Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4)

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Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4) Page 20

by Jillian Neal

  He opened her door for her, and then moved to the driver’s seat while Garrett and Bridgette crawled into the back.

  “Hurry, man; I want to play a little before I head to the station. I told Sorenson I’d run a shift for him. He’s taking a bunch of Non-gifted out on some kind of sting tonight,” Garrett urged Rainer.

  Rainer picked up speed as Garrett’s phone rang.

  “Haydenshire,” he smiled at Bridgette and sighed as she let her hand fall across his leg.

  A moment later, he shifted away from Bridgette. Concern etched his face. “That sucks, man. Are you ok? Why don’t I catch a flight? You don’t have to do this alone.” There was a long pause.

  “Uh, yeah, sure, I’ll tell her. You sure you’re all right? Ok,” he conceded quickly. “Yeah, we’ll see you tomorrow.” Garrett hung up his phone and turned to Bridgette.

  “Uh, that was Dan.” The conversation was playing heavily on his features. “Pendergrath got the trial delayed, so Dan won’t be home until late tomorrow night. He said he’d pick you up after he landed, or that you could go stay with Tuttle.”

  “He couldn’t call me himself?” Bridgette spat.

  “Well, you know Dan. He’s really focused on the trial. No messing around. No distractions.”

  Certain that Garrett had just given Bridgette more information about the guy she was sleeping with than Vindico himself probably ever had, Rainer glanced in the rearview mirror.

  “How’d he get the trial delayed?”

  “He’s just messing with Dan. Told the Arzio he thought he had the flu. They detained him, and he was taken to Berlin-Buch. They didn’t find anything wrong with him, of course,” Garrett rolled his eyes. “But he still burned a day of Dan’s time.”

  “What’s the Arzio?” Emily looked intrigued. Rainer smiled at her curiosity.

  “German Gifted doctors. They’re just like Medios here,” Garrett supplied.

  “What is his deal with Nic anyway?” Bridgette crossed her arms over her chest, which was on full display in the getup she was wearing to dance in. “His guys are kind of pricks, but Nic seems pretty nice. He’s a great tipper.”

  Rainer shuddered as he choked over what to tell Bridgette.

  Garrett huffed, “Bridgette, Dominic Wretchkinsides is a murderer. He runs numerous drug rings, illegal arms deals, and human trafficking details, all by way of an extremely powerful criminal organization that has committed heinous crimes all over the world, all in the name of getting a little richer.”

  “He considers himself vastly better than Non-Gifted people, and is fully of the opinion that you should serve us, namely by turning over all of your money to him and by becoming our sex slaves.” He willed Bridgette to understand what he was saying.

  “Just please don’t ever forget that. Wretchkinsides would just as soon kill you as look at you. In fact, he’s killed his own men simply because they got on his nerves. He’s fixed sporting events, elections, anything he can get his mitts on and make fall his way.”

  Bridgette rolled her eyes. “Ok, so he’s a bad guy,” she drawled flippantly. “What’s Dan so hung up with him for? I mean, he works all the time, and it’s always something stupid about Nic’s guys or his case. Aren’t there any other bad guys?”

  “Right now he has all of our attention because of his cruelty and his vast reaching power.”

  “Whatever,” Bridgette fumed. “Dan needs to get over it.”

  “Well, I’ve been friends with Dan since elementary school, and I guarantee you he’s not going to just ‘get over it’,” Garrett was suddenly rather irritated with Bridgette’s demands of Vindico.

  “What time will he be back?”

  “Depends on how long the trial lasts. It will be sometime tomorrow, but it will probably be pretty late. The only flight tonight from Berlin to D.C. is in a few hours. He had a ticket, which he’ll now have to change, because obviously he won’t be making that one.”

  “I’m working a double shift tomorrow,” Bridgette complained.

  “We told Dan we’d take care of you, and we will,” Garrett assured her.

  * * *

  Garrett, Rainer, and Emily returned to the farmhouse kitchen after dropping Bridgette at The Tantra. Mrs. Haydenshire, Tad, Nathan, Adeline, and Brooke were seated at the kitchen table discussing the wedding. Emily joined in excitedly. Mrs. Haydenshire smiled at Rainer.

