Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2) Page 4

by Stone, Piper



  The single snarl was followed by a morbid cry, the howl cutting through the air .

  Landen grunted as his arm stayed prone, remaining in the direction of the hard throw. He blinked and surveyed the scene, satisfied with his aim. The sharp serration of the hunting knife had performed as practiced, severing the main artery in the bobcat’s neck .

  The large cat tumbled down the hill, landing two feet in front of him. Adrenaline roaring through every cell in his body, Landen remained electrified, his skin tingling. Taking a long stride, he hunkered down, eyeing the wild animal before wrapping his hand around the handle of his knife and yanking. When the blade was freed, he glared at the weapon, shaking his head in reverence .

  The dog whined and started pacing back and forth but kept his distance. Woof! Woof !

  He looked over, giving the pup a nod. “You were trying to tell me something, weren’t ya, buddy? I guess I need to give you a huge thank you.” Standing, he wiped the blood on his jeans and listened for any tell-tale sounds of others in the pack. There was no way he could leave the dog here .

  Every step tentative, the dog padded forward, his tail swishing back and forth .

  Landen frowned and secured the blade. “Yeah, I know.” He walked back toward the car, opening the passenger door. When the dog remained where he was, he motioned for the pup. “Come on if you’re comin’. I gotta get moving .”


  The dog jumped onto the seat and immediately nosed the bag holding the cheeseburger .

  He slammed the door and took a last look at the bobcat. This definitely wasn’t New York City. The thought giving him a grin, he walked around the car, climbed inside and starting the engine. The adventure continued .

  Less than ten minutes later he pulled into a large parking lot and slowed to a stop. Peering out the windshield, he studied the garish neon signs with disdain. On the left was a two-story motel. Even in the shadowed haze of the sunset, he could tell the place had seen better days. The sign flashed on and off, the ‘M’ burned out and the name of the place obscured by an overhanging tree limb. The offer was clear. A cheap place to stay for the night or for a few hours of pure sin. He snickered at the thought .

  On the right, there appeared to be a lively two-bit bar. He cracked both windows and the honky-tonk music made him cringe, but the scent of barbeque made his mouth water, his stomach rumble. The burger was sitting on his stomach like a lead weight .

  “This’ll have to do, fella.” He couldn’t help but smile at the sound of the dog’s thumping tail. He found a spot at the back of the parking lot. Souped-up trucks were parked alongside a scattering of cars. While most were older, some were wrecked resemblances of their former glory, others were brand spanking new. Cutting the engine, he unfastened his seatbelt and turned toward the pup .

  “I’ll be a little while .”

  The dog raised and cocked his head, scooting closer until he was able to lick Landen’s hand .

  He was surprised the simple gesture sent pangs of remorse into his heart. Reaching out, he curled his fingers before patting the dog on the head, running his fingers through the pup’s tangled fur. Sighing, he glanced out the window. He needed to try and find a safe place for the dog, perhaps a shelter. He couldn’t take the bedraggled pup with him. He was no good at caring for anything or anyone. The chill in the air giving him goosebumps, he grabbed his jacket .

  The moment he walked inside, he was given more than just a onceover by nearly everyone in the room. Granted, at six-foot-four, sporting a three-day beard, blood stained jeans and a leather jacket he’d owned for years, he no doubt flashed a dangerous persona. He scanned the crowd, giving a nod to a blond waitress who gave him a million-dollar smile .

  “Lookin’ for something cowboy?” she asked as she shifted her hips and lowered her drink tray .

  “Just a beer,” he said without looking down into her eyes .

  Inching closer, she placed her hand on his arm, purring as she tossed her hair. “Well, sugar, you’ve come to the right place. Let me show you to a table, honey. I’ll treat you real good .”

  Exhaling, he darted his eyes in her direction. “Bar’s fine. Thanks .”

  “A man of few words. You sure ?”

  “Positive.” Sidestepping her, he heard her string of cuss words as he walked away. Romance or hard fucking he didn’t have any time for. He pushed through the crowd, only half surprised a good third were already intoxicated. What else was there to do in a two-bit town? After finding a spot at the bar, he studied his surroundings until the bartender approached .

  “What can I get you?” Smiling, she leaned over the bar, the move pushing her ample chest closer to his face .

  “A bottle of Bud and some information .”

  “Oh yeah?” She chomped on her gum as she reached down, pulling a bottle of beer from a cooler under the bar. “The beer will be four dollars. The information depends .”

  Landen yanked a ten out of his wallet. “Keep the change .”

  “Big tipper. First question is free.” Winking, she folded the ten in her hand and popped the top on the beer, shoving the bottle in front of him. “Looking for company ?”

  “A shelter.” He took a long pull on the beer, savoring the way the cold liquid felt against his parched throat .

  “Damn. A good-looking dude like yourself is homeless?” She shook her head and took a step back, her eyes flashing .

  He studied her features, the way her dark hair covered a good portion of her face. When she moved, he could see the yellow tinge of an aging bruise just under her eye. “Found a dog on the side of the road .”

  “Oh.” Her smile returning, she crowded back toward the edge of the bar. “Gonna have to go about twenty miles but only if you want it dead .”


  “We only have kill shelters around here.” She grabbed a towel and wiped the mottled and scratched plexiglass top, darting glances at the other end of the bar .

  Landen took a look and could tell by the way beads of sweat trickled down both sides of her face that she knew the pudgy dude. He took another gulp of his beer, finishing a solid half of the bottle, his eyes never leaving the man. “What about the motel ?”

  Her hand shook as she continued to wipe, her actions stilted. “What? What did you ask ?”

  “The motel over there.” Landen clenched his fingers around the bottle .

  “Viola!” the man screeched .

  Swallowing, she nodded in the man’s direction then gave Landen a guarded smile. “Oh. Sorry. Clean enough. No roaches last time I was in there. Cheap. Come back here in the morning and you can get breakfast. Included with your room. Not a bad …”

  He heard the whistle, then the laughter of other men surrounding the burly dude. After taking another swallow, he slid the bottle across the bar. “Thanks for the beer and the information .”

  “Yep,” she whispered and crowded into the darkness .

  “Oh, Viola. Get your ass over here, you stupid bitch. Now !”

  Landen rose to his full height and pushed away from the bar. Taking long strides, the sound of his boots stomping on the dirty wooden floor drew several harsh looks .

  “Yo, slut. I need a beer. Get over here !”

  At least six men laughed alongside the asshole .

  He didn’t think twice, nor did he give a damn about any ramifications. Wrapping his hand around the man’s throat, Landen jerked him up and off the stool, dragging him into the center of the room. “Listen to me, fuckhead. If you ever lay a hand on that woman again, I will come back, hunt you down and slice off body parts that should remain attached. Get me ?”

  “What the fuck?” another man snarled as he jerked up from a stool, lumbering toward Landen .

  “Kick his fuckin’ ass!” another exclaimed .

  Landen dug his nails into the man’s neck and lifted him another six inches, snarling as the asshole slapped at his chest. “Do. You. Hear. M
e ?”

  “Wha… You… fuck!” he managed, the sound strangled .

  Landen reared back, ready to take the man on until a sheriff walked closer. He could swear the officer was sporting a smile .

  “Hold on, now. No fighting in the bar, Bart. You know that. How many times have I locked your ass up for being drunk in public?” The sheriff didn’t try and stop Landen. Instead, he stood with his legs apart, his arms folded .

  “Get this… asshole… off me !”

  “Well, I’m certain this stranger will let you go, but only if you promise to stop beating on that little woman of yours.” The sheriff grinned. “Viola is a good girl. Damn wonderful to put up with your sorry ass, if you ask me .”

  Landen swiveled Bart in a half circle before dropping him like a rock. He held out his index finger. “You don’t touch a woman that way. Do you hear me?” The entire bar was quiet, except for the music blaring in the background. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the look on the bartender’s face, her eyes flashing in both fear and gratitude .

  “Yeah. I hear… you.” Coughing, Bart sputtered the words .

