Me & Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy)

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Me & Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy) Page 3

by Cassandra P Lewis

  As my mind wanders I feel Jackson’s hand on mine and his fingers interlink with my own, I forget my concerns,

  “Rosie, come and meet John. He’s hilarious but for all the wrong reasons!” Jackson introduces me to John who runs the farm next door. He’s at least seventy with grey hair above his ears and a black toupee on top of his head. Jackson informs me privately that he only wears it to social events and replaces it with a flat cap when he’s working.

  Jackson and I spend about ten minutes chatting to John and his party hair about the price of cattle and other farming issues before Jackson is pounced upon by an attractive brunette,

  “Jackson you’re back. I didn’t think we’d see you back here for New Year anytime soon” the brunette smiles and leans up to plant a kiss on Jackson’s cheek. When she lowers back down she leaves her hands on his arms and my thoughts from earlier return.

  “Hi Molly, It’s great to see you” Jackson smiles at her before introducing her to me, “This is Rosie, my fiancée” Molly looks at me and then Jackson as though she can’t believe her ears, she snaps out her response,

  “You…Engaged? You’ve got to be joking?!” She looks at Jackson, confusion clear to see in her eyes,

  “No Mol, it’s true. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind but we’re happy” Jackson slides an arm around my waist and pull me close to him as Molly raises her glass,

  “Well then, to the happy couple” she downs her drink and turns on her heels, She can’t get away quick enough and I look to a laughing Jackson for an explanation,

  “We had a bit of a thing years back, but I told her I’d never settle down. I guess it’s a shock to see me with you, for everyone” Jackson leans down to kiss me on the temple, “Let’s get you a drink”

  “Come on you lot, get in the front room it’s nearly time” Pete calls all his guests to gather around the TV, he’s turned off the music and increased the volume on the BBC coverage.

  Big Ben fills the screen, ticking down the last minutes of the year, and I look around at the room full of happy faces waiting to ring in the New Year. Jackson pulls me into a hug and looks into my eyes as the people around us start counting down from ten,

  “This is going to be our year Rosie” I can only focus on Jackson as the crowd continues to count,


  “Happy New Year Alvez” Jackson kisses me and I can feel the conviction behind his words in his passionate embrace, this is our year.


  I wake with a start realising for the first time in weeks that I’m alone in bed. Jackson has an early start this morning at the magazine that he writes for, so he went home late last night. It’s surprising how quickly you get used to someone sleeping beside you.

  It’s still dark outside so I reach for my phone to see what time it is. “Ah Rosie sleep!” I say out loud to myself when I see that it’s only four fifteen am, but it’s no good. I’m awake now and once I’m awake there’s no getting back to sleep so reluctantly, I get up.

  After taking about ten minutes to make a coffee I sit at my desk and reluctantly turn my laptop on. One good thing about Jackson not being here last night is that I slept in flannel pyjamas and fluffy socks instead of being naked as the day I was born, I’m thankful for the warmth this early on a cold January Monday morning.

  I open my email account and start to trawl through the emails that have been sent in over the weekend. I have a rule that I don’t check emails between six pm on a Friday and eight am on a Monday, but I guess four forty five today will do.

  The first email that I come to is from a contact of mine that is helping me with a piece that I’m writing. It’s a follow up to the article about the nursery, this time it’s about similar charities in the UK.

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Subject: Your wish is my command…

  ‘Hi Rosetta,

  I’ve attached all of the background info that you needed for the article. I look forward to reading it.



  I click on the attached document and start to read through the information that Geoff has sent over, it’s exactly what I’m after and I feel inspired enough to get straight to work.

  I’m stopped in my flow by the overwhelming need for another coffee, it’s getting light and when I check the time on my laptop I realise that I have been up and writing for three hours already. Jackson will surely be up by now so I pick up my phone to text him,

  ‘Good Morning my sexy man, this is your 7:45 wakeup call x’ I click send and smile as I head back into the kitchen to put the kettle on, my phone beeps its reply,

  ‘Go away…5 more minutes x’ I laugh as an image of teenage Jackson trying to get out of going to school pops into my head and decide not to text back, yet.

