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Commitment Page 17

by Heather Dahlgren

  “Fuck, Maddie, ride my cock.” I lift up on my knees before impaling myself with his rock hard cock. “Fuck.”

  “Oh yes.”

  He bends forward and begins to suck on my nipples. It feels so fucking good, all of it. I’m lost in a sea of feelings. He has his hands on my hips helping me ride him faster. Fucking in his car, in the parking lot just adds to the intense sensations. It’s all hands, mouths, and flesh. The only sound is our bodies slapping against one another and our moans of pleasure. “Fuck, I’m so close, Young.” He pulls one hand down to start rubbing my clit. I throw my head back releasing a throaty moan.

  “That’s it, come on my dick, Maddie.” In an instant.I do just that.

  “Yes, oh fuck!” I yell with my orgasm. He grabs my ass and begins to really fuck me hard.

  “Fuck.” He growls when he finds his release. We stay wrapped around each other recovering. He kisses the side of my head over and over. “I fucking love you.” I smile against his neck.

  “I fucking love you too.” After we recover, we quickly get dressed.

  “You ready to go home?” Hell yes, I am. I’m ready to start this new chapter of my life with him by my side every step of the way. I’ve been through hell and came out on the other side, a little burned but not destroyed. I am ready for my happily ever after, I fucking deserve it.

  We are sitting at the bar waiting on Maddie to get here. She had to stay late at work, for some bullshit article problem. I’m so fucking proud of her. It’s been three months since we got back together. Well, honestly I never considered us to be apart, we just had to figure things out. Her piece of shit mother ended up going to jail for a few months, plus she lost her whorehouse and that keeps a smile on my face. Maddie has been faithful with seeing her therapist; she is down to twice a week now. She is one strong woman. She also got a promotion at work, hence the staying late thing.

  Me on the other hand, I’ve become one of those pussy whipped guys. I can’t wait to see her, and I miss her when we aren’t together. Ask me if I care, fuck no. I may be pussy whipped but I am happy as hell. Work keeps me busy, as do the almost daily phone calls from my mom. When I told them what had happened with Maddie’s mom, she cried. She has stepped in to be the mother figure that Maddie never had. I love the relationship they have.

  Campbell and Red are as happy as a fucking rodeo clown who didn’t get hit in the nuts. They really are meant to be together. As for Becca and Dick, there is something going on. I think they might be fucking. I asked Dick but he junk punched me and told me I’m a douche. I took that as a yes.

  “Hey, Young, is Maddie going to be here soon?” Red asks from her perch on Campbell’s lap. I look at my watch and realize she should have been here. I grab my cell phone to call her as it rings.

  “Hey, babe. Where are you?” She giggles before she clears her throat.

  “Truth or dare?” What the fuck. I raise my eyebrows and look at everyone around the table. They all have guilty ass smiles on their faces, obviously knowing what is going on.

  “Are you fucking serious?” She laughs this time.

  “Oh, I’m dead serious. Truth or dare?” I look around the bar to see if I can find her. I don’t see her anywhere though. I have no choice but to play along.

  “Dare.” I still don’t understand why anyone asks me, it’s always fucking dare.

  “I dare you to get up from the table, meet me out front, and go home to play strip poker.” I sit up wide-eyed and look at everyone again. They are all laughing but start getting up. Is this for real? Am I actually getting my wish to play strip poker?

  “Are you fucking with me? You know I take strip poker seriously, don’t tease me.” I get up and follow everyone out of the bar. I see my beautiful girl with her phone pressed against her ear leaning on the wall. I give her that sexy grin I know she loves and hang up shoving the phone in my pocket. I make my way to her and cage her in with my arms. “Is this for real or are you all fucking with me?” She laughs and kisses me.

  “Well, we can either play strip poker with everyone or we can play our own version, in my bed.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me and I can’t help but laugh. We have come a long way since we first met. I would lay my life down for this girl, she is my everything. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much. I lean forward and nip her bottom lip, then lick it.

