The Buccaneer

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The Buccaneer Page 30

by Donna Fletcher

  His slow advance tickled her flesh with anticipation. It seemed forever since last they had been intimate. And she missed their lovemaking. Missed it desperately.

  He stood in front of her, his hand reaching out, his fingers raking through her hair to the back of her head and drawing her near to him. "You have denied yourself and me far too long."

  Her condition and limited strength was no match for his imposing size so she hastily relied on words to prevent his intentions. "Will you speak with my fa —"

  "Don't, Catherine," he interrupted sharply. "Don't allow your father to come between us. Not now. Not at this moment. There's only you and me. And I'm going to love you, angel. I'm going to love you all night."

  He gave her no chance to respond. He took her face in his hands and brought his lips to hers. He kissed her with the intensity of a man denied too long and she responded with the same.

  No longer able to deny her own needs she selfishly took what he offered, drinking in his taste as though starved with thirst.

  "Damn, but I've missed you," he whispered between heavy breaths.

  Again she had no chance to respond, he ravished her mouth.

  She let him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  He lifted her into his arms, his mouth never leaving hers. He walked to the bed and lowered them both to the sheets sweet with the scent of jasmine.

  Reluctantly his mouth left hers. "I want you naked. I'm hungry for you."

  She managed a response, suddenly self-conscious of her awkward shape. "Lucian, my body is —"

  "Beautiful," he whispered, rushing the dress off her. His hand gently cupped her breast. "You're filling with milk. If only I could taste it now. I'm so hungry for you."

  He took her sensitive nipple in his mouth and sucked with a tenderness that sent the shivers through Catherine.

  She ran her hand through his hair, holding his head against her as he fed.

  He sampled her other breast as well and then moved on, caressing, kissing, and splaying his hand over her extended belly. Her skin felt smooth like warm silk and her womanly scent mixed with the thick scent of jasmine sent his senses spiraling.

  His hand ran down along her inner thigh, gently nudging her legs apart, gently cupping her heated crown of silver blond curls, gently inserting his one finger in her wetness.

  She moaned his name unable to speak coherently.

  Another finger joined his other and her moan took on a throaty tone as it came from deep inside her."

  "I need to taste your richness, angel. Tell me you want me to. Tell me to taste you."

  His decadent suggestion fueled the passion that surged through her. She was beyond control, beyond caring. "Taste me." She breathed heavily and arched her hips up to him.

  His mouth instantly sought the small nub, the center of her desire, and he licked it with infinite slowness while his fingers played skillfully within her.

  She cried out helplessly, unable to stand the pleasure.

  "Relax, angel," he warned. "I intend to have my fill of you."

  And he did, his tongue and fingers bringing her close to climax, then easing back to begin again.

  "I can't stand it any longer," she begged him.

  "But I haven't had enough of you," he whispered. And he hadn't. He throbbed unmercifully for his own fulfillment, but he ached much worse to taste her until saturated and he could stand it no more.

  "Lucian." His name ran from her lips harshly.

  "Promise me I can taste you all night and I'll ease your ache," he teased, his thumb having replaced his lips, stroking her swollen nub.

  "Whatever you want, Lucian. I'm yours, tonight I'm completely yours," she promised, her need so great she would give him anything at that moment.

  "It's dangerous to surrender so completely to the devil. You may lose your soul," he warned seriously.

  Her emotions soaring, she answered in a gentle cry, "I surrendered my soul and my love with my virginity."

  Her words pierced his heart like an arrow. She had loved him since their first time together and she had given freely to him because of that love.

  He closed his eyes against all the pain he had caused her and sought now to only bring her pleasure.

  "I love you," he said softly, and gently spread her legs to ease between them. He slipped his arms beneath her knees and drew her up toward him.

  "Lucian," she cried out.

  "Soon, angel, soon," he cajoled, adjusting her position to accept him easily and without pain or discomfort to her or the child.

