Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2) Page 24

by Stone, Piper

  Blinking, she waited as he wrinkled his brow and took a gulp of beer. Whatever he had to tell her was eating him up inside .

  When he removed his finger, he sat quietly, folding and rubbing his hands. He cleared his throat and kept his eyes pinned on the table. “I was in 9/11. I saw things that no one should see, people dying right in front of me and there was nothing I could do. Nothing. A monster decided to end their world and for what ?”

  Tears slipped from her eyes and she couldn’t help but think about Ziggy and about Jace .

  “There were so many injured, so many dead,” he continued, “and I was lost in the adrenaline, a rush that consumed me as I tried to save lives, pulling people from the rubble. Then one of our team died, right in front of me. He was next to me as we were putting out the fire in the first building. He was a kid like me, on probation and so eager. Damn the kid was eager. He was supposed to stay with the team leader, but he didn’t. He heard a cry, someone screaming from underneath twisted metal and left the area. I went after him, but I was too late. Too fucking late.” He swallowed as the words became garbled, his hands shaking .

  All she could do was allow her tears to flow. “But you survived, and you helped others to survive .”

  “Please don’t call me a hero. I hate that word. Loathe that fucking word.” He placed his face in his hands .

  Shannon gripped his wrist, holding on tight. “You did what you could .”

  Snuffing, he jerked his head up. “Yeah, I did. I did exactly as I was told, but two more of my brothers died. You’ve never seen a funeral like a firefighter’s funeral procession. Hundreds of people lining the street to pay homage to the dead .”

  “To their lives .”

  He grasped her hand, pulling her fingers to his lips. Breathing out, tears fell across her skin. “I know. I just can’t make sense of the violence any longer .”

  “Then why are you here? Why did you join one of the most dangerous firefighting teams in the world ?”

  “Because I’ll die if I don’t press forward. This is in my blood. I fought it for years, but I can’t any longer .”

  She bit back a moan as he kissed her fingers, every brush of his lips delicate, so tender. In those few moments, no one else existed, there was nothing but the two of them .

  “I’m sorry.” He tried to laugh. “I don’t mean to dwell on the past .”

  “Never be sorry for the kind of man that you are, for caring so much. Never. You remind me of my…” She almost said the words. Almost .

  Landen kept his grip as he searched her eyes. “Talk to me. I bared my soul. You can trust me .”

  She knew she could, probably more than anyone else she’d ever met in her life. “There are things about my life, reasons I just can’t feel alive again .”

  “Baby, I’m here .”

  The sweet words were said with such adoration, utter concern. Take a chance. “My brother was a smokejumper. That took him off the street and I thought kept him safe. But I was wrong. So very wrong. I understand about the funeral. I experienced one a terrible March Day, a moment I’ll never forget .”

  Air escaped his lungs as he rubbed her hands against his face. “Shannon. Oh, Shannon .”

  She rolled the words around in her head, the little voice that never left her, providing nightmares more often than not. “He died in the line of duty not long after he was accepted. He loved what he did. I just can’t bear the thought of losing anyone else. Not that way .”

  “I do understand, but I’m here. I’ve been through hell and back and still, I’m here. Please don’t push me away. That will kill me. Not after I just found you .”

  Shannon sniffed as tears continued to flow. She pulled her hand free and cupped his face, feeling his heated skin on her fingertips. This was so unexpected, yet so very wonderful. As she started to say the words, utter the admittance that no one else knew, she realized that she’d fallen in love with this man, this broken yet wonderful person whom she had no business loving .


  “There’s more. I’d fallen in love with a man for the first time in my life. I no longer had to take care of my little brother. He was happy, so I could be happy, so I let myself go. Jace was wonderful. He was sweet and strong, loving yet full of life. And he loved danger. God, he loved every dangerous element.” She could see in his eyes an understanding, a knowing of what she was about to say .