  “I’m dead serious.” Landen pulled back his jacket, allowing Bart to see the handle of his knife .

  “Got it. I swear on my mother’s grave!” Bart wheezed .

  Twisting his head, Landen turned and gave a cold stare to Bart’s buddies. Then he walked out of the bar, praying to God the jerk wouldn’t take out his anger on the girl. The moment he touched the door handle on his car, a hand was slapped on his shoulder, jerking him back .

  Whoosh! Bam !

  Landen took a quick step just as Bart’s fist slammed into the driver’s door .

  Woof! Woof !

  The dog went crazy, growling and scratching at the window .

  “I don’t want to hurt you. Go sleep it off,” Landen said between clenched teeth as others rushed out of the bar, eager to see a fight .

  Bart hugged and rubbed his hand, grinning before taking a step back. “Sure. Sure .”

  The second the man threw a punch, Landen hit him hard, the punch slamming into the man’s gut. He threw a second strike, hitting the man on the side of his neck .

  “Aah!” Bart screamed out in pain and dropped to his knees .

  “Bart. I think I’m gonna take you in,” the sheriff said as he yanked a set of handcuffs from his belt .

  “Why me? I did nothin’ wrong!” Bart wailed .

  Woof! Woof! Grrr… The pup clawed the window, saliva dripping from his mouth .

  “Calm down,” Landen said as he eased his hand inside the window. “Nobody’s going to hurt you .”

  “Keep that damn dog out of my face!” Bart hissed. He managed to stand, his body swaying back and forth .

  “Yeah, you did, Bart. I’m taking you in because you’re an asshole. We don’t take to beating on our women. Told you time and time again.” Shaking his head, the sheriff placed the cuffs around the stumbling man’s wrists then shot a look in Landen’s direction. “I assume you’ll be gone by in the morning ?”

  “I will,” Landen said with no inflection .

  “Good. We don’t want any trouble around here. I run a tight ship. Don’t need strangers fuckin’ with the system. I’m sure you understand .”

  Landen nodded, his expression controlled as a deputy tugged Bart from the sheriff’s hands, shoving him into the back of a squad car .

  The sheriff gave him a look of respect and leaned in. “Appreciate what you did. Bart’s a good man, just can’t get his head out of his ass .”

  Glancing into the car, he shook his head. The dog had not only calmed down, but appeared to be fast asleep. So much for a peaceful night. He remained where he was until the crowd sauntered back into the bar. This kind of shit he could do without .

  * * *

  S hannon was surprised she’d enjoyed dinner, especially given she’d been greeted by a butler, ordered a drink from a woman in a body hugging black dress and was attended to by not one but two chefs. The surroundings were rustic yet modern, colorful yet very masculine. Art adorned almost every wall, dazzling and vibrant colors depicting the wildlife in the West. Somehow, she knew the oil paintings cost more than her car .

  “More wine?” Montgomery asked as he gazed into her eyes .

  “Not if you need to call one of your servants .”

  Bursting into laughter, he rose from his chair, tossing his linen napkin and walked around the table. His eyes never leaving her, he wrapped his hand around the bottle of merlot, brushing the tip of his thumb back and forth across the gilded label. As he poured, his lips turned into a sexy pout .

  The man was certainly giving her a full court press and in truth, she had no idea why. Montgomery had more money than God, could have and had experienced some of the sexiest females in the entire country and wasn’t the kind of man who committed to anyone or anything. The term ‘playboy’ came to mind. She continued to ask why she’d agreed to go out with him. Boredom? No doubt. Maybe she wanted to rub noses with a wealthy man. The duds she was used to would prefer buying a six pack than a dozen roses. Exhaling, she allowed her eyes to drift to the magnificent scene just outside the bank of floor to ceiling windows. The backyard was incredible. God, she could get used to living like this .

  “You’re a very interesting woman .”

  “Interesting is akin to ‘not my type’.” Shannon raised a single eyebrow and wrapped her hand around the glass. At least the wine was well worth the company. The food was five star, a far cry from her usual salad and cheap red wine, hunkered over the coffee table as she watched Netflix. That is when she wasn’t at the bar, grabbing a bite here and there. She rose from the table .

