The Paradise Box Set

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The Paradise Box Set Page 65

by Pike, Leslie

  “Whatever we have, it’ll be great. I just want to hold the little person,” Jack says.

  Grandma reaches over to Jack’s arm and pats it. “Oh honey, baby’s going to be very lucky to have you two as its parents.”

  “And on another subject, Nicki told us about your friend. I’m sorry to hear she’s so sick, Jack,” my mother says.

  “Who’s this?” Ellen asks.

  “I haven’t told you about it yet. It’s Carol. She’s got terminal cancer,” Jack answers.

  “What? Oh no.”

  I watch her take in the news. She’s genuinely shocked and sad for her son.

  “That’s awful,” Oscar says.

  “Poor John. Has she told him yet?”

  “Not yet. She’s going to do it after the holidays.”

  Now a stillness settles over the room. Jack takes in a deep breath.

  “Let’s talk about something brighter. Dad, did you watch that Eagles game?”

  And so everyone gladly moves on to another topic. But I can see Jack and his parents minds are still on the last one.

  We talked and ate our way through the rest of the Christmas Day. In a few hours everybody reached their breaking point. Too much food and presents and conversation after the big lead up. It was a gloriously typical holiday celebration. And it was good news when they all wanted to call it a night, it wasn’t just me. I’ve joined the older generation lately when it comes to time. I eat earlier, go to bed at nine thirty, and get up at seven. We’re all on the same time schedule except for Jack. He’s the only one with youthful energy. He’s going strong still, as I sit on a barstool watching him start to tackle the kitchen clean up.

  “Let’s go to bed and watch The Christmas Story,” I propose.

  He looks at his watch. “It’s eight o’clock.”

  “I know. But it’s been such a long day. We can leave everything for tomorrow,” I say looking around at the messy counters.

  “If you would have agreed to having the staff here today this would all be taken care of.”

  “On Christmas, Jack? Scrooge.”

  He tosses the sponge in the sink. “Okay. A movie and our bed actually sound good. I like little Ralphie and his repeating rifle.”

  He takes my arm. “Careful when you step down.”

  I playfully slap his hand away. “Stop it! I can get off a barstool by myself, you psycho.”

  He holds up his hands in submission. “All right, all right. I’m not touching you.”

  As we walk out the kitchen, Jack shuts the lights. We start for the stairs.

  “Go ahead of me. I’m going to take it slow,” I say.

  “No, I will not. I can go slower too. And don’t boss me around, woman. I’ll put you over my knee.”

  I start laughing at that image. “Can you imagine?”

  He looks over at me and cocks his head to the side. “Are you too tired for a Christmas goose, Mrs. Alden?”

  “How romantic, darling.”

  “You’re right. That wasn’t a very romantic proposal. Let me rephrase. Nicki honey, why don’t we take a nice warm shower together and afterward I’ll give you a massage.”

  God I love that face, that hair, the man.

  “The spirits willing Jack, but the flesh is weak. If I promise to be your shower buddy tomorrow after our appointment, will you forgive me?”

  Thank God we’ve reached the top of the stairs.

  “Of course. We’ll spend tonight with Ralphie.”

  * * *

  “Doctor Nakamura will be in in a minute.”

  “Thanks, Becky,” Jack says.

  As soon as the physician’s assistant walks out of the room, Jack comes to my side. I’m lying on the exam table waiting for my ultrasound.

  “Did you see her teeth? That’s too white,” he says whispering.

  “I know. It looks like she’s glowing.”

  He walks to the end of the table and turns the stirrups toward me.

  “I’ll have to do an exam, Mrs. Alden. Put your feet in these things.”

  “Your physician’s vernacular is so impressive, Doctor.”

  “Thank you. I was first in my class.”

  He lifts my feet and puts them in the stirrups. “Now let me begin.”

  I cover myself with the sheet. “Stop it you pervert.”

  There’s a rap on the door, and the doctor walks in. She’s just on time to see us scrambling to look like normal people. Only one of the stirrups is turned back to its original position. The doctor’s lifted eyebrow gives her away.

