Deciding Skies (Fate's Intent Book 2)

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Deciding Skies (Fate's Intent Book 2) Page 13

by Bowles, April

  Ruby had to nudge me with her leg just to make sure I understood Adele’s concern which I did but I wasn’t happy with it. My hands gripped tightly in fists to hold back my disappointment and I settled them down on my lap so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat anything.

  Others at the table began to eat and it was torture for me to even watch.

  “So, any interesting news today?” The King asked to start conversation.

  “No.” Darius answered. “I think you know all of it already.”

  Izin let out a smug laugh just to himself. “I suppose I do.” There was a pause and he began to notice our still behavior. “Is there a problem with your food ladies?”

  “I’d prefer not to find out, your majesty.” Adele said.

  Izin laughed again, this time sounding more amused. “Look at this, boys. They don’t even trust us enough to eat our food. Not a very respectful way to start your stay here, is it?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with it.” Zayden said.

  “Pardon my disagreement, your majesty but you are in no position to accurately know that.”

  “Father, tell them there’s nothing wrong with the food.”

  Izin met Adele’s eyes and he just smiled. “I could say that but it’s not in my power to have her believe me. They are free to make that choice for themselves.”

  “Oh, if only that were true.” I muttered with a groaning sigh, staring down at my plate.

  “Fine.” Adele sighed. “Do what you wish with the food, Jaylyn but don’t blame me.”

  I laughed. “Adele, you know this won’t kill me, right?”

  “Shush! I’m aware! Keep that kind of talk to yourself. If there’s going to be talk, it should be about what you’re going to do with us.”

  Her head turned to the King and Zayden quickly shook his, muttering softly. “Adele, no.”

  “Is it?” Izin asked with a curious smile. “You in such a rush to leave us already, Adele?”

  “I just don’t like being strung along which is exactly what you’re doing—your majesty.”

  Izin paused long enough to wipe his mouth with his napkin. “That’s too bad because honestly, I haven’t thought about it all day.”

  “Really? I doubt that.”

  “Or you just don’t want to believe that I could have. I’m well aware that you’re a pretty impatient woman.”

  Oh, no. Adele’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t know me.”

  “You don’t think so?”

  “You knew my parents. You don’t know me.”

  “I know you look just like your mother but were unfortunate to inherit your father’s unruly behavior. It just proves to us how difficult Kalu’s future Queen will be to deal with.”

  Adele’s eyes widened just the slightest but she tried to act as if she wasn’t surprised. I had to do the same thing.

  “So, of course, I know you.” Izin went on. “And yet it’s sad to say it’d be an improvement over what’s crowding the throne now, a useless, empty soul too scared of the world to even leave the walls of the palace.”

  “Wow.” Ruby said with true wonderment. “How did you even know that? That’s Arianna exactly! The selfish witch!” She hit her fist down on the table and her golden eyes filled with red anger just thinking about the Queen back home.

  “Ruby, calm down.” I whispered with words from behind my teeth. “You’re getting angry.”

  “It’s all right, Jaylyn.” Izin smiled. “I know she could kill us all if she was mad enough.”

  “What are you talking about?” Adele asked, trying to pretend as if she truly didn’t know.

  “Come now. You can’t expect me not to know. Possess a gift long enough yourself and you can easily identify any other with one. I know all about your little trip to see the Enchantress.”

  “You’ve seen her?” I asked. “Is that how you got yours?”

  Izin shifted his eyes next to him at Zayden for brief contact with a smile. “It is. It was a long time ago back when it was just Aleks and myself.”

  Troy looked across the table at me and I looked back. We were both curious and the King didn’t sound angry while talking about it. We wanted to see how long he would that way and how much he’d reveal.

  “What do you mean?” Troy asked.

  “In the beginning I only met with Aleks. It was that way for the first few weeks. He kept insisting that we let others know and join us but I always said no. He was persistent, determined that I meet a certain someone. Imploring that it would be good for us so I finally just gave in and said yes.”

  “Who was it?” Darius asked. “It’s not going to shock us, is it?”

  “It shouldn’t. Aleks is the one that wanted me to meet him so you had to of guessed that he’s Kaluian.”

  “And important somehow?”

  “I understand how that could be confusing but he really was. Probably the most important one Aleks could have me meet.”

  “Is this going to be a guessing game?” Zayden asked. “Because we don’t know anyone besides them.”

  “I bet we could guess.” Ruby smiled.

  “There is no guessing.” Everyone turned their heads towards my blank stare at Izin. I knew exactly who he was talking about. It was clear to me.

  “Of course you would know. Your father was a great man.”

  “If only everyone thought that. Then he’d still be alive.”

  “Jaylyn, not now.” Adele said.

  “It’s all right, Adele.” Izin replied. “She has every right to be upset about it yet whether or not the world knew how great he was, there would always be someone that would want him dead just because of it. The inviting Bryce to join us changed everything. Things started to seem more real about what we were doing.”

  “And you met my mother?” Ruby asked.

  “Ah, yes. Gwen.” Izin smiled, thinking back. “That was an unforgettable experience and you’ve certainly obtained her beautiful killing spirit except for your momentary hair that I understand why you would hide. Stepped into the city like that and people would know in an instant.”