  “You know I would rather be naked in bed with you than anywhere else. Fuck playing strip poker, let’s just strip.” I back away and grab her hand. I turn to find our whole crew smiling at us. “You are off the hook tonight. I’m going to play a different game with my girl, but we will play strip poker.” We all laugh and start to make our way home. I look behind me and see Campbell with his arm protectively wrapped around his girl. They are talking and laughing. Next to them is Dick and Becca, he has his hand on the small of her back. They happen to look at each other and smile. I turn my head to the right and see the most beautiful girl ever. I am one lucky son of a bitch to not only have Maddie but also these amazing friends who all put up with my smart, dirty mouth. What a fucking year it’s been. I can’t wait to see where we go from here.


  I have managed to make the most amazing friends in this process. My fannies, Ally, Nikki, Kristi and Wendy, I honestly don’t know what I would do without you. The constant encouragement, the endless conversations and the honest love we all share. We laugh (a lot), we cry (alright me more than anyone else), and we share everything (and I mean EVERYTHING). Girls, I don’t know how to thank you for your friendship and love. We are a family, a guy ogling family. I can’t wait to hug each and every one of you (I’ll warn you first since I don’t want to be punched). Love you all! #TeamFanny

  I could not have done this without the love and support of my beta readers who are also my amazing friends. I could not have a better group of girls to cheer me on. Tammy Bode, Anne Jolin Bundic, Wendy Colby, Alexandra Godfrey, Nikki Mccrae, Dena Nannoshi, Kristi Webster, and Rebecca Wheeler. Thank you for your honest opinions, for pointing out things that I may want to fix and for loving my story. You girls have no idea how much confidence you gave me. I love you all more then you could ever imagine. Thank you for making me laugh, smile and cry tears of pure happiness. You all have a special place in my heart!

  A special thanks to my editor Anna Coy. Thank you for everything you do. I love the friendship we have formed. My formatter Stacey Blake, thank you for making my book beautiful. I appreciate everything you did when I was stressing. You rock girl!

  A huge thank you to Sandra Love. You have gone out of your way to help me, with the blog tour. I appreciate everything that you do. You are a bright light in the Indie world and I am honored to be able to call you my friend.

  To all the blogs and bloggers that help spread the word, read my books and write amazing reviews. Without you the Indie world would be a much harder place. I can’t thank you enough for all the support you have given me in the process. You are all my rock stars!

  Thank you to my three amazing kids, Russell Jr, Jeanette and Hailey. Thank you for understanding when I yelled that it was because I was writing. For dealing with a grumpy mom a lot of the time. Most of all thank you for being three of the best kids a mom could have. I love you all with all my heart!

  Last, but definitely not least the readers. Without you I would not be here. Thank you for reading my books and for supporting me. It means the world to me. You keep a constant smile on my face.

  I am 36 years old. I am married to my high school sweet heart. We have been married for almost 12 years and have 3 amazing kids. I’m a stay at home mom and my kids definitely keep me busy. I live at the Jersey Shore and love all there is to do here. I love nature, birds especially. I enjoy hiking and fishing with my family.

  I have always loved to write. In high school I used to write stories, poems and a lot of love notes! I absolutely love to read. I love the way I can get lost in a book and forget about the world around me. Now that I am writing books, I feel
the same way, only it’s my book I’m getting lost in.

  As for now, I am loving this journey of becoming an author. It has been more then I dreamed it would be.

  You can always find me online. I love social media, so please feel free to interact with me.

