The Paradise Box Set

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The Paradise Box Set Page 32

by Pike, Leslie

  “Oh yeah, oh, yeah! Here it is!” BB screams.

  Finn pumps her like a machine that can’t be turned off. He has a hold of her hips and he’s grabbing firm, ramming his cock in, till his knuckles and her flesh turn white. Her face is almost feral in its desire. She comes with him, in a perfectly timed release.

  It takes about thirty seconds before any of us want to move. As for me, I’m trying to hold on to the feeling. The last whisper of my orgasm. BB kisses my cock.

  “What a beautiful cock you have. I want more.”

  Then she sits up, and leans back into Finn.

  “And you. I’ve got a new favorite piercing. That was amazing.”

  Finn kisses her neck. “Darlin’, you’re one of a kind.”

  They disengage, and BB comes to my side, and lays next to me.

  “Shotski time!” says Finn. “Technically we’re owed three, right?”

  “Right,” BB says. She looks at me. “How much time do you need to go again?”

  Really? These two are incredible. We just came one minute ago.

  “I don’t think it’ll be long.”

  She touches my cock and it quivers.

  “Perfect. Just enough time for our shots, and maybe a little smoke, some chocolate,” she says.

  I can’t believe how blasé they are. They’re acting like it’s just another day. For me, it’s the happiest day of my life. I’m going to get a blow job every day for the next eight weeks. This I vow.

  Finn’s watching me, and he has a look on his face that’s priceless. It’s as if he’s Willy Wonka, and his chosen child has just found the golden ticket.

  We have our shots, and BB brings out a joint and lights it. The three of us lie on the comforter and act as if nothing in the world has changed. I guess for them it hasn’t. But I know this day has the power to change all the rest of my days. There’s so much I didn’t know. Maybe it’s just the weed talking. Finn sits up and takes the joint from me.

  “I’m going to sit this next one out,” he says.

  He grabs his pants and puts them on. He takes the tequila bottle, the weed, and heads out to the balcony. I know he’s letting me fly solo. I take the controls. She’s lying there on her stomach. Her hair is damp and curly with sweat. What a sight. I open her legs and climb between them. She obliges me. Now I can see just what a spectacular ass she has. Finn told me she’s known for that in Hollywood. But I didn’t realize just what an ass can do to a man. I trace my fingers over her back and down the crack, to her exposed lips. They’re wet with Finn’s cum. I’m trying to memorize the woman. She’s been silent up to now, but she turns over, flips a leg over my head, and pulls up her knees to reveal it all. Oh yeah. My cock rises.

  “Look at me,” she says.

  She uses her hands to part her lips. I can’t help but stare. What perfect design is this that brings a rush of emotions and desire just by looking at it? I bring my mouth to her beauty. I don’t give a damn that I may be tasting my friend’s cum. Her pussy tastes like nothing I’ve ever tasted before. And the smell is sweet and raw and so satisfying, my cock rises again. Pussy, my new favorite dish.

  I can see from her reaction I’m doing something right. I’m not one hundred percent sure I know where the G Spot is. Hell, I’m not one hundred percent sure I know where the clit is. But I’ve found something she likes to have flicked and licked and sucked. That’s good enough for me. She grabs my head with both hands. I look up. There’s no coyness or demure overtures. Just desire in her eyes.

  “Ready?” she says.

  Yes, God yes. With everything I’m made of, I need to be inside her. She spreads her legs as I lift myself onto her and guide my cock to the source of its pleasure. There are no words to describe what this feels like to a man. Language is inadequate. For a thirty-eight year old man, who’s a virgin, multiply that feeling by one hundred. Having to gently ease into it is both torture and joy. It’s as solid as it will ever be. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. She takes it all, with only one whimper. I brace myself over her with hands on either side of her body. I begin to move. I look at her face and see the reflection of our lust. I’m trying to take it slow, but that’s a lost cause. Nothing in this, or the next world, can stop me from getting what I want of her. I know for her it’s just sex, and the same applies to me. But the term “just sex” is ridiculous. There’s nothing “just” about it. I’ve ascended to a state of mind and body that’s indefinable. And it builds. We become one singular expression of sexual hunger. I discover that love doesn’t have to have a thing to do with it. This, more than anything I’ve learned tonight, is a stunning revelation. I erupt into a million fragments. In this moment I don’t know if I’m God or mortal. And somewhere in space, I hang suspended.

