen admitted.

  “It won’t be. I know you fancy yourself as being in shape, but it’s nothing compared to the beast I plan to turn you into. When I’m done with you, Aiden is going to run screaming for the cliff
s,” Connor assured him.

  “How will the strength I gain as a human affect my capabilities as a dragon?” Owen asked.

  “Every bit of power we add to your human self will be tripled in dragon form. Bigger human muscles equate to wider dragon girth and wingspan. Increased human stamina will translate to higher firepower and staying power in a battle. When we are done with you, Aiden will wish he had never messed with the McCord family,” Owen told him.

  “I hope you’re right, brother. I really do. The alternative doesn’t seem exactly appealing to me, you know?” Owen observed solemnly.

  “I am right,” Connor said before changing the subject a bit. “Did you have a good morning up on the mountain peak?”

  “I did. I actually went there last night and enjoyed my time beneath the stars,” Owen said, a faraway look on his face.

  Connor looked at him, puzzled. Owen didn’t have a tent with him when he came in the door. There wasn’t even so much as a backpack. Had he gone up into the mountains without any provisions at all? Connor started to ask, but decided he didn’t really want to know.

  “To each his own, I guess,” he joked.

  “Indeed. So, when do we start this program of yours?” Owen asked, getting right back down to the business at hand. It was just another example of how he could become entirely focused on what was important to him and not be swayed or redirected from it.

  “Tomorrow afternoon,” Connor replied. “I left Tom in charge of the shop for a few days so I could spend time with Emily and so we could sort this thing out, but I have to go in there tomorrow to take care of a few things. I’ll grab all the supplements you need and do some shopping. We’re on a power diet and working out heavily. Protein loading and power unloading are the core of our game plan now.”

  “Sounds like I better eat an extra-large pizza tonight while I still have a chance,” Owen groaned.

  “Yes. It will be your last one for quite a while. The quicker we can get you into shape and get Aiden out of power, the better it is for everyone,” Connor pointed out seriously.

  “I agree. I’ll do whatever I have to do,” Owen agreed.

  “Good enough, brother. I’m headed back over to Emily’s in a bit. We’ll go over this tomorrow and get set up for the hardcore stuff.”

  “Sounds good, brother. See you tomorrow.”

  Connor noted that Owen sounded subdued. He wasn’t exactly the upbeat type, but he sounded low even for him. Rather than letting him walk away, Connor put his hand on his brother’s shoulder as he turned toward his bedroom.

  “Owen, are you okay?” he asked, his voice full of the concern he always felt for Owen’s wellbeing.

  “Sure. I’m fine. Just a lot on my mind,” Owen replied, adding a weak smile that wasn’t exactly convincing.

  “Do you want me to stay with you tonight? I can stay home if you need me, or I can bring Emily over here. We can all get a pizza together, maybe even some beers. Call it one last cheat night before the hard work begins.”

  “No. That’s not necessary,” Owen replied. “You two enjoy your time alone. I’m fine. I might even take your advice and go out to eat that pizza. I haven’t called up any of the boys for a dinner out in a while.”

  Connor walked over to the counter and picked up the cordless phone, handing it to Owen with a smile. Owen took it and nodded, reaching out to Connor and giving him an unexpected hug. By the time Connor left, Owen was on the phone with his third friend, inviting them out for pizza. Connor felt much better about leaving Owen to head out with friends, rather than leaving him alone in what seemed to be a deteriorating state. It was one more aspect that required improvement, along with his power. Mindset could sometimes be everything in a fight like this.

  On his way to Emily’s, he contemplated what he could do to raise Owen’s spirits. Finding him a woman to spend time with was probably not the answer, as it would divert his attention from the task at hand. Plus, it could go bad. The wrong woman would only do more to break him down in all the wrong ways. Perhaps just bringing Emily around him more might help. He seemed to like it when she was around. She wasn’t a threat to him, because she had no expectations for him to be anything other than her boyfriend’s brother. Like with Connor himself, she seemed to possess an innate ability to put him at ease.

  Connor smiled as he considered what a breath of fresh air she was for both of them. She was what both of them had needed in their lives and, who knew, maybe her presence might encourage Owen to move on finally, to seek some happiness of his own. At least, it was something he hoped would happen. Nothing concerned him more than the forlorn nature of his brother. It wasn’t good for him, especially under the current circumstances when he needed a bit of levity in the midst of the upcoming battle.