  At five past eight my phone rings, I’m expecting it to be Jackson so I am surprised when I see ‘Gold Square’ on the caller ID,

  “Rosetta Alvez” I answer, a curious tone in my voice,

  “Good Morning Rosetta. It’s Sarah from Gold Square. Can I put you through to Francesca?” Sarah is extremely perky for this time in the morning,

  “Yeah sure” I ready myself, Frankie always makes me nervous, especially when I have no idea what she is calling me about,

  “Rosie, hi it’s Frankie. Good Christmas?” she doesn’t give me chance to answer “I have news. We’ve booked you on a tour. Signings, interviews...the works. The book has been received really well Rosie and now we need to get you out there to push it, sound good?”

  Wow, I’m excited! I’ve been very successful as a writer but I’ve never done a book tour before.

  “Yeah Frankie, that sounds great, thank you” I’m over the moon and want to get her off the phone so that I can call Jackson and let him know,

  “Great, I’ll email you now with all of the details and we’ll catch up next week. I’ll check the diary and send you an appointment” Frankie isn’t one for pleasantries and hangs up immediately. I select Jackson from my contacts list and press call,

  “Guess who’s been booked on a book tour?” I question playfully,

  “Really Rosie? That’s great, when is it?” his question makes me realise that I didn’t ask Frankie for any details,

  “Oh, I don’t know. I was excited and didn’t think to ask” I am embarrassed and Jackson laughs,

  “Oh Rosie, you’re so cute sometimes. Shall I come over after work? I missed you last night” his words send my stomach into knots,

  “Yes definitely! I missed you too, I’ll cook. Now get to work slacker, I’ll see you tonight”

  “See you later beautiful” He hangs up and I suddenly feel energised and excited so head for a shower. I need to get dressed and go out, I’ve got a tour to shop for…I need Pippa!

  “Oh my gosh Rosie, I’m so proud of you!” Pippa is over the moon when we meet outside Selfridges at just after eleven. She’s been spending the morning editing shots from a fashion shoot she did over the weekend and was happy for the break when I called.

  “I know, I’m really excited about it Pip, and a bit nervous. I think Jackson will be able to come to some dates but he has a lot of work on lately and his book deadline. I need to get all the details,”

  “Well when you have the itinerary we can look at my schedule and I’ll try and meet you somewhere on the tour” Pip smiles and I realise that this is a huge thing for me; the look of pride in my best friend’s eyes tells me so, “So Rosetta Alvez, what look are we going for on this tour?”

  We head further into the store and Pip the personal shopper is in her element, dressing me in chic suits and sleek dresses that are the perfect mix of professional and sexy. After a couple of hours, Pippa needs to get back to work so laden with bags containing an entire new wardrobe I head home, with a smile on my face as wide as the Thames.

  I open the door to Jackson at ten past five and am practically attacked as he hands me a bunch of flow
ers and throws his arms around me, kissing me passionately,

  “Honey, I’m home” he smiles as he speaks softly and kisses my forehead before releasing me, “I’m proud you you!”

  He follows me into the kitchen as I return to the paella that I’m cooking for tea,

  “That smells great babe” Jackson speaks as he pushes himself up to sit on the work surface behind me, “Listen, I got some info today for the flights. We’ll need to get them booked soon if we’re going to fly on the twenty fifth” his words stop me in my tracks and wide eyed, I bite my lip and turn to face him, “Rosie what’s wrong?”

  He looks at me confused. When I read Frankie’s email earlier on, Steve and Annie’s wedding hadn’t even crossed my mind. I scrunch my eyes up and then tentatively open one and then the other,

  “I forgot about the wedding Jackson. My book tour starts on the thirtieth” I bite my thumb nail anxiously as I wait for his reply,

  “Oh, shit Rosie” he takes a breath and continues, “Well, you have to do the tour I get that. I’m gutted though, I was looking forward to it” he pushes himself off the counter top and comes closer to hold me in his arms, “I don’t know how I’m going to manage two weeks without you.”

