Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3)

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Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3) Page 16

by G. M. Scherbert

  Pulling the card off once I get the flowers back to my classroom, I open it reading the simple but beautiful card. It simply says “You belong to us. As we belong to you. Forever and always.”

  The tears start flowing as I grab my phone and snap a picture of the lovely flowers. Instantly sending thankyous to both. The remainder of the day passes by with much more happiness, at least on my part.

  Getting home shortly after five with the girls, I am pleasantly surprised to find dinner is cooking. Looking for Ember Ifind Markus sitting and watching TV.

  Walking up to him, I lean down and kiss him. “Hi Markus, where is Ember? Dinner smells great, what did she make?”

  “She did not make dinner, Sweetling. I made dinner for you while you were at work today. Ember took Vincent to the park to play and Trip is with them. They should be home anytime now. Where are the girls?”

  “In the backyard on the swings, I just came in to check out the situation. Thanks for cooking supper, I am glad that I don’t have to do it, instead I can go outside and enjoy this beautiful weather. Would you like to come with?”

  “Of course, the steaks will be ready for the grill in another twenty minutes. The potatoes will be done when I pull the steaks off the grill ten minutes after that. So let’s go outside and I can start the grill up as the girls play.”

  “Steaks, yum, is that the marinade I smell?” heading towards the back door I stop and sniff the air in the kitchen.

  “Yes, it is.” Nudging me onward he goes on, “Let’s go outside and check on the girls while I get the grill going. Yes?”

  “Ok, Markus.” Hearing a screech from outside I quickly turn, looking out the back door. Thankfully, I see only Vincent, Ember, and Trip walking up to the girls in the yard. Turning to go out the door I head over to the swings and talk with the group as Markus gets the grill going.

  The smell of charcoal mixing with the marinated steaks a few minutes later has me instantly starving and ready to eat. Heading into the house, I set the table and get the boosters and high chair ready for dinner around the table.

  Dinner was delicious and as we got the kids ready for bed a while later, Markus and I talk. We mainly talked about my desire to try my hand at topping Ember again. Markus asked if I would like to do that tonight, and the thought sits well with me. My Master does like to make sure I have everything that I need and want, that is one of the reasons I love him.

  After tucking the girls into bed, Markus instructs me to go to our bedroom get some toys out and wait for him and Ember. I know that neither he nor Abraham want any other woman, and it awes me that they see the need I have to dominate and command her and allow it to flourish before their eyes.

  Pulling out a few interesting looking toys, I sit on the bed waiting for their arrival. As they walk into the room, I instantly sit up a little straighter and hold my head high catching a glance from Ember. Dropping her eyes almost instantly she bows her head and stops a few feet from me falling to her knees where she stops.

  “Sweetling, Ember has agreed to a scene tonight, if that is to your liking?”

  “Yes Master, I would enjoy that very much. Thank you, Master.”

  “Do what you will to her, to each other, but I will be here watching the whole time.” Kissing me deeply he pulls away, sitting himself in a chair in the corner of the room with a shit eating grin on his face. “Get on with it Pet, I do enjoy watching you take control. Please yourself and in doing so you will please me.”

  “Thank you, Master.” Turning back to Ember I command her, “Strip, then up on the bed face down sweet thing, spread your arms and legs out around you, I want to take a flogger to that pretty pale skin of yours.”

  Getting up, stripping, and moving into position, Ember is stretched out when I grab the bindings that I have taken out of the bag that Markus brought. Looking towards him, I silently ask for his help to bind Ember to the bed. He answers in turn by getting up and walking over to me, grabbing the bindings and showing me how to tie them.

  As I fumble through the first, Markus stays next to me silently giving me the directions that I need. The second wrist goes much better and I need no instructions or help with that one. Markus turns and sits again with that same grin on his face.

  Picking up the flogger I slowly start working over her skin. Working up to a fast pace with the flogger has her rapidly moaning and quickly on edge. Stopping the onslaught,I quickly run a hand down her back and over the plump globe of her ass, which is a nice shade of red if I do say so myself.

  Hearing her moan out again I move down the bed to get a good look at her cunt. I notice the glistening drops of essence that are dripping out of her pussy. Running a finger slowly through her folds, the whimpers that come from her mouth have me humming. Driving a finger into her wet cunt I start to plunge in and out of her leisurely. Bending down towards the reddened ass before me, I look towards Markus. He nods his head as I kiss thatass,just before biting into it harshly.

  The scream that hits my ears makes me shudder with want. It has been a long while since I have wanted a woman this bad, and even longer since I have actually been with one. Moving towards the top of the bed I undo the bindings that have held Ember in place during our session so far.

  “Sweet thing, turn over and get up. You will make me cum and yourself as well, but only after you feel my thighs gripping your head tightly in the throes of my orgasm. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I will eat at your sweet pussy until you are coming and only then would you like for me to make myself cum at my own hand. Something that I am very happy and thankful to do for you after the release you just gave to me with the flogger.”

  Laying down on the bed I look towards Markus, who has moved his chair closer to the scene unfolding. I lick my lips seeing the hunger in his eyes and motion for him to come over to the bed.

  As he walks over to me, his hand goes to the bulge in his pants. With a husky voice he growls, “Yes, Pet you summoned me? What is it that you would like?”

