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Flame Page 14

by Clarissa Wild

  Well, I refuse to give in to that idea. I will not let anyone tell me that I can’t earn a living unless I go to college. My brain wasn’t made that way, and I won’t force myself to do something I can’t do. I’ll just have to find a job that does suit me.

  I snort. I’m pissed off, because I really need to start making some money soon. We’re running out of options. Jaret’s been giving us some of his money for a few days now. He still has a load from all the dealing he did, and also because he gambles a lot. The money we get from him is nice, but we all know that’s not going to be permanent and that we need to figure something out fast.

  Besides … after seeing Leafy and her mother … God … that really cut into my soul. Right there, where it hurts the most. I couldn’t believe it when I saw her. That woman was bald, her bones sticking out, and she looked horrible. I never knew a disease like Leukemia could do this, but seeing it up front has really opened my eyes to all the shit in the world.

  I don’t have a mom in my life, but my Leafy does and she’s about to lose hers.

  That’s about as cruel as it gets.

  I want to do something to help them. Make some money so I can pay for Diane’s medical bills. That poor woman is dying and it’s making my Leafy so sad. I can’t live with that. I can’t live with her sadness. I’ll do anything to prevent her from having to go through that grief. I will find a job, make a lot of money, and make sure she gets better.

  As I pass a bar down the street, I notice a few flyers hanging on a billboard outside, and one of them catches my attention. In big letters it says ‘Open Cage Fight Auditions.’ I stop in my tracks and read the flyer. It talks about looking for a couple of reliable fighters who will entertain an audience while facing new opponents. The grand prize involved puts dollar signs in my eyes. I rip off the paper and take a look at the specifics. It’s in thirty minutes at a special underground fight club nearby. It sparks my interest greatly. There’s only one thing I’m good at, and that’s fighting, so if I want to earn a quick buck, this is the best option. Maybe even the only one I have left.

  Tucking the paper in my back pocket, I make my way toward the club.


  As I enter the club, the music and roars of the crowd crash into me like an ocean wave. It’s packed with people watching a cage fight where two guys are punching each other MMA style. It’s well lit and there are no guards defending the place like at the arena where the gang forced people to fight each other. This seems a lot more relaxed. People are cheering on the fighters, eating hotdogs, while the refs watch the health of the fighters, making sure they aren’t beaten or kicked to death. It’s a cage, but it isn’t a cage at the same time. It isn’t a prison from which you can’t escape.

  This feels much … fairer. Admirable. Something I could do.

  There’s a table to the side with a bunch of people sitting behind it, writing out checks to fighters passing the table. Across from that is a table with signup forms. As I walk closer, I notice there are at least ten fighters in front of me, waiting their turn. I guess people always win here, even if the prize is very small—at least they don’t go home with nothing.

  I go to the table and clear my throat. One of the organizers lifts his head, and I take out the flyer from my pocket and put it in front of him on the table.

  “I came for this,” I say. “I’m going to compete.”

  The organizer lifts his eyebrows, examining me with total carelessness. “Well, you’ll need to fill out this form first.” He licks his finger and takes one of the forms from the stack, shoving it in front of me.

  “All right. If I do this, I can fight, right? I’m going to earn the grand prize.”

  The man smirks mockingly, placing the tips of his fingers on the table. “Yes, well, good luck with that. Fill out the form, please. We will not be held liable for any physical injuries. Put your signature here, here, and here.” He taps his fingers on the spots, then hands me a pen.

  I sign the document and slide it back to his side, while he hands me a key and a number, keeping his eyes on me at all times.

  “You’re number sixty-four, your locker has the same number. Please leave all valuables inside and strip yourself of any items. Weapons are not allowed and you will be searched. Top clothing is also not allowed. You may retrieve your items from your locker after the match. Your number will be called out over the intercom, after which you will proceed to the entrance of the cage and wait until you’re allowed in. Your opponent is decided at random, though exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. If you understand and agree to all of the above, you may proceed to the locker room and prepare for your match.” The man stamps the form and gives me a copy, flashing me an awkward smile. “Good luck.”

  I continue to the locker room, where there are a bunch of guys getting dressed. Some of them are bruised and scarred, with cuts on their lips and gashes on their foreheads. Some are still completely unshaved, but seem to be sweating out their fears. I can smell it from afar. Fresh meat.

  Smirking, I walk to my locker while inspecting the guys who I might be up against. Those who haven’t fought yet look eager to, but at the same time I can see they’re anxious, which is never a good sign. At least not for them.

  It’s easy pounding in on scared little rats. However, those other bulky, tattooed dudes snarling at the competition could prove to be a nice challenge.

  I place all my stuff in my locker and strip myself of any useless items. Then I take off my shirt, leaving only my shorts and sneakers on. I tuck it all into my locker and close the damn thing before I sit down on a bench in the middle and wait.

  When my number is called after a short half hour, energy flows through my veins like fizz bubbles in a shaken Coke bottle. I’m all revved up and ready to go slam-dunk some dudes into the floor. I spring up from my seat and pick up a towel from the stack standing beside the door before I walk to the cage. There’s a guard in front of the entrance to the cage, and he tells me to spread my legs so he can frisk me. I growl as I wait for him to finish patting me down, making a mental note to myself not to beat the crap out of him if he accidentally touches my junk.