  “I know you’re anxious to get in the game, sweetheart, but would you go get Logan and Will? I think we need to have a little talk,” Mrs. Haydenshire requested.

  “Oh, uh, yes ma’am,” Rainer suddenly felt like he was ten years old again and had done something he was about to be punished for.

  “Taddy, you and Nathan run along and pick up those dress samples, bring them back, and see about the lilies,” she continued her orders.

  Tad chuckled as he stood with the sketches he’d been making of rings.

  “She was just as bossy when she was a kid,” he teased as he and Nathan headed out the door.

  Rainer returned with Logan and Will. They each looked equally as guilty, though none of them knew what they’d done wrong. They all took seats beside their significant others, and waited on Mrs. Haydenshire to begin.

  “Now,” she sighed, “I’m certain that none of the women seated at my table feel that they are better than Bridgette, either because she isn’t Gifted or because she takes her clothes off for a living.”

  “Mom, I don’t think I’m better than Bridgette. She’s just an awful person,” Emily’s contradictory statement made Rainer stifle a chuckle.

  “Mom, did you hear what she said to Brooke last night? That was just cruel, not to mention completely untrue!” Will shot back angrily.

  “It was cruel, and it was untrue, in your case, William,” Mrs. Haydenshire edged. “All I’m asking is for you to consider what made Bridgette say those things.”

  “Ok, why does she say stuff like that, and do stuff like she did to Logan?” Emily demanded.

  Rainer laced his fingers through hers as he considered. Emily was at a loss because Bridgette wasn’t Gifted. Emily Haydenshire went through life interacting, for the most part, with the emotions of the Gifted Realm.

  She was a Receiver. She had become quite accustomed to being able to discern other people’s energies and intentions by reading them.

  Bridgette had no external forces of ambient energy in her body; therefore, Emily had nothing to read.

  “Emily, dear, you and Brooke grew up fortunate enough to be raised by parents who love and respect you. We taught you to respect yourself.”

  “You both have fathers who adore you and taught you how you should expect a man to act towards you. Bridgette never had any of that, and what drove her to say the things she said last night and to do what she did this morning,” she gestured her head to Logan, “is that she is so very jealous that you three have the all-encompassing admiration and love of the men seated beside each of you. Men who take care of you, respect you, and would never let you do what Bridgette is doing.

  “She has none of that. As sorry as I am to say this, the truth is that she’s nothing more than a distraction from Daniel’s pain. He’s never going to take her to meet his parents. I doubt his parents even know he’s dating anyone.”

  “He’s never going to marry her, which is what she so desperately wants for him to do. You three have everything she’s ever wanted.”

  “When Dan introduced you,” she reached and squeezed Will’s hand, “as one of his best friends, and there you two sat, with your arm around Brooke, the love between the two of you was evident in the way you exist together, and gazing adoringly at the result of your deep, abiding love,” she gestured to Lily Ana, “It was just more than she could quite handle. She reacted thusly.”

  The entire table was quiet for a long moment.

  Rainer saw Emily’s jaw clench, and he waited for the fallout.

  “Ok fine, Mom, but she flirts all the time. What about that thing with Logan this mornin
g, and have you seen how she dresses? Daddy would kill me if I ever even thought…” she began, but stopped abruptly. She’d just made her mother’s point.

  With a raise of her eyebrows, Mrs. Haydenshire nodded.

  “No one was ever there to ‘kill’ Bridgette for dressing that way, or to guide and instruct her at all. She doesn’t know what it’s like to be a Daddy’s baby girl, Emily.”

  “Do you three have so little faith in the men seated at this table, who I would like to point out I raised, or in your relationships, that you’re concerned that if she flirted just enough or just the right way that she would turn their heads?” she gestured to Logan and Will.

  “Believe me, I understand that it’s difficult to watch her flirt with them, but as you all seem to me to be in the extremely lucky position of having the loves of your lives wrapped around your little fingers.”

  Rainer smiled and took Emily’s hand. He nodded at her as Logan did the same for Adeline. “I don’t really think you have anything to worry about. She acts that way because that’s how she’s always gotten attention. Instead of being furious with her, why don’t you try a little sympathy? I have a feeling Bridgette doesn’t have many female friends, and I’m certain she could use a few outside of The Tantra.” Mrs. Haydenshire’s wishes were met with varying degrees of disdain.

