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Commitment Page 13

by Heather Dahlgren

  “I couldn’t fall asleep last night. I didn’t want to say anything to anyone, but Brad said something to me yesterday at work.” I sit up straight ready to go find this asshole. “Relax, nothing bad. He told me to get Dick to back off. That I have nothing to worry about. What the hell does that mean?” I’m just as confused as she is. I have no idea what this piece of shit is talking about.

  “Honestly, Becca, I have no idea. Dick is a really protective guy; maybe he said something to him to make sure he knows what a fucking asshole he is. You should talk to Dick about it.” She doesn’t look at me, but I see her trying to keep from smiling at the idea. Am I missing something here? I’ve been so wrapped up in Young that I haven’t paid attention to what is going on around me. “You have something you want to tell me?” She looks up at me and the smile that she is trying to hold back breaks out.

  “No. I just think it is sweet that’s all.” She’s full of shit, but I won’t push her because I fucking hate when people do that. “So, are you excited to meet his parents today? You look beautiful by the way.” I don’t know if she is purposely changing the subject or not, but I fall for it nonetheless.

  “I’m excited and nervous. I just hope that they like me.” I am never one to hope that people like me; I usually just go in feet first and fuck them if they don’t. However, this is completely different. I want Young’s parents to like me. I am starting to fall for Young and I think having their approval will mean more to him than he lets on. I saw how he spoke with his mom yesterday and it was heartwarming. Yet, broke my heart because that is something I never had with my own.

  “Sweetie, just be yourself they will love you. Don’t over think it.” Becca has probably met a ton a parents and has the advantage of having loving parents of her own. I will, however, take her advice because she would know.

  “Thanks, Becca.” I reach over to give her a hug. Just then, the front door opens and Young walks in with Campbell and Kenz.

  “Girl on girl action! Is this the shit I miss when I’m not around?” In the past, I would have flipped him off or made a comment. Now, it just makes me laugh. He may be perverted, make the most ridiculous comments and overall make an ass out of himself, but he’s mine and I wouldn’t change a thing. Holy shit, did I just admit to myself that he’s mine. I smile up at him and he winks. Yes, damn it he is mine. He makes his way over and sits down next to me. He throws his arm over my shoulder and kisses my cheek. He nips my ear and keeps his mouth there.

  “As hot as I think that is, I don’t share.” I turn my head to look at him.

  “No worries, I’m yours.” His eyes widen and he gets that huge smile on his face that reaches his eyes. He jumps up off the couch and pulls me up with him.

  “Say it again.” I laugh at his excitement.

  “I’m yours.” He picks me up and spins me around. I’m laughing, enjoying how happy I’ve made him with just that simple statement.

  “Did you all hear that?” he yells, looking around at everyone. They are looking at us like we are a bunch of idiots and I honestly don’t care. “Say it again.” I look over at Campbell, Kenz and Becca then back at him.

  “I’m yours.” I yell so that everyone can hear it.

  “Fuck yes, you are.” He slams his mouth to mine, our tongues twisting together. It is a passionate, hard kiss. It’s a kiss claiming me.

  “It’s about fucking time.” I hear Campbell say, but we continue our kiss acting as if no one else is around.

  We slowly break apart and he pulls me to him in a protective hug. “You mean that Maddie?” he whispers in my ear. I look right into his eyes so that he knows just how much I mean it.

  “Yes.” He runs his hands down my back and grabs my ass.

  “Fuck that means everything to me. You know I’m yours right? That should never have been a question.” Shit, I never thought I would be a woman falling for a man, let alone the things he says to me. It’s impossible with Young. I’ve tried to deny it for too long and I’m done fighting it.

  “I know, Young, I think I’ve always known.” We just stare into each other’s eyes. There are no words needed at this point. We are just living in the moment.

  After we finally decide to step out of our bubble and join everyone else again, we have a quick lunch. I don’t eat too much because my nerves are starting to get the best of me. I just want to go and get it over with already. I guess I don’t realize that I’m not paying attention, because Kenz touches my arm and I look over at her.

  “You alright?” Honestly, without this crew, I would be miserable.

