The Island of Destiny

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by Cameron Stelzer

  The Island of Destiny

  Titles available in the Pie Rats series

  (in reading order):

  The Forgotten Map

  The King’s Key

  The Island of Destiny

  The Trophy of Champions

  For my sister, Alison, the nurturer.

  Guiding hands shape precious destinies.

  First published by Daydream Press, Brisbane, Australia, 2014

  This electronic version published 2015

  Text and illustrations copyright © Dr Cameron Stelzer 2014

  Illustrations are watercolour and pen on paper

  No part of this book may be reproduced electronically, verbally or in print without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  ISBN: 978-0-9942486-2-6 (eBook)

  National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication Entry

  Author: Stelzer, Cameron, 1977 –

  Title: The Island of Destiny / by Cameron Stelzer

  Series: Stelzer, Cameron, 1977 – Pie Rats; bk. 3

  Target audience: For primary school age.

  Subjects: Rats – Juvenile fiction. Pirates – Juvenile fiction.

  Dewey number: A823.4

  Digital edition distributed by

  Port Campbell Press

  Conversion by Winking Billy

  Loyalty before all else, even pies.

  The Pie Rat Code

  The Cyclone Sea

  The afternoon sky was a grey blur of clouds and rain. An icy wind howled from the east. The ocean frothed and foamed.

  A small, two-masted ship ploughed through the crashing waves. Her course was straight. Her sails were full. The black-furred rat behind the wheel adjusted his soggy eye patch and checked the compass.

  ‘North-north-west,’ he muttered in a deep, commanding voice. ‘We’re still on course. Where is this island?’

  ‘It can’t be far, Captain,’ replied the young rat next to him. ‘We passed Drumstick Island hours ago.’

  Captain Black Rat lowered the compass and sighed. ‘I hope you’re right, Whisker. The Cyclone Sea is not a forgiving place. If we’ve overshot our destination, we’re in deep water.’

  Whisker shuddered. Deep water! He felt his tail drop to the deck. Painful memories came rushing back …

  He was sinking into the silent depths, watching helplessly as the little red boat carrying his parents and sister vanished into the terrible cyclone above …

  He tried to block the vision.

  You’re going to find them, he told himself. Don’t lose hope.

  He touched the edge of his missing right sleeve and stared through the rain at the thundering sky. He was in a storm, not a cyclone.

  ‘The Apple Pie’s been through worse, Captain,’ he said slowly.

  The Captain looked grave. ‘Not with a hull full of holes, she hasn’t. Those rock-throwing Tasmanian devils made a right old mess of the old girl.’

  Whisker glanced down at the deck of the Apple Pie and winced. Splintered boards and crater-like holes filled his vision, a lasting reminder of the devilish encounter.

  A third rat staggered onto the helm, counting every step as he went. ‘… five, six, seven.’ He was no taller than a child, but the battle scars on either cheek gave him an older, roguish appearance. He waved a golden hook through the air in a futile attempt to swat the falling raindrops.

  ‘Hook Hand Horace, reporting for duty, sir,’ he announced, clicking his heels.

  ‘Always the showman, aren’t you, Horace,’ the Captain muttered. ‘Anything to report from below?’

  ‘We’re not sinking – yet,’ Horace replied optimistically. ‘Fred’s resealing the holes with coagulated pie gravy. It should hold us until we reach the island …’

  ‘What about the creature?’ Whisker cut in. ‘Rat Bait warned us of a fierce sea creature that guards the Island of Destiny. I doubt gravy will keep it at bay.’

  ‘I don’t have a harpoon, if that’s what you’re asking,’ Horace said, draining the rainwater from his oversized, purple hat. ‘But I could make you a net – just in case.’

  The Captain nodded. ‘First rule of thumb, Horace: If you think you’ll need it, you’ll definitely need it.’

  Horace gave the Captain a salute with his hook and descended the slippery stairs. Whisker shook the rain drops from his tail and scurried after him.

  ‘WHISKER! Over here. On the double!’

  Whisker heard the command and immediately changed direction. As a Pie Rat apprentice, he was used to being bossed around, especially by the Captain’s niece, Ruby.