  “I’ll try,” Emily agreed begrudgingly.

  “That is all I’m asking for.” Mrs. Haydenshire winked at Emily and then leaned and kissed her cheek. “Ok, now all the boys outside for the game, and please watch your language while the twins are playing with you.” She gave Logan a look that said she was primarily referring to him.

  “And the girls are going to plan out the reception and try to find a place where Logan and Adeline can get married a week from tomorrow,” she beamed at Adeline as a broad smile formed on her face.

  Logan brushed a kiss across her cheek. “I don’t care where. I just want to marry her.”

  Will and Rainer chuckled at his exuberance.

  * * *

  After a hard-fought game, Governor Haydenshire’s team, which consisted of him, Will, Patrick, Connor, and Keaton, when he wasn’t napping, emerged victorious.

  “How did we lose to the senior citizen team?” Garrett goaded his father and Will.

  “Hey, watch it,” Governor Haydenshire shoved the football hard into Garrett’s gut. “I can have you assigned to parking deck security. Don’t forget that.”

  They fell into the kitchen as Emily and Lucy began supplying them with large cups of water.

  “Come here, sweetheart. Give me a hug,” Patrick teased Lucy. After inhaling quickly, wrinkling her nose, and laughing, Lucy shook her head.

  “I think I’ll just let you shower first.”

  Patrick shot Lucy a look that told the entire room that he wouldn’t mind her helping him with his shower. Everyone groaned and shook their heads.

  While pretending he hadn’t noticed the lascivious look Patrick was still giving his wife, the Governor called, “Ok, who’s staying for pizza?”

  “Can’t, Dad. Gonna run a shift for Sorenson. He’s taking a bunch of guys out tonight for some big sting,” Garrett lamented.

  “Where?” the Governor quizzed.

  “Don’t know. Not a Gifted thing. That’s why we’re running everything else tonight.”

  “Be careful,” Mrs. Haydenshire called from the living room, where she was in her chair, discussing a dress for Emily as she would be serving as Adeline’s maid of honor.

  Garrett grinned with a slight eye-roll.

  “Will do, Mom. I’ll try not to get run over by the hoards of shoppers trying to get their hands on a flat-screen TV, for a buck or two, that was gone at six o’clock this morning.”

  Everyone understood that Garrett probably wouldn’t be in any real danger that evening. He checked his cell.

  “Dan still hasn’t called,” he commented concernedly, but then a broad grin lit his face. He touched the screen of his phone and brought it to his ear as he downed more water.

  “Hey, honey, d’you call?” his voice was suddenly low and thrumming. “Yeah, I missed you too, baby.”

  All of his brothers and Rainer rolled their eyes.

  “Everything ok?” He looked momentarily concerned. “Hey, it’s all right, baby. Just get rid of him, and then I’ll come over. I’ll take care of everything else.” He glanced at his watch.

  “Yeah, I need to take a quick shower then I have to pull a quick shift, but I can come by now or after I get off.

  “Oh yeah,” Garrett drawled as a broad grin spread across his face. Whatever the girl on the other end of the phone had promised, Rainer assumed it had to do with the shower Garrett needed, he looked extremely pleased. “Yeah, baby, I’m always down for that.” He gave everyone a wave as he headed out the door. Governor Haydenshire looked morose.

  “I knew we were in trouble when I got a call in my office one day asking me to come pick him up from school because he informed his third grade teacher that she was a ‘hottie’.” Everyone cracked up.

  “So, who is Serenity?” Patrick, who’d seen the screen name when Garrett had made the call, quizzed Will with a chuckle.

  “New girl. Let’s just say, she’s definitely Garrett’s type,” Will replied.

  Emily chimed in with a great deal of sass.

  “Tall, blonde, big boobs, lacking morals, and clothing?” She hit the nail on the head.

  Everyone guffawed as Will nodded. “Yeah, pretty much.”

  With a shudder, Governor Haydenshire picked up the phone to order the pizzas as everyone dispersed to the farmhouse’s many bathrooms to shower.