  “You’re very much my type,” he whispered as he lifted his glass. “To getting to know each other better .”

  She nodded as they clinked glasses, more than curious as to what his intent could be. Everyone wanted something. Her level of trust would never allow her to enjoy without wondering when the shoe would drop. “Very well .”

  “You say that as if I have an ulterior motive .”

  “Well, don’t you ?”

  “Such a challenge.” He took a sip of wine and gave her a longing look. “Perhaps I do have an ulterior motive after all .”

  “I’m intrigued.” She swirled the wine before taking a sip, ignoring the bead of perspiration trickling down the back of her neck. Being attracted to him, to the way he spoke, his dark eyes and engaging smile, his long fingers and muscular body, wasn’t what she expected when he’d arrived in a flashy car, promising only the finest food catered by his personal chefs. No, she wanted to loathe the pompous man, chiding him for living in such luxury while others lived in squalor. She simply couldn’t. His frank conversation about how hard he’d worked for his money, starting as a young boy and working alongside his father had been surprising enough. The fact his entire family of four had been homeless at some point had broken through her perfectly coiffed armor .

  Montgomery leaned in, the tips of his fingers brushing ever so lightly on her neck. Blowing a swath of hot air, he lowered his already husky voice. “I’m glad to hear it because I’m going to own you one day .”

  The words reverberated in her mind, dancing back and forth. While men had often stated they wanted to tame, even break her, she’d never had a statement as blatant as this one. Her mouth suddenly dry, she wanted to turn away for fear he’d see her hardened nipples through the flimsy material of her dress. “I’m not for sale .”

  “Mmm… We shall see.” Leaning further in, he dragged the tip of his tongue across her earlobe as he rubbed his hand down the front of her arm, every touch nothing more than a whisper .

  A quiver trickled down her arms, straight to her already wet pussy. Damn, the man was good. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head as he nipped her ear then moved to her neck. When his fingers brushed across one breast, she bit back a moan. This wasn’t like her at all. She never succumbed to a man, not in the way most needed. She knew one thin
g about Montgomery, he required her submission. The thought was – interesting .

  Cupping her chin, he pulled her forward, his grip gentle but firm. “As I told you. I always get what I want.” The moment he captured her mouth, he pressed his tongue inside. He held her tightly, his fingers digging into her skin .

  Shannon gripped his wrist as the kiss became more passionate, carnal. She moaned as his tongue entwined with hers, exploring the dark recesses. Hot and very wet, she shifted forward until his groin pressed against hers .

  He broke the kiss and licked across the seam of her mouth, grunting then pulling away. “A passionate woman. Very desirable.” His eyes flashing, he offered his hand. “Come with me .”

  She allowed him to take her hand, pulling her toward the row of doors. Her heart was racing, a tingling sensation sliding all the way down to her clenched pussy. The taste of him was sweet, almost exotic. As he led her outside she inhaled, savoring the scent of several species of flowers. The pool glistened in the moonlight, shimmering lights under the surface of the water. The tropical foliage was positioned just so, adding to the lush appearance. This was way out of her league. “Beautiful .”

  “Mmm… Yes. Something to be admired, cared for and trained .”

  The words gave her a smile. This was beyond flirting, moving to another stage. Maybe one night could be enticing. “You have everything you need here .”

  “Almost everything. Then again, I’m a man of few desires. No matter what you’ve heard about me, I’m simple in my tastes.” He moved swiftly, taking several long strides toward a wooden bench. With a quick snap of his wrist, he sat down and pulled her on top of his lap .

  Shannon laughed, the move unexpected. There was no denying what he craved given the way his cock throbbed, pushing hard against his linen pants. The moment his fingers eased down into the bodice of her dress, she stiffened. “Montgomery. I don’t know you very well.” Where was the woman who met a cowboy on a dance floor and took him home that very night? There was something far too unsettling about the man, a jabbing feeling she couldn’t put her finger on .


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