by John Lloyd
hardness, measuring of 1
Harold Godwinson 1
Harold, King 1, 2
harpoons 1
Harrington, John Walker 1
Hastings, Battle of 1, 2
Hays Code 1
losing body heat from 1
weight of 1
donating of by living person 1
first transplant 1
restarting a stopped 1
heart rate
effect of fear on 1
slowing down 1
heart surgery 1
heartbeats 1
heights, fear of 1
Heine, Heinrich 1
helical staircases 1
Helmholtz square 1
Henry I, King 1
Henry IV, King 1
Henry VI, King 1, 2, 3
Henry VII, King 1
Henry VIII, King 1, 2, 3
hernia 1
Herodotus 1
heroin 1
Hickey, John 1
Hill, Sir Rowland 1
Himmler, Heinrich 1
Hinduism 1, 2
Hitchcock, Alfred 1
Hitler, Adolf 1, 2, 3
Hockney, David 1
Holland 1
homing pigeons 1
homosexuality, and age of consent 1
Honduras, oranges in 1
Honey badger 1
honeymoon rhinitis 1
hormones 1
horned helmets 1
animals with 1
humans growing 1
horseshoe crab 1
House, Clinton 1
houses, smallest 1
Howard, Lord 1, 2
Hubbard, Paul 1
Huesman, Tony 1
comparison with chimpanzees 1
first record of drinking alcohol 1
growing horns 1
loss of fur 1
and Neanderthals 1
hundred 1
Hundred Years War 1, 2, 3
Huns 1, 2
hurricanes 1
huskies 1
Huxley, T.H. 1
Huygens, Christiaan 1
hyperactivity 1
hypothalamus 1
hypothermia 1
hypsometry 1
‘I came, I saw, I conquered’ phrase 1
ice, falling from aeroplanes 1
ice cubes, contamination with ‘faecal matter’ 1
Ichneumon wasp 1, 2
Ikeda, Professor Kikunae 1, 2
immortality 1
religions of 1
Romani in 1, 2
insects, finding new species of in gardens 1
insomnia 1
International Criminal Court (ICC) 1
International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union 1
Inughuit people 1
Iraq war 1
Irish language 1
iron, stiffness of 1
Iron Age 1
Italy 1
railways 1
Iwerks, Ub 1
Jainism 1
Japan 1, 2
banknotes 1
emoticons used in 1
and football 1
and inemuri 1
3-star restaurants 1
war with China (1937–45) 1
jellyfish 1
and immortality 1
treatment of stings by 1
Jenkins, Professor David 1
Jesse, Otto 1
Joan of Arc 1
John F. Kennedy Memorial 1
John II, King of Portugal 1
John Paul II, Pope 1, 2
Johnson, Boris 1
Johnson, Samuel 1
Dictionary 1
Jones, Steve 1
Jonson, Ben 1
judges, British 1
Julia Creek dunnart 1
Jung, Carl 1
Jupiter 1
K1 1
K2 1
Kanakuri, Shizo 1
Karakorum range 1
Karloff, Boris 1
Kekulé, August 1
keratin 1, 2
Kerr family 1
Keynes, John Maynard 1
Kidd, William 1
Kiesselbach, Wilhelm 1
killer whales 1
kilts 1
Kingsley, Rev. Charles 1
Kittenger, Joseph 1
Kleitman, Dr Nathaniel 1, 2
Knox, Father Ronald 1, 2
knuckle cracking 1
Kodak 1
König, Peter 1
Krakatoa, eruption of 1
Kraken Mare lake (Titan) 1
Kwok, Dr Robert Ho Man 1
Lack, David 1
lactose tolerance 1
Ladbrokes 1
lake, largest 1
Lanfray, Jean 1
Lang, Gerhard 1
official 1
spoken in ancient Rome 1
Latin 1, 2
as official language in Vatican 1
latitudinal libration 1
laurel wreath 1
lavatories 1
on aeroplanes 1
and hygiene 1
injuries while on 1
lead, hardness of 1
Leaning Tower of Pisa 1
Lebensprüfer (’Life-prover’) 1
Lebistina beetle 1
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van 1
Lent 1
Leo XIII, Pope 1
lepers, carrying bells 1, 2
leprosy 1
letterboxes 1
lexical-gustatory synaesthesia 1
libration 1, 2
lichens 1
Lilienthal, Otto 1
lingua franca 1, 2
Linnaean Society 1
liver 1
Llanfair PG 1
London 1
London Fire Brigade 1
longitudinal libration 1
‘loo’ 1
see also lavatories Lorenzini, Stefano 1
lorikeet 1
lost, going round in circles when 1
lottery 1
Louis XIII, King 1
Lovelace, Ada 1
Lusitania, sinking of (1915) 1
Luxembourg 1