  Whisker dodged three large holes in the deck and skidded along the wooden pastry crust bulwark to where the ship’s boatswain stood waiting for him. Even in the soaking rain, Ruby Rat looked like she’d just stepped out of the Portside Boutique. Her crimson eye patch sat neatly over her right eye, her cherry red vest and matching bandanna were crease-free and her two scarlet scissor swords dangled symmetrically off her belt. She stared blankly at Whisker with her emerald green eye.

  Ruby, like her uncle, the Captain, had a nasty temper. She could snap at the drop of a hat (or a mis-tied rope, as was often the case). Whisker was never quite sure how he should act around her.

  He felt his over-emotional tail twitch nervously behind his back and hoped the unruly fur on the top of his head was lying flat for a change. He casually raised his paw to check. Tangled tufts of fur stuck up like the leaves of a pineapple.

  ‘W-what can I help you with, Ruby?’ he stammered, suddenly self-conscious.

  ‘I need a paw to adjust the jib sail,’ Ruby said, deadpan. ‘Horace ties knots like he eats spaghetti – messily.’

  Whisker breathed a sigh of relief. Horace was always in trouble for something.

  ‘Sure, Ruby,’ he said, relaxing his tail.

  He climbed onto the bowsprit, the long silver spoon jutting from the front of the ship. Huge waves crashed over the tail of the Mer-Mouse below, sending water cascading over the sides of her golden pie. Part mouse, part mermaid, the ship’s majestic figurehead was always a sight to behold.

  Whisker hooked his tail around the spoon and slowly reached for the human-sized pair of red underpants that acted as the jib sail. Without looking, he curved his paw around one of the yellow clothes pegs holding the sail in place. The peg felt strangely warm and soft.

  Ruby shot Whisker a strange look. Whisker glanced up, his sky-blue eyes growing wide in panic. He wasn’t holding a peg at all. He was clutching Ruby’s paw.

  ‘S-sorry,’ he gasped, pulling away.

  Ruby’s expression didn’t change. Whisker felt his face flushing.

  Say something, he told himself. Crack a joke. Make her laugh. It always works for Horace …

  ‘Y-you did ask me for a paw,’ he gabbled.

  ‘So I did,’ Ruby said, managing a small grin. ‘Now lend me another one so I can tighten this rope.’

  Trying to act natural, Whisker helped Ruby tension the line supporting the jib sail, keeping his eyes on his paws at all times.

  He finished double-checking his knot and looked through the rain to the two masts of the ship: a giant silver knife and a colossal silver fork. The T-shirt mainsail and handkerchief foresail appeared secure in the gusty wind. The cutlery-clothesline combination never ceased to amuse Whisker – especially when he considered they were attached to an enormous pie-shaped hull.

  Ruby followed Whisker’s gaze across the deck.

  ‘Mouse knots,’ she murmured, pointing to the fixing points holding the sails in place. ‘Small fingers equal strong knots. Thank goodness for stowaway school mice …’

>   She was interrupted by a frantic BUZZ from the corner of the deck. Whisker turned to see a large green blowfly, wearing a red and white striped jumper, clutching the edge of a barrel.

  ‘What is it, Smudge?’ Ruby asked.

  The loyal mascot of the Pie Rats pointed into the storm with one arm and held on tightly with the other five.

  ‘I think he’s spotted something,’ Whisker said.

  ‘Rain,’ Ruby huffed. ‘A whole lot of rain.’

  Smudge shook his head and pointed again.

  Whisker squinted out to sea, hoping to catch a glimpse of a rock or an island. All he could see was rain, more rain and a blurry patch that looked remarkably like rain.

  ‘Find Fred, Whisker,’ Ruby snapped. ‘He’ll tell us if there’s anything out there.’

  Without protest, Whisker scampered down the stairs in search of the sharpest lookout of the crew, Fish Eye Fred.

  The ship lurched from side to side with every passing wave, bouncing Whisker off the walls of the narrow corridor. He heard the sounds of silver plates clanging to the floor and the echo of Pencil Leg Pete’s spare pencils rolling around a cabin. Finding the upper level deserted, he made his way to the cargo hold at the bottom of the ship.

