“I know, but that is still not open for discussion. We have kept all that shit under wraps because we didn’t really go about it in such an up and up manner. I mean, I fucking talked with Clutch, but he wasn’t all that excited about us taking it into our hands instead of letting him deal with his brothers himself.”
“What, you didn’t fucking go through their President before you offed those stupid fucks? I can’t believe that he hasn’t come at us before now. One thing that Clutch is not fucking known for is his fucking tolerance for not following the fucking rules.”
“I know, but what the fuck could I have done? They had the girls and I was in no mood to fucking sit around waiting for that piece of shit. Anyway, Pearl says that Doc still doesn’t know everything that happened and will probably go fucking crazy when he finds out what that fucker did to her. We have to keep him under a close watch if that would be the case, because he will not be in the right head and might slip up. We have to make sure that if we allow him to be the one to deal with this situation, that he is doing it carefully, so that we are all in the free and clear after. He has done so much for Pearl and the girls over the last few months I, no we, owe so much to him for that.”
“I agree Prez, I will try calling him to talk some shit through with him. Or if he comes up to Milwaukee while I am on watch I will talk with him then. I am not sure how he will take the news about what that piece of shit fucking did to his, fuck I don’t even know what to call her, his old lady, his woman, his ex. All I know is that I was fucking devastated when I found out what happened to Pearl.”
Chapter 35 – Pearl
Waking up alone gives me pause. Then I hear the girls down the hall and get up and throw on some clothes before heading into their room. I check on Vincent, who is still sleeping and head into the girls’ room. Markus and Abraham have beaten me there, though. They are each lifting one into their arms and walking towards the doorway, which I am leaning against. Seeing these men that I care for and love taking such good care of the girls has my heart swelling and tears start to fall from my eyes.
“Sweetling,” comes out of Markus’ mouth as he steps in front of me, “what is it? Why are you crying? Is everything okay?”
Iris answers quickly from Markus’ arms, “Momma is fine, she cries a lot at everything. It’s because of baby Rebel and the mormones. Right Momma?”
“Yes baby girl, that is exactly why momma is crying, baby Rebel makes Momma’s hormones go crazy. Seeing Markus and Abraham with you two just makes me so happy and that is the other part of my tears.”
“Rebel?”, comes from both men almost instantly.
“Yes, I decided a few days ago. I know that we have not discussed it and for that I apologize, but my mind is made up.”
Looking at each other for long moments, Markus is the first to speak. “I love it, that name is perfect for our son.” Smiling Markus looks towards Abraham who is also smiling widely and nodding his head in agreement.
“Yes, it is perfect for him. How did you ever decide on that name, girlie?”
The smiles on their faces are now matched by the one on mine as well. “I started trying to come up with a combination of Abraham and Markus, but couldn’t find anything that I really liked. Then went through a rather long family tree on all three of our sides and didn’t find anything that I thought either of you would approve of. When I went back and started to look through the baby books, it just jumped out at me. I am glad that both of you approve.”
“Momma, why would you want to name baby Rebel after Abraham or Markus?” Rose asks from Abraham’s arms.
“Well girls it is just that…” Markus starts and then quickly stops, not knowing how to go on, looking towards me.
“Girls, your Momma and us are…” Abraham tries to answer as well but quickly stops, unsure what to say and looking towards me.
Pearl quickly finishes, “Come on, let’s go sit downstairs and I’ll get us a snack and tell you girls about it alright?”
As we all go downstairs to the kitchen, I hope that the girls forget their line of questioning, but am not too confident that will be the case. Getting some peanut butter and celery out of the fridge, I start to make snacks for the girls as Markus and Abraham get them situated on the stools near the kitchen island. Grabbing the juice out of the fridge as I put the celery back, I pour them juice and put all their stuff in front of them.
Trying to turn around and walk away, Rose does not let me get far before bringing her question back up.
“Momma you said you would tell us why you were going to name baby Rebel after Markus and Abraham.”
Turning slowly back around I look from Markus to Abraham before pulling up a stool and sitting on the opposite side of the island from the girls. “Girls, do you remember when momma and daddy were married and we were a family?”
Rose is the only one to answer saying, “No, I just remember seeing pictures of daddy, I don’t remember a time like that.”
“Ok, you know how some families have a mommy and some kids, some families have a mommy and a daddy and some kids, other families might have two mommies and some kids, or two daddies and some kids?”
“Yes, like Sarah and Jacob at daycare have two daddies?” Rose answers.
“Yes Rose, exactly. I forgot about Sarah and Jacob’s daddies. Some families might have a mommy and two daddies or a daddy and more than one mommy as well. Families come in all different forms, girls.”
Looking towards each man as I continue, “Markus and Abraham would like for all of us to be a family together. What do you girls think about that?”
“Like they would be our daddies?”
As I try to answer I am quickly cut off by first Markus then Abraham.
“Yes, baby girl that is what we would like.”
“Of course, we would love that.”
“Will you be baby Rebel’s daddy as well then?”