  “Told you.” Adele said.

  “I knew that but it still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t like it.”

  “Well, don’t count on ever seeing it again.”

  “You’re optimistic, Adele.” The King replied.

  She turned her head towards him and watched him take a slow drink with his eyes on hers. “Why should I be? You think my life has been easy? Look where I am. You’re taking your time just to keep us here for your own personal amusement. Well, I’ve got to tell you something—” Adele rose to her feet, leaning her clenched fists on the table in front of her. I got nervous for her. “I’m nobody’s pet.”

  She turned from the King and walked off without another word, slamming the dining hall doors behind her with enough force that rumbled the glasses at the table.

  We sat in silence, eyes on the King.

  “Well—” He said in a normal voice, not seeming angry at all. “She’s definitely not at all like her mother.”

  “She probably wishes she was now.” I muttered.

  Ruby tapped my arm with a sigh. “He didn’t mean because she was dead and you’re lucky she left so she didn’t here you say that.”

  “Oh! Right. Sorry. We didn’t know her to know what she was like.”

  “Father, you’re not going to—”

  “Relax, Zayden. I’m not going to punish your temporary girlfriend for her ill temper. It’s not her fault she has it. She was born that way.”

  “I really don’t think she was actually.” Ruby said. “Or at least she didn’t show it when she was younger. She grew into it and it started to come out after she met us.”

  “So, it’s your fault?”

  “Ruby’s fault.” I whispered. It was more believable. Adele seldom gets mad at me.

  “What?! Me?!”

  “I’m not the one that pisses her off all the time.”

  “Oh, of course you’re going to b
lame me.”

  “Well, you can easily become uncontrollable if not properly disciplined. You’re like what Ryon is to Trever and Kole.”

  Ruby’s mouth dropped with a sudden gasp. “You’re comparing me to Ryon!”

  “Wild, rebellious, basic disregard for the rules. That happens to sound an awful lot like you.”

  “You must be talking about Ryon Wolfe.”

  Ruby and I both turned our heads back towards the end of the table at the King.

  “How do you know him?” I asked.

  “That is who you’re talking about, is it not?”


  Izin laughed to himself. “It’s a small world, isn’t it? How do you know him?”

  We were quiet, still. I slowly started to shake my head when Ruby looked at me. Explaining it might have been a bad idea but Ruby didn’t listen. She turned back to the King and spoke casually, unafraid, only proving what I said before about her. “We’ve known him for a long time. He keeps Adele’s bed warm.”

  Izin turned his head towards Zayden with a smile. “Really?”

  “What? I already know about him.”

  “Do you?”

  “She told me.”

  “How do you know him?” I asked the King.

  “Funny story.”

  “Um—excuse me, your majesty?”

  Izin moved his eyes to the door and saw Kathryn. “Kathryn! Come here!”

  She had an odd expression on her face to the King’s request but obeyed as any loyal servant would. “Yes?”

  She reached his side and Izin held his hand out to Adele’s empty chair on his left. “Sit. Sit. You have to hear this.”

  We could all tell she was unsure about what was going on but slowly lowered herself in the chair.

  Zayden seemed to think it was a little odd himself that his father had invited a servant to join us and looked beside him at Darius and Troy. They were replying with the same looks; curious that he was treating her like an equal.

  “Okay. Now tell her.” Izin said, looking at Ruby.

  “What am I telling her?”

  “How you know Ryon, in the exact words you just used.”

  “You know Ryon too?”

  Kathryn shared a look with the King. “Ryon Wolfe? Ah, yes. How is it you know him?”

  “We’ve known him for years.”

  “Don’t leave out the best part!”

  “And—” Ruby paused and her eyes glanced over to Zayden before she said it again. “He’s the one that keeps Adele’s bed warm.”

  Kathryn tried to keep her eyes from widening or showing any kind of emotion whatsoever while she nodded her head. “Oh.” She looked to the King. “Is that all?”

  “Oh, Kathryn! How can you not find that funny?”

  “I would, your majesty, had you told me before.”

  Izin turned his head as if he looked outside. “Already?”

  “Due to the severity of the situation, I’m sure you can understand the concern to get here. He wishes to speak with you.”

  “Unfortunately so. You may go. Send him in. I’m not finished here.”

  Kathryn tried to keep her eyes from shifting. “Are you sure that’s wise?”

  “Perhaps I’m hoping it to be more amusing.”

  “No. You’re asking for things you don’t want.”

  “Kathryn. Have a little faith in me. I can be civil.”

  “Very well.” Kathryn bowed as she rose to her feet and turned from the table.

  “Father, who’s here?” Zayden asked.

  “He has already been previously mentioned.”

  The Great Seni Fighters looked across the table and I froze in my chair. “Oh, no. Adele is not going to like this.”

  “It’d be best for everyone not to tell her.”

  I gasped before I could have looked up at the door. This couldn’t be happening, not now of all times.