  “Yes. Just want to get this over with already.” She nods her head in understanding.

  “I know what you mean. That’s exactly how I felt going to meet Campbell’s parents. I was nervous as hell, but honestly, Maddie they were great. I’m sure Young’s parents will be just as great.” I’m sure she is right. How could they not be with a smartass, perverted son like Young?

  An hour later, Young finally says we should head out. I hug my girls and they both tell me to relax and have fun. He grabs my hand and we head to his precious Candy. I actually think it’s hot how he is so attached to his car. He looks sexy as fuck driving it that’s for sure. We get in the car and he starts it then turns to face me. “Maddie, I know you are nervous. Just relax, I promise my parents are awesome and they are going to love you.” He squeezes my leg for reassurance.

  “I hope so. I’m just nervous because I’ve never met any parents before, I don’t want to say something wrong.” He throws the car in reverse and peels out of the parking lot.

  “Have we met? You think you could say something that would offend my parents? Not a shot in hell, babe.” Well when he puts it like that, I guess he is right. I start to relax and enjoy the ride in this sexy ass car.

  We pull up to his parent’s house and I am shocked to see what a beautiful house it is. Not that I was picturing a shack but I didn’t expect this gorgeous neighborhood, and a beautiful two story light gray house with black shudders. The lawn is perfectly manicured and there are bright flowers all over the flower beds. There is a black pickup truck in the driveway, along with a red car. There is a path that leads to the front porch and a porch swing. A fucking porch swing, it seems like a loving home just from the outside.

  “You ready?” I don’t look away from the window but reach to open the door. “Don’t even think about it. My mom will be looking out the window to see if I help you, I’m not about to get a slap on the head.” I laugh at him as he rushes over to my door. He helps me out and pulls me to him. He gives me a quick kiss and smiles at me. “They are going to love you.” He grabs my hand and leads me to the front door. My heart is pounding in my chest and my stomach is turning. He opens the door and yells in, “You can get away from the windows we are coming in.” I laugh as he pulls me into the living room. It is beautiful, hardwood floors, a stone fireplace. The walls are a light green and it makes the cream couches pop. I am taking in all the pictures on the walls. Family pictures, pictures of Young when he was a kid, in high school and college. What really grabs my attention is the big family portrait over the fireplace. It is an old portrait Young is just a kid, but you can see the love they have for each other. Just then ,Young wraps his arm around my waist and I turn to see his parents rushing toward us.

  “Tyler, I can’t believe you finally made it home. You look great, very happy. Introduce me to this absolutely stunning woman and then give me a proper hug.” I giggle at her excitement. It’s like she has so much to say all at once. She is beautiful. Short blond hair, the same green eyes as Young, a short little thing with a kickass body. She’s dressed in a pair of jeans and a white button down blouse. Young squeezes my side before introducing me.

  “Mom, this is Maddie. Maddie this is my mom, Sue.” I reach out my hand to shake hers and she pulls me away from Young and hugs me.

  “You must be one special woman to have my Tyler so invested. I’ve never seen him like this and I have to believe you are the rea
son why. Thank you.” She pulls away and kisses my cheek. “Nice to meet you, Maddie. You are stunning; I can see why Tyler would blow us off all this time.”

  “Mom, knock it off. I didn’t blow you off; I just had things that needed my attention.” I can actually for the first time in my life feel my face blush. She winks at me and turns to look at him.

  “I’m sure you did. Now give me a hug, I’ve missed you something awful.” He grabs her in a hug and I can see the happiness it brings them both.

  “I’m Dan, Tyler’s dad. Nice to finally meet you Maddie. You are every bit as beautiful as he said you were.” Dan shakes my hand. He is a big guy. His size is the same as Young, but he has dark hair and eyes. He looks like a friendly guy and that helps relax my nerves even more. Young comes back over to me and rests his arm on my shoulders. I look up at him and he winks.

  “Well let’s not stand in the living room all day. Come inside, I have the chicken parm cooking and the spaghetti boiling. It should be ready shortly. Can I get you anything to drink Maddie? Soda, water, wine?” We are making our way to the massive kitchen. It is a cooks dream, stainless steel, granite counters, an island, and a big table with six chairs.