  Arriving at Emily’s, he tried to shrug off the thoughts so they could enjoy the rest of the day together without some dark cloud looming over their heads. She was all smiles as she opened the door, looking stunning in just a simple ponytail, t-shirt and jeans. She quickly pulled him inside and kissed him.

  “Now, that’s a much better greeting than I got back at my place,” he laughed.

  “I would certainly hope so,” she said with a huge smile, pulling him toward the sofa.


  No time was wasted after closing the door behind them, once Connor had arrived at Emily’s door. Within moments, they were pulling at each other’s clothing, eager to get to one another’s skin, down to the essence of their passion. Connor scooped her up and carried her to her bed, where they spent the better part of two hours taking a slow tour of one another’s bodies.

  “How did you get this scar?” she asked, her finger trailing its way softly across what was now little more than an indentation at the corner of his eye.

  Connor laughed and began to tell her the story. He hadn’t thought about it in years, but it always made him laugh, unlike the crying he had done the day it had occurred. It was a typical scene from his childhood, having Owen as an older brother. Remembering him now as a happy child, before things went so wrong with his life, seemed like forever ago.

  “Mom and Dad bought a new washing machine. I remember the delivery men bringing it in and hooking it up for them, but when they left, they didn’t take the large box it came in with them. Instead, they had collapsed it and sat it out by the curb to be picked up when the recycle trucks came to collect our bin.”

  “I have a bad feeling about this,” she laughed, still musing over the tiny scar.

  “You should,” he grinned. “Once they were gone, Mom resumed her cleaning and Dad went to do some work in the front yard, pruning those large shrubs that flank the front windows of the house. We were sent out into the yard to play. Owen, for some reason, became fascinated with the size of the large box they had left behind. We snuck into the front yard and retrieved it.”

  “What for?” she asked curiously.

  “Initially, we just wanted to set it up and use it as a fort of some sort. So, we put it at the corner of the house where the guest bathroom is, thinking it was less likely that Mom would give us grief about playing with trash. It was thick and heavy and, once we were inside, we were quickly bored just sitting there. It was an unusually warm day, so we decided to make some vent holes in it.”

  “Oh, boy,” she said, already seeing that this was going to lead to some sort of carnage it seemed.

  “Right. Rather than trying to sneak a knife or scissors out from under Mom’s nose, I went to ask her for a drink of water while Owen snuck to our room and retrieved his BB pistol,” Connor laughed, still remembering it all clearly.

  “And?” she encouraged, her curiosity making her anxious for him to get on with the story it seemed.

  “At first, we took turns shooting at it, trying to make tiny air holes in it, but it was so thick that the BBs were just getting stuck in the heavy corrugation. Since they weren’t going through, I climbed back into the box, teasing Owen about not being able to get me because the box was protectin
g me,” he continued, his smile growing broader at the memory.

  “Yikes!” she said, drawing in a deep breath.

  “Yikes is exactly right. Next thing I know, I feel a sharp pain at the corner of my eye, and I’m bleeding everywhere. I started screaming, and Owen yanked the box off of me, freaking out because had shot me,” he laughed.

  “But how? If the BBs were getting stuck in the box, how did he manage to hit you?”

  “I’m not sure. I think the box had weakened in the areas he had hit more than once, and one somehow found its way to through a tiny hole he had finally managed to make. It pinged me right at the corner of my eye. Mom and Dad came running out and were absolutely livid. Needless to say, our BB guns were taken away,” he laughed.

  “Oh, wow. That’s classic,” she laughed, nuzzling up next to him in the bed.

  “It was just the tip of the iceberg for us. There was another incident involving the bows and arrows we had gotten as a birthday present. I won’t go into the whole thing, but it involved using trash can lids as shields and ended with our bows being smashed against a nearby tree by our father,” he laughed.

  “It’s any wonder the two of you even survived your childhood at all!” she observed.

  “True, and here we are again, getting ourselves into more trouble than we know how to deal with,” he said, his tone turning a bit more serious.

  “Hopefully, you will have Owen well prepared when the time comes,” she replied, though she didn’t sound all that convinced of it.

  “I hope so. We haven’t told Mom about all of this, and we will have to before the time comes. She won’t be happy about it at all,” he replied.


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