  When he was ready he entered her slowly, thoughtfully, wanting only to bring her immense pleasure. And he did.

  His strokes were sure and steady. She arched against him, wanting him deep inside her, wanting him strong against her.

  He read her response correctly and moved with more intensity, more promise of satisfaction. He stroked fiercely, dominantly, surging in and withdrawing with controlled thrusts.

  His rhythm increased.

  Catherine's cries grew, the overwhelming size of him compelling her to scream her satisfaction, her need to release around him.

  He felt her tighten, draw him in. Hot, wet, and pulsating. He could barely contain himself. "Catherine," he commanded sternly.

  She understood and obeyed, squeezing around him, feeling herself release, feeling herself climax in a shattering explosion that took her breath away.

  Lucian followed along. Mindless to his surroundings, mindless to everything but the forceful spilling of his seed deep within Catherine's womb.

  The night wore on, Catherine wondering where Lucian got his stamina and Lucian wondering when he would ever get enough of her.

  They laughed, they teased, and they loved, falling asleep just before the sun rose on the horizon. Just before the cargo ship left the shore with Catherine's note to her father.

  Papa, come at once, I need you.

  Love, Catherine

  Chapter Thirty

  Lucian stood on shore shaking his head as he watched his stubborn woman swim. He had ordered her to cease all strenuous activities and what had she done? Exactly what she wanted to do.

  He stripped off his clothes and ran diving into the water, his powerful strokes taking him to Catherine in no time. He grasped her gently about her thickened waist and trod water until his feet touched sand and he could easily stand.

  She clutched around his neck smiling and gave him a quick kiss.

  "You taste like the sea," he said, nibbling at her lips and feeling a contentment he had not thought possible.

  She pressed her finger to his lips, preventing his playful bites. "I never imagined I would enjoy swimming so much."

  Lucian spoke seriously. "Did I not order you to cease swimming now that you have grown so abundant with my child?"

  Catherine turned a little-girl grin on him. "I seem to recall something."

  Lucian narrowed his brow. "I made myself perfectly clear."

  "You always make yourself perfectly clear, you handsome devil," she teased, and kissed him soundly.

  He tore his mouth away. "That won't work, Catherine. I expect my orders to be obeyed."

  She kissed the corner of his mouth, lingering to enjoy the salty taste of him. "Swimming is not at all strenuous or harmful to the body. The baby favors the activity completely."

  Lucian splayed his hand over her belly and was answered with a hearty kick.

  "He's a little devil," she laughed.

  "Like his father?"

  She deposited a feathery soft kiss on his lips before responding. "He is much like his father. He keeps me up at all hours and demands that I stroke and ease him."

  Lucian felt himself harden, recalling several evenings past when Catherine had stroked and eased him so skillfully. He had burst in her hand like a young schoolboy, and she had smiled in delight before arousing him again and settling herself over him.

  "I want you, Lucian," she murmured against his mouth.

  "Marry me," he demanded.
  "When you speak with my father," she answered as she had each time he had asked her in the last few weeks. Knowing very soon her father would arrive and she would have her way.

  "I'll never let you leave me," he warned sternly, slipping his hand between her thighs.

  "I don't want to leave you. I love you," she gasped against his lips when his fingers intimately captured her.

  Words were quickly forgotten as the two lovers joined in the midst of the sea, the hot sun beating down upon them, the seabirds serenading overhead and the ship in the distance drawing closer to Heaven.


  Santos sprinted across the lawn, vaulting the wide bed of pink flowers before reaching the front step and racing up it. He threw open the door and ran straight for Lucian's study.

  He knocked and opened the door simultaneously.

  Lucian moved out of his chair swiftly, reading the anxious look on Santos's face. "What is it?"

  "Abelard's here." Santos stopped in front of his desk. "The boat is rowing him to shore now."

  "He dares to invade my home,” Lucian said in soft anger.

  "He's here by invitation."