lying 1
give-aways 1
McCay, Professor Clive 1
McClelland Royal Commission 1
Macedonia/Macedonians 1, 2
Macfarlane, Charles 1
MacMahan, Dr Jamie 1
Mafia 1
Magna Carta (1215) 1, 2
magnetoception 1
Mahavira 1
and heartbeats 1
most aggressive 1
smallest 1
mangoes, speeding up ripening process 1
Mansfield, Lord 1
Manx Shearwater 1, 2
Mao Zedong 1, 2
Maralinga nuclear tests (Australia) 1
Mariani, Angelo 1
Marie Byrd Land 1, 2
Marmite 1
marngrook (‘game ball’) 1
Marryat, Captain Frederick 1
Mars 1, 2, 3, 4
marula tree 1
Marx, Karl 1
Mary I, Queen 1
Mary, Queen of Scots 1
Mather, Graham 1
Matilda, Queen 1, 2
mayflies 1
octopus 1, 2
snakes 1
Max Planck Institute for
Biological Cybernetics (Tübingen) 1
mayflies 1
Mediterranean 1
size 1
tides 1
Melton Mowbray 1
Melville, Herman
Moby Dick 1
Omoo 1
menstruation, vicarious 1
Merian, Maria Sibylla 1
Mertz, Xavier 1
mesophere 1
Messalina, Empress 1
Messinian Salinity Crisis 1
sp; meteorites 1
Metronidazole 1
Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator 1
mice, species of British 1
Michelin man 1
Michelin stars 1
Michelin Tyre Company 1
Mickey Mouse 1
micro-frog 1
microwave ovens 1
microwaves 1
military success, and France 1
Milk Marketing Board 1
Milton, John 1, 2
Milton Keynes 1, 2
minerals, creation of 1
mink 1
mints 1
mirages 1
mockingbirds 1
Mohs, Friedrich 1
Mohs Hardness scale 1
Molotov (Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Skriabin) 1
Molotov cocktails 1
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (1939) 1
Mongolians 1, 2
monkey-pump 1
monosodium glutamate see MSG
Montgomerie, Lieutenant Thomas 1
Moon 1
view from Earth 1
More, Sir Thomas 1
Morris, Reverend Marcus 1
Morris, Sir Parker 1
Morris, Steve 1
Morton, Charles 1
mosses 1
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) 1
Moulin Rouge 1
estimating height of 1
‘in a high place’ notices 1
world’s second highest peak 1
Mpemba, Erasto 1
MSG (monosodium glutamate) 1, 2, 3
Munsters, The 1
Murray, Dr Stewart 1
mushrooms 1
Musk ox 1
Muslims, in India 1
Mussolini, Benito 1
mycology 1
naming, of new species 1
Naples 1
Napoleon 1, 2
height of 1
‘Napoleon complex’ 1
narcotics 1
Natural History Museum 1
Nautilus pompilius 1
Nazis 1
Neanderthals 1, 2
Nelson, Horatio, height of 1, 2
Netherlands 1
see also Dutch New Labour laws 1
new towns 1
New Zealand 1
Newcastle Brown Ale 1
Newton, Humphrey 1
Newton, Sir Isaac 1, 2
Newton, Wayne 1
Nichols I, Tsar 1
nightmares, and eating cheese 1
Nile, River 1
nitrous oxide (laughing gas) 1
Nixon, Richard 1
no-man’s-land 1
noctilucent clouds 1
Normans 1, 2, 3
north, finding of in a forest 1
North Korea 1
North Sea 1
North Star (Polaris) 1
causes 1, 2
and death of Attila the Hun 1
treatment of 1
‘not enough room to swing a cat’ phrase 1
Nubian people 1
Obama, Barack 1
oceans, temperature of 1
octopus 1, 2
Odo, Bishop of Bayeux 1
oil 1
Olympic Games 1
perfect 1 score 2
sports no longer included 1
opiods 1
opium 1
oranges, colour of 1
Orbison, Ray 1
organ transplants 1
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit 1
Ouroboros 1
ovum 1
Owen, Jennifer 1, 2
Oxford English Dictionary 1
oxygen 1
oxytocin 1
ozone layer 1
Pacioli, Luca 1
Paget, Stephen 1
pandas 1
pandemics 1
panspermia 1
papal infallibility 1
paper money 1
Papua New Guinea 1
parachute, opening of 1
paraesthesia 1
Paris, Michelin stars 1
Parker Morris standards 1
Parliament Acts (1911/1949) 1
Parthenon 1
Pascal, Blaise 1
Pasteur, Louis 1
peanuts, avoiding of in bars 1
