Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4)

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Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4) Page 39

by Jillian Neal

  “I called Pendergrath several less-than-complimentary names, and you heard the ‘pathetic group of useless cowards’ part. I told them to enjoy their payoff.” He looked furious as he recalled the event.

  Logan and Rainer shared a quick glance.

  “What’d you call their mistresses?” Logan edged. “We’ll never say anything.”

  Vindico huffed. “Cum bunnies,” he admitted in a regret- filled whisper.

  Rainer choked on the beer he’d just swallowed.

  “Wow,” Logan stunned. His mouth fell open as Vindico shut his eyes and nodded his head.

  “Ok, how’d you get to Paris?” Logan asked when he regained the ability to talk.

  “That’s a much better story,” Vindico seemed relieved he’d concluded the other line of questioning. After he retold the story of flirting his way out of Berlin, they paid their bill and left the burger joint.


  Buffed, Waxed, and Beautiful

  At ten of six, Rainer paced outside the spa. He checked his watch and sighed. He missed Emily. He’d liked being with her constantly the past two days, and he was still worried about Vindico’s declaration that something she was having done in there was going to be painful.

  Logan exited the elevator after having showered and changed into slacks and a button-down shirt. He moved quickly towards Rainer.

  “They’re not out yet?” He peered through the fogged glass doors, though no one could see in the spa.

  Rainer shook his head. “It’s not quite six.”

  Vindico stalked down the corridor after locking his and Fionna’s suite door. He pulled his shirtsleeves out of his jacket. Rainer wondered if he should have worn a jacket. He felt underdressed.

  “You anxious to see her or something, Lawson?” Vindico quipped.

  “Always.” Rainer assumed his anxiety must be evident on his features.

  “Yeah, well, you’re in for a treat,” Vindico gestured his head towards the door, and Rainer saw Emily coming through it. She looked absolutely stunning.

  “Wow,” he smiled as she walked excitedly towards him. “Fionna and Adeline are finishing getting dressed,” she informed Vindico and Logan, who also told her how lovely she looked, which made her glow.

  Rainer quickly pulled her away from her brother and his boss, and moved them down the corridor.

  “You look amazing,” he enthused. Her skin was glowing radiantly. Her hair was fixed in tousled waves down her back and over her shoulders. Her lips were full and ripe, and Rainer fought the urge to devour them right there. There were other things that were a little different, but Rainer couldn’t quite figure out exactly what they were.

  “I knew you’d be waiting on me, so I hurried. I missed you.” She bit her lip. He stifled a groan as thoughts of him biting her lip swept through his mind.

  “So, what all did you have done?” he tried to distract himself from his lust-filled thoughts. She giggled, but then stopped abruptly as Adeline and Fionna made their way out.

  Vindico and Logan’s eyes goggled appropriately.

  “Wow, you look great,” Logan gaped.

  Vindico gave Fionna a much cooler smile and a, “Stunning, absolutely stunning.”

  ~Dan Vindico~

  Dan wasn’t playing anymore. He had her. He just had to keep her safe. She no longer sought Emily with regularity. No, she moved right into his arms, right where she belonged.

  Their travel companions needed to go. He wanted to spoil her rotten. He needed to show her what they could be as soon as he ended Wretchkinsides.

  He needed to lavish her, and make her believe that if she would stick with him, while he ended the Interfeci, that as soon as his work was complete, he would tell the world she was his.

  “I missed you,” he husked. The sexy half-grin that was on her beautiful face had his groin on high alert.

  “I missed you, too,” she cooed.

  “Did you enjoy your day?”

  “Not as much as I plan to enjoy my night, but I had a few things done I’m hoping you’ll really like.”

  “Baby, I’m loving everything I’m seeing right here. You look phenomenal, Fionna. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  Her energy trilled in delight as she beamed at him.

  “Does that mean I should just leave this dress on all night?” she giggled.

  “Uh, hell no, baby. Don’t worry; I’ll get you out of it.”