  “I’ll have a glass of wine, thank you.” Young pulls out my chair for me and I sit down.

  “I’ve got it, Mom. Do you want a glass too?” He reaches into the cabinet to pull out the wine glasses.

  “Sure, sweetie, thanks. So, Maddie, tell us about yourself. Tyler doesn’t tell me shit, if it wasn’t for his father, I wouldn’t even know the two of you were dating.” She looks at him and shakes her head. He just laughs as he pours the wine. He grabs himself and his dad a beer, hands out the drinks and comes to sit beside me. I tell them what I do for a living and what I want to do in the future. I tell them about the girls and living across from Young and the guys. They listen to everything I say, asking questions when they want. It is going so much better than I thought it would. They are amazing people, fun and so easy to talk to. Young talks about work with his dad while his mom is finishing up dinner.

  “Mrs. Young, can I help with anything?” She looks over her shoulder at me.

  “Please, call me Sue, and no thank you, sweetheart, I’m almost done. Just relax.” I am just sitting taking it all in. Sue in the kitchen, Young and his dad talking. It’s like shit I’ve seen on TV, but never experienced myself.

  “You alright, babe?” Young is leaning over with his arm on my chair looking at me. He is so fucking sweet; it is hard to remember this is the same idiot that thinks Kenz gets secret information at work.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” He kisses me and I hear his mom sigh in the kitchen. He pulls back and looks over at her.

  “Mom, seriously?” Young and his dad laugh, but Sue has a huge smile on her face.

  “What, I’m excited that you are finally happy and to see you treat her so sweet it makes me proud.”

  “Mom, I was always happy, sex made me happy. Maddie just makes me completely happy.” He winks at me and his dad gives him a nod.

  “Tyler Young, enough with the sex talk. We all know you’ve slept around; you don’t need to bring it to our attention. Dinner is done, so let’s eat. No more talk about sex.” I laugh at the way she is with him.

  After we all make our plates and begin eating, Dan grabs my attention. “I heard Tyler brought you to the garage yesterday.”

  “Yes, it was amazing to watch him work. He definitely knows his way around a car.”

  “Cars and women, babe.” We all laugh, even though Sue drops her fork on her plate.

  “Tyler! Enough, shit. Maddie is sitting right next to you, don’t be an ass.” This makes Young and I laugh harder.

  “Mom, she loves sex as much as I do.” I look at him with wide eyes and smack his arm.

  “Asshole.” I whisper and continue to eat my dinner.

  “This is delicious, Sue.” It really is too. She is one hell of a cook.

  “My Peggy Sue sure knows how to keep her man satisfied. In and out of the kitchen.” Dan says giving her that same sexy wink that Young gives me. She blushes but doesn’t say anything. Dan reminds me so much of Young. He has the same sense of humor, interests, personality, and you can tell how much he loves his wife. I pause and think about that. Oh my God is Young in love with me?

  We finish up dinner, and I help Sue clear off the table. I am totally comfortable with them now. They are down to earth and funny, just like their son. We are in the kitchen loading the dishwasher, when Young comes up and wraps his arms around my waist. “I’m going to look at my dad’s truck real quick, are you okay here?” I turn my head to smile at him.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Go do what you need to do.” He raises his eyebrows in question. I giggle at him. “Honest, go.” He turns me and kisses me, our tongues touch, and he growls deepening the kiss. I’m having a hard time remembering his mom is right there, especially when his hands grip my ass.

  “Excuse me.” I hear his mom say laughing. I pull away and for the second time in my life, I feel myself blush. Young turns to his mom smiling.

  “Way to cock block.” I look at her with wide eyes.

  “Oh, sweetheart, nothing he says phases me anymore. Believe me.” He smacks my ass and walks out of the kitchen. I’m embarrassed now and I can still feel my cheeks burning. “Don’t be embarrassed, it squeezes my heart to see you two together. I think you guys are great for each other.”

  “I do too.” I continue handing her dishes in silence. Once the dishes are all done, she continues on to wipe everything down.