  “Good morning.”

  “Morning, Doctor,” Jack says. “We’re very excited about this.”

  “Morning, Doctor.”

  She puts her gloves on and walks over to me.

  “This ultrasound will give us a good look at how the baby’s developing, as well as its gender. Have you decided if you want to know?”

  “Yes, we do. At first we weren’t sure, we thought it might be fun to be surprised. But we thought better of it.”

  “Well, it’s completely up to you two. There are a lot of inconveniences you avoid by finding out. You know, no frilly dresses or lil slugger shirts to return for one. What are you hoping for, Jack?”

  “Just a healthy baby. That’s all I care about.”

  “Then let’s get started. You’re not going to pass out on me, are you?” she teases.

  “No. Definitely not,” he says with an embarrassed look on his face.

  “Well, if you feel faint there’s a chair behind you against the wall.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  She dims the lights and positions her monitor for a better angle.

  “Can you see, Jack?”

  He steps close to me and takes my hand. “Yes.”

  The doctor’s fingers fly’s across the buttons and levers on the table in front of her monitor. She’s setting parameters for the measurements I’d guess.

  “This will be a 3D ultrasound with a 4D view of the baby. Along the way I’ll be taking measurements to gauge the growth and pinpoint your due date more accurately. All right, here we go.”

  Then I hear the squeeze of the bottle and feel the cold wand on my stomach. When the image appears, both Jack and I suck in our breaths.

  “Oh!” he says in wonder.

  “There’s your baby,” Doctor Nakamura says.

  “Oh my God. Jack, look.” I squeeze his hand and I’m not even sure he realizes he’s squeezing mine.

  The baby gives a strong kick. “Oh!”

  “I felt that one,” he says. “Doctor, what’s that dark long mark on the side there?”

  “That’s just the arm. Let me give you a better look.”

  She presses a few buttons and the screen changes to reveal the most beautiful image I’ve ever seen. It’s our baby up close in all its glory. The 4D view is complete with not only details of the body, but of the face. I see its stunning profile. Both of us start talking at once.

  “Oh look, Jack! Isn’t this fantastic?”

  “It’s wonderful, look at his face…” The last word trails off. He’s too overcome with the emotion of the moment.

  “His?” I say.

  “Shall we look?” says Doctor Nakamura.

  Both Jack and I nod at the same time.

  “Go for it.”

  She rubs the wand over my belly till she gets the exact right spot she’s looking for. “There it is. See that?”

  She highlights a little shoot sticking up between the baby’s legs.

  “It’s most definitely a boy. Congratulations.”

  Tears stream down both of our faces. It’s the most joyful moment of my life. Jack’s wiping away tears and laughing at the same time.

  “Oh God, a boy. I’m so happy,” Jack says.

  “Look, he’s grabbing on to the umbilical cord. See his fingers grasping?” says Doctor Nakamura.

  “That’s unbelievable. Look, Nicki.”

  “I see it. How does everything else look, Doctor? Do you
see any problems?”

  “Let me do a few measurements. But so far everything looks good.”

  All we do is stare at the screen and marvel at the sight of our child.

  “Oh Jack, isn’t he darling? I think he looks like you.”

  Jack puffs his chest out a little at my comment. “Do you really? Yeah, I guess I see that.”

  The doctor’s moving her fingers across the board, taking measurements of the head and the length of the arms and legs. “He’s going to be a long one. He’s already about a foot long now. And you’ve got quite a way to go. His length could throw off our due date calculation because the machine reads it as you being further into your pregnancy. We could be one or two weeks off either way. See here, it’s giving you a due date of March 28th now.” She points to the screen.

  “That’s good to know. I’ll be prepared early just in case.”

  “What about the brain? Do you do any measurements there?” Jack asks.

  “Yes. I’ve already done those. We look to see if both sides of the baby’s brain are developing as we’d like. Your baby is perfectly normal in that and every other area I’ve looked at today. No worries, Jack.”

