The Paradise Box Set

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The Paradise Box Set Page 9

by Pike, Leslie

  “I don’t doubt you.”

  I’m relieved.

  “Good. That’s what I wanted to hear.”

  “Hold on. That doesn’t mean I’m not mad. It should have ‘crossed your mind.’ You disrespected me by letting her become my friend while you two had this secret. I bet she really enjoyed that.”

  “You’re right. Of course you’re right.”

  “I don’t give a damn who you were with before we met. But I do care to know if I’m in a relationship with one of them. That’s just common sense, Steven.”

  “I know.”

  “If you expect respect from me, know that I demand the same. There would be no second chances if I thought you cheated. No matter how much I care for you, no matter how much you mean to me, I won’t settle for less.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to.”

  “I take it she was coming back for seconds today?”

  “I don’t know what she was doing. She brought it up, and I think she was looking for a reaction from me. I told her I thought she was being ridiculous, and I wasn’t ever going to be interested. I told her I was in love with you.”

  Now I see a smile.

  “You said what?”

  “I love you, Bliss.”

  “I love you too. I have from the first day.”

  “I’m not saying it to get past this discussion. And I didn’t want to say it in a van, parked next to a truck,” I say.

  “It doesn’t really matter where you said it.”

  We come together in a kiss.

  I had no intention of telling her I loved her in that setting. I’ve been thinking about it for a while and thought I’d take her somewhere romantic. But it just came out. It rolled right off my tongue. I love her.

  The entire morning’s spent prepping for the chase scene this afternoon. It’s hot today, which is unusual for Monterey. I’m especially amped about today’s shoot because I’m driving in it. I’ve been looking forward to this one since filming started. I guess it’s no surprise that I would end up a stuntman who specializes in car work.

  My dad was one of the greatest. But no matter who your mentor is, you have to have the feel yourself.

  I can’t deny I’m glad Bliss is here to see me drive. She’s seen lots of stunt work already, but I’ve been directing those Second Unit scenes. Today she’ll see what I can do behind the wheel. If I didn’t know better I’d swear I want to show off for her.

  But at the same time, I’ll be glad when this day is behind me. When things go well, when there’s no fuck ups or unintentional accidents, it’s a high that’s hard to equal. If you look into the eyes of any stunt person right before cameras roll you’ll see the same thing. Focus. That’s a requirement to be any good at this job.

  Eyes are a little wider than usual both before and after a stunt. Metaphorically before, and physically after.

  The one thing a stunt performer hates is when you’re a few seconds away from picture, right before hearing action, and instead you hear, “Cut, we’ll go again.” Damn. Coming down from that pinpoint focus just to build it up again is one of the hardest things to do. Later, when it’s successfully done, you allow yourself a few pats on the back from each other and from the people watching. It’s a fun job in the extreme. Extreme adrenaline, extreme heights, extreme speed, extreme heat, extreme pain. But to the person, we wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

  It’s time.

  “Let’s go over what’s going to happen. Get everyone over here,” I say.

  The stunt crew gathers around me on the street. There’s ten stuntmen and two stunt women. Props has provided a table, so I can go over the stunt one last time. I use small Hot Wheel toy cars to illustrate where each person should be. We all have to be on the same page.

  “Alright. There’ll be seven cars on the road with stunt people in them. Doug and Pete are in the lead car. They’re the bad guys I’ll be chasing. I’m doubling Jack. We’re going to skid left around the first corner. My car will tap their bumper, and they’ll skid sideways, hit the curb and flip on its side.

  “Now my car is on a trajectory toward an SUV, that’s you, Cathy. Cathy has the tailgate up, and she’s changing fake baby’s diaper. In order to avoid hitting her, I swerve to the left, right into the oncoming traffic. When I do, I’m going to set off the cannon in my car. I’ll do a few roll overs and end up right side up. Hopefully I’ll be on all fours, then I’ll start to skid.

