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Commitment Page 8

by Heather Dahlgren

  “How about this? We play by my rules for the next couple of weeks. If we get to the point, I am hoping it will get us to, I will fuck you so hard that the wait will be well worth it.” He kisses my nose before looking back at me.

  “A couple of weeks of no real dick? I thought you were trying to win me over here, Young.” I still have the giggles and I pinch his sides still feeling playful. He yelps and pins my hands above my head.

  “You give me these couple of weeks then I will give you the most amazing orgasm of your fucking life. I guarantee you that.” I smile at him, feeling so much lighter then I had before he came in my room. If he can make me feel like that maybe, just maybe there is something to his plan. Fuck, I hope I don’t regret this. I kiss his chin and look into his amazing eyes.

  “You better give me that orgasm.” He crashes his body down on mine, wrapping his arms around me. “Can’t breathe.” I struggle to get out. He jumps up and puts his weight on his arms.

  “Shit, sorry. I got excited.” He brings his hand and runs it down my face. “I will make you happy.” My heart squeezes in my chest at his words. I am starting to believe that may actually be true.

  I wake up the next morning and feel an arm around my waist. I turn my head to see Young sound asleep next to me. This isn’t so scary. He looks so peaceful, his face is completely relaxed, his mouth is slightly open. I take in his hair, which is a crazy mess and his shirtless chest, with its ripples of muscle. He really is the sexiest man I’ve ever been with. And I will admit, waking up in his arms, it’s kind of hot. I smile to myself before I realize I will look a mess. Shit, I need to figure out how to get out of his hold without waking him. I try to roll, but he holds on tighter. Fuck, how am I going to do this? I don’t want him to see me looking less than perfect. I hold still, hoping this will cause him to relax and I can lift his arm off me. I am looking around my room, making sure I know exactly where everything is so I can do this quickly. I finally feel his arm relax and I carefully lift it. I roll off the bed and almost fall onto the floor. I stand up and quickly make my way to my makeup. I grab my wipes and wipe my face clean. As quickly as I can I reapply my makeup and grab my brush. I fix my hair into a neat ponytail and smile at myself with how I’ve rushed through this, but I look good. I turn around to get back in bed. “SHIT!” I grab my chest and try to relax my heavy breathing. Young, is propped up on one elbow, with his head resting on his hand, giving me a cheeky grin.

  “You think I wouldn’t notice not having you in my arms?” I roll my eyes at him and climb back into bed and mirror his position facing him.

  “I didn’t realize you were so damn clingy.” I giggle and wink at him. He laughs, but stops quickly. He looks at me, all humor gone.

  “Why would you jump out of bed to fix your hair and makeup?” Shit, I was kind of hoping he would just let it go. I should have known better. I’m not telling him why I needed to do it, but what the fuck can I say. I give him a small smile, trying to buy time.

  “It’s just part of my everyday ritual. No big deal.” He squints his eyes at me and shakes his head.

  “Maddie, I thought we were going to be honest here. I don’t believe that for shit. Now, honestly why would you do that?” Damn it. I can feel myself getting that nervous feeling again. This whole being honest thing is going to take some getting used to. I can feel my hands getting sweaty and my heart is racing.

  “I don’t like for any man to see me being anything less than perfect.” I say so quietly that I don’t even know if he can hear me. I’m not looking at him; I’m staring at my pillow. I don’t want to see what his reaction is. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but I don’t think he will feel the same.

  “Maddie, with or without makeup you are stunning. Messy bed hair or perfectly styled hair you steal my breath. I know neither of us are used to waking up with someone, but I want to know you, the real you. You don’t need to sneak out of bed to put on makeup and fix your hair. I want to see what you look like first thing in the morning. I’ve been waiting a long time to see that.” What the fuck? This guy cannot be the same Young. Where are the idiotic remarks, the teasing, and the piggish behavior? I look up at him and he has that serious expression still in place.

  “I’m going to be honest; I’m not used to this side of you. I don’t know how to take you.” He leans forward and kisses my lips before moving back.

  “Babe, this is a side of myself I’m just learning too. We will have to learn him together.”

  We get out of bed a few minutes later and make our way to the kitchen for coffee. We are actually working well together and it’s just another surprise. We don’t even need to say anything to each other, just move seamlessly throughout the kitchen. Once we have our coffees made, we head to the living room. We sit on the couch, he pulls my feet onto his lap, and we smile at each other. “Do you have anything you need to get done today?” I think about my day and realize it’s the first Sunday in a while I am free.

  “No, I don’t.” I am sipping my coffee while he rubs my feet and drinks his. This is so fucking nice. I could actually get used to this.

  “Would you like to do something today?”

  “Sure, what are you thinking?” He puts down his mug and uses both hands on my feet now. I close my eyes and a small moan of delight leaves me. It is so relaxing.

  “I don’t know, I’m new to all of this. The movies, bowling, out to dinner again. What do you think?” I open my eyes and look over my cup at him. He looks helpless, and I figure even though I’ve never done this I’ll put him out of his misery.

  “How about the movies, since it is a work night. I need to be at the magazine at eight tomorrow, so that would be something we could do early.” He squeezes my feet and reaches for his coffee.

  “That sounds perfect to me.” It’s still late morning so we decide that we will pick a movie for around three o’clock. That gives us enough time after to have dinner with everyone.

  I hung out with Maddie for another hour before I decided I needed to come back to my place to shower and get ready for the movies. I just get in the shower and let my mind wonder back to last night. I can’t believe that Maddie finally opened up to me. I could tell it was extremely difficult for her, but she did it anyway. She has no idea how much that actually means to me. She let me stay the night; hold her in my arms all night. That in itself was a fucking dream come true. Having no sex is going to be so much harder than I even imagined. When she was on top of me last night, grinding that sweet pussy against me, biting and licking my nipple I wanted to say fuck it and slam into her. My hands gripping her ass, my dick pressed against her dripping pussy and I could feel her hard nipples through her pj’s. Fuck, I look down and see I’m hard again just thinking about it. I need to take care of this so I can try to think with my other head. I grab my hard cock in one hand and begin to pump, it feels so good. I lean my other hand on the shower wall in front of me and have my legs slightly apart. I close my eyes and picture its Maddie’s hot little mouth around my cock, not my hand.

  I continue to pump my hand and I am lost in the feeling. I picture Maddie on her knees in front of me, and I am fucking her mouth. “Oh fuck.” The water rushing down my back, the image of Maddie it’s all too much. I start to fuck my own hand. I thrust my hips; the arm supporting me is beginning to shake under the strength of my body. I can feel my balls getting tight and I know my orgasm is not far behind. I grip my cock tighter and pump my hips harder. I squeeze my eyes tightly when I begin to feel it crashing through my body. “Argh.” I shoot my load and continue to pump my hand until I feel my cock going soft in my hand. I open my eyes and look down, a bit disappointed that Maddie’s mouth wasn’t what I just released my orgasm into. I wash my body again before I get out of the shower to get ready for my date with Maddie.

  Once I am done, I am in the kitchen making a quick snack when Campbell and Dick come in. I look over at them and they both give me the same smartass look. Here we go. “Well, I would say how was your
night, but considering you weren’t here I think we all know.” Campbell says laughing.

  “We got nervous thinking something bad had happened to you, but then we realized the only bad thing was the girls were going to hear your loud mouth last night.” I give them both the finger and take a bite of my sandwich. With my mouth full, I decide to answer them.

  “Yes, I went over to check on Maddie. Yep, I stayed the night. Not that it’s any of your business but we didn’t do anything. We are taking a break from sex.” I take another bite and watch as the both laugh hysterically.

  “A sex break? How the fuck do you think that’s going to work?” Fucking Campbell.