  I see him relax his shoulders. “I can’t wait to tell everyone.”

  I chime in. “We can tell our families, but as far as the friends go, let’s save the big reveal for the shower this weekend. That’ll be fun.”

  “Great idea. I’m with you.” He leans over and kisses me. “Good job, baby.”

  “I didn’t do anything but get pregnant, and that’s your good job.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Steven, Paul, can you put these canisters on the table in the entry? Next to the glass bowl.”

  They come into the kitchen, where BB and Esme and I are busy with the last-minute preparations for our New Year’s Eve shower.

  “Oh! And make sure the hats and horns are on the table in the great room.”

  “Hey, those look good,” says Steven coming up behind me and reaching around my waist to grab a stuffed mushroom. He pops it in his mouth. “Mmm, good.”

  “Let me have one of those,” Paul adds, reaching for one himself.

  The two men take the canisters and head out for their assignment.

  “You two are such newlyweds,” says BB as she washes off her hands in the sink.

  “I know. We can’t get enough of each other. I’m sure it’s pretty sickening to everybody else.”

  “Not to me. I think that’s the way it should be,” Esme says lining up the flutes on the tray for the midnight champagne toast.

  I shoot her a knowing smile. “I think you and Finn have that same kind of connection.”

  Esme’s face lights up and slightly flushes. Her chin lowers a bit. I’m not sure she realizes how completely at ease I am with the subject of my ex-husband. Even after all this time, I see she’s still a little unsure of herself around me. But she’s so young and I’m sure that has everything to do with it. I make an executive decision to bring things out in the open. I pick up the kitchen towel and dry my hands off.

  “I hope you’ll become as comfortable with me as I am with you, Esme. We’ve been friends for a couple of years now, and there’s absolutely no need to hold back your enthusiasm or love for Finn. Or his for you. You and I are both with the men we were destined to be with.

  BB raises her glass of champagne she pilfered. “Bitches be tellin’ it like it is.”

  We all start laughing.

  “Okay. Thanks, Bliss. Finn’s been telling me the same thing for two years now.”

  “See, he’s a smart guy.”

  “Are you talking about me again?” says Jack as he walks into the kitchen.

  “Hi! We didn’t hear the doorbell,” I say.

  “Hi girls,” Nicki adds.

  BB gives the parents-to- be each a kiss on the cheek. “The gang’s all here.”

  Finn comes sauntering into the kitchen and joins us. He goes to Esme and puts his arms around her from behind.

  “Were we supposed to do something with those candies in the entry?” Steven asks as he walks into the room.

  “Yes. Everyone pick a blue or pink candy and put it in the glass bowl. We’ll see how many of us are right when Jack and Nicki tell us at midnight what they’re having. Make sure Paul knows too.”

  “Is there going to be a test later?” Jack says rolling his eyes to the heavens.

  Nicki hits him on the arm, then looks at the rest of us. “You do realize I’m the only adult in this relationship?”

  “We’re not playing any games here are we?” Jack adds.

  “Just be a gracious man and do whatever we’re instructed to do,” Nicki says pointedly.

  “Don’t worry, brother. I said the same thing when Bliss wanted to add a few,” Steven says.

  “These men are no fun at all,” I say.

  “Oh yes they are.” BB smiles that funny little smirk she can get and lifts an eyebrow for emphasis.

  “I guess you’re right. So did everyone put their gifts on the table next to the couch?” I ask.

  “Yes, mom,” says Jack.

  “Then it’s time to get the party started!”

  It all feels so easy being together. We’re gathered around the great room, the fire roaring in the background. It’s obvious our friendships are solid, having been forged over time. We have shared histories. There’s no denying we’ve been through plenty of dramas, but mostly there’s been happiness. We’ve worked and played together. We’ve had two marriages, new careers, a kidnapping and Golden Globe nominations in each family. For God’s sake there’s even been a threesome! And now the best twist in our story. There’s a baby coming.

  “You do all know we’re about to enter a new phase in our friendships? The children are coming,” I say.