  “Now this is going to be where it gets tricky. A forty-foot semi is coming toward me. That’s you, Archer. You’ve got to get this right, and so do I. He’s going to hit his brakes as soon as I cross into his lane. There’s going to be lots of tire smoke. When that happens, Parker, Mike and Kyle, you’re going to be swerving your cars to avoid the cluster fuck the chase has created. Make sure you stay clear of me. The rest of you you’re going to pull over, just as people would do. Everyone else, you’re on the sidewalks so keep an eye out for the cars in case anything goes wrong. My car will slide right under the semi, which by now is practically stopped. That’s it. Special Effects has done their job, and the safety precautions are in place.

  “Now, as you all know, usually we wouldn’t do this in one shot. But that’s what Albie wants, so we’ve got just one time to get it right. Let’s make sure that happens. Any questions?”

  No questions, just serious faces.

  “Good. Let’s get to our places.”

  I had Bliss go to the roof of the closest three-story building out of the camera’s line of sight. That’s where one of the cameras is set up getting an aerial view. She can stand right behind the operator and have a great perspective on both streets. She’s up there now, along with a handful of cast and crew who want a ringside seat. Jack and Finn are there too.

  And now we’re ready. We’re in our cars, motors running. Belts and harnesses checked and rechecked. You can hear a pin drop.

  We hear Albie yell, “Everybody standby … Roll cameras. Background action. And, Action!”


  It begins. I step on the gas pedal.

  Along with all the other stunt crew, I’m completely focused. I’m aware of every millisecond, but at the same time it all happens quickly.

  We turn the corner, and I feel my bumper clip Doug’s car. Peripherally, I see the car slide out of my vision. Now I’m heading toward the SUV and Cathy. She’s changing fake baby’s diaper on the tailgate. She looks horrified as her character should. I’m swerving out of their way. Now I’m in the oncoming traffic. I know the other cars are veering in other directions, out of my line of sight. In the distance looms the Semi. I pop the cannon.


  I’m flying fast, end over end. I hear the crunch of metal.

  I’m right side up, and I go into my slide. The truck is slowing as I slide under. It’s stopped. I’m wedged under perfectly.

  There’s a five second pause, then I hear, “CUT!”

  That’s the way I like it. No surprises and an even better than expected take. The reactions of the crowd tells me everything I want to know.

  Right away there are stuntmen at my window.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Man that was awesome!”

  “Woo hoo, brother, good job!”

  I unbuckle my belts and harness and climb out of the car.

  “Yeah I’m fine. I want to see the playback.”

  I walk over to Renee who’s smiling from ear to ear. “Come see what you did.”

  Albie pats me on the back.


  I walk around to the monitor and wait to watch the scene as it was filmed from her camera. There’s a big group of stunt people now around the display. As Renee prepares to show us, I congratulate my crew.

  “Great job, guys. It went perfectly. Couldn’t have been better.” Everyone’s talking at once, reliving what they just went through.

  “Here we go,” Renee says. We all watch as the camera replays our scene. It looks better than good, and noth
ing was missed. And that’s just from Renee’s POV.

  There’ll be more when I watch the dailies.

  “Wow, looks great,” I say.

  It’s going to be a memorable scene in the film.

  I see Bliss running toward me with a big smile on her face. Jack and Finn walk my way as well. She jumps into my arms.

  “Ow.” I wince. “I just rolled over in a car three times, woman.”

  “Oh my God! I’m sorry.” She gets down.

  “Did you like it?”

  “You are AWESOME! That was incredible. I held my breath the entire time. Oh God, when you set off the cannon I couldn’t breathe.”

  “Great job, Steven,” Jack says.

  “That was somthin’, lad. I know I couldn’t do it,” says Finn.

  They shake my hand, and then the hands of the other crew members.

  I look to Bliss and pull her to the side.

  “Well, now we have to celebrate,” I say.