  The luscious fire that he loved began to churn in her eyes. She moved closer. She wanted him. With a timid hunger that swam in her rhythms, she laid her head on his massive shoulder and he wrapped her up in his arms.

  “We don’t have to go out tonight, baby. I’ll take you right back to our room, order you anything you want, and spend the night consuming you.” Dan felt her grin against him.

  “We have to go with them. Emily and Adeline talked about it all day. They’re really excited.”

  Dan knew that he wouldn’t be able to talk her out of going if she thought she might hurt Emily’s feelings. He sighed and decided to go along. Arguing with her was not an option.

  “Whatever you want, baby doll,” he soothed. She brushed her lips along his jaw line as she raised her head.

  “We can spend a long time together when we get back.” She lost a little of the hunger and slipped back into the version of herself she let others see. “I did have fun,” she cracked up suddenly. Dan chuckled, just thrilled to hear her laughter.

  “Ok, I have to tell you this. Emily casted me while I was getting waxed. I think the spa employees think we’re insane because we were holding hands while they were ripping wax off of our va-jay-jays,” she giggled hysterically as Dan shook his head. She was adorable.

  “Well, I look forward to seeing that, Miss Styler.” He knew she waxed. He’d known from the moment he’d unzipped that leather skirt in her bedroom, but the soft, sweet, lush feeling of the day of the appointment wasn’t something he’d gotten to enjoy with her yet. His trousers strained as he pictured her waxed bare and on full display for him. She blushed slightly as she grinned at him.

  “Oh, but don’t say anything. Emily’s going to surprise Rainer tonight. She’s never had it done before.”

  Dan cracked up as he took her arm and they followed several yards behind Rainer and Emily out of the hotel.

  “First of all, that is not something that I would generally bring up at dinner, and secondly, Lawson may have a heart attack. She should at least warn him.”

  To his delight, Fionna was still giggling. Dan’s heart picked up pace.

  “Yeah, well Adeline did the same thing, so…” she tried hard not to guffaw as they both tried to envision Logan’s reaction.

  He could feel the warm, healing balm permeate his body as he stared at her smile.

  He certainly couldn’t wine and dine her at all once they were home, so Dan decided to make the entire evening magical for her. The opulent restaurant, a few drinks, dinner, dancing if she wanted, and then he would take her to bed and give her every single thing her body craved from his own.


  A Night Out

  ~Rainer Lawson~

  As they entered the swanky restaurant, all of the ladies lit up.

  “Wow!” Emily gasped as she took in the rich colors of the darkened restaurant, with baroque architecture, soft leather couches, and inlaid booths. The tables were candle-lit and there were sconces on the wall, offering enough light to read the menus and see what you were consuming, but not much else.

  Each table offered a different seating arrangement, and Vindico had reserved the one that situated each couple at specially designed love seats for two, along each side of the table.

  A vast bar, with more alcohol than Rainer had ever seen in one location, sat in the center of the restaurant, although no one appeared to be indulging more than they should. The drinks here were made to go with dinner. They were high-end brands with high-end price tags.

  “This is so nice,” Adeline’
s tone held a mix of admiration and concern.

  Fionna nodded her agreement as the maîtres’ d escorted them to the table that was tucked away in a back corner and concealed with antique Victorian screens.

  Rainer seated Emily and then situated himself in the high-backed love seat beside her.

  “This is so romantic,” Emily seemed extremely impressed. She tucked herself closer beside him.

  “Well, I’m glad you like it, baby. You look amazing,” Rainer reached and squeezed her exposed thigh in the short, black, skirt she was wearing.

  Their waiter made his appearance as soon as they were seated. He introduced himself, and asked for their drink and appetizer orders.

  “Oh, are you going to get Scotch?” Fionna quizzed Vindico. Her entire face lit excitedly.

  With a slight chuckle, Vindico nodded, “I thought I might.”

  “You promised you’d teach me to drink it,” Fionna reminded him.

  “Tonight?” Vindico didn’t seem to think that was a good idea.

  Fionna nodded hopefully.