  * * *

  When Finn and I walk out of BB’s condo, and it’s all in the past, I have a tape playing in my mind. Over and over, I’m reliving the last eight hours. Eight hours. I think that’s pretty extraordinary for a first-timer. After Finn returned, we ventured into new territories. And we were accompanied by the fireworks and the Fourth of July music being played by the symphony in the park close by. John Phillip Souza’s classic March, “Stars and Stripes Forever” set a beat that was hard to get out of my head. Every time the cymbals crashed, one of us was fucking BB. In the shower, on her bed, standing, sitting. Boom, Boom, Boom! The crescendo would build. Finn had her pinned against a wall, pumping his Jacobs Ladder to the music, as if he was going to break her. He was drunk, but it in no way affected his performance. It just made him more aggressive. I think BB liked that. I left them alone for that one. I couldn’t figure out just where I’d fit in. And a man needs an occasional break.

  And then there was the dental floss. That was some crazy shit, but a huge turn on at the same time. Seems our BB likes to have her nipples tied with the stuff. She fashioned a chord running between her two nipples. Tight. Her prominent nipples allowed for that. Don’t ask me how she discovered this new use for dental paraphernalia. Then when it was just as she likes it, she wanted us to strum the line. Every pull brought her closer and closer to orgasm. I was afraid the floss was going to cut into her nipples. But I shouldn’t have given it another thought. BB knows what she likes. And she kept her earlier promise. She came all over me.

  As we get to our door, Finn and I look at each other, and burst out laughing. We look like we’ve just run a marathon, or wrestled Big Foot.

  “I’ve just got one thing to say, brother,” he smiles. “You were ready.”

  Chapter Nine


  It’s the first day of shooting, and we have a seven a.m. call time. I love all this movie lingo. Yeah, I’ve got a call time. Of course, I was awake at five and dressed by five thirty. Now I’ve got a whole hour to kill, before I meet Kizzy downstairs. I use the time to do the one thing that without failure puts me in a good frame of mind. I attempt to write some music. I know there’s a good idea rolling around in there somewhere. I noodle on my guitar and try to find something original and true. That for me makes a good song. A new life…new place…first breath of a new life. Oh, that’s pretty good. And that little touch of inspiration gives me hope. Maybe my life won’t be a complete waste of breath. Wait. Waste of breath, to my first breath in this new life. I can make something from that. I jot down a few key phrases, to jog my memory when I come back to it tonight. But now, it’s time to head downstairs.

  I close the door behind me and check to make sure it’s locked. I’m not the only one up so early. There are four people waiting at the elevator, and the two men coming out of their rooms, carrying large duffels, are heading that way too. When I walk past them, they both smile. I wait at the elevator, hanging back so I don’t to make eye contact. They act like they know each other. When the door opens, they all cram themselves inside. No one wants to wait for the next ride. They look uncomfortably confined, like sardines in an airless tin. So I decide to wait. When I don’t get in, they push closer together, and one of the men that smil
ed at me speaks up.

  “Come on. There’s plenty of room for a pretty girl.”

  This makes me blush, and want to disappear.

  “No it’s fine. I’ll just wait for the next one.”

  “Get in. Come on,” says the other man with the duffle. He sounds pissed.

  I don’t want to hold them up any longer, so I just get in. The conversation resumes, and in this small space, it sounds like bees in a hive. The younger man who spoke to me leans in.

  “What’s your name?”


  “You working on the film?”

  “Yes. In wardrobe.”

  He waits for me to ask him what he does, but I’m too shy. What if he’s the star, or the director? Then I’d look the fool. After a moment, he volunteers his identity.

  “I’m Scott. I’m a stuntman.”

