The Paradise Box Set

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The Paradise Box Set Page 67

by Pike, Leslie

  “I think everyone here knows whose stories are full of hot wind, Dad. Paul and I are having a private conversation. So why don’t you just mind your own business and amuse yourself. Maybe you can find an appropriate quote for the occasion. But please, try to find one we haven’t heard three thousand times before.”

  It’s as if time has stopped. I know things have just shifted in the father/son relationship. From here on in, there are two men in the equation. All of us are stunned and don’t know quite what to do. Even Alec remains silent. But inside I’m doing cartwheels. God damn it the kid has balls. I give him a wink of approval, and he nods his head.

  “We have to run. I think I see our cast over there,” I lie.

  “Nice seeing you all,” Paul says as we walk away. “Awkward,” he says under his breath.

  “Definitely. But very satisfying. That’s all the kid had to do. Alec will think twice before he tries that again.”

  I see Paul smile. “That was your influence.”

  “Maybe,” I say, secretly agreeing with his assessment. “But it’s a good thing we’ll be done with the series next week. Those two are about to have another falling out.”

  “There they are,” he says pointing to our friends three tables ahead.

  Finn and Esme, Steven and Bliss and Jack and Nicki are there, and so are Renee and her date. The two empty seats await our arrival. Steven sees us first.

  “Okay, you win the bet, Esme,” he says.

  “Another bet?” I say.

  “She was the only one here who thought you’d make it by the time the show started.”

  We take our seats.

  “Thank you, Esme. I guess there’s only one person here who has faith in me.

  Everyone starts talking at once. Compliments fly around the table, because everyone does look their best. Men and women. I finally get to meet Renee’s girlfriend, who’s a lovely lady. But we don’t get too far into the conversation because the lights dim. The music starts and the curtains open. Here we go.

  It takes about four hours before it’s official. We’re all losers. There’s not a Golden Globe in sight. Beside which we’re all hammered. Thank God we’ve got drivers tonight. I doubted my own chances, but I thought at least Jack would take one home. But at least the fact that we all walked away empty handed together was comforting. It would have been shitty if I was alone in the winner’s circle. And I don’t think I’m the only one who feels that way.

  As Paul and I walk into the after party, I spot our laughing friends the losers greeting us with their fingers to their foreheads in the shape of an L. They’re completely wasted. All but Nicki and Finn of course, who are the only unfortunate sober ones. The music is blasting and the dancefloor is crowed with famous winners and losers.

  “Hello, loser,” Jack says.

  “Damn it to hell,” I say pouting. My shoulders are slumped in defeat. I’m going for the laugh.

  Finn puts his arms around me in a big hug. He’s laughing. “Oh, it’s okay, darlin’. You’ll always be a winner to us.”

  “Stick it up your ass. I want a trophy,” I joke.

  “If it’s any consolation, you look fabulous,” Nicki says.

  “Fuck fabulous. I want a damn award for running through that friggin’ forest in a nun’s habit for two months.”

  “We’ve still got the SAG Awards and the Oscars. And Steven’s got the DGA Awards.” Bliss crosses her fingers.

  Steven brings her hands down. “Don’t get your hopes up. Actually I’m just happy I was nominated for this one.”

  I grab a champagne flute from the tray being offered. “It’s an honor just to be nominated. I should have that tattooed on my ass.”

  “Let me do that for you,” the voice behind me says.

  I turn to see a beaming Alec, Golden Globe in hand, dancing to the beat of the music playing live onstage. And I almost feel the heat of Paul’s anger emanating from his body. I know he’d love to say something or smash Alec’s face in, but he doesn’t. He just watches and waits for me to handle it.

  “Turd of misery,” I say under my breath. Then I put on a happy face. “Alec! Congratulations!”

  He comes in for a kiss that wasn’t offered, then he looks around at our group.

  “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.” I see he hasn’t learned from his son’s beat down. He acts as if he’s responsible for Shakespeare’s quote.