  His lips thin, he held his gaze on her face, as if trying to give her strength. Shaking, he refused to let her go .

  She choked back tears as she closed her eyes, seeing the man’s face, hearing his baritone laugh and almost feeling the touch of his hand. She did hear his whisper, reminding her that it was time to move on. “Jace was a smokejumper, too. He died on the same mountain, in the same fire as my brother. I lost everything I cared for on one. Single. Damning. Day .”

  * * *

  M ontgomery slammed the front door, yanking the tie from around his neck. He stormed into the kitchen and poured a half glass of whiskey, swirling the liquid as he thought about the evening. He was pissed, furious that the fucking smokejumper had gotten in the middle of his time with Shannon. Hissing, he took a swig and knew he would find a way to destroy the asshole for interfering .

  He thought back to the lunch they’d shared, the way Landen had asked very pointed questions about the hotel, the development corporation and about the fire. What did the man think he knew? Something was off. Coupled with the earlier threats, he remained on edge. But he would get to the bottom of his concerns, determine if they were justified or not. Either way, the two would tango again .

  Dinner had been enlightening, even shocking. He’d never anticipated such a turn of events. He also wanted to capitalize on the information received. Just how might take a day or two, but the end game was near. At least in his mind. Chuckling, he held up the glass, admiring the cinnamon colored liquid. Yes, he was in a very good bargaining position .

  When he heard the doorbell, he snarled. Who the hell was coming by this late? He stormed to the front door and flung it open. “What are you doing here?” He glanced out into the night, his eyes sweeping the driveway. “I told you never to come here .”

  “I’m alone and I wasn’t followed. This is something I didn’t want to say over the phone .”

  “Fine. Then I have another job for you to do and quickly too.” Montgomery walked into the living room, turning on a single light. He continued sipping on his drink without offering. This wasn’t a social call. “Go on .”

  “There’s a smokejumper sniffing around with the fire investigator. He’s suggesting that the fire at the hotel was set .”

  “The fire was ruled an accident. We don’t have anything to worry about.” Montgomery was through with dealing with idiots .

  “The investigator doesn’t believe the story. He’s continuing to snoop, and you know he’s going to turn over the right rock .”

  Montgomery hissed. “Not if you did your job well enough .”

  “I had no idea those kids were going to be on that mountain. They could have died !”

  “But they didn’t.” He pointed his finger. “The investigator is a loose end .”

  “Yeah, he is. Investigator Nelson has a history with your father, but I took care of the situation, destroying the evidence at the hotel .”

  He thought about what his dear old dad had said only hours before. “A history, huh ?”

  “Let’s just say the investigator was horribly disfigured in a fire at one of your father’s buildings over ten years ago .”

  Montgomery took in the information and sighed. “Then you know what you need to do, which is exactly the job I was talking about.” When there was hesitation, he took two steps forward until they were only inches apart. “I pay you very well for what you do for my company. All I have to do is make a single phone call. One. Do you hear me ?”

  “I didn’t sign on for this to commit murder .”

  He pointed his finger and lo
wered his voice. “And how many lives have been lost in these fires? You’ve already committed murder. Kill the man. Get this investigator out of our hair .”

  “You do understand that there will be a full investigation .”

  “I’m certain you can be creative. Now, can’t you?” He didn’t give a shit. By the time any of this went down, he’d be on a pristine beach, sucking down margaritas. “Who is this smokejumper ?”

  “Landen Weaver. New guy from what I heard .”

  The name sizzled every synapse until the rage was blinding. “Kill him. I don’t care what you have to do. Take him out.” He paced the room. No wonder Shannon didn’t want to have anything to do with him. The fucker wasn’t going to get away with this. “Did you fucking hear me ?”

  “I heard you. You’re going to have to pay me very well for doing something like this .”

  “I don’t care what it takes. Get it done. Burn half the city, torch the mountains. You have forty-eight hours. Just leave the property I’m purchasing alone as well as the land surrounding the hotel. Now, get out of here. And don’t come here again .”