“Yes Rose, we will be baby Rebel’s daddy as well.”
“Good, I was worried that he wasn’t gonna have a daddy. I think it will be good to have two daddies and to be a family. Momma isn’t this great? Markus and Abraham are going to be our daddies and baby Rebel’s, too.”
“Aren’t we lucky to have them in our lives, girls?”
Iris, who has been quiet much of this time, looks up and answers quietly “Momma, I think I like having Markus and Abraham as daddies. How am I gonna know what to call them though?”
“Oh honey, that is what has you worried? We can all figure that out together what we can call them okay?” Reaching over to her I slowly caress her hand before looking into her eyes and adding, “we could look something up on the computer just like momma did to find baby Rebel’s name if you would like? Or you could call one daddy and one poppa? We can think about it for a while before we decide, okay? Now, why don’t you and your sister eat your snack and then we will hit the road back home for the week.”
Her smile leaves her lips as she asks, “But, I thought we were going to be a family, why would we be going back to Milwaukee?”
“Yes Pearl, I agree with Iris. Why are you going back to Milwaukee? You know that you don’t need to work any longer and that you could just move here.” Markus looks from me to Abraham and then back.
Shaking my head at him, “Markus we will need to discuss this when there are no girls present. Iris we will be moving when we all find a house that we can stay in together. I hope that it happens before baby Rebel is born, but it might take some time to find the kind of house that we will all love.”
Iris’s eyes get wide, “What about Hilda, momma.”
“Oh Iris, she will be coming with us. Now, eat your snack up while momma goes and packs up our stuff so we can hit the road. Remember that Vincent and Ember will be coming to stay with us for the week as well.”
Turning and walking out of the kitchen Markus and Abraham are quick on my heels as I make it into the girl’s bedroom. Turning around I almost bump into them before I am grabbed and pulled into their
“You are so strong and intelligent, Sweetling. You handled that so well with those little girls.”
“Yes girlie, you did so good with them, and we cannot wait to start our lives together with you like you were talking about.”
Kissing each other in turn I have to fight to get out of their grasps and get back to trying to pack up the girl’s stuff so that we can get on the road when Ember and Country return, which should be any time now.
Chapter 36 –Tank
Watching her with the girls is something special. She handled that better than either Markus or I would have or were able to. Watching her with them shows me how good she will be with Rebel. FUCK! Rebel. She did so well picking out a name for our son, and watching her with the girls just reminds me of how good she will be with him and all the other children we will be filling her with.
I know that we have not discussed more children with her, but Markus and I both see ourselves taking turns planting our seed within our woman. I wonder if she will fight with us about having more children? It will be an interesting to see how she takes to the idea, but that will happen down the road.
As she is upstairs getting the girls’ stuff together when Country and Ember come back and are quickly followed by Doc. Nodding his head at both Markus and myself, we head to the office to hear what he has got to say.
“The Knights followed them from the apartment to her parent’s house and then tried to follow them back here, but I made sure that they got fucking sidetracked. We might get some blow back from it, because I didn’t hide who I was. Now, could someone please tell me why the fuck this piece of shit has it out so badly for Ember? Or why the fuck he is still so hung up on her?”
“That is something you need to talk with her about Doc. It is not our place to be putting Ember’s business out in the wind. Even though you were together, that is no longer the case and she needs to be the one to discuss her issues with you. All you need to know is that because of Pearl’s taking to her, she will be under the protection from the MC. Which means there will be someone with her and the boy, until this shit gets sorted the fuck out with Clutch.”
“Where the fuck did she go? I will speak with her now, and work this fucking shit out right fucking now.”
Heading towards the door, I am about to reach out to him, when Markus speaks.
“The first thing you need to do Doc, is step the fuck off. You will not be fucking talking to her when you are so riled up and ready to fucking murder someone. She did not cause the problem that we are fucking dealing with right now, that is on Clutch. Don’t turn her being in this situation against her, it is not on her.”
Grabbing him by the shoulder roughly, Markus goes on, “Your problem with her stems from your past and that is something you need to discuss with her when you are calm and ready to listen to what she has to say. She is under my protection and if that means that I need to stop you from hurting her, that is what I will fucking do. Don’t push me on this brother.”
“Pearl has really worked you over and softened you Prez. I can’t believe that you just threatened me and told me that this woman was more important than what I, your brother, wanted.”
Markus connects his right hand to the side of Doc’s face without a second’s delay. “You will fucking respect me, Doc, and our old lady. She is the only reason that we have made sure to take care of Ember up until this point, so you should be fucking thanking her instead of talking shit about her. I think you may have forgotten that we have all sacrificed for this club and that whatever I decide goes, this is not a fucking democracy. You will do well to remember that.”
“Great, the next time that I see Pearl I will make sure to thank her.” Shaking his head, he tries to step through the door again, but Markus has not let go of his shoulder yet.
“Doc, you will not be leaving here until she is on the road. She is in no condition to deal with you in this state of mind. Ember deserves so much more than what you are ready to give her. And if you go anywhere near our woman with that attitude and anger in you, we will have no problem working out our issues with you. Do you fucking hear and feel me, brother?”