  Goodreads-Heather Dahlgren or



  Dancing Hearts

  Coming Soon

  Chapter One


  “Holy shit I am so excited. I can’t believe we are finally going to see Luke Bryan! I feel like we have been waiting forever.” Rowan, my best friend since kindergarten, says as I am finishing up with her hair. That’s what I do for a living after all, hair. I’m a hair dresser in a small salon that I’ve been working in for the last couple of years. All my friends think I should move on to a salon where I can make big money, but I’m happy where I’m at. The owner of the salon, Terry has been so good to me that I could never leave her. Plus, I have the most steady cliental of all the girls there. They like how I cut, style and dye. I’ve come to love them just as much as they say they love me. I even have quite a few male clients, although most of them are pervy men trying to get a look down my shirt. I am one of the youngest girls there being only twenty-two. Most of them leave me their number, hell I’ve got a jar full of them in the back room at work. The other girls usually take bets on how many I will get in a day. I have no interest in these men though. I know what I’m looking for and it’s not an older man who is divorced. I’ve had my fair share of bad relationships, the last one being the worst. I started going out with Ben two years ago, he seemed like just what I wanted. He was smart, funny, sexy as hell and had a good job. Unfortunately, he also had a wondering eye and a dick that followed.

  I am snapped out of my thoughts by the screaming excitement of Lane and Lacey. We’ve been friends with them for about two years. They may be twins, but they look nothing alike. Lane is short with red hair and Lacey is tall with blonde hair. These two are hilarious and I love when we all get to hang out.

  “Bitches are you ready to shake those asses tonight?” Lacey says plopping down on my bed.

  “She’s been saying that shit for the last hour, please someone help me.” Lane says fixing her makeup in the mirror. I laugh as I put the last curl in Rowan’s hair. I put the curling iron down and shake my ass in her face.

  “I’m ready to shake my ass for Luke.” She smacks my ass and we all laugh. “I just need to get dressed and we can head out soon, I want to get some pre-gaming in before we get in there.” I take in what they are all wearing before making my way to my small closet. Lane and Lacey are in jeans with cut off shirts. Rowan has on a pair of shorts with a strapless green shirt on. I know in the hot Oklahoma summer I need shorts. I grab my favorite pair of cut off jean shorts and my black shirt that hangs off one shoulder. I feel sexy in this outfit. I quickly throw it on and look at myself in the bathroom mirror. I’m short, only 5’2” with long brown hair and blue eyes. I’ve got pretty big breasts and a full ass that is great for shaking. Thankfully I have a slim waist, well I should considering I work my ass off to have it. Rowan and I hit the gym a couple times a week, even though she does not need to. She is everything I’m not, she is tall has blonde hair and green eyes. Although she has very little tits and ass.

  “Emma, are you almost done? We should really leave soon.” I check myself out one last time, glad that I straightened my hair instead of curling it. I smile and open the bathroom door.

  “Well if some people were capable of doing their own hair, I wouldn’t always be the last one ready.” I wink at her as I grab my purse off my dresser. We all head into the kitchen to get our stuff packed up. I love this little apartment, and when I say little I mean little. It is one bedroom and bathroom, with a small living room and kitchen. But it’s mine and I love it. I have it decorated the way I want, my landlord even let me paint. All the walls are pale yellow, I have white sheer flowing curtains and a blue couch. Alright, the couch is ugly but my mom gave it to me and I felt bad saying I hated it. It was her old couch, so it works for now. My bedroom is a pale green with an antique white bed and dresser I got a garage sale. I love it all, especially having my independence.

  “Em, where did you put the beer? I can’t find it.” Rowan pulls me back to the present.

  “I put it in the big blue cooler by the door. I thought we could use the red one for food.” Lane opens the blue cooler adding more beer and I smile at the thought of what a great night we are going to have. We really have been waiting forever for this concert. We bought the tickets months ago, and we’ve been planning since. We go to quite a few concerts a year, and we always have the best time. Especially when we end up running into people we haven’t seen in a while. That’s one thing I love about living in this town, it’s huge. Not city huge, but big for a town. We can go months, hell years without running into someone we went to school with. Although when we do it is so damn fun.