  “Yes, we need to celebrate the fantastic job you all did. Let’s meet everyone at the hotel for drinks when we wrap.”

  “No, no, no. We’re not going to celebrate what happened at work today. We’re going to celebrate what happened to us today. And no one else is invited.”

  “And what happened?” She smiles coyly. I take her in my arms.

  “Love. Love happened.”

  I’m wrapped by five thirty, and after dropping off the crew, we make it back to the cottages by six.

  “I’m going to shower at my place. I’ve got my clothes there and I want to wear something special,” she says.

  “Good, because if I see you naked we’ll never leave. But don’t wear heels, and dress comfortably.”

  “Are we going hiking or something?”

  “No. But just trust me, don’t wear anything that can’t get dirty.”

  “Oh, this is sounding more romantic by the minute.”

  “I need you to bring a scarf too.”

  “What for?” She’s intrigued.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Very interesting.” I see her beautiful smile.

  “Meet you out here in half an hour,” I say.

  “Half an hour? That’s all I get?”

  “We need as much light as possible.”

  I slap her on the ass and leave her with that thought. This is going to be fun.

  After a quick shower, I dress in jeans and a T. Bliss is just leaving her cottage as I walk out my door. I see she has a scarf with her.

  “Good timing.”

  “I’m excited,” she says.

  “Good. Let’s take the Cobra.” We get in the car and take off for our adventure. I drive to the entry of the development then stop the car.

  “You need to be blindfolded.”

  “What? You’re kidding.”

  “No. That’s what the scarf is for.”

  “Very clever. Should I put it on now?”

  “Yeah. You know this town too well. I don’t want you to see where we’re going. Put it on.”

  She does as requested, and we take off. It takes only five minutes to head down Lighthouse Avenue to Ridge Road. There’s the sign, MONARCH BUTTERFLY SANCTUARY.

  I pull into a parking space. “Ok we’re here, but leave the scarf on.” I get out, come around to her side and help her out. “You won’t need your purse. I’m going to lock it in the trunk.”

  “I smell eucalyptus trees,” she says.

  “Very clever, Sherlock. But in this town that could be just about everywhere.”

  “True, but there seems like there must be lots of them. The scent is strong. And something else. I think there’s pine trees or fir trees.”

  I take her hand and walk her onto the pathway running beside the Butterfly Grove Inn. There’s a white picket fence on one side and large eucalyptus and fir trees all around.

  We come to the entryway, and I can already see orange and black butterflies flying among the trees. A woman stands silently, to greet me with a nod of recognition. She moves to the chained entrance and lets us pass. When we do, she reattaches the chain and leaves. We’re alone in the Sanctuary.

  Chapter Eleven


  I heard a woman’s footsteps, but no voice. A chain. Birds. The ground is uneven, and the light is dappled through the scarf. Where are we?

  “Ok, I’m going to remove the blindfold,” he says.

  He reaches around and untangles the knot.

  “Welcome to our private butterfly sanctuary.”

  I look up and see hundreds of butterflies under the canopy of trees. Jet-black and bright orange patterns displaying nature’s delicate brushstrokes. Some hang in clusters upside down on the Eucalyptus. Some flit from branch to branch and some fly in tandem among the Firs. It’s breathtaking.

  “Oh, Steven, I’ve never been here, and I always wanted to see it.”

  “I know. You told me that the first night we were together. And we’ve got a private viewing. The place is closed to the public as of ten minutes ago.”

  “How did you swing that?”

  “The usual way. I promised the two docents of the museum that they could be in the movie.”

  I can’t help but chuckle. “How?”

  “Easy. I’ll put them as background in one of my second unit shots. And I promised to introduce them to Jack and Finn, so that sealed the deal. The only request they had was that we don’t touch the butterflies.”

  He takes my hands and draws me to him. “Come here. This is the perfect spot to tell you I love you. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. In front of all these brilliant witnesses, I love you,” I answer.