  Rainer and Logan had each tried Scotch once, when they’d snuck some out of the Haydenshires’ liquor cabinet.

  “It burns all the way down,” Logan tried to help Vindico, who looked very appreciative of his warning.

  “Please,” Fionna gave Vindico a look that Rainer knew he wouldn’t be able to deny.

  With a sigh, he nodded. “All right, let’s get her a Glenmorangie single malt, and let’s add a little more than a splash of water,” he ordered the waiter, who chuckled and nodded his understanding. “I’ll take a single malt Talisker. Don’t screw with mine. And waters for both of us.”

  Rainer ordered Emily’s wine selection and the recommended Australian beer. Logan followed suit, and the waiter switched the vast bar menus with dinner menus, and left to prepare their drink orders.

  As Rainer pulled the large menu towards them, they began to discuss what they might like to eat. While using the large menu as a screen of his own, he laved her with a kiss and told her how beautiful she was. Emily’s eyes darkened slightly as she moved back in for another kiss.

  After they selected what they wanted to eat, Rainer kept the menu in place. He saw no reason to remove it. The waiter hadn’t yet returned with their wine.

  “Did you have fun today?”

  “Yes, it was amazing. I’ve never had so many women touching me while I was naked, or such weird things put on me, but my skin feels so good.”

  She held her forearm up, and he slid his hand down it. She did indeed feel like silk.

  “What weird stuff did they put on you?”

  She giggled, “Well, stuff like oils and coconut husks and sea salt, oh and sea shells, hot rocks, crazy stuff.”

  Furrowing his brow he bristled slightly, “Hot rocks?”

  “Yeah, it felt amazing, actually. It’s supposed to help you relax, and I fell asleep while they were doing it. Like I said, it was amazing.” Clearly it hadn’t hurt her if she’d fallen asleep so, with a slight shrug, Rainer set their menu down. He ordered both of their meals when the waiter returned.

  The ladies elaborated more on their day at the spa as their drinks arrived. They all shared quick, giggling grins occasionally. This made Logan and Rainer extremely curious, but Vindico just kept up a steady smirk.

  Everyone quieted and watched Fionna take her first sip of Scotch.

  “If you don’t like it, you don’t have to drink it. I’ll get you whatever you want,” Vindico assured her. Fionna seemed excited to try it. “Ok, sip slowly, breathe over it, and then swallow,” he instructed.

  Fionna brought the glass to her lips and Vindico tensed. She took a slow sip and immediately shuddered forcibly. Her face twisted in a confused pucker. Vindico took the glass from her hands.

  “It takes a little getting used to.” He handed her the water he’d ordered. Fionna began to cough, and Vindico stifled a chuckle.

  “Wow,” she drew another long sip of water.

  “Told you,” Logan teased.

  Fionna joined in the laughter at her own expense.

  “Ok, I’m going to not try that again for a while,” she admitted abashedly. Vindico leaned and kissed the side of her head. Rainer had never seen him so attentive with anyone.

  “When I said I’d teach you, I was kind of thinking at home, just the two of us.” He’d clearly been trying to save her any embarrassment. Fionna looked quite touched by the planned gesture.

  Their meals arrived, and everyone agreed the food was delicious. Vindico ordered Fionna a glass of Shiraz, after asking her about her favorite wines.

  After a few more drinks, everyone began to mellow and sink into the person they were seated with. As the table was relatively small, and they were all talking to their respective dates, Rainer and Emily only chuckled when they heard Vindico compliment Fionna’s dress and her reply of, “Wait ‘til you see what I plan on wearing to bed, Officer Vindico.”

  “So, what are you planning on wearing to bed tonight, Miss Haydenshire?” Rainer let his whispered question caress over her neck.

  “Nothing,” she breathed the word in his face.

  Suddenly, very anxious for their dinner to be over so he could take her up on her offer, Rainer looked around anxiously for the waiter to return with the checks. To his chagrin, when the waiter returned, he was carrying the dessert menus.

  With a goading grin shot right at Rainer, Vindico requested that the waiter leave the menus. He informed him that he was certain they all wanted dessert. Vindico knew they'd overheard Fionna's comment and they’d heard Emily’s as well.

  Rainer sighed and ordered dessert. Emily decided to just share his, as they’d had a large meal. Adeline made the same request of Logan, who looked thoroughly disappointed, as that meant he would only get half of a dessert. Rainer and Emily laughed at Logan’s mournful agreement.

  As their desserts arrived, Emily laid her hand discreetly across Rainer’s thigh, but the anticipation made his mind spin wildly. Everyone dug in and, in a moment of distraction, she slid her hand higher and gave him a naughty wink.

  “Eat, baby,” he husked in her ear. “I’ll have my dessert when we get back to the room.” He made her breath catch as her eyes flashed excitedly. He felt her energy begin to flutter.

  She pulled her hand away momentarily as he spoon-fed her the ice cream, covered in berries, that he’d ordered. Eventually the dessert bowls were empty, and the waiter brought the checks.

  “Look a little antsy there, Lawson.” Vindico chided as he stood and helped Fionna with her wrap. Rainer laughed, certain that he probably did.

  “But you’re not looking forward to anything at all?” Rainer turned the tables on his boss as the ladies exited ahead of them.

  Vindico raised his left eyebrow.

  “Never said that. I just don’t like to reveal my cards until I know I have all the aces.”

  Quickly deciding to engage Vindico, Rainer came right back.

  “Not about having all the aces; you just need to know how to play the hand you’re dealt well.”

  “Your dad taught you that,” Vindico immediately looked reminiscent.

  “Yeah, he did.” Rainer felt the familiar ache in his chest whenever he missed his father. They walked back towards the hotel slowly and took in the Sydney skyline, lit from the lights of the Opera House over the bay.

  They passed an oddly-shaped building a few blocks from the hotel, with a long line of people trying to get into, what Rainer assumed was, a popular club.

  “Oh, that looks fun. Let’s go have a few drinks and dance a little before we head back,” Fionna urged.

  As this was not at all what any of the men in the group had in mind, they all stifled their disappointment. Emily and Adeline agreed that it would be a fun way to spend the evening and that it was still early.

  As they made their way to the back of the line, Vindico slapped Rainer on the shoulder.

  “See? With women, you need all the aces, Lawson.”

  Rainer nodded his defeat. They worked their way through the line until they were standing at the entrance to the multi-story complex, with large hanging signs over the door declaring it to be ‘The Slip In Nightspot: Sydney’s hottest night club’.

  “Yeah, well this is not the hot spot I wanted to be slipping into right about now,” Logan made certain only Rainer and Vindico heard his quip. They laughed and nodded dejectedly as they studied the club.

  The main level was a large dance floor surrounded by booths, with a large bar in the center. The basement was a nightclub with a decidedly darker feel, but the two upper floors were entirely different. One was a beach-themed area, complete with palm trees. Each table was secluded carefully by high-backed booth seating and trees. It was a quiet getaway from the floors below. The top floor was a garden bar, only partly covered; guests could enjoy drinks and dancing on the roof or play pool in the covered areas surrounding the inner garden.

  “So where do you want to start?” Fionna eyed Vindico sweetly.

  “I always prefer to start down and work my way up.” There was a naughty glint in his eye as he let his eyes follow a path up her body, starting with her legs and ending with her chest. Fionna smirked over Vindico’s decidedly dirty remark.

  “I know.” She waggled her eyebrows.

  Vindico gave her a low, shuddered moan and led the crowd down to the nightclub in the basement.


  Tea With the Prince

  It rained most of the night and into the morning. Fionna phoned Emily and asked if they would go shopping with her and Dan to find something for her to wear to their dinner with the Australian royal family. With the limited time she’d had to pack, she hadn’t brought anything but a semi-formal dress for the evening.

  Logan informed everyone that he and Adeline were spending the day alone, as he was trying to keep her calm and distracted until the limousine arrived at five to take them to the Caliph’s home.


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