  He acts like I should have some sort of reaction. I know a response is expected, but I’m stumped. I know nothing about stunts. I can feel the red in my face spreading to my chest. Calm down, Esme. No one’s watching or listening to what you say. There are no wrong responses here. Kevin brainwashed me into believing if you speak to a man, you’re asking for it. Even with innocent intentions, I’m still bound by his twisted thinking. I’ve got to shake that. Right now.

  “Nice to meet you, Scott.”

  The door opens, and I’m out of there before another word can be said. I see Kizzy across the lobby and she waves. Ok, I’m safe and on familiar ground again. She meets me half way and gives me a hug.

  “How’d you sleep?” she says.

  “Like a baby.”

  “Well let’s go then! We’ve got a full first day. Fittings, and twenty extras that need to be dressed. Honey, you’re about to have a trial by fire.”

  * * *

  The Rectory is where today’s filming takes place. When we got there, there were at least fifty people already at work. Electricians, Teamsters, Sound and Craft Service. That was my lesson yesterday. Craft Service is in charge of the food. Who knew? Kizzy said Wardrobe almost always has one of the earliest calls. We have to be ready when the extras arrive and when the actors get here. Some have an early call, and others, whose shots are later in the day, don’t get here till the afternoon. But in between and throughout the day, we’re responsible for making sure all parties have the right clothes. All accessories and shoes, all jewelry and in this case vestments and habits. It’s mind boggling that there isn’t a complete meltdown every day. But Kizzy is cool. She’s cool at all times. I’ve seen it already, as demands were put on her as soon as we arrived.

  Our Wardrobe truck is large, and delivered by the Teamsters to the set daily. At the hotel, there’s a conference room reserved for storing the film’s entire wardrobe. Each night, Kizzy collects and tags what’s needed for the next days’ work. Then the truck is loaded and ready to be delivered the next day. She’s made sure to not only have the required wardrobe, but extra pieces, in case something’s torn, or soiled or ruined in filming. In the truck, we’ve got every sewing tool, thread color and variety of buttons you can think of. There are two full-length mirrors and two fitting rooms. Kizzy said we always have to think ahead and anticipate. There’s so much to learn.

  Right away the day kicked off with passing out the clothes for the priests living in the Rectory. Not the stars, but the background and secondary characters. They each took their wardrobe on a hanger, with their names pinned to the hook. All pieces are expected to be returned, before each character signs out for the day. Identification must be attached. That way, we know just who didn’t return what. They’ll change in the honey wagons provided. Not with the extras, in a cordoned off area, but one step up in a wagon for themselves. The lead actors each get their own trailer, with a gold star with their name written in it on the door. Inside is everything they could want, while in between takes. Refrigerator, bed, AC and bathroom. The pecking order here is so obvious.

  After the priests, we dressed the three nuns who appear in today’s scenes. They all needed our help, figuring out the veils. One of them was the sexy blonde I saw talking with Finn and his friend in the courtyard. She was funny and friendly. She made us laugh when she said she was going to give her character a stripper name, like Sister Tiffany Velvet. Kizzy told me later, not to be surprised at anything she says or does. After the nuns, one of the male stars came in. Jack Alden’s his name, and I liked him right away. He’s down to Earth, and even joked with Kizzy and me, saying my work was better than hers.

  Now we’re down to one last extra. While I’m tending to him, I’m waiting to see if Finn’s going to show. On the Call Sheet it said he has a nine o’clock call. It’s quarter to now. I’m not sure why, but there’s something about him that’s making me anxious. Maybe it’s his fabulous face, or maybe it’s what I haven’t seen yet. When he walks, there’s an understated swagger about it. As if his gait was perfectly measured. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was music and a wind machine accompanying every step. I like the look of his body too. And not just because it’s the opposite of Kevin’s. Kevin’s on the short side, but very muscular. Finn is long and lean. And from what I’ve seen, his muscles are just the right size. But no matter. He would never be interested in a girl like me, and never give me a second look. Not in the way I mean. Besides, I’m not interested in any man. I’ve got to get rid of the one I have first.