  We kiss, and nothing has ever felt so right.

  “This way.” He motions to the path on the right.

  We walk through the thicket of trees, and everywhere we look we see the flight of the butterflies. Ahead a few steps is a wooden bench with ornate iron butterfly end pieces. Sitting atop the seat is a bottle of champagne, two glasses and a blanket.

  “For us?” I say.

  “The docents again. I told them it might be cold, and you’d like to have something to throw on your lap.”

  “Did they buy that?”

  “I’m sure they didn’t, but they liked the idea that I was doing something so romantic for a woman. That’s what they said anyway.”

  “What about the champagne?”

  “I had one of the production girls bring it earlier.”

  “So you had this planned for a while.”

  “Well, yeah. It’s where I wanted to tell you I loved you. Remember, I’m a director. I wanted to set the scene. But now you’ll have a slightly different memory of the event. In a van, next to a truck. Sexy.”

  I take him in my arms.

  “It is sexy. Just the way it happened.”

  We kiss and it builds right away. I can feel the ache, and I can feel his hard cock.

  “Let’s mark the moment. We could do it right here. I mean in honor of the occasion,” I say.

  He looks around for the right spot.

  “I think we’ve got to do it standing, baby. I’m really sore from the roll over. It wouldn’t work with either one of us on top.”

  “We can wait till tomorrow if you want.”

  “That’s not happening. You’re my medicine. That pussy will heal me. Come here.”

  He takes my hand, grabs the blanket, and leads me to a small clearing a few feet behind the bench.

  A big eucalyptus tree stands in the center with a semi-circle of firs and other eucalyptus close behind. He spreads the blanket out in front of the tree. Overhead, butterflies hang together in large clusters for warmth. Stragglers flit between the branches. We’re under a cover of fluttering creatures.

  “Take off your clothes,” he says.

  I obey. But I do it slowly. He’s naked in ten seconds, and I’ve only just removed my shoes and jeans. He leans back against the eucalyptus. I look him straight in the eyes and grin.

  “My pu
ssy is already wet for you.”

  “Let me make it wetter.”

  I lift my top over my head and let him anticipate for just a few beats. I unhook my bra and slowly drop the straps. When it reaches the tops of my nipples, I stop.

  I see his eyes are no longer on my face. They’re glued to my tits. I don’t move. He looks up.

  “Let me see them.”

  I drop the bra. My nipples are hard with arousal.

  “Your thong. Take it off and get over here.”

  I waste no more time. I step out of my thong and toss it to the ground.

  “Wait,” I say.

  I look him in the eyes, lick my middle finger, and my hand goes slowly to my pussy. His hard cock lifts immediately. That’s the best sexual compliment he could give me.

  I stand with my legs slightly spread and rub in a slow clockwise small circle. It feels good. I’m getting sticky with my juices. But I want him to bring me there, not my own hand.

  He can’t wait any longer. He takes the few steps toward me and lifts me right off the ground. I don’t think he’s concerned with his soreness.

  “Put your legs around me.”

  I do as he says, holding on with my arms around his neck. I can feel that granite hard cock. He walks to the tree and puts his back to it with just enough room for my legs behind him. I put my open palms on the tree for support.

  He’s got one muscled arm around my waist, holding me up. With the other hand he takes ahold of his cock and finds the path to my pussy. His face shows the hunger he’s feeling.

  He looks me right in the eyes.

  “Oh yeah, right there, baby. There’s that pussy. Let me in.”

  When it’s all the way in, he puts his hands on either side of my waist and lifts with me, meeting my rise and fall with his thrust. In and out, in and out. Slowly at first. Measured.

  He begins to moan now, and so do I, as he pumps his magnificent big cock into me. It builds, as he goes faster and stronger.

  We become animals. Wild fucking animals.

  It feels like we’re in the Garden of Eden, two lovers alone in the world. And the butterflies are our dancing angels.

  * * *


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