  Santos swerved around while Lucian stared past him at Catherine standing in the doorway. She wore a pale yellow dress with a matching smock trimmed at the collar with embroidered apricot flowers. Her hair was drawn back with a yellow ribbon. She appeared ready for visitors.

  "You invited your father here?" he asked cautiously, his temper near to erupting.

  "Yes," she answered.

  Santos shook his head.

  "It is time this matter is settled," she insisted, walking into the room. "It is time you spoke with him."

  Lucian maneuvered around his desk and walked up to her. "Madam, your condition warrants my patience, but if you think I'll accept Abelard as a guest in my home you are sorely mistaken."

  Lucian stared down at her from his towering height, but she refused to allow his size to intimidate her. "He is my father and I wish him to visit with us."

  "He is the man who condemned me to hell," he argued.

  Catherine braced herself for she knew her words would hurt him, but she also knew that in the end they would help heal him. "You have served your sentence. It is time to face your accuser."

  He looked as though the fires of hell had raced up to engulf him, so red did his face flame. "So help me, Catherine —"

  "That is precisely what I am attempting to do," she said gently but with a sternness that warned she was adamant in her decision.

  No one had time to respond. A loud commotion in the entrance hall caught their attention, as did Bones when he ran into the study rushing to speak.

  "Abelard says he demands to see his daughter, and now. And there's an older woman who feels that this is the greatest adventure she's ever been on and is asking all sorts of questions about pirates, and then there's a young pretty lady's maid that keeps crossing herself, and a tall, older manservant who stands directly beside Abelard and doesn't say a word." Out of breath Bones stopped talking.

  "He demands in my home?" Lucian said with an angry growl.

  Catherine attempted to soothe his fury. "My father is accustomed to giving orders."

  "As I am, madam," Lucian snapped. "And since this is my home he will obey my orders."

  Catherine took a deep breath against the chore she faced.

  "Are you all right?" Lucian asked, his hand swiftly seeking her rounded belly and stroking her gently.

  Catherine leaned against him. "Please, Lucian, speak with my father."

  He found it hard denying her anything. He loved her so much. And Abelard was here and he had many questions. He was about to answer when Jolly rushed into the room.

  "The marquis says his daughter better be brought out to him immediately, or there'll be hell to pay."

  That did it. Lucian completely lost his temper. He pushed Catherine aside and stormed out of the room.

  She shook her head. "Please, Santos, help me. It is important for them both."

  Santos nodded and they both hurried from the room.

  Lucian halted abruptly when he came face to face with Abelard. He had not expected a tall man, with well-defined features and a stance that spoke loudly of his aristocracy.

  His clothes were tailored to his height and lean frame and his eyes — were chilling in their ice blue color. And when he spoke it was clear he was a man accustomed to issuing orders and being obeyed.

  "My daughter, where is she?" Randolph Abelard demanded.

  Aunt Lilith, to Catherine's relief, interrupted the confrontation. "Randolph, mind your manners. We're in this gentleman's home. And as you can see for yourself Catherine looks healthier than any pregnant woman I have ever seen."

  Catherine attempted to move past Lucian to greet her father. But his hand captured her wrist, preventing her from moving. His possessive action wiped the smile off Abelard's face.

  "This is my home, Abelard," Lucian announced, causing eyebrows to arch from his obvious disrespect in not addressing the marquis by his title. "Catherine obeys me, as do all who reside here. Is that clear?"

  Again Aunt Lilith and her chatty nature interfered and Catherine blessed her. "Of course, my dear boy. We are delighted to be here and would not think of disrupting your household. Right, Randolph?"

  The marquis stared blatantly at Lucian, his eyes having lost their icy chill. He almost looked sad as though looking at the imposing pirate brought him sorrow. "As my sister said, we are delighted to be here. Catherine?" He summoned her with an outstretched hand.

  Catherine looked up at Lucian, seeking his permission, not wishing to embarrass him by demanding that he release her. Instead she whispered, "Please."