  “I’ve got one for you, Alec,” I say.

  He puts on a smug face. “Please darling, don’t misquote this time.”

  “I won’t I promise. I’ve made sure to get it right. Especially after your embarrassing performance at your table tonight. You know, the one when you tried unsuccessfully to belittle your own son?”

  “Well, we all have our take on things.”

  “Here’s my quote just for you. I think it’s especially apt, considering your nature. Ready?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Small things make base men proud.”

  His face drops.

  “That’s from King Henry The Sixth. Do you know it?” I say, smiling my disdain.

  * * *

  After the Golden Globe fiasco, I decided to try to change my luck. I asked my friends not to call me if they heard I was nominated for any of the other awards. We had all been nominated already for the SAG Awards, so I wasn’t counting on any win there. My prediction came true, when I walked away empty handed again, beaten this time by a sixteen-year-old old soul who did do a spectacular job. Jack on the other hand took home the award for Best Actor in a Motion Picture Drama. We celebrated accordingly with another raucous night of after parties. We each held the trophy and posed for funny pictures, as if we we’re stealing it from Jack. Finn and I were happy for our friend, but wished the same result had been true for us.

  So now I’m doing all I can to attract good juju. I’m not jinxing myself by talking too much about it. Last night I turned myself around three times and rubbed Paul’s penis for good luck. It’s always brought me good things, after all. And as an extra precaution I made sure to turn off our cells last night. I want to hear things for the first time on my own. No calls from friends, no arrival of flowers, no publicists happy screams. Just me and my TV. Because today is the day. At five thirty this morning they announced the Oscar nominations. I slept right through it.

  We’re still lying in bed at nine o’clock in the morning. Yesterday was my wrap day on Carl and Mary, and it was a long one. Paul’s talking about what happened at the Golden Globes.

  “Good thing filming’s done. Albie would have had you drawn and quartered if it affected the shoot.”

  “Me? I just pointed out the obvious. I can’t help it if, and I quote, ‘He never wants to talk to me again.’ At least he let it slide for the last few days.”

  “Hey, I’m proud of you. You wounded him using his own weapon.”

  “I knew I had to take him down after he made that remark about tattooing my ass.”

  “Speaking of asses…”

  I turn over and wiggle mine just like he likes me to. “I’ve been a bad girl, teacher.”

  “Oh no, what did you do?” he plays along.

  “I cheated on my Algebra test.”

  “That’s a serious offense, Miss Blue. I’m going to have to punish you.”

  “Well if you must. But how?”

  Paul leans back against the headboard. He crooks his index finger and calls me over to him. “Come here. I’m afraid you’re going to have to be spanked. I’d pull your panties down if you had any on.”

  I pretend to be embarrassed and remorseful, gathering the sheet to cover my body in false modesty. I’m on my knees. Paul takes the edge of the fabric and gently pulls it from my hands.

  “No, no. Teacher wants to see you. Let me look. I need to know if you’re hiding any crib notes.”

  I hesitatingly release my grip and the sheet falls. He takes his time looking at my naked body. Reaching out, his fingers run a path around my nipples, down bet
ween my breasts and over my stomach. He arrives at the top of my mound and trails a finger between my lips. But very gently, hardly parting where they meet.

  “Spread your legs. Are you hiding anything in there?”

  “No teacher.”

  I do as asked, and he stretches his arm, reaching all the way through my legs till he’s cupping my ass. Then he retreats, using his middle finger to course his way back.

  “You don’t appear to have hidden anything. Now lay over my lap like a good girl.”

  “Like this?” I say innocently.

  His hand moves down my back and over my cheeks. “That’s just perfect.”

  My pussy presses against his hard cock. I feel it from hip bone to hip bone. He lifts up, pushing against me. Only the sheet separates us. I reach my hand back and play with the tip of him.

  “Oh, you’re a bad girl. A very bad girl to make teacher want to fuck you.”

  Then he slaps my ass. It’s not a delicate half effort. It’s hard and punishing.


  “Now I’m going to have to give you another. Are you going to be quiet?”

  “Yes sir, I promise.”

  He gives me three more, until my ass is hot and stinging. I bet his handprint is visible against my white skin. But I like this pain. I ask for it. And he’s learned to enjoy it too. Giving it that is.

  “That’s enough of the schoolgirl. I want the big girl,” he says breaking our fantasy.

  And I agree, because I’m ready to ditch the teacher for the psychologist.

  “Stay on your back, baby,” I say.

  He scoots down from the headboard and lies flat, pillows thrown to the floor. Yanking the sheet off the bed, it lands in a pile on top of the pillows. I climb on and lean forward so he can grab his cock and guide it to its mark. It’s so big, we’ve had to figure out the exact angle that makes things work. It’s an excellent problem to have.

  “There. Oh yeah, right there,” he says quietly as if he’s talking to himself.

  I ease into it. There’s no quick pairing for us. It’s best not to hurry. Not for him of course, but for my sake.

  “Okay, here we go, baby. Slow, slow. That’s it.”

  And he’s in. Now we can move. I match his pace and rhythm. He grips my waist and in his face I see the lust he feels. But he’s not looking up. He’s looking at my pussy as his cock slides in and out. I shut my eyes and hear his moan.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Congratulations my love,” I say as we’re watching a repeat of the Oscar nominations in the great room.

  “Yeah, it’s exciting. I won’t pretend it isn’t.”

  “You’re going to win. That’s what’s exciting.”

  “I’d say you were somewhat biased.”

  “Maybe. But my opinion is backed up by your talent.”

  He kisses me on top of my head and pats my belly. As he does the baby gives a strong kick.


  “You felt that? He’s congratulating his daddy.”

  He leaves his hand on my stomach. “I think the people in the next house felt it.”

  “My God I’ll be eight and a half months pregnant by Oscar night. I better start thinking about what kind of tent I’ll wear.”

  He takes me in his embrace. “Quit that. You’ve never looked lovelier.”

  I let his affection wash over me. “You’re a good man, Jack Alden.”

  He leans his head back away from me a few inches. “Anne!” he yells.

  I put my finger in my ear and shake my head as if he broke my eardrum. Anne promptly comes into the room from the office where she’s working. She always at her master’s beck and call. At least that’s how Jack sees things.

  “Can you get me another cup?” he says holding up his empty mug to her.

  She gives him her usual sideways smirk. “I’m fielding a hundred calls, but yeah that’s what I should do, get you your coffee.

  He knows he’s being a spoiled brat. “Please?”

  “That smile doesn’t work on me, mister man. But I will get your coffee because I’m afraid if I don’t you’ll ask your pregnant wife,” she teases.

  “I wouldn’t put it past him. Thank you, Anne,” I say.

  When she leaves the room, Jack turns the volume down on the TV.

  “So today’s the day Carol and I are telling John about his mother.”

  I see the fear in his eyes.

  “That’s not going to be easy. How’re you going to do it?”

  “We can’t think of a better approach than the truth. We’ll do it gently and I’m going to let her do most of the talking. I’ll be back up.”

  I think about what he’s just said. “You better be prepared in case she gets too emotional.”

  He stands up and starts pacing as he talks. “God, I hope that doesn’t happen. John really gets agitated when he thinks she’s upset. It’s because he’s frustrated I think. Just imagine how difficult it is for him. He absorbs the information he hears, but he can’t express his reaction or opinion. Shit. Oh Nicki, this is so much harder than you know.”

  “I know you’re right. No one can imagine.”

  I get up and cross the room to where he stands. “Come here.”

  I have to angle myself to wrap my arms around him.

  “Just do the best you can, Jack. You’re going to be a big help to Carol. You’ve given more than would ever be expected and I’m not talking money. You’ve been a strong emotional support all these years. Be proud of that. You’ll support whatever plan she comes up with for John’s future. I know you will.”

  He looks at me and it feels like he wants to say something he hasn’t.

  “What is it?”

  He untangles from my embrace. “I’ve got to get going. I’ll call when I’m on my way home.”

  He walks out of the room just as Anne’s returning with his coffee.

  “Where’d he go?”

  “Sorry. He had to take care of something important.”

  I’m one hundred percent certain I don’t understand what that something is.

  * * *

  I’m twenty-nine weeks now and twenty-two pounds heavier. I can almost see the finish line now. When I got in the car a half hour ago I had to put the seat back an inch more. I’m all stomach. Jack says you can’t even tell I’m pregnant from the back. Pretty soon I’ll just use a driver like he wants me to. Once again I’m reminded what a lucky girl I am.

  It’s going to be good to go shopping with Bliss today. Get my mind off what Jack and Carol have to do. I need a little girl time. Besides, it’s always the right time to buy baby things. Now that we know we’re having a boy we’ve really gone into overdrive. Between Jack and I, we’ve already bought enough clothes for three babies.

  Here’s her street now. I turn onto Bluebird Canyon Road and follow the twists up to the top of the hill. What a lovely view. There are a lot of sailboats today, more than usual. The crisp cool day has made for ideal sailing weather. I park the car in her driveway as she’s opening the front door.


  “Hello there. Just give me a minute. I’ve got to finagle my way out.”

  I don’t blame the surprised expression she’s wearing. I know I look a lot bigger than I did the last time we saw each other. Even though it was only a week and a half ago. I swing my legs out the door and center myself before I stand.

  “Beaver!” Bliss shouts.

  “Oh God.”

  That gets us both laughing. She’s right of course. I just shot a big beaver in her direction. I’ve got to remember not to go without leggings when I wear this dress. She walks up to the car and offers her hand.

  “Let me help you.”

  I take her offer and she gives me the support I need to stand.

  “That’s every bit as hard as I make it look.”

  “Poor girl. Let’s go inside and we’ll have a little hot coco before we leave. I want to show you something too.”

When we get inside I head for the kitchen and park myself in the comfortable chair at her breakfast table in the nook. Bliss works at getting our drinks.

  “I love the view from here,” I say.

  “We do too. You’d be surprised at the animals we see from here. They’re all over the hills. Steven saw a beautiful owl yesterday.”

  “Really? Maybe that’s a sign. Jack just signed on to star in that film about the famous naturalist of the nineteenth century. He lived with an owl for twenty years, in his house if you can believe that.”

  She brings me the coco and sits across the table having hers.

  “That sounds interesting.”

  “Yeah, it’ll be something completely different for him. Thankfully it doesn’t start till September. That was a must for him. He wants to spend the first months of the baby’s life with him. And with me of course.”

  “That’s so sweet. And it’s smart. I’m sure everyone would love to be able to have that choice. We’re all lucky that way.”

  I look at my friend and ask the question I’m sure she’s been asked before. “Do you and Steven think you’ll have children?”

  “I don’t know. We’ve discussed it of course, but we can’t come to a conclusion. It’s not clear cut for either of us. You know me, Nicki, I’ve never been one to yearn for a baby.”

  “Neither did I, really. But once I found out I was pregnant it felt right. For me that is. Of course my husband had a much different reaction as you know.”

  “Well he had his reasons. Now he’s the most enthusiastic father-to-be I’ve seen.”


  “What?” she says.

  “There’s something going on that I don’t know about yet. I sense it when he’s talking about his friend Carol and her son John. Remember I told you about them?”

  “Yeah, yeah. But what kind of vibes are you getting?”

  “Let’s just say I think there’s more to the story than he’s letting on. But I can’t figure out what that could be.”

  “You think they may be having an affair?” Bliss says with a horrified look on her face.

  “No. I don’t think it’s sexual at all. But it’s definitely something major. Is it odd that his friend’s condition has shaken him to the core?”


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