Covert Interview

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Covert Interview Page 19

by Missy Marciassa

  “Good to see you here this morning,” he said as he pulled a folder out of his backpack. He withdrew some papers and set them on her desk before pulling out a pen.

  “I have completed your ninety-day review,” he began, rifling through the papers. “You ultimately delivered a strong algorithm that enabled us to take down a significant amount of illegal transactions and seize considerable assets, even if it did also lead to some erroneous identifications.”

  Elle simply regarded him. She wasn’t perfect and wouldn’t feel guilty about that.

  “You successfully completed a field mission.” He checked something off on the paper before looking up at her. “I’m pleased to say your work has been satisfactory.”

  He met her gaze. She simply looked back, so he continued. “Your work has been exemplary, actually. We would like to make your association with the agency ongoing.” He slid the papers toward her, holding out the pen.

  Elle just continued to regard him.

  Mason finally asked, “Do you want to continue your association with agency as an analyst?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “No.”

  Mason blinked. He actually looked surprised. She forced herself to keep a straight face. He sat back in his chair, smoothing out his expression to its usual blank state.

  “So are you here to tell me in person you plan to renege on your agreement with the agency?”


  They stared each other down.

  “Are you submitting your resignation while maintaining your confidentiality agreement?”


  Elle could hear Raleigh’s voice out in the hall; it sounded like she was walking by with someone. She wondered if that white noise machine was any good?

  “I don’t have time to play games, Ms. Paquet.”

  “Neither do I. I don’t want to be just an analyst at the agency.” This was it. Time for her to lay it out there.

  Mason blinked again but otherwise said nothing, simply waiting.

  “I want to be field rated.”

  “Field rated,” he repeated.

  She knew he’d heard her the first time, so she simply returned his gaze. She had put Marni’s make-up tips to good use this morning, applying the cover-up to hide the blotchiness and some tricks with eye shadow hid the slight swelling in her eyes.

  “Yesterday you wanted to tell everyone about being an analyst after a break-in-”

  “That left my friend in the hospital.” Elle kept her voice even.

  “But alive, and end your association with the agency, and today you want to become field rated.” The disbelief was clear in his eyes and even in his voice.

  Elle held her ground. “Yes.”

  “You let yourself get coerced into having drinks and then drank all of a beverage that’s one of the easiest kinds to lace with a drug.”

  “I’m sure the agency will teach me things to avoid while training me to be field rated.”

  “You punched an FBI agent and held a gun on a couple of them.” He was referring back to when she had been running from terrorists back at school.

  Elle shrugged. “I’ll know how to respond to those situations after I’m field rated.”

  Mason sat back, eyeing her with the X-ray gaze again. She wanted to learn how to do that, too. “So this is your condition. For continuing your association with the agency.”

  “Yes.” Elle uncrossed her arms and leaned forward. “If I’m going to continue my association with the agency, isolated from headquarters like this, then I need to be able to protect myself and know how to protect the people around me.”

  “We can train you in self-defense-”

  “And when I’m needed to go out on a field op, I’ll be ready.”

  “That isn’t going to happen again.”

  Elle made a show of rolling her eyes. She’d heard that before with Jack and Henry. “I like to be prepared.” Besides, she had to admit, it was a rush going out in the field. She could understand why Preston didn’t want to give it up. “And I want to continue to be as supportive of the agency as I can be,” she added for good measure.

  Mason sighed. “Do you even exercise?”

  She hated aerobics, but for the right cause, she could do it. “I’m sure the agency is capable of getting me into shape.” She bet the agency could make her a badass.

  They stared each other down for a few moments.

  Elle finally said, “I’m either in, or I’m out. This-” she gestured to the office, “covert analyst setup isn’t working.”

  Mason put the papers away. “I’ll have to run this idea by the higher-ups.” He rose. “Until then, continue as normal. I’ll be in touch.”

  Elle watched him as he turned off the white noise machine and put it in his backpack. He turned back to face her, his hand on the door knob.

  “Just so I’m clear, are you saying you will not continue your association with the agency unless you become field rated?”

  Elle raised her chin ever so slightly. “Yes.” This was her choice.