  Peering through the doorway, Whisker could see orange light radiating from a lantern in the centre of the cluttered room. Horace scrounged through a pile of ropes in the corner, while Pete splashed his red pencil leg in a pool of water, issuing orders to Fish Eye Fred and the three school mice.

  To his right, Whisker noticed a large hole in the side of the hull, boarded up with wooden planks, stamped FIREWORKS. Fred was busy painting a brown liquid over the cracks. Emmie and her twin brother Eaton applied the gravy-like substance to small leaks, while Mr Tribble examined the opposite side of the hull for further damage.

  Mr Tribble looked up through smeared glasses as Whisker entered the room.

  ‘Hello, Whisker,’ he said in his polite teacher’s voice. ‘Have you come to assist?’

  ‘Err, not exactly,’ Whisker said, almost slipping on a fresh patch of gravy. ‘I need to borrow Fred. Smudge has spotted something in the rain.’

  Pete screwed up his bony white nose and sniffled, ‘Can’t you see we’re all busy?’

  ‘Some of us are busy,’ Horace muttered. ‘Others are just paddling in puddles.’

  Pete narrowed his pink albino eyes at Horace. ‘Supervising is a very important role, especially for a quartermaster of my calibre.’

  Horace gave Pete a dismissive wave of his hook and returned to the ropes.

  ‘I’m sure we can spare Fred for a couple of minutes,’ Mr Tribble said diplomatically.

  ‘Alright then,’ Pete snapped. ‘But you’re on gravy duty, Tribble. That stuff gets up my nose!’

  Fred handed his saucepan of gravy to Mr Tribble and grunted goodbye to Eaton and Emmie. Eaton looked up and, as usual, said nothing. Emmie, the recently appointed hygiene officer of the ship, shook her head.

  ‘You can’t go up there looking like that, Uncle Fred,’ she said. ‘You’ve got gravy all over your arms.’

  Fred removed his white chef’s hat from his enormous head and used it to wipe the gravy from his tattooed arms.

  ‘Better?’ he asked.

  ‘You’ve still got a spot on your earring,’ Emmie scolded. ‘Ruby would be ever so furious if it dripped on her deck.’

  Fred gave his safety pin earring a quick wipe and stuck his gravy-stained hat back on his head.

  ‘Now we go,’ he grunted.

  The giant rat followed Whisker up to the deck, whistling an out-of-tune rendition of Rain, Rain Go Away through his protruding front teeth. The rain had eased slightly when they reached the top of the stairs, but the wind was no less fierce.

  ‘Over here,’ Ruby hissed from the bow of the ship.

  Fred lumbered towards her, swivelling his enormous eye from west to east.

  ‘Lots of rain,’ he remarked.

  Ruby frowned at Smudge. ‘I told you.’

  Fred fixed his eye on a point out to sea.

  ‘Black rocks to the east,’ he muttered.

  ‘East,’ Whisker exclaimed. ‘Are you sure?’

  Fred nodded. ‘Looks like an island.’

  Smudge folded four arms across his chest, awaiting an apology. The wind blew him straight off the barrel.

  ‘Land ahoy!’ Ruby shouted. ‘Starboard side.’

  The Captain raised a short telescope to his eye and peered through.

  ‘That’s our island,’ he declared. ‘And to think, we were sailing straight past it.’

  There was a cacophony of bumps and thumps as Horace leapt onto the deck in a tangle of ropes and sinkers.

  ‘Shiver me shipwrecks!’ he cried, ‘What have I missed?’

  ‘A whole lot of rain …’ Ruby smirked. ‘Oh, and Fred found the Island of Destiny.’

  Horace gave Fred a friendly prod with his hook. ‘Good work, big fella.’

  Smudge waved two arms in the air as if to say, hey what about me? I saw it first.

  The Captain lowered his telescope, swinging the wheel to his right. The Apple Pie turned eastward into the wind and an icy blast of rain smacked the crew head on.

  ‘Brrrr,’ Horace shivered dramatically.

  ‘Drop the anchor and haul in the sails,’ the Captain commanded. ‘We can’t sail into this headwind, and I won’t risk tacking and losing the island.’

  Ruby, Whisker and Horace scrambled over to the sails, lowering the enormous items of clothing, while Fred attempted to drop the anchor. There was a loud CLUNK as the anchor line came to the end of the spool.