  When he’s done, he opens the cage and I step inside. The crowd bursts out into cheers as they see the next contender take the stage. The door at the other end of the cage is opened too, and when I set my eyes on the person who steps inside, my eyes widen and my jaw drops so hard it feels unhinged.

  It’s my brother.

  “What the fuck?” I yell.

  My brother immediately lifts his head, as he was pumping himself up with short jumps. The moment he spots me he stops and stares at me with a blank look on his face. That look changes from shock to revulsion in a matter of seconds.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he yells.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” I say as I step closer.

  “No, Hunter. What. The. Hell.” He steps closer too. “No, this isn’t happening.”

  “It is. I’m here, and I’m staying. What the fuck are you doing here anyway? You were supposed to go find a job.”

  “And you were too! Is this what you had in mind when you told me you were quitting college?” He spits on the ground.

  “No, of course not. But this pays well and it’s what I’m good at, so get out of here and let me do my thing.”

  “Don’t fucking tell me you’re trying to win the grand prize. It isn’t happening.”

  I frown, snorting. “For your information, it was exactly what I was going for, so I’m not going to quit until I’m holding that money in my hand.”

  “Oh no, no, no, no, no, the hell will I let you do this!”

  “It’s already too late. I’m here. What are you going to do, huh? I’m not backing out. You know as well as I do this is the only thing I’m good at, and this is also the only way for me to make some money. One plus one equals two.”

  “I’m not going to let you hurt yourself for some fucking cash. That’s not what I signed up f

  “What did you sign up for then? Because looking at it from my point of view, you’re in this shit as deep as I am, and you’re facing me. So what are we going to do now?” The audience starts booing, so I know it’s time to start fighting before the refs disqualify us.

  “Ha …” Jessie laughs. “You’re funny. You actually think you have a shot at succeeding doing this?”

  “As a matter of fact I do. Now let’s go.” I start shuffling about. “They put us in this cage together, let’s fight. Winner gets it all.” I don’t care about all the other contestants. I know my brother and I are the only real fighters here, and that only the two of us have a shot at winning the grand prize. I only needed two seconds to determine this place was filled with amateurs who haven’t been through the same tough shit as we have. I’ve had to kill someone with my bare hands. No way they know how to protect themselves from that.

  My brother squints. “No way in hell I’m going to fight you over this.”

  “Oh, c’mon, let’s give them a show. Let’s not waste this golden opportunity. You know as well as I do that we need the money.”

  “I don’t care. I’m out.” He turns around and taps on the door. The noise coming from the crowd grows louder and louder.

  “If you’re set on winning this thing, then go ahead, win. I’m watching. I can wait. But you sure as hell have to win or I’m going to kick your ass later,” Jessie says as he leaves the cage.

  I sigh. “Fine. I didn’t want to break your pretty little legs anyway.”

  Jessie laughs. “Dream on, Hunter, dream on.” As the cage door closes behind him, the ref shouts that our match has been forfeited and that another opponent will take his place. Too bad. I was kind of looking forward to a fight with my brother, just like the old days.

  “Don’t think I approve of you doing this,” he yells at me as he walks around the cage and goes to the signup table. There he talks with the guys, negotiating something, and then he walks back to the locker rooms. I wonder what they discussed.

  A new fighter enters the cage, a pale white, skinny, muscular guy with tats, who seems to be acting bigger than he actually is. He shuffles from one foot to the other, huffing and puffing, which makes me chortle.

  “What you laughing at, bitch?” he says.

  “You,” I say, and then I storm at him with everything I have. He drops to the floor like a swatted fly, and I punch him in his face. One time is enough to knock him out.

  The ref steps closer, hovering above the dude’s body while I get up from the floor.

  “You want a penalty?” he asks.

  “What?” I say.

  “No knockouts. Make it a fight, will ya? There are people watching who are looking for a good show. Not a cop-out and a one-hit win.”

  I shrug as he helps the dude up, signaling two other brawny guys to drag him out of the cage. I guess I have to hold back a little if I want to win this money.

  Suddenly I notice my brother leave the locker room again. This time he’s fully clothed, the look on his face livid as he buys a hotdog from a lady and sits down in the bleachers, cramming it in his mouth. Stuffing yourself with food when you’re angry seems like a family trait. I chuckle a little from the sight.

  My brother will be watching me as I fight my way through this evening. If I know him well enough, and I do, he’ll want to stay until he can cheer when I win, or laugh and sneer at me when I lose. One thing’s for sure, though: he won’t leave and neither will I, so I guess I have no other choice but to make him proud and show him I can do this. I can make this happen, I can win this fight, and I’m going to fight for every fucking coin I can until I have enough to take care of my family and Leafy’s.