  Chapter 25


  I was finally here to do my part and it seemed I would have an audience while doing it. Kathryn let me into the dining hall to meet the King but he wasn’t alone. I made sure to keep my focus on him while I walked to the table but another voice greeted me first.

  “Hey! What are you doing here?”

  I stopped just a few chairs away from the King and turned my head, almost having to do a double take at this strange woman speaking to me.


  “I’m sorry.” I said, trying to hold back my laugh. “Seeing you in person is worse.”

  “Thanks a lot.” Red didn’t sound impressed but she did look weird. I was not used to seeing her hair any color but red.

  “That’s not what she asked you!” Jay shouted at me and was clearly having a different reaction to me being here. “What are you doing here?!”

  I couldn’t help myself but tried not to laugh again. “First of all, that look on you has to go. No one can take you seriously looking like that and secondly, you’re being loud. The last thing you should want is unwelcome listeners to this particular conversation.”

  “Please tell me you haven’t seen Adele already.”

  I laughed but it was obviously pretty fake. “Ah, no. It’s best for the world that I didn’t. She’s not very happy with me right now.”

  “Uh oh. For something you did, going to do or are actually in the process of doing?” Red asked.

  “More like something I didn’t do.”

  “Didn’t do?” She made it sound unusual and completely not what she expected me to say. “What didn’t you do that would make her mad at you?”

  I sighed and actually sat myself in the empty seat next to her like the other men in the room didn’t exist. I knew they did but I wanted to address her concerns first. It would help with what I had to do next. “I didn’t come for her when she asked me to.”

  “She asked you to come?” She looked across the table at Zayden and I tried not to look with her. I wasn’t ready to see him just yet.

  “Yeah. A couple days ago but I was a little incarcerated during that time.”


  “It’s why I’m here.” I finally turned my attention on Izin to the other side of me and went on like I was now ignoring her. “We need to talk.”

  “What news from the west could possibly strike my concern?”

  “How about being in an extreme amount of danger?”

  Izin chuckled. “Danger? I feel perfectly safe.”

  “Not a danger that would threaten your safety. You’re in danger of playing right into their hands to decide what they want you to decide.”

  Izin looked a little more interested and sat back. “Go on.”

  I did. “Don’t play a fool, Izin. They planned this and you can be damn sure they’re not about to take no for an answer. They’ve destroyed lives just to get this far. There’s no telling what they’ll be willing to do next but I can tell you it’ll be harsh.”

  “Planned this? Really? All of them?” He looked down at Jay and Red, figuring they knew what I was talking about but I set him straight.

  “No. They’re just pawns. They’re basing it off your original plan.”

  “My plan?”

  “You’ve previously spoke of it already and worse, right to its subjects.”

  We both looked at Zayden and his eyes finally met mine. He clearly had no idea what was going on or who I was.

  “It’s already happening.” I told Izin. “But there’s still time. You can still change it.”

  “Why are you really here?”

  “I can help.”

  “And why would I listen to anything you had to say? You know I haven’t before.”

  “But this time we want the same thing; to stop it.”

  “You’d betray them to do it?”

  “No he wouldn’t.”

  I turned right around to Red and picked up a roll from her plate, shoving it in her mouth. “Quiet.”

  She spit it out as an instant response and started to wipe her tongue wi
th a napkin. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  I found it to be quite amusing. “Don’t be paranoid. Izin wouldn’t poison your food. You’re not the one he wants out of the way.” I turned back and looked to the King. “It’s just Adele.”

  He seemed interested now. “What could you do?”

  “Father!” Zayden shouted.

  Izin held up his hand and didn’t even look over. He kept his focus completely on me but Zayden obeyed and didn’t argue.

  “I can convince her it’s the right thing and she will come back with me.” I said.

  “And then what?”

  “She’d do the rest. She knows hate as you do. She’d hang on to it as long as we need her to.”

  “How far behind you are they?”

  “How do you know they’re behind me?”

  “Because I asked them to come.”

  I made sure I didn’t seem happy though I knew they were with me and I raised my voice to show it. “You what?! You asked them?! Then it’s already too late. You’re already doing what they want.”

  “How far behind you are they?”

  I sighed and glanced towards the windows at the front. “Minutes now.”

  “What?!” Jay sprang from her chair and looked towards the doors. Just by saying they she knew who I spoke of and she waited for the sights of Trever and Kole to walk in.

  “Jaylyn.” Her overzealous lover was staring widely at her and I saw the change for myself.

  Her hair was turning light blonde and she looked back at me with her bright green eyes. It only proved to her just how close they were. Trever wouldn’t have wanted to see her hiding herself. He takes a tremendous amount of pride in their family and Kole changed her back without the order of doing so just so he wouldn’t see her.

  “My. My. You look familiar, don’t you?” Izin asked.

  “What’d you really expect?” I replied. “They hid everyone except for the one they really needed to.”

  “We didn’t know about Adele’s connection to Seni until later if that’s what you were insinuating.” Zayden said.

  I set my eyes on Zayden for longer than a second and actually addressed him. “You clearly didn’t but other’s did and said nothing.”

  “Only because Adele should have been the one to do it.” Red said. “She must not have thought it would have been much of a danger.”


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