Peary, Admiral Robert E. 1, 2
Peary Land 1
Pemberton, John Stith 1
Pen-tailed tree shrew 1
penguins 1
penicillin 1
Argentinian Lake Duck 1
snake’s two 1
Penny Black stamp 1
Penny Red stamp 1
Peterlee 1
Petition of Right Act (1628) 1
Pharnaces II, King 1, 2
phi 1
Phidias 1
Philip II, King of Spain 1
Phoenicians 1
phosphoric acid 1
photic sneeze reflex 1
pilchards 1
Pinker, Stephen 1
pins and needles 1
Pins and Needles (musical) 1
pirates 1, 2
Pius XII, Pope 1
place names, longest 1
plague 1, 2, 3
Plane Crazy 1
Plantagenet, House of 1
Plato, Timaeus 1
Pliny the Elder 1, 2
Plough (Big Dipper) 1
ploughman’s lunch 1
Ploughman’s Lunch, The (film) 1
Pocohontas 1
poisoning, by Vitamin A 1
‘polar bear effect’ 1
Polyphemus 1
Pompey 1, 2
Pope 1
Poppaea (wife of Nero) 1
Post Office 1
postcards 1
postcodes 1
Potter, Beatrix 1
Powhatans 1, 2
praetors 1
preformationism 1
premature burial 1
prison uniforms, striped 1
progesterone 1
Progressive Muscle Relaxation 1
prostitutes 1
Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status 1, 2
Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status 1
Ptolemy I 1
Ptolemy XII 1
Ptolemy XIII 1
public speaking, fear of 1
puffins 1, 2
Puffinus puffinus 1
Pythian Games 1
Quinion, Michael 1
radar 1
radiation 1
radio plays, world coming to an end broadcasts 1
radioactivity 1
radium 1
railways, Italian 1
rainfall 1
Ransome, Arthur 1
Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
sleep 1
rats 1
magnetic 1
rattlesnakes, on television 1
Rawlinson, Thomas 1
Raytheon 1
razor blade, as compass 1
Reagan, Nancy 1
recessions, and suicide 1
Red Sea 1
Rehn, Ludwig 1
Reith, Lord 1
Renaissance Bug see Halobacteria
Rentokil 1
Representation of the People Act (1969) 1
reproduction 1
and budding 1
see also mating
Rescue Annie 1
restaurants, and Michelin stars 1
resuscitation 1
Richard III, King 1, 2
Roberts, Andy 1
Roe, Donald 1
Rolfe, John 1
Roma 1
Romani 1
Romans/Roman Empire 1, 2
army/legions 1
conquering of Rome by Goths (410 AD) 1
eating of dormice 1
fighting of Huns 1
and glass 1
and hair 1
invasion of Britain 1
language spoken in Rome 1
sacking of Rome
by Vandals (455) 1
treatment for insomnia 1
Roosevelt, President Theodore 1, 2
rope-climbing Olympians 1
Rothschild, Lord 1
rubber balls 1
Russian Revolution (1917) 1
rust 1
Rutzen, Michael 1
St Andrew’s Day 1
salt 1
Samaritans 1
sardines 1
satellite navigation 1
Saturn 1, 2, 3
sauna 1
Scarfe, Gerald 1
Schatz, Albert 1
Schimper, Anna 1
Schuetz, George and Edward 1
Scotland, wearing of kilts 1
Scott, Sir Walter 1, 2, 3
Scythians 1
seawater, freezing of 1
Second World War 1, 2, 3
Sellmer, Richard 1
semen 1
sensory substitution 1
Sequin, Albert 1
serfdom 1
Settlement Act (1701) 1
sewage, polluting of beaches 1
sneezing during 1
see also mating
Shakespeare, William 1, 2
Henry VI Part (1) 1
and tonic immobility 1
tracking by 1
Shaw, George Bernard 1, 2
shearwater 1
sheep-counting 1, 2
Sheffield 1
Sheffield FC 1
Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein 1
Shima Marineland Aquarium (Japan) 1
shivering 1
Sikhs, in India 1
silkworms 1
Sino-Japanese War (1937–45) 1
skin 1
breathing through 1
effect of drinking water on 1
shedding of dead 1
Skipsea (Yorkshire), planned atomic bomb explosion 1
slavery, in England 1
sleep 1
and dreaming 1
and eating cheese 1
REM (rapid eye movement) 1
slim appearance
and black clothes 1
and stripes 1
smell 1
smiling 1
Smith, John 1
Smyrna 1
Smyth, Admiral W.H. 1
beating heart of cobra 1
rattlesnakes on television 1