  “So, Maddie, you’ve told us everything about you but nothing about your family.” Fuck, I should have known this would come up. I look down at my boots and back up at her.

  “Nothing to tell there. I have no relationship with my mom and never knew my dad.” She gives me a sad face while she continues to wipe down the counters.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, sweetheart. Well if you ever feel like you need any motherly advice, please don’t hesitate to call me. I may be Tyler’s mom, but I always wanted a daughter too.” This woman has a way of making me want to actually cry. I don’t cry, but if I did she would be able to make me.

  “Thank you, Sue that means a lot to me.”

  “Well, what do you know about making desserts?” For the next half hour, we work side by side in the kitchen making cookies and a pie. We are having a great time, laughing at all the stories we are telling each other about Young.

  My dad and I finish looking at the new tires on his truck and admiring the engine. We could spend all day looking at an engine. Just as he closes the hood, he slaps me on the back.

  “She’s beautiful Tyler and sweet, funny, smart and let’s face it, she puts up with your shit. I’d say she is definitely a keeper.” I laugh at my dad, but he is absolutely right.

  “I told you she was something special. Now let’s get back in there so we can be with our women.” I can actually see the pride in his eyes when I say this. They thought I’d sleep around forever, hell I thought I would. We make our way inside, but my dad heads to his office first. I make my way to the kitchen and stop in my tracks at the sight in front of me. Maddie and my mom working side by side in the kitchen. They are talking and laughing. It makes my heart full of joy to see the two most important women in my life getting along. Maddie throws her head back, her hair hanging behind her and lets out a full on laugh. I can’t stand still any longer. I need to touch her. I walk over and wrap my arms around her, she yelps in surprise. I smile at my mom.

  “I need to talk to my girl for a minute mom. We will be right back.” I don’t even wait for her response I just grab Maddie’s hand and lead her upstairs to my old bedroom. We step inside; I lock and close the door behind us. She is looking around at my pictures, awards, and trophies from baseball.

  “Wow, you keep everything.” She says fingering an award from first grade. I can’t get my mind off of her sexy body right now, so I don’t even respond. I walk up to her and grab her, lifting h
er so she has to wrap her legs around me. My dick is hard already, just from the thought of touching her. She puts her arms around my neck and I keep her up with my hands on her sexy ass.

  “I can’t wait anymore, Maddie. I think we have proven that we are a kickass couple, are you going to leave me if we fuck?” She crashes her mouth to mine and invades my mouth with her sweet tongue. I walk us to my bed and sit down with her straddling me. I run my hands up into her hair and tangle my fingers in it. She lets out a moan, which has my dick harden even more. I pull away so we can both catch our breaths and kiss her neck up to her ear. “Answer me. Are you going to leave me if we fuck?”

  “No, I swear to you.” She lets out another moan when I bite down on her nipples that are poking out of her shirt. Fuck, I want her so bad but I can’t fuck her for the first time in weeks in my parent’s house. She starts rubbing her pussy on my cock and I could blow my load from that alone. She pulls away and I want to cry at the loss. “We can’t do this right now. Your parents are down stairs.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it, babe. After all this time, do you honestly think I would do a quickie in my childhood bedroom? Fuck no! I plan on making you come, over and over tonight.” She lets out another soft moan, a moan that tells me she wants it now.

  “Young, I’m in fucking pain here. I need relief.” She starts grinding on me again, with her head tossed back and her tits pushing into my face.

  “Maddie, my dick could cut a fucking diamond right now. I feel your pain, believe me.” I don’t want to leave her wanting, but shit, I can’t exactly eat her out quickly. When I get her taste in my mouth, I’m going to want to take my fucking time. I unbutton her jeans and slip my hand inside. I touch her dripping wet pussy and I lose it. It’s been way to fucking long. I shove my fingers inside her. “Fuck, Maddie, I could come just from touching this sweet pussy. Ride my fingers, give yourself relief.” She doesn’t hesitate, she fucks my fingers, and within seconds, I feel her pussy grip my fingers. I know she is going to come, my dick is as jealous as my tongue.


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