  “Alright, I packed all the sandwiches that we picked up on the way here in the red cooler. When the fuck are we going to bring along some guys so we can have a bbq?” Lacey says lifting the cooler off the counter.

  “When one of us finds a guy who has a bunch of hot friends.” I say laughing when she rolls her eyes at me. We are always bitching about the same shit, finding a guy. It’s not that we all haven’t had our fair share, just none that enjoy doing the same shit we do. We like to party whether it’s at a concert, club, bar or at home. Music is an important part of all our lives. Country music more specifically. When there is music involved we are your girls.

  “Alright fannies, let’s get the hell out of here. It’s an hour ride.” I am so thankful that Lane is driving this time, last time I did and I missed getting my buzz on. We decided about a year ago that it is only fair that we take turns, it is after all the responsible thing to do. Oh as for fannies, that’s a nickname we have for our little girl crew. It’s a word we heard once and we’ve used ever since.

  After getting everything packed in her dad’s black Chevy Silverado, we all climbed in ready to start our night. You can feel the excitement in the air. Rowan and I are in the back practically bouncing out of our seats every time a different Luke Bryan song comes on the country station. “Fannies, not only are we going to watch one of the hottest country singing cowboys, but we are going to be surrounded by them. I can’t fucking wait for all that hotness.” Lane and Lacey do some high pitched squeal, but I turn to Rowan and laugh.

  “Are you kidding me? The last concert we were at, that really hot guy tried to put his arm around you and you almost punched him in the junk. Why are you suddenly so excited for more of that?” We laugh thinking back to the Zac Brown Band concert. This poor guy had his sights set on Rowan and after finally building up the nerve to make a move she nearly took away his chance for children. She told me it just took her off guard, but I don’t think that was it at all. I think she has a thing for a guy she works with, but she won’t admit it.

  “Emma, fuck off. I told you he took me off guard. Tonight any cowboy is welcome.” I just let it go because maybe I’m wrong, who the hell knows. That’s not what tonight is about anyway, it’s about having a good time and I intend to do just that. We talk, sing and dance in our seats the rest of the way there.

  Once we get there, we pull into the closest spot we can, which is still a damn far walk. Although, it will be great for our tailgating pre-party. We all hop out to stretch our legs and I look around at the massive amount of people that are here already. Some concerts have a good amount of people, making it much less crowded. Others, like this one I’m sure, are packed. Packed to the point where dancing in our lawn seats becomes a challenge. There are people everywhere already. They are bbqing, playing corn hole, dancing and drinking. People have tables set up with food or simply have chairs sitting around. I sm
ile as I take it all it. I love this, the party atmosphere, the fun with friends and the music I hear coming from everywhere.

  “Can someone help me get this shit out of the truck? We need to eat something before we get our drink on.” I turn back to see Lacey trying to drag the chairs out of the back of the pickup. We all grab our chairs and set them up. Lane takes out the red cooler while Lacey and I struggle to get the blue cooler out without dropping it. It is heavy as hell. We finally get everything set up and sit down to hang out until it’s time to make out way in to the concert. We are eating our subs and laughing at all the ridiculous things going on around us. Some guys think they are such hot shit, walking around with their shirts open like we want to see those flabby chests. You also have the girls who look like they just stepped off the corner. Tits hanging out, shorts so short you can see their ass cheeks and they think they are fucking Miss America. It amazes me that some guys find that skank look hot.

  “Why the hell do these chicks want to come across looking like a hoe? I’ll never understand it.” Rowan says and it makes me laugh because I feel like she can read my mind sometimes.

  “Fuck ‘em. We are here for a good time, let’s start having some fun. Lane, go turn that radio on and turn it up.” I reach into the cooler and pull out a Corona for each of us, well except for Lane. I pass them out and we open them. I raise mine in the air with a smile on my face. “Here’s to a night of good friends, hot cowboys and kick ass music.” We all take a drink and the party has begun.


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