  He kisses me softly and I feel filled with worry and regret. Two weeks in paradise, alone! I just hope that he can manage it without me, the thought of him remembering that he prefers being single terrifies me.

  I wait with Jackson until he has to go through to departures,

  “Hey don’t look so sad, it’s only two weeks and then I’ll see you north of the border” Jackson is home before my tour is finished so he’s booked a return to Glasgow to meet me on the Scottish leg of my tour,

  “I know. I’m just going to miss you and…” I stop before I reveal my concerns but Jackson is way ahead of me, using a gentle hand under my chin he tips my head up so that he can look into my eyes,

  “Rosie, there’s only you. There will only ever be you. You have nothing to worry about” he kisses me and feel the truth behind his words. He loves me; I have to trust in that.

  As I watch Jackson head through the departure gate I realise that I’m going to have to get used to saying goodbye to him, he is a travel writer and this is his life. I push aside my concerns and just enjoy the last view that I’ll have of my fiancé for two whole weeks. Tears fall from my eyes as I realise that I don’t know how to cope with missing someone, I’ve never had to before.

  I get in a taxi with the intention of heading for home, but Rafael’s Café, Shoreditch High Street comes out of my mouth in place of my address.

  “Hey little Sis!” Rafe greets me warmly when I enter the quiet café, “Has he gone then?” he asks and I nod pitifully in response, “Ah get used to it babe, he’ll be back soon enough. Sit down; let me get you a coffee!”

  I head over to my usual window seat and take out my phone, there’s a text from Jackson. I didn’t hear my phone and I panic that he won’t get my reply for about twelve hours,

  ‘Hey beautiful, saying goodbye is hard, but saying hello in two weeks will be amazing. Be good, I love you x’

  My heart leaps into my throat, he’s right, it’s only two weeks and then he’ll be home, and he’ll be all mine!

  I leave Rafael’s feeling more upbeat than when I arrived. Rafe and Matthew are going to come over this evening and I’m looking forward to spending some time with them. I haven’t seen much of them since Christmas because of work, we haven’t been able to find any time to get together.

  By the time I reach my flat, I’m thinking more about what to cook for tea than the fact that I miss Jackson, so when I open my door to an envelope with ‘Rosie’ handwritten on the front in Jackson’s handwriting, I’m shocked and immediately miss him like mad again. He must have left it there when he locked up this morning, he sent me down to tell the taxi that we were on the way.

  I open the envelope and a key falls out onto the floor, I’ll pick that up in a moment but first I pull out the notecard and turn it over to read it,

  ‘Beautiful Rosetta, I’ll be home to you soon but if while I’m gone you want to feel close to me, this is a key to my flat. Let yourself in anytime (this invitation will still stand once I’m home) I love you. Good luck with your tour, I will see you very soon! X’

  I bend down and pick up the key, this is big. There’s a lump in my throat as I remember giving Michael a key to my flat, he never left!

  I decide to take things slowly with Jackson, I know we’re engaged but one day at a time is the best way forward if we’re going to last. I drop the key into my handbag and head straight for the kitchen.


  “Jacko! Great to see you mate” Steve meets me at Krabi airport, without the pink name sign this time,

  “You too man, how you feeling?” I ask when Steve releases me from the man hug that he had pulled me into,

  “Great dude, I’m so excited. It’s a shame Rosie couldn’t come though, are you two ok?” I can tell he’s concerned that I’ve fucked it up already,

  “Better than ok Stevo she just has to work. I’m not too proud to say you were right about us!” I punch him on the shoulder as he savours the taste of glory,

  “Better get you a beer then mate, because you’ll be useless after a couple of days without her, trust me! Come on”

  After the freezing cold winter of England it’s great to be back in the sun. I’ve always said that I was built for warmer climates, it’s just a shame I was born in the Yorkshire Dales.