  The smirk remained followed by a laugh. “Not a problem. I’ll do exactly what it takes .”

  Montgomery slammed and locked the door before grabbing his phone. The best news of the evening .

  Landen Weaver was going to die .

  Chapter 12

  L anden watched, a moment of slow motion catapulting every nerve ending, dragging every wretched memory of past horrors into the forefront, as Shannon rushed out of the restaurant. He sat dumbfounded, unable to focus or think clearly. She’d lost so much, suffering in a manner no one should have to face in a lifetime. All in the blink of an eye. He had difficulty breathing as the weight of his knowledge crushed down, preventing him from moving .

  Then the realization hit him hard, forcing him to react. Jerking up from the table, he fumbled to find money, dropping what he prayed would be enough, grabbed his jacket and raced out to find her. The cold air instantly sent a series of shivers skating down his spine. He struggled into the coat, his breath skipping. The night sky was darkened by clouds, wind whistling through every tree. Ominous shadows confronted him as he searched the parking lot, hoping she’d be standing by his car, waiting, longing for comfort from a man who had no clue how to provide what she needed .

  But she wasn’t there .

  Desperate, he darted in between cars and customers, struggling with his own demons as they forced their way to the surface. “Shannon!” The strangled cry floated toward the cloud filled sky, providing an eerie sound amongst the noise of cars and laughter. He turned in a full circle, searching, scanning every corner of the overcrowded lot. Still, she was nowhere to be seen .

  Panic set in, his heartrate increasing, his pulse racing. What the hell was he going to do? “Shannon. Please.” Listening intently, he homed in on a different sound, a soft choking noise. With heavy feet, he moved in the direction, clenching his fists. A single light above the area highlighted a small clearing, a patch of trees separating two businesses. A form huddled on the ground, cradling against a massive oak .

  The scene surreal, he held his breath, willing his nerves to shut down. She needed his strength, his calm demeanor, not a freaking lost lunatic, hell bent on personal destruction. Sucking in his breath, he took several careful steps, fearful of startling the already shaking woman .

  When he reached the area, he stopped several feet from her, agonizing over her soft sobs. He sat down on the grass, a full foot away from her and resisted reaching out .

  Shannon shifted, tilting her head away and fisted her mouth .

  “I cared very much about a special woman and she was the only reason I survived after the years spent fighting fires in my early days.” The words were difficult at first, but as he continued, they became easy, almost cathartic. “Samantha saw right through me. She was a rock, pushing me hard every day just to get out of bed. She refused to allow me to wallow in what she called ‘useless pity’. I hated myself and I hated the world. I was so angry. God, I wanted to inflict every horror my mind could think of on the entire world .”

  Shannon moved, leaning against the tree, her cries subsiding .

  He exhaled and continued, “I’d quit after two years of fighting fires. I didn’t have the passion any longer. I was there physically but not mentally. I realized almost too late, after one horrific fire, that my lack of care would cause mistakes. That I could cost the life of one of my team or an innocent victim. So, I quit.” He noticed she was studying him, her eyes wide. “I fell into a bottle and stayed there. Sure, I purchased a bar, went to work every day, seven days a week, but I wasn’t good for anything or anyone. Samantha was the amazing thing in my life .”

  “What happened?” she whispered .

  “She tolerated me for five years. Then we just let each other go. I wasn’t good for her. I held her back from her life .”

  “She loved you .”

  Landen tilted his head back, choking on his thoughts. “Yes, she did. Through my nasty mood swings and near violence when I drank too much, she was there. My sweet rock .”

  Shannon scooted toward him but didn’t reach out. “What happened to her ?”

  “She’s happily married with kids, living a good life. She found her way.” The last words were so difficult for him to admit, but he managed to smile, knowing he’d done the right thing. “When you care about someone so deeply, you’ll never lose them or their love. Their memories will always be with you. That’s how you keep them alive .”