  Was that the tiniest flare of respect in his eyes? He nodded, opened the door, and left.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Mason hadn’t been gone for ten minutes when there was another knock on her door.

  “Come in,” Elle called out, wondering if he had managed to get an answer that quickly.

  Raleigh opened her door with another woman in a suit.

  “Miss Paquet,” she said, ushering the woman in. It was a good thing Elle had two chairs in front of her desk: they each had a place to sit down. “This is Dean Jackson.”

  Elle rose and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” the dean said, returning her hand shake before settling into a chair.

  The ice in Raleigh’s eyes could have frozen the blood that flowed through some people’s veins as the library director eyed her hard before she turned her attention back to the dean. What the hell was this about?

  “Miss Paquet,” the dean said, “we are very pleased the Library of Congress has sent you down here to work with us. As I’m sure you can see-” she gestured to Elle’s outdated desktop computer, “our facilities need an upgrade.”

  Elle could practically feel the chill coming off of Raleigh.

  “I’m hoping to get a sense of some updates you could implement throughout our library system,” the dean continued.

  “And I told the dean we speak on a regular basis, and you are pleased with our facilities,” Raleigh interjected.

  Elle got the hint. She took a deep breath. “I’ve spent a lot of time working both the circulation desk and the research desk-” she started but the dean interrupted.

  “Which isn’t the best use of your skills, I’d imagine.”

  Raleigh opened her mouth to speak, but Elle spoke over her. “Actually, I’ve enjoyed it.” Did Raleigh look surprised? Elle gave her a slight smile before focusing on the dean again. “It’s given me an excellent opportunity to really understand how the library system operates and advising graduate students has told me a lot about what they need. And there’s no question the libraries could benefit from an updated system.”

  Raleigh looked like she had just bitten into the sourest of lemons. She eyed Elle as if Elle was a target and she was at a gun range, but Elle pressed on. “I think I can develop some programs that would make the library system much more effective and efficient.”

  The dean beamed. “Oh, that is wonderful! I hear you’re doing some work in Charlottesville that is simply outstanding.”

  Elle laughed. “Janet Kress has some ambitious ideas. This system isn’t quite ready for that yet, but we can get it there.”

  The dean rose. “Please make that your first priority.” She gave Raleigh a pointed glance. “I’m sure Mrs. Raleigh will give you her full support.”

  Even the smooth and cultured Raleigh couldn’t hide all of the brittleness in her laugh. “Absolutely.”


  “So a
re you ready for detention?” Lyle drawled as soon as Elle opened the door.

  She grinned. “I hope you won’t be too hard on me.” Despite what Mason said, she still felt uneasy, until she realized: she would be letting Kagan run her life if she completely isolated herself over fear about his surveillance. She refused to let that happen when she had just gotten to the point where she was actually in charge.

  Lyle pulled her close for a kiss as he stepped inside, pushing the door shut with one hand while the other slid around her waist. “I don’t know,” he said as his other hand also slid around her waist before sliding down to squeeze her butt. “Patience isn’t one of my virtues, and you’ve made me wait a long time.” He leaned down for another kiss.

  Elle let herself melt into him. “Then I guess I’ll just have to be strong,” she breathed between kisses, “take my punishment like a woman.”

  When they finally pulled apart, Lyle said, “Something smells good. You cook?”

  “I’m learning,” she said, sliding her hand into his before leading him further into the apartment.

  “You never mentioned knowing how to cook. Something else you’ve been holding out on me about.”

  “The operative word being ‘learning,’” she said as she lifted a pot to check her stewing chicken breasts. “We may be ordering take-out.”

  Although the chicken looked done on the outside, it ended up being raw on the inside. Elle started going through her growing collection of take-out menus, but ever the gentleman, Lyle insisted on taking her out to eat.

  After they had placed their orders and were sipping their wine, Lyle fixed her with a level gaze. “So you want to tell me what’s going on at work?”

  Elle forced her expression to remain calm. “Nothing exciting: just trying to get a new program installed at the library.” That was actually true. The only difference was a matter of the timing, but that was a small detail. Besides, he couldn’t tell her all the details of his job, either, due to attorney-client privilege. Was her requirement to maintain confidentiality any different from his?

  Although Lyle kept his tone light, the sharpness in his eyes rivaled Mason’s. “Sounds like an odd thing to have to work all hours on.”

  “It took some persuasion to get my direct supervisor on board. We should’ve started this when I first came three months ago, so we have some catching up to do. It’s important to get as much implemented as possible before fall semester.”

  After subjecting Elle to a searching gaze that she managed not to openly flinch under, Lyle raised his glass. “Then let’s toast: to your new project.”

  Elle clinked her glass to his.

  While they were eating, Lyle said, “So does your new project mean you have to work this weekend?”

  “I’ll probably do some work on my laptop, but I don’t need to go into the office.” She grinned at him. “I didn’t forget about detention.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He winked at her. “My mama is having a little get-together. You’re invited.”

  Elle blinked. “Your mother invited me to a get-together?” His mother knew who she was?

  Lyle looked a bit sheepish. “At my request.”

  She stared at him in surprise. He wanted her to meet his mother? Things were getting serious. But she didn’t mind the idea of that.

  “It would be best to meet her while she also has other hosting duties,” he said.

  Elle groaned and laughed at the same time. “You really do intend to punish me, don’t you?”

  Lyle poured more wine into her glass. “I’m a man of my word.” He winked again. “I told you my mama raised me right.”


  “Maybe I’ll give myself another concussion,” Marni grumbled, “rather than reading these damn laws again.”

  Elle felt as if something heavy and cold dropped in her stomach. “Don’t even say that,” she said. Yet at least it was clear Marni was back to herself. Her mother had stayed with her for a week and just left earlier that afternoon.

  They had found another apartment in a gated complex, which Elle thought was a great idea. She had wondered if she shouldn’t live with her friend but decided that would just be another instance of letting someone else run her life. She would be damned if that happened.

  “So I met Lyle’s mother over the weekend.”

  “What?! How did that go?”

  “She’s the personification of a steel magnolia.” That was the truth. “She wanted to know who was this ‘Yankee woman stepping out with her son.’” Lyle had known what he was doing, however: she couldn’t grill Elle too much since she had to attend to her other guests.

  “So she hates your guts,” Marni said.

  “Uh- I don’t know about that. I wasn’t poisoned or anything.” She wiped the back of her neck. The humid August heat was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. “So what are you up to right now?”

  “I’m by the pool as we speak,” Marni said. Elle thought she heard her swallow something.

  “You students,” Elle laughed. The heat actually got her to wear dresses- even lightweight slacks felt like too much on some days. A call beeped in. Mason.

  “You know it.” Marni yawned. “Let me finish this so I can take a nap.”

  Elle switched over to get Mason’s call after saying a quick good-bye to Marni.

  “Report to Camp Peary on Tuesday, September fourth at eight am sharp.”

  Camp Peary. That was where “The Farm” was rumored to be, where CIA field agents were trained.

  Elle couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across her face. “So I’m in?”

  “Orders to report for training at The Farm mean you’re in.”

  The End

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  Covert Series

  Covert Assignment (Book One)

  Covert Interview (Book Two)

  Covert Cover Cracked (Book Three)

  Upcoming Books

  Goodness of Fit (Smart is the New Sexy Series- June 2014)

  Covert Series Book 4 (late August/September 2014)

  Covert Series Book 5 (November 2014)

  Come say “Hi” on Facebook, twitter, or tumblr!

  About the Author

  Missy Marciassa loved getting lost in novels from the time she could read, so it’s no surprise she wanted to write. After becoming rather disillusioned writing literary criticism as an English major, Missy focused on her enjoyment of learning about people and studied psychology. Reading fiction fell to the wayside with all the reading and writing for college and graduate school, but once Missy became a doctoral candidate, she rediscovered her love of fiction. Then she started getting the urge to write, an urge that wouldn’t go away (she refuses to label it a compulsion). Combine that with a love of cross-genre stories and the idea for the Covert Series was born!


  Writing may be a solitary endeavor, but the finished product of a novel is the result of collaboration. The encouragement and support from family and friends is invaluable. Laura Kingsley’s insightful editorial advice and encouragement took this book to the “next level.” Thank you, everyone.

  Table of Contents



  Covert Interview

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight




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