  Vindico vs. The German Board

  ~Dan Vindico~

  Pendergrath shot Dan an arrogant sneer of certainty as they waited. Forcefully resisting the deep desire to sink his fist into those perfectly capped teeth, Dan turned his head defiantly. The Governing board had been gone almost an hour.

  They want to make it look good. Dan’s stomach twisted in derisive repulse. Wretchkinsides had paid off at least two of the Governors that Dan knew of.

  When it came right down to it, there really hadn’t been enough evidence to put Pendergrath away for more than tax evasion, which the German Board of Governors didn’t deem worthy of a stay in Diapoley.

  He was going to get out, and he knew it. Fury began to course through Dan’s weary veins. He was going to walk again. He was going to get away with all of the heinous crimes he’d committed.

  Dan reminded himself that he’d waited ten long years to end Cascavel, and that he would take out Pendergrath as well. He continued to make this vow to himself as he let his hatred fill his soul.

  If it was the last thing he did, he would take down Candor Pendergrath and Dominic Wretchkinsides. He would end them, just like he’d ended Cascavel. He’d bury them so deep no one could ever dig them out. Amelia would finally rest in peace.

  Amelia. His stomach clenched as his jaw tightened in fury. How could these six men, who’d never known what a beautiful smile she had, how sweet she tasted, how sweet she was, how her ocean-blue eyes lit when he walked in the room, the way she felt in his arms, or how much he’d loved her, how could they look him in the eye and tell him that the man before them wasn’t guilty? The man who had taken her from their home and had done to her what they’d done, how could they let him walk? It was too much. He couldn’t stand it; he wouldn’t allow it.

  The German Governors returned. They walked callously in their robes, to sit on their raised platform in pious judgment just before enjoying the hefty compensation they would receive for delivering a ‘not guilty’ verdict.

  They were right about one thing, Dan decided as he narrowed his eyes at the German Crown; Diapoley wasn’t worthy of Pendergrath. That was too kind. Hell was the only fitting place.

  Bitte erheben fur das Urteil the guard urged in German.

  The translator called, “Please rise for the verdict.” Dan stood. The translato
r was only necessary for the spectators. The Governors, Pendergrath, and the top lawyer for the Interfeci, all spoke perfect English.

  Dan’s heart gave sluggish, heavy beats. It struggled under the weight of the bitter malice that filled his blood. He never moved his hateful scowl off of the Crown.

  The man glanced around nervously. His eyes drifted once again to the woman throwing him salacious gazes. She was seated in one of the spectator seats.

  She winked at him, and the Crown couldn’t quite hide his grin. He’d checked her constantly during the trial.

  His mistress, Dan realized instantly.

  The Crown hadn’t just been baited; he’d been blackmailed. The woman winking at him was most definitely not the German First Lady. The first Governor’s name was called.

  “Nicht schuldig,” he shook his head, and Pendergrath sneered in delight. Tension hung in the air of the courtroom. It pulsed with trepidation as the next Governor’s vote was called for.

  “Nicht schuldig,” was repeated by the Crown and then four of the other Governors. The final Governor was called.

  He held Dan’s eyes with his own, letting him know just what doing this might cost him, as he stated, “Schuldig.”

  With calm clarity, Pendergrath narrowed his beady eyes.

  It didn’t matter. It was all for naught. The rest of the board had either been purchased or terrified, and that was the only vote of guilt.

  Pendergrath laughed derisively. He shot Dan an evil grin, and it was simply more than he could bear. His muscles flexed and tensed of their own accord as he stalked past the security guard in front of the Governors. With the very little effort that it required, he threw the man to the ground.

  “You are nothing but a pathetic group of useless cowards,” Vindico drawled with his voice full of menace. “How much did he pay for your votes? I sure as hell hope you asked for the fucking moon, because you just let a murdering, mother-fucking asshole walk so you can buy your cum bunnies a fur coat. And you know what else? I don’t need you. I’ll take him down myself without any of your help. So, enjoy your pay-off gentlemen, and you can suck my fat cock on your way to hell. At least then you’ll know what one looks like,” Dan spat the vengeance that spewed from his body.


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