  Moaning, she leaned over, allowing two fingers to touch his leg, her index finger tapping against his jeans. “Landen …”

  The word was so full of angst, so breathless that he reacted, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her onto her knees. He cradled her head as she nuzzled against his chest, her hands pushing then tugging on his shirt, her fingers clenching around the thin material. “I’ve got you. Everything will be okay .”

  “Okay.” The word was muffled, laced with a hollow tone .

  He rubbed her back and closed his eyes, swaying them both back and forth in a rocking motion. After a few seconds, she sniffled and pushed him back until she could tilt her head. “I’m sorry. I just… The story and your pain and …”

  “Shh… There’s nothing to be sorry about.” He looked down and even in the dimness of the glowing light, he could see into her eyes, past the hurt and confusion. He rubbed his thumb across her cheek, gathering the tears and suddenly, there was no one else around them. Cupping her chin, he lowered his head, peppering soft kisses along her nose and cheek .

  Shannon gripped his jacket and shifted closer, body against body, her lips pursed, her eyes closed. She darted her tongue across the seam of his mouth as her breath skipped, creating a wave of heat cascading along his face and neck .

  Landen crushed his lips over hers and slid his hand down the length of her back, cupping and squeezing her buttocks .

  She wiggled against him, the friction creating moans and whimpers. The moment he thrust his tongue inside her mouth, she threw her arms around his neck, intertwining her arms and pulling him into the heat of her body .

  The kiss became a passionate roar, a moment of wild abandon, until he could no longer breathe. Struggling, he pulled them both to their feet then broke the kiss. Without uttering another word, he picked her up into his arms and started walking toward the car .

  A single, strangled breath left her mouth before she rested her head on his chest, her one arm still wrapped around his neck .

  As he walked through line after line of cars, he could see looks of admiration out of the corner of his eye. He didn’t acknowledge or slow down. He had a purpose, an almost desperate need .

  They didn’t speak, nor was there any other noise with the exception of the powerful engine roaring as Landen shifted from one gear to another. He maneuvered the darkened streets, hugging the curvy road as if sliding on glass. There was no question where they were going,
his cabin .

  After killing the engine, he kicked the driver’s door shut and walked with purpose to the other side. He refused to take no for an answer. After gathering her into his arms, he took long strides toward the door .

  Once inside, he stared down at her as he headed for the bedroom. While Jace followed, he kept his distance, his tail swooshing back and forth. His only acknowledgment was a single bark, welcoming them home .

  Home. Dear God, he’d never wanted to share his home as much as this very moment. As he eased her down onto her feet, towering over her, he lifted her chin with a single finger. “I want you. I need you. Do you understand ?”

  “Yes. Oh, yes .”

  He wrapped his arm around Shannon’s neck, holding her in place as they French kissed, savoring the sweet taste of her mouth, inhaling her scintillating perfume. He slid his open mouth to the side, darting his tongue around her lips and tugged at her shirt .

  Her body quivering, she squeezed his arm, her fingers digging into his skin. She wrapped one leg around his, whimpering as the kisses moved to her cheek .

  Landen gripped the back of her neck as he licked across her jawline, sucking and peppering wet kisses. He was on fire, every muscle aching with desire. Issuing a single growl, his breath skipping along the base of her neck, he issued a single command. “Undress for me.” He let her go and took two steps back, crossing his arms and planting his feet apart .

  “What about you ?”

  “Nope. I give the orders. Do you understand ?”

  “Mmm…” Shannon nodded and eased her hands down from her waist to the tops of her thighs .

  “I didn’t hear you. You answer me when I ask you a question. Do. You. Understand?” He could see a spark of confusion followed by intense longing .

  “Yes, sir .”

  “Better. Good girls are lavished with passion. Bad girls are punished.” He was pushing the envelope, but there was something about this woman and this moment that was perfect, exactly what they both needed .


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