  “I need to taste you Master. Please?”

  Undoing his belt, popping the button, and dragging his zipper down before he answers my plea huskily, “That is something that would bring me great pleasure Pet. You would do well to remember your focus though. I think it might be tricky for you to keep your focus while Ember devours that sweet cunt of yours. If you take me in your mouth, then that is where I need to have your attention. Is that something you can do in this state of mind, Pet?”

  “Yes, Master. I will do my best to focus on the pleasure that I will bring to you.”

  Nodding his head, he takes his cock out as I open my mouth to him. This is how our night ends Markus coming down my throat, as I come under Embers tongue, and she comes at her own hand.

  Chapter 41– Blaze

  Leaving for the meet with Clutch the next day is rough. Pearl needs to get her head wrapped around the idea of us being together so that we don’t have to keep up this long distance shit.When Abraham left the other night I wonder if it was like this for him as well. I leave Trip keeping a watch over Ember and Pearl as I head out.

  Doc called yesterday and told me that he is coming to Milwaukee to talk with Ember tonight. I think that he has calmed the fuck down enough to speak with her, or at least I fucking hope so. Then he will stay and watch over them, before he brings them home with Trip to us for the weekend.

  Tank and I don’t have to wait long for Clutch as we pull up to the meet. They show up only minutes after we have. Nodding to him as he sits down at the table with his VP, I get the reason for this visit out in the fucking open.

  “Clutch, I need to know why you seem to have it fucking in for that girl.”

  “Girl, what girl are you talking about? I have done nothing to that old lady of yours if that is what you are fucking talking about.”

  “And if you ever did we would not be having a meet, you would be put to ground- have no fucking doubt about that. I am not talking about Pearl; I am talking about Ember.”r />
  “Ember? That stupid cunt she deserves what she gets and I have some unfinished business with her that needs to be addressed.”

  “She is under the protection of The Devil’s Iron MC so you need to stay the fuck away from her.”

  “Did that crazy motherfucker, Doc, finally figure out what happened when he left her and claim that cunt and his bastard son?”

  “You knew?”

  “Of course, I fucking knew. I knew where she was for most of the time she was gone. I only lost track of her over the past year and a half or so.” His laughing gives me a look into this fucking sick mind.“I was not too fucking happy to find out a few weeks back that she had come back and been in Chicago this past year. When I finally tracked her to the Dungeon I needed to let her know that she was in for a battle for going back on her fucking word to me. I told her to never show her face in this fucking city again and now that she has, all bets are off.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? She was just a fucking kid when she was with you. Did she break your fucking heart you fucking pussy? Leave her the fuck alone or you will answer to us.” Standing up from the table leaning into his space I add “Do you fucking understand me? Stay the fuck away from her or any of our women, as a matter of fact, or Doc ripping you apart piece by fucking piece would only be a dream to you.”

  Leaving the meet, we head back to the clubhouse and I call Church for later that night. Knowing that we have a couple hours before Church, Abraham and I head into the office to call Trip first and then reach out to Pearl.

  Trip says that he has had no problems or seen anything out of the ordinary. Pearl went to work and got back with no issues with the girls and Ember and Vincent had a quiet day. He lets us know that Doc has been outside the house reaching out to Ember earlier this afternoon to talk with her tonight after the kids go to bed. Trip also lets us know that Pearl has been out to talk with Doc twice since she has been home from work, less than an hour ago.

  Looking at Abraham, we know that Pearl is trying to fix the situation with Doc.

  “I really don’t think that she can control herself when it comes to mothering and interfering, Abraham. She has taken Ember under her wing and is trying to make sure that Doc is happy.”

  “She is fucking meddling Markus, and you know it. We should bring it up to her and make sure that it is known that she should not be in other people’s business. It is not fucking right for our old lady to be gossiping and digging her nose where it doesn’t belong.”

  “Yes, you are right. Let’s call and talk with her about it, shall we? I think that we need to have her hold out on herself as well tonight, as punishment for her meddling.”

  As the phone is ringing I put the speaker on and wait for Pearl. She answers quickly purring out, “Hello Markus.”

  “Abraham is here as well, Pet.”

  “Hello Abraham. How are you both doing? How were your days?”

  “Pet, stop with the small talk and tell us why we might be upset with you tonight.”

  “Fucking Trip,” is said quietly enough that I am sure she doesn’t think we could hear.

  “Little One, that is uncalled for and will be tallied against you the next time we are in the same city. Answer your Master and tell us why we would be upset with you tonight!”

  “You are upset that I was talking with Doc. I was just trying to see where his head was at, because if he is going to be in the house talking with Ember, I want to make sure his head is screwed on right. Don’t hold it against me that I am trying to keep myself, Ember, and the kids safe. That is what you guys always are saying you want, correct?”

  “Pet, don’t fucking turn this around on us. You know damn well that we want you safe, but you talking with Doc and sticking your nose where it doesn’t fucking belong is something that we will not let you do.

  “I agree with Markus, you will not try to turn the tables on us, Little One. You know damn well that we would not want you to be digging your nose around, especially when it comes to Doc and this business between him and Ember.”

  I can fucking hear her eyes roll as she bites out, “OK, Master and Sir. I will leave it be.”

  “Pet, that will be another punishment for your disrespect. Your ass will be fