Mayhem (Bleeding Mayhem MC #2)

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Mayhem (Bleeding Mayhem MC #2) Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  “Because,” was all he said, because he didn’t have an answer that would sit well with the guys, not unless he was claiming her as an old lady. If he did that then they’d know he was serious about her, and risking a hell of a lot would make sense.

  “Man, ain’t no pussy worth this shit,” Shorty said.

  Mayhem growled out, curled his fingers into his palms, and glared at the Patch. “Watch your mouth.” The room was silent, the tension clear. The guys started shifting on their seats after he and Shorty were staring at each other.

  “For someone that doesn’t want her as an old lady, you sure are possessive and ready to tear a brother’s head off.”

  Some things didn’t need to be discussed, and when Mayhem didn’t even know how he felt for Butters more than what this week would entail, he also knew that he was acting out of character. If he was asking the club for backup he would have wanted to tell them how fucking confused he was with this shit, but as it was the only reason he told them about any of this was because Fury thought it best to keep the club in the loop.

  “You might not want the club’s help, but you know, no matter what, or how little information you want to give us, we got your back.”

  Mayhem knew this, even if he didn’t deserve it because he wasn’t forthcoming with any information. He breathed out and leaned back in his chair, looking around the table at all of his brothers in arms. Being truthful and loyal was high in the club’s view. Being there for each other, and making sure the club was always protected was a priority.

  “Truth is I have no idea what the fuck I’m feeling for Butters.” He didn’t tell them about the deal he’d made with her, about how he’d paid her the money in trade for her pussy and time for the next week. All the club knew was that he was helping her out. Maybe they thought her working at the MC was her way of being square with him? Either way, what’s done was done, and he knew he couldn’t change any of it.

  “When’s the drop off?” Fury asked.

  Mayhem ran his hand over his hair and glanced at the president of their club again. “Tomorrow night I’m heading down there.”

  “Well, we’re here, brother, but we’ll let you do your thing. We know where you’re at and what time, so if shit goes down we’ll know who fucked with you.”

  Mayhem grunted and nodded once. Damn, he felt like a piece of shit for having the club involved in any way, but he couldn’t lie and say he wouldn’t have done this all over again for her.

  If that’s the case, you need to think long and hard about what Butters really is to you.


  “You’re doing okay, though?” Nate asked on the other end.

  Butters sat on Mayhem’s couch, stared at the big screen TV that was off, and tried to sound like she wasn’t missing her brother and worried every second of the day.

  “I’m okay.”

  She didn’t miss how weird Nate sounded. It had only been two days since she’d been gone, and although Nate didn’t know exactly what kind of deal she’d made with the biker, she’d seen the expression on his face that told her he knew enough.

  “You sound weird. Are you sure everything is okay?”

  There was amount of silence, and then Nate cleared his throat. “I’m fine, Renee. I’m just working on getting things cleared up.”

  That had her sitting up straighter on the couch. “Getting things cleared up? What does that mean?”

  “It doesn’t mean anything, Renee,” Nate said and sighed. “It just means I’m tired of being the shitty brother that gets his sister put in crappy situations.”

  She closed her eyes. “You have an addiction, Nate. A lot of people have a hard time fighting those.”

  “Yeah, well I hate it, and I hate myself.” A moment of silence passed. “What if that biker hadn’t come along and had the money to bail me out?”

  She didn’t respond, because she honestly didn’t know what would have happened.

  “Yeah, exactly. I would have been dead, but they would have made sure you were hurt, as well. They would have made me watch, Renee. I hate myself. You’re all I have in this shitty world, and all I do is make this worse.”

  “We’ll get through this, Nate. Everything will be okay.” Maybe she should try to figure out a way to move, to just pack her crap and take Nate with her. The Cardonas, hell, anyone threatening her or her brother, scared the shit out of her. They might be paid off, but that didn’t mean she wanted to have a front row seat to seeing them.

  “It will be okay. I’ll make sure of it,” Nate said. “Listen, I have to get some sleep. I’ve been up all night and dead on my feet right now.”

  “Get some rest.” She didn’t bother asking why he’d been up all night. Maybe he’d been in pain, or his thoughts had been too twisted … like hers had been.

  “I love you, Renee.”

  She smiled. “I love you, too, Nate. I’ll see you next week.” He hung up without responding, and she looked down at her cell for a second before setting it on the table.

  She leaned back on the couch, trying not to let her thoughts control her, but it was so damn hard. It was only a few minutes later that she heard the rumbling sound of Mayhem’s Harley. Rising, she walked over to the window, pulled back the dusty old curtain, and saw him park the Harley next to his SUV. Since staying at his place she’d come to realize that the man didn’t like to clean.

  Hell, she’d noticed that right away, but actually having to live in a house where Mayhem clearly had never dusted, vacuumed, or even cleaned the toilet, had made the ick factor kick. So, today she’d been cleaning. He didn’t own a vacuum cleaner, so that had been out, but she’d been able to clean everything else. If she had to live here for the next week she wanted it to be livable, at least.

  He dismounted from the bike, but his cell went off and he stood there for a few moments talking to whoever was on the other end. She took that moment to really look at him, because honestly Mayhem was not hard on the eyes. He may not be classically handsome, but she liked the brutal, hardcore persona that came from him. She thought about last night, about how he’d fucked her ass, how he’d made her his for that short time. She might have been slightly high and drunk, but she’d been fully aware of what was going on, of what she was doing and allowing him to do.

  He ran his hand over his dark hair, his bicep flexing from the act. He wore his cut, the dark leather loose as it covered him. He turned and faced the house, but with the sunglasses he wore still in place, she didn’t know if he could see her watching him. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because she hadn’t moved, didn’t try to hide the fact she was gazing at him. Even though he wasn’t hard, and even from the distance, she could see the impressive bulge at his crotch, knew exactly how big he really was. The memory of last night still played through her head, and images of their sweaty bodies pressed together as he ass fucked her had her pussy soaking wet.

  It was crazy to have this instant arousal for him when she had so many other problems, bigger worries, on her mind. But it was like he was this drug to her, and every time he was near, even if he didn’t touch her, she felt the effects of him. She craved his touch, and especially after last night and the fact she knew exactly how it would be with him, Butters couldn’t think of anything else she wanted to do than be on her back for him.

  He got off the cell and shoved it in his front pocket, and for a second all he did was stare at the house … stare at her. Yeah, he definitely saw her, and the hard, fierce look on his face told her he wasn’t in the best of moods.

  He started walking toward the house, and she moved away from the window, staring at the door. It opened a few seconds later, and he shut it with a resounding slam. For a moment they looked at each other, neither speaking nor moving, but Butters feeling that pull to him, that intense arousal that had all common sense leaving her. She saw him inhale, a slight flare of his nose. And then this low sound left him.

  “It’s like I can fucking smell how wet you are for me,” he said in a gravel
ly voice.

  She felt her pulse race. He was visibly breathing hard, the same as she was. His chest rose and fell, and he moved closer to her, every step making her heart race more, her palms sweat harder the closer they got to one another. When they were mere inches from one another, she looked deep into his eyes. The same intense and raw passion was reflected back.

  Take me now, Mayhem.

  In a swift move Mayhem gripped the back of her neck, and pulled her toward him. He had his mouth on hers, his tongue thrust into her mouth. The feel of his lips on hers, moving rough, hard, and demanding, had every rational thought leaving her brain. The way he held her, kissed her, made her feel wholly feminine and possessed. She felt the heat, the need in his touch as well as the way he ran his tongue along the inside of her mouth. She was helpless to stop it.

  His other hand pressed against her lower back, and she gasped from the searing heat of that lone touch. When he pulled her closer, she groaned when his erection pressed against her belly. He was so hard already, and she swore she felt her inner muscles clench with the need to be filled by him.

  “I want you naked for me,” he demanded against her mouth.

  She moved back a step, not sure why she felt so frantic, but also not wanting to stop it. Being with Mayhem had everything else vanishing, had her worries getting pushed back, and only had her wanting this one moment. Being with Mayhem helped her forget about her troubles.

  Once her clothing was removed he yanked her back toward him, her breasts shaking from the force. He latched his mouth back on hers, taking control. Eyes closed, body lost in feeling, Butters brought her hands to the front of his jeans and fumbled with the button, needing his cock out. But Mayhem stopped her by placing his hand over hers. He released the button of his pants and pushed the zipper down. Mouth still latched in a demanding kiss, Mayhem backed her against the wall. After what felt like forever, Butters finally felt the scorching-hot length of him press into her belly, the tip slick with pre-cum.

  A moan ripped from her, and she was unable to stop it.

  She not only removed her pants and shirt, but also her bra and panties. She was overheated, and not even the chill in the air could help combat the sweat that started to line her body. She wanted to feel his bare skin against hers, feel his strength against her softness. She pushed at his cut, and before she could get it off he was moving a step back from her and getting rid of the leather. She was back on him, pushing his shirt up almost frantically.

  The air whooshed out of her when she glanced down at his exposed chest. Of course she’d seen this glorious masculinity last night, but in the daylight he looked so much more powerful. Butters let her gaze travel down to the erection she felt throbbing against her, not even contained by his jeans. Before she could try to get the denim fully off, Mayhem pushed his pants down, and kicked them aside. He grabbed his cock, stroked himself while he watched her, and all she could do was place her hands on the wall and stabilize herself.

  He stood before her like a god, or maybe the very devil himself. Yes, the latter sounded more what Mayhem was, and that turned her on. Knowing he was this dark angel, this dangerous male that could take the life from someone as easily as he breathed, had her so wet she felt uncomfortable from it.

  Even though his size certainly was startling, and she’d already seen it, and felt it deep in her ass, it was still shocking to see him completely bared. The piercings had all coherent thought leaving her, because she remembered what it felt like inside of her, even through the latex. Before she could drag her eyes from the sight, he had his hands pressed right below her ass and was lifting her, pressing her fully against the wall. The coldness met her overheated flesh, and she bit her lip. His gaze tracked the movement, and then his tongue was running over the tender spot she had just abused.

  A surprised gasp left her as he bathed her sensitive flesh in liquid heat. He tasted so good, and she was shamelessly leaning into him, seeking more, needing more like a fiend looking for her next fix.