  A few days later …

  I’m back at school, and it sure feels lonely without Hunter by my side, even if it’s only been a few days. I miss having him around in class, throwing glances at me, whispering sweet words in my ear, and I even miss the mischievous grin he puts up when he knows he’s got me cornered. I miss him so much that I’ve begun eating ice cream whenever I get the chance to make up for the lack of butterflies in my stomach, because there’s nothing better to give you happy feelings than ice cream. Apart from Hunter. At least¸ that’s how it is for me.

  When my classes are finally over, I hurry to the nearest café because I’m meeting Evie and her new girlfriend. It’s the first time I’m going to see her, and I’m excited. It’s good that Evie finally has someone she can keep to herself, someone who loves her as much as she deserves.

  I smile broadly as I enter the shop and see the two of them sitting at a table in the corner. The girl looks sweet, with curly blonde hair and seventies glasses.

  “Hey, Autumn!” Evie calls, and she waves.

  I wave back and walk toward them. I can’t help the grin on my face as I sit down next to them and hold out my hand to introduce myself. “Hi! I’m Autumn. Nice to meet you.”

  “Hi, I’m Amber.” I shake her hand, which is so soft it feels like she washes her hands with silk.

  “Oh, I’ve been dying to meet you,” I say, winking at Evie, who seems to be blushing constantly. This must be so awkward for her, her previous crush meeting her new crush. But I’m happy for her, and I really want to support her. Her parents aren’t behind her, so I want to do everything in my power to make her forget all the cruel things they said to her, and focus on the good stuff.

  “So, how did you two meet?” I ask, wriggling my eyebrows.

  The girl blushes and looks down at her cup of tea.

  “We met at the library,” Evie says, and she grabs Amber’s hand and squeezes it. The smile they give each other warms my heart.

  I signal the waitress to bring me a coffee while I take off my coat. “So, how long have you guys been dating?”

  “Only a couple of weeks,” Evie says.

  “But I love every second of it,” Amber says softly. Her voice is like that of a bird, so high and fluttery.

  “I love it too, babe,” Evie says, nuzzling with her.

  “Seems like you two are having a ball together,” I say, pinching my lips together because I’m smiling like an idiot.

  “Hmmm …” Evie mumbles, moving away from Amber again, but I can tell it’s reluctantly. It’s like they’re glued together or something.

  “So what do you study?” I ask Amber as my coffee arrives.

  “Oh, I’m not in college anymore. I work as a librarian for the local library.”

  My eyebrow lifts. “Oh, no wonder you said library. I get it.” I take a sip from my coffee.

  “Yeah, quite a coincidence. Maybe Amber could put in a good word for you, you know, since being a librarian was on your list of things to do.” Evie winks.

  I almost choke on my coffee. I hadn’t thought about it yet, but it does open some doors if she works there. Then again, she barely knows me, so I doubt it would work.

  “So … How have things been with you and your parents?” I ask. “Any progress?”

  Evie sighs. “No luck … they’ve been ignoring me ever since our last falling-out.” She takes a deep breath and exhales. “But I don’t care. I mean, I have Amber now. She’s enough for me.” Her fingers reach for Amber’s. They hold hands, and it warms my heart just seeing it.

  Suddenly my phone rings, and when I pick it up I see it’s Hunter. Well, I’m sitting with my girls right now, so I’m not picking up. He can wait. My friends come first. So I press the off button and put my phone back in my pocket, smiling as I return my attention to the girls.



  Clenching my teeth, I stare at the phone in my hands as the line is cut off. When I try to dial her number again it goes straight to voicemail. Dammit!

  I throw the phone back into my locker and slam the door shut, locking it. My fucking girlfriend won’t pick up her phone and it’s pissing me off. I need to tell her that I finally got some mo
ney, and I need to hear her say she’s proud of me, and now she won’t pick up the fucking phone.

  I ram another locker and walk to the door, where my brother is waiting for me.

  After my brother saw me fight he was still on the fence about it, but I managed to persuade him and make him realize this is the only thing I’m good at. Besides, this is the only way for us to make decent money, and I showed him I can earn my weight in gold. I went home with the grand prize last time.

  I told him he could be my coach, my manager, my buddy. I’m the fighting machine, and he’s the one who controls everything behind the scenes. My brain doesn’t work properly, but his does. His inexhaustible energy makes him the perfect manager to get me into all the right fights and put in a good word for me. My body is much more flexible, much stronger, and much more resilient than his. We were born to fight, to lead, to persuade, to conquer, and we’ll make the best fucking MMA team in the world.

  After talking to him about it he probably realized the only thing that made sense was to continue forward together. He would be the one finding all the cage fights, getting me a spot, trying to hustle up some officials to watch me so we can get a real shot at going toward a legal tournament. It hasn’t gotten that far yet, but we’ll make it somehow.

  We’ve been hunting after every MMA underground fight ever since we first started, and I’ve been winning them one after the other. I’ve been going home with a huge prize every time and I still haven’t had a chance to tell my Leafy that I’m working hard and succeeding at it. She still has no clue what I’m doing, though, and I’ve been trying to tell her for the past few days but it’s hard to come clean. I know she hates me fighting, and I know this isn’t what she wanted for me, but this is what I’m good at and I’ve decided this is what I’m going to do from now on. The only problem is finding out how to tell her. If she would just pick up her damn phone!


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