  I’m on my knees, pinning up the hem on a priest’s trousers, when Finn walks in.

  “Morning, girls.”

  Kizzy looks annoyed. “Where have you been? We’ve got to make sure your things fit right. Come on, here they are. Go in there and change,” she demands.

  Finn takes the hanger from her hands. “Are you this bossy in bed, darlin’?”

  I hold my breath for her answer. But she surprises me with a laugh. She’s not insulted, she’s amused.

  “Yes I am. And believe me, baby, they love it. Now go change.”

  His attention turns to me. “Morning, Esme.”

  Oh my God. He remembered my name.

  “Morning,” I say.

  I’m keeping my head down, just pinning the hell out of the pants on the man in front of me. I hear Finn laugh a little. Then I hear him coming toward me. He kneels down and lifts my chin until I’m looking in his amazing eyes.

  “I want to see your face. Good morning, Esme.”

  Flame, melt. Flame, melt. Flame.

  “Good morning, Finn.”

  “That’s better.”

  He releases me and stands up. The man getting his pants hemmed is just staring at me with a shit-eating grin on his face. Kizzy’s taking it all in.

  “Ok, I’ll try these on,” Finn says, heading for the fitting room.

  Kizzy gets my attention and mouths the words, “Be careful,” she points to the dressing room. “Player.”

  I just nod in agreement. A player? Why wouldn’t he be? I think he could get any girl to play with him. I go back to my job.

  By the time the lunch break comes around, I’m starving. It’s one o’clock and I haven’t had a bite since six thirty this morning. We haven’t had a free moment. Maybe the first day of filming’s always like this. But so far, I love it. I feel useful, and I’m encouraged to know I’m at ease with whatever Kizzy throws at me. There’s been no criticism, and how uplifting that’s been. She has some calls to make right now, so she told me to just get in line at the food truck, and she’ll join me soon.

  I’m about tenth in line, and as I wait I’m eyeing the elaborate feast spread on the buffet tables. There’s a variety of choices for the main course. Chicken, fish, steaks and pastas. That’s just the beginning. Salads line the entire length. Potato, macaroni, crab and vegetable. It goes on and on. Next to that, are desserts. Unbelievable. Do we get this every day? I’m going to gain ten pounds by the time this film wraps. And what could the food truck offer, that’s not here? As I make my way to the front of the line, I hear people ordering hamburgers, hot dogs, burritos and tacos.

bsp; When it’s my turn, I ask for a burrito. What I really want is a burrito and a taco. But I don’t want to overstep any boundaries there might be. To tell the truth, I don’t think there are many boundaries in the film business. When I’m handed the burrito, I step up to the buffet and begin to load my plate. I notice the Teamsters are piling it on, so I follow suit. I’m going to fuel up for the second half of the day. When I finally head for an empty table, I have to use two hands to balance my plate. I’ll just set it down and go back for my drink. I see a side table, adjacent to the buffet, with my choices. There’s water and tea, coffee and punch, soft drinks and lemonade. There’s even a blender with all the makings for milkshakes. The ice cream is soft in the sun. With all the food on my plate, I know I better think twice. I make a mental note to save room for a milkshake tomorrow.

  A few tables away, I see Finn’s friend, that good looking Hispanic guy. He’s sitting with the blonde nun. She’s whispering something in his ear, that’s making him laugh. It looks really funny with her in her habit, but without the veil. Her wild hair and dark sunglasses are a disconnect. Not to mention the flirting that’s going on.

  When I turn to go back to my table, I notice I’m no longer alone. Finn sits across from my plate, dressed as a priest, collar and all, chowing down. Oh no. He turns to me and pretends he’s blessing me. He makes the sign of the cross in the air. Only the look on his face is anything but holy. I think I can see a little devil. Now what? I can’t just run away, which is exactly what I want to do. So I compose myself and make my way over. Please Kizzy, hurry up.

  “I had to see whose plate this was,” Finn points to my overloaded dish. “Darlin’, where are you going to put all that? I’m impressed.”


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