  “Children?” Do you have something to tell me?” says Steven with a frightened look.

  That makes me chuckle a little. “No, no news from me. But it stands to reason this is just the start. We’ve all found our partners and there’s bound to be a baby or two or five, for that matter, in the future.”

  “Except for Esme, none of us are in our twenties anymore. Hell. Most of us are nearly out of our thirties,” Paul says.

  BB looks horrified. “Don’t you get any ideas,” she says pointing to Paul. “I’m not ready.

  He laughs as he says, “I’m just putting it out there. Tick tock. Tick tock.”

  “I’ll tick tock you right in the balls,” she answers.

  “And then there’s Jack,” Finn says. “You’re in your seventies now, right? Havin’ a wee one at your advanced age. Good for you, old man.”

  “Fuck you, you Irish leprechaun. I’m in my fertile fifties, as evidenced here,” he says rubbing Nicki’s growing baby bump.

  Finn gets up. “My mistake, my friend. I’m goin’ to have a Coke, can I be getting’ anybody else another drink?”

  “I’ll take another iced tea. Can you get that for me, Finn?” Nicki asks.

  “Of course darlin’, but wouldn’t you rather have a hot coco? It’s forty degrees out there.” He points to our wide view of the Laguna coastline and the dark hills surrounding us.

  “Doesn’t matter how cold it is outside. I’ve been hot for months now.”

  “You’ve been hot for a lot longer than that my dear,” Jack says. “You’re so lovely. Give us a kiss.”

  He leans in and Nicki tries to lean forward but her stomach is in the way. She gives a little grunt attempting the impossible. So instead, Jack takes her hand and kisses it. She gratefully leans back on her pillow.”

  “Thank you. That’s getting difficult.

  “Shall we open the presents now?” I say. “Is everyone ready?”

  There’s agreement all around. I enlist Paul and Steven to bring the packages to Nicki and Jack.

  “Put them between them so they can both open. And remember this is a contest. Best gift gets a prize.”

  “That’s right, N
icki’s choice,” says Jack. “But I’m playing too remember.” He gives his wife a pointed stare.

  “I will play no favorites,” she says.

  “That’s gratitude for you. After I gifted her my sperm.”

  “That’s the gift that keeps on giving,” Nicki adds.

  I continue with my instructions. “So, just start wherever you want. Read the name, and I’ll write them down.”

  Nicki picks up a large white cube-shaped package tied with a red bow. She reads the card. “This is from BB.”

  Then she tackles the wrapping.

  “Good, you’re not one of those people who lift each corner of the tape and take a half hour to open one friggin’ gift,” says BB.

  “Oh hell no, she’s a ripper,” says Jack.

  Nicki peeks in the box. “What’s this, an assortment?”

  BB stands and looks as if she’s about to deliver her thesis. “My theme was things that go in baby’s mouth.”

  She gets the reaction she was hoping for with that announcement. The men begin with the innuendos, and we all laugh at what we’re imagining.

  “I started with the pacifiers.”

  Nicki holds up the first gift.

  “There you’ve got the Molar Munchers which soothe the entire gum line.”

  Nicki digs for the second choice.

  “Then you’ve got the Keep It Kleen’s that close when dropped. You know, it’s a hygienic precaution.”

  She looks around the room and waits for our appropriate response. So we all aww our approvals which makes her happy.

  “And then we have the Thermometer Pacifier that takes baby’s temperature without a fight. You just give it the binkie and it digitally reads the degree. Also in there is the First Stage Soft Spoons that are good for teething and gripping and best of all, for gently scraping the food off baby’s face when Jack’s feeding him or her.”

  Jack pretends to be wounded. “What do you mean? I’m going to be great at that.” He turns to his wife. “I’ve got a gentle hand, right babe?”

  “Wonderfully gentle. You’re going to be a rock star at strained peas.”

  He gives a satisfied nod.

  BB continues with her monologue. “Now we move on to the Momma Feeding bottle, for babies that want nothing but the breast.”


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