  He hesitated a moment, his grip tightening as though he fought with himself to let her go. But he did. He released her hand and she fled to her father.

  Abelard captured her in his outstretched arms, hugging her fiercely to him. "I was worried."

  "No need to be," she reassured him. "I am safe and happy."

  Her remark pleased Lucian and he stood waiting impatiently to take her away from Abelard.

  "You will stay and visit with us," she insisted. "I have much to show you here and you could use a rest."

  "We plan to stay as long as you need us," Aunt Lilith said, reaching out to her niece for a hug.

  Catherine went to her and Lucian relaxed, relieved Abelard no longer held her.

  "I'm glad you've come, Aunt Lilith," Catherine said, squeezing the woman's ample waist.

  "You don't think I would allow your father to go off on an adventure as grand as this one and not take me along," she said with a laugh.

  Catherine smiled, loving her aunt's unconventional ways.

  "And you, sir," Aunt Lilith said to Lucian. "You will tell me all your pirate tales and adventures, won't you?"

  Lucian couldn't help but like the woman. She was outspoken and her manner direct. She hid nothing and she spoke with honesty. "Gladly, madam."

  Catherine smiled proudly at his display of sincere charm.

  "You are a handsome one, you know," her aunt said with a twinkle in her eyes. "I'm glad my niece captured you."

  "That she did, madam," Lucian said with a laugh, and sought to win Lilith to his side. "But she refuses to marry me and save my reputation."

  Catherine glared at him.

  "Is this true, Catherine?" her aunt asked. "He has proposed to you and you've turned him down?"

  "Perhaps she doesn't wish to marry him," Randolph said sharply.

  Lucian waited for her response, wondering if she would state the conditions she had insisted upon. Her answer pleased him.

  "I wish for you two to speak with each other," she said. "That is why I sent for you, Papa."

  "Catherine, we've been through this," he sighed. "I have nothing to say to this man. He has caused you much pain and I wish he would leave you in peace."

  "And what of the pain you caused?" Lucian accused.

  "I d
id what I had to do," Randolph argued.

  "Why?" Lucian demanded angrily.

  "It is of no concern now."

  "To me it is."

  Randolph shook his head. "It is over and done. Let it go."

  "Bloody hell I will," Lucian said in an icy calmness, and stormed past everyone out the front door.

  "Father," Catherine scolded, only addressing him so formally when angry.

  "I will not speak about it, Catherine, and that is my final word on the matter," he said, and stubbornly stumped up the steps, Dunwith close behind.

  Catherine gave Dulcie a quick hug. 'I'm glad you've come. Santos will see you to your rooms. Aunt Lilith, I will see you later. I must—"

  "Be off with you, Catherine, he needs you," her aunt interrupted, and turned her chatty attention on Santos.


  Catherine found Lucian in the stable, stroking his stallion's neck.

  "Animals love unconditionally," he said, knowing she stood behind him.

  "As I love you," she whispered softly.

  He turned, walked up to her, and drew her into his arms. He had wanted her to follow him, to leave everyone else behind, demonstrating that she cared solely for him. And she had.

  I never meant to cause you pain," she said on a choked sob.

  He brushed a restrained kiss across her lips. "Bloody hell, it is I who have caused you pain."

  He kissed her fully then, sweeping into her mouth and capturing her senses.

  "No more pain, angel," he whispered between ravishing her mouth. "I promise you, you will suffer no more pain."


  Lucian found his promise difficult to keep in the weeks that followed. Her father openly sought to persuade her to return to England with him.

  Though polite out of necessity, both the marquis and Lucian found it nearly impossible to deal with each other. Too much buried resentment and too many secrets lay between them and until addressed the tension would continue to mount.

  "Why do you put up with this nonsense?" Santos asked one evening before supper.

  Lucian sighed, relaxing back in the wicker chair on the veranda outside his study. "Catherine is only six weeks from delivery. I don't wish to upset her at this delicate time.


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