  I’m staying with Steve and Annie and to be honest I’m grateful for it. I have no desire to be with anybody other than Rosie, but the lack of temptation when staying with friends makes her feel a lot more comfortable about me being here without her. She hasn’t said as much but I saw the relief on her face when I told her this is where I would be.

  I’m exhausted from the early start yesterday and the long flight, I need to get some sleep so head in for a nap. I send Rosie a quick email to let her know that I got here safe and close my eyes, I’m shattered.

  “Morning gorgeous” Stevo wakes me up with a cold beer, my second favourite way to wake up,

  “Nice one bud, what time is it?” I ask a little sleepily,

  “Four pm mate, I thought you better get up now so you can sleep tonight. Fancy some grub?”

  “Yeah, sounds good” I get up and tell Steve I just need to dig out some shorts and I’ll be with him, he heads out of the room and I check my phone,

  ‘Glad you’re there safe baby. Be good, see you soon. I love you xxx’

  Rosie’s text puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step as I head out for some food with my soon to be married best mate.

  “So Stevo, who’s here then?” I ask over a Pad Thai and a cold Singha,

  “Mum and Dad got here yesterday, they’re staying in that hotel that Rosie stayed at. Sasha gets in on Thursday”

  Sasha is the third wheel in mine and Steve’s tricycle of friendship. We’ve all been friends since university and get on like a house on fire. Sasha is the girl that men want to fuck and girls want to be, she’s funny and cool, likes sports and is drop dead gorgeous. She’s also been my go to shag for the past ten years. Steve notices the uncomfortable look on my face at the mention of her name. He never approved of us being fuck buddies and has always been adamant that friendships and sex shouldn’t mix, “Don’t pull that face Jacko, you know my opinion when it comes to you two. Just remember that you’re with Rosie now”

  “Like I could forget! I’m not going to be doing anything I shouldn’t. I’m just worried you know, one day Rosie will meet Sash and Sasha is just the right amount of bitch to tell Rosie all the sordid details of our past, of which there are many…it’s not like either of us are shy in the bedroom!”

  I scratch the back of my head, Sasha and I have had some sexual contact every single time we’ve been in each other’s company for the past three years. It got harder to keep a lid on things whenever we were together, even leav
ing Steve sitting on his own at the table in a restaurant when he came home last year so that Sasha could give me a blow job in the toilets in between the starter and main courses. I know I need to keep my wits about me this time.

  “Yeah well, just keep it in your pants, what you’ve done pre-Rosie is irrelevant.” Somehow I don’t think Rosie will see my being close friends with someone I know so intimately as irrelevant. But I just sip my beer and hope for the best.

  On Thursday morning I reluctantly agree to do Steve a favour so that he can get some wedding stuff done. I take Annie’s car and try to keep my head straight as I set out on my way. Steve has asked me to pick Sasha up because he and Annie are taking his parents shopping for traditional Thai outfits for the wedding.

  “Hey stranger” Sasha walks through Krabi airport arrivals. She has so much confidence in the fact that men and a lot of women find her completely irresistible that she seems to float. She looks gorgeous, ‘Keep it in your pants Jackson,’ Steve’s warning rings in my ears,

  “Hey Sash, you look well” I kiss her on the cheek and give her a hug, “Just one bag? Not like you to pack light!”

  “Jackson all I need is bikinis and a couple of dresses, where’s Steve?” Sasha looks past me trying to find our friend,

  “Shopping with the parents” I smile and she passes her bag to me, “let’s get you back to the house then.”

  Sasha is also staying with Steve and Annie. As much as it’s great to catch up with her as a friend I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite me on the arse when Rosie meets her.

  “Wow, this place is great” Sasha heads out to the pool as I put her bag down and follow her out, “Fancy a dip?” she turns and looks at me with a look that I’ve seen in her eyes a thousand times,


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