  “I know you said you and Maddie were going to try to have a relationship, but why no sex?” I finish off my sandwich and chug back my water. I look at them both and hope they don’t take this too far.

  “Listen, I didn’t know how else to form a relationship with her. Sex is not the problem with us; it’s opening up to each other. If we can learn how to do that without sex, I think we could have a good thing. Now, you douches get it out of your system because I have a date in half an hour.” I lean back against the counter and cross my arms over my chest. I’m not used to being serious with them, not when it comes to things about myself anyway.

  “Young, I had no idea that you were that serious about her. I’m not going to give you a bunch of shit. If you can have half of what I have with Kenz, then you’ve got a pretty amazing thing going. Although, I will admit this is fucking shocking. I knew you liked her, I just didn’t know it was this much.” I give him a half-grin and wait to hear what Dick has to say. I look over at him and he is smiling.

  “Dude, if you are happy that’s all that matters.” Not at all how I expected this to go. I would have given them such a hard fucking time. I nod at them and push off the counter.

  “Thanks guys. I just want to see where this can go.” As I walk past them to go get my wallet out of my room, I hear Campbell laugh.

  “Hey, man, let me know how it is screwing your own hand.” They both bust out laughing. I smile and turn around to face them.

  “Actually, my hand and I are perfectly happy. Oh, by the way, next one to shower might want to rinse it out pretty good. My hand couldn’t help itself in the shower.” I walk into my room laughing at them cursing at me.

  I walk across the hall and knock on Maddie’s door. She opens it with a breath-taking smile. I give her a quick kiss and pull back to take her in. She is in a pair of white shorts, black sparkly top, and as always, her tits and ass look perfect. “You almost ready?” She grabs her purse off the table and walks into the hallway, closing the door behind her. I grab her hand while we wait for the elevator and she looks over at me. I wink as the elevator door opens. We get into my car and I push the key in and listen to her purr to life. Damn, I love this fucking car.

  “So, did you decide what movie we were going to see?” I look over at her and she seems nervous again. I hate that she gets this way, like she is second guessing everything. She is twisting her hands and looking out the side window. I run my hands on the steering wheel and try to figure out the best way to help her relax without sex.

  “Well, I was thinking we could see that new movie that just came out Blended, it’s a comedy. I think we could use a good laugh. What do you think?” She looks over at me, still with a bit of concern on her face. She is trying to force a smile, but she is still ringing her hands together and her leg is bouncing.

  “Sure that sounds like a good idea.” I lean over and place my hands on top of hers. I look right into her beautiful eyes and she is gazing into mine.

  “Talk to me. Why is this making you nervous?” She just continues to stare at me and tries to ring her hands, but my hand is stopping it from happening. “Come on, tell me what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.” She blows out a breath and looks out the window again.

  “Young, I’m just not used to this. I’m not used to dates, opening up and guys being so sweet. Hell, I’m not used to you being so sweet. You’ve got to understand this is hard for me.” I smile at my small victory of having her be truthful with me.

  “I get it; don’t you think I get it? I’m right there with you, Maddie. I’m not the wine and dine them kind of guy. I’m the wham, bam thank you ma’am kind of guy. This is all new to me too. I’m nervous, I’m afraid I’m going to do something to fuck up this chance with you. That I will say something or do something idiotic. We are going to learn this together. Just remember, it’s only me.” She looks back over at me with a real smile finally on her face. Her leg is no longer bouncing and her hands are still.

  “You’re right because odds are you will do something idiotic.” We both laugh and I shake my head at her. I sit back in my seat and put Candy in drive.

  “Alright, smartass, you ready to do this?” I carefully back out of my spot and then slam her into drive. It throws Maddie back slightly, but I know from past experiences she loves the power of my car.

  Once we get to the movie theater, get our tickets and popcorn, we find seats. I can’t remember the last time I went to the movies, this one better not suck. “Young, do you want to hold the popcorn?” I grab the popcorn from her and throw some into my mouth.