“Fuck! Yes, I fucking got it. I will go cool off for a while then find her and talk in a couple days. See you tonight at Church, Prez.”
He strides from the room and I stick my head out into the hall to make sure that he makes his way to the exit and not through the house to try and find Ember. Doc heads straight for the exit and I am relieved that this shit will not come to blows right now.
“Get the women and kids situated and head out. I will take care of Doc and have Trip watch out over him while we are still in Chicago before we head up to Milwaukee to relieve you and Country on Tuesday.”
“Ok, if you learn anything at Church tonight, or while I am gone, make sure to let me know. I will be checking the security feeds from Milwaukee, so I will keep you up to date on anything that I find as well.”
Walking from the room I go and find Ember and Pearl with the kids in the living room watching TV.
“Are you guys ready to go? All packed up?” I slowly walk behind Pearl, who is on the couch, running my hands over her shoulders and down her arms while kissing her neck.
She shivers at my touch and answers in a breathy voice, “Yes Abraham, we are all set.”
“Alright let’s get this show on the road then.” Looking from one to the other, “Ember, Pearl, how do you guys want to situate the kids on the drive up? Do you guys all want to ride together, and then Country and I will ride separately so we have a few vehicles up there with us, until Tuesday.Then we will be switching with Trip and Markus.”
“Yeah, we will all ride up together and you and Country can ride separately. The kids will be a tight fit, but we will make it work, right Ember?”
“Of course we will. I think it will be best to put Rose in the middle though, just in case.” Ember says smiling wide and looking towards Pearl.
Turning off the TV, Pearl shows me where the bags are and I load them into her SUV. I throw my bag in the SUV as well, taking my compact Glock out. Grabbing the keys for my bike, I head out, putting the Glock in my saddlebags and checking over the bike before we hit the road.
Ember is getting the kids settled in the SUV as I head back in. As I walk back into the house I find Pearl wrapped up in Markus’s arms in the front room. Walking over to them, I trace a hand down her back as they move apart from each other.
“It’s time to hit the road, girlie. Get a move on.” Taking her lips in mine I give her a heated kiss before she strolls from the room and out the front door.
“Prez, I will take care of what is ours, while you are down here holding this shit down. Don’t worry, nothing will happen to her.”
“I’m not worried. If I was, I wouldn’t fucking hesitate to make you stay here and go instead of you. Just keep your eyes on them Tank, Pearl tends to let loose when she is stressed, so be aware.”
“Thanks for the advice, Blaze.”
Grabbing me on the shoulder he adds, “Also, she has an appointment tomorrow for a thirty-weekultrasound at the fetal medicine clinic and you will get a chance to see our baby, Rebel. It is a special moment seeing him, so make sure you are focused on it instead of all the other shit, just enjoy it.”
Shaking his hand, I nod my head at his advice this time. “Thanks Blaze, I will not forget to live in the moment and try to clear the other fucking shit out of my head.”
Striding out of the house I head over to the SUV. Pearl is in the driver’s seat so I head over there and open the door pulling her over to me. “Drive safe, we will have eyes on you the whole trip. If you need to pull over or take a break…”
“Stop, Abraham. I am not a child, and I can drive to Milwaukee without all this worry. It’s only an hour and half, for fuck’s sake.”
I grit out, “Pearl, watch that mouth,” then close the distance between us consuming her mouth with mine.
The drive went well and so did the remainder of
the afternoon and evening. We got Ember situated into the guest room in the basement with Vincent, which tired Pearl out. Knowing, however, that I could bury myself in her without protection after hearing the all clear from the nurse, has me itching to get to bed and not for the much needed sleep she would like.
Looking at Pearl with lust in my eyes I grab for my cock as I slowly growl out, “Little One, let’s go to bed. Hmm?”
“Yes Sir, let’s go to bed,” is purred back at me as Pearl walks up to me rubbing her breasts and body against me, working me up even more, if that’s at all fucking possible.
Chapter 37 –Pearl
Walking into the bedroom, Sir shuts and locks the door behind us. Grabbing his bag off of the dresser he pulls out a gag and looks at me with a smirk on his face.
“Little One, I would love to hear your screams tonight, but the girls are here, and so are Ember and Vincent, so I think we will need to muffle that little pleasure. Hmm?”
“Yes Sir, gagging me would be the best option for that.”
“You may come as much as you would like, but you will let me fuck your ass with a dildo as I am fucking your tight cunt.” Pulling a rather large purple dildo out of the bag as well, the smirk on his face widens. “Has Markus done this to you before? Preparing you for when we will take you together?”
“Yes Sir, he has been working on my ability to take both of you at the same time, not with anything that big, though.”
“Strip and lean over the bed. Face on its side, looking up at me with your arms stretched out in front of you. If it gets to be too much, make sure to use your safe word, and since you will be gagged you will just have to nod your head to the left and right if needed. Show me now what it would look like if you were going to safe word?”
Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3) Page 14