  The metal that adorned his body was heated as it pressed between her thighs. Butters was completely soaked, embarrassingly so, but she didn’t give a damn. A small, annoying voice inside told her she shouldn’t be enjoying this so much, but she didn’t care, and told that voice to shut the hell up. Right now, she couldn’t think of anything better than having Mayhem inside of her, erasing the grime of her life.

  His hands on her body made her feel weak, womanly. For long seconds they just kissed, but then surprising her he turned with her in his arms and was striding over to the couch. Once she was flat on the piece of furniture, the fabric scratchy on her flesh, he leaned back on his haunches and stared right between her thighs. He didn’t touch her, didn’t even look like he was breathing.

  How in the hell could he stop what they were doing?

  She felt crazed when he was this near, yet Mayhem looked so calm and in control right now. The air sawed in and out of her lungs as they exchanged gazes.

  “Spread your thighs even more. Make your pussy lips open up for me.” His voice, low, commanding, sent a thrill of dark desire through her.

  Butters did what he said, felt the chilled air along her parted pussy lips, and held her breath as a low sound left him. Her nipples felt so hard and tight, protruding obscenely the longer he watched her, took in every part of her. She felt flushed, and even lying down she could see how her skin was painted red along the top of her thighs, over her belly, and even along her chest. Every erogenous zone in her body tingled as the seconds passed.

  He was aroused, most definitely, but he didn’t make a move to touch her again, and instead touched himself, stroked his cock and rubbed the pre-cum that dotted the top along the shaft. She swallowed and wondered if he liked what he saw, and although that was foolish because he certainly looked like he did, she couldn’t help the thought. His cock straining forward should have told her how much he did want her, but she wondered where all his composure and restraint were coming from. If the look on his face hadn’t kept her rooted to her spot, the dominance pouring from her having her submission rising, she would have moved toward him and touched him.

  “Run your fingers over your pussy. Rub your clit for me.”

  She licked her lips and placed her fingers along her belly, and moved them down until she was touching the engorged little bundle of nerves at the top of her mound. His gaze was scorching, and it took everything in her to breathe as he watched her with half-lidded eyes that reflected exactly what he wanted to do to her.

  “That’s it, touch that pretty pink cunt.”

  His coarse language and crude demeanor sent her reeling, but also turned her on, inflamed her. The commands did something to her insides. She felt weak with need. As crazy as it sounded, she wanted to please him, wanted to do anything he said. Still, a part of her hated she was giving in so easily.

  “Do it.”

  She knew by his tone and his look that if she obeyed him he would make it worth her while.

  “Don’t make me ask you again. You’re here for me, for my pleasure, to get me off. You be a good girl and I’ll make you scream with pleasure.”

  Her heart thundered hard, and she really started to touch herself, to spread her fingers through her pussy, between her lips, circled her hole, and finally dipped the digit into her body. Was this really what she wanted, to be ordered to do whatever he said?


  Mayhem was a force all in himself. He was powerful, strong, and took no shit. He was a dominating man, and at that moment Butters knew what he wanted from her.

  Complete submission, but also the desire to want to please him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nate couldn’t say he wasn’t nervous as hell, because that would have been a lie. He was scared and knew that doing this could very well get him killed. But he couldn’t be the piece of shit brother anymore, couldn’t have Renee in danger because he had problems and couldn’t control his addictions. If this didn’t work out and he was killed, at least his
problems wouldn’t be Renee’s issue anymore.

  His hands shook as he drove his piece of shit car toward where he knew Marco hung out. His car made this death rattle as he came to a stop, and when he cut the engine the only thing he could hear was his own ragged breathing. The gates of the Cardona main home were large, imposing, and surrounded by a massive wrought-iron gate. There was a small building just right inside of the enclosure, and he saw as two men, armed with rifles, stepped out of the building and came closer to the gate.

  They didn’t make it any secret that they were armed, not when they lifted the guns so Nate could see them. He felt lightheaded, like he was having a panic attack, but he knew he couldn’t back out of this. He’d come this far already.

  Nate got out of the car so they could see him, and both guards started laughing. Nate remembered seeing them when he’d first made the deal with Sal and Marco.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” one of the guards asked.

  “You grow a set of balls?” the other one said and started laughing.

  “I’ve come to speak with Marco about my situation.”

  They both looked at each other, and under the circumstances Nate thought he was holding up well. He wasn’t a big guy, had never been the “strong” type. Butters had always been the type of person that had his back no matter what. But he wanted to end this, and end it now, and he needed to do this for his sister.

  One of them went back into the small building, but the other one, the larger guard, stayed at the gates, eyeing Nate down. A few seconds later the guard that had disappeared came back.

  “Marco says to let him in.”

  The gate opened a moment later, and Nate got back in his car and pulled through the gate. Both guards stared him down as he drove up the cobblestone driveway, up a slight incline, and finally stopped in front of the front door. There was one more man sitting on the steps of the porch, a gun beside him, and a cigarette hanging from between his lips. Despite the Cardonas not being some high-profile mafia, they did have a statewide reputation.


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