  “You never have to ask me to hold food.” She laughs and grabs some for herself. The lights start to go off and the previews begin to play. We are just enjoying the popcorn and both fixed on the screen. Once the movie starts, I’m pleasantly surprised with the movie. I look over every so often to see Maddie laughing and it makes me smile because I know she is enjoying herself. Once there is half an hour left in the movie, I put the empty popcorn container on the floor. I figure what the hell, I’ve seen this done so many times on TV that I give it a try. I stretch and throw my arm around her shoulder. She looks over at me and starts to giggle.

  “I’m sorry are you trying to put the moves on me? Don’t you think we should get to know each other better first?” I give her a grin when she leans her body closer to mine.

  “I seem to have a hard time not touching you.” I kiss her head and we both enjoy the rest of the movie sitting just like that. When it’s over, we grab the garbage and make our way out of the theater. Once we are back in the car, Maddie can’t stop talking about the movie. I don’t say anything just listen to everything she has to say.

  We are driving back to the apartment and I look over at her. She looks beautiful with the sun reflecting off of her, almost like an angel. I shake my head at the way my pussy thoughts are going. We pull into my parking spot and I get out to open the door for her. Once she is out, we both smile at each other. “Young, thank you for today. I had a really good time.” She wraps her arms around my neck and I bring mine to her waist. I lean forward and press my lips to hers. She opens her mouth and our tongues meet. It is not an aggressive kiss, it’s not rushed. It is slow, passionate, and almost romantic. It has meaning behind it and it is my first actual sign that Maddie is starting to think of me as more than just a friend with benefits. We break apart and smile at each other. “You ready to go have dinner with everyone?” She gives me a nod and we make our way to the girl’s apartment.

  When we walk in Maddie goes to the kitchen to talk with the girls and I make my way to the living room. “Hey, asswipes, what are we watching?” I plop down on the couch and rest my hands behind my head. Campbell and Dick turn to look at me. They don’t say anything just stare at me. “What the fuck are you two looking at? If my dick was out I’d know why you were staring, but since my impressive beast is tucked away, care to share?” Campbell shakes his head and Dick smirks.

  “First of all, I never want to hear about your dick again. The reason we are looking at you, you fucking idiot is because you look different, happy. You usually look, pleased when you get back from being with a woman, not happy.” I pull my brows down in confusion looking at Campbell.

  “Okay, I’m not exactly sure what the fuck that is supposed to mean. I don’t know how I look happy. We had a
good time that’s all. You two are acting like fucking chicks looking for us to hold hands and share feelings. Why are you such pussies?” I shake my head in disgust at their chick behavior. Sometimes I think these two got their balls cut off and have too much female hormone running through them.

  “You’re such an asshole. I was just trying to make a point.” See what I mean. So fucking emotional. Thankfully, Maddie comes into the living room with a beer for me. She hands it to me and sits next to me tucking her feet under her. I give her a wink and take a much needed sip.

  “Thanks, Maddie.” I look over to see if Campbell and Dick are paying attention. When I notice they are talking to Red and Becca, I turn back to Maddie. I lean in close to her ear and move her hair. “I like how you brought me a beer, that’s something that Red would do for Campbell.” I pull back and see that she is biting her lip, but not because she is nervous. She is trying to hold in her smile.

  “You’re welcome.” She puts her hand on my thigh and I instantly feel my dick getting hard. No sex, what the fuck was I thinking.

  Red made an unfuckingbelieveable dinner. Since the girls cooked, Campbell suggests we clean up. Normally, I would give him a bunch of shit, but considering I want to keep Maddie happy, I join them in the kitchen. It doesn’t take long to get everything cleaned up, but it is getting late and we all have work in the morning. As much as I want to stay and hang out with Maddie, I know if I don’t leave, I’ll want to spend the night. I think it is probably best not to push it with her. She let me stay last night; I’m not going to push for more. Not right now anyway.

  “We are going to turn in guys.” Kenz says grabbing Campbell’s hand.


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