  ‘Oh dear, oh double dear,’ Fred groaned. ‘We’re in deep, deep water.’

  Ruby leapt from the mast. ‘The anchor hasn’t reached the sea floor, Captain. We can’t just drift; the wind will blow us miles from the island.’

  The Captain was silent, considering his options. Whisker looked east. The rain appeared to be clearing, though he still couldn’t see the island with his naked eye.

  ‘We have no choice,’ the Captain said, begrudgingly. ‘We’ll sail short legs to the south-east and then to the north-east to catch the wind. Hopefully we’ll reach the island before nightfall. I want Smudge and Fred at the bow of the ship. Let me know the moment you lose sight of the island. Ruby and Horace, you’re responsible for the sails. Whisker, you’re on the helm with me.’

  ‘Aye aye, Captain,’ cheered the crew.

  Whisker hurried up the stairs to where the Captain waited anxiously behind the wheel.

  ‘Whisker,’ he said in a low voice, ‘you remember Rat Bait’s story about the island, don’t you?’

  Whisker nodded slowly, but said nothing. It was a touchy subject, to say the least. The Captain’s father, Ratsputin, had once attempted to reach the Island of Destiny – and failed. Following his disastrous voyage, Ratsputin deserted his crew and his family. Whisker knew the Captain harboured a deep resentment towards his father and thought it safer if he kept his mouth shut and let the Captain do the talking.

  The Captain continued speaking through gritted teeth, ‘My father experienced these exact conditions when he sailed to the island. It was a stormy afternoon. There were sharp rocks, pounding waves …’

  ‘The Treacherous Sea,’ Whisker said quietly. ‘The Princess Pie and her crew barely made it out.’

  The Captain stroked his chin thoughtfully. ‘If we’re going to risk the Sea, we’ll need a safe passage. I doubt our hull will hold if we collide with a rock or a sea creature.’ He straightened his back. ‘My father may have failed, but he was ill-prepared. We know the dangers we face and we have the King’s Key – something he never possessed.’

  ‘I can examine the key for clues,’ Whisker said, eager to end the conversation. ‘Maybe there’s something we haven’t spotted.’

  The Captain nodded. ‘This may be our only chance of finding the treasure.’

  A treasure with the power to alter one’s very destiny, Whisker recalled. He d
ared to imagine – the power to find my family.

  I’m depending on you, Whisker,’ the Captain said soberly. ‘We all are.’

  The Rock of Hope

  With the weight of the Apple Pie on his shoulders, Whisker descended the short flight of stairs to the navigation room.

  He found the Forgotten Map and the King’s Key lying in the centre of the table. A rough tracing of the map sat nearby, courtesy of Pencil Leg Pete.

  Just in case, Whisker thought.

  He brushed the wet fringe out of his eyes and placed the King’s Key over the hole in the island, completing the map. Glancing down at the riddle, he read: Dark and Treacherous your voyage may be, keep Hope in your sights as you pass through the Sea.

  Whisker examined the map closely, aware that the misplaced capitals were place names. The Treacherous Sea was a rocky lagoon surrounded by high cliffs. There was one entrance from the ocean and one place to go ashore: a river estuary flowing around the Rock of Hope.

  Our destination, he told himself.

  The rocks appeared to be concentrated in the centre of the lagoon, forming a deadly obstacle course. Whisker ran his finger to the left and right of the rocks.

  Two clear passages, he pondered, and one sea creature.

  He explored the map for clues, reading and rereading the riddle, but found no mention of the creature or which direction to sail.

  Struggling for clarity, he thought back to the jungle citadel where the Pie Rats first discovered the key. He’d seen directional symbols carved on the palace doorways – Right passage up … left passage down … Whisker remembered two symbols in particular: the right paw of royalty and the left paw of despair.

  Right leads to riches, Whisker considered. Maybe we should take the right passage through the lagoon?

  He looked back at the Island of Destiny. The island had its own symbol – two arrows, representing the twin mountains of the island: Mt Mobziw and Mt Moochup.

  The left mountain holds the treasure, Whisker thought, so maybe left, not right, is the correct direction …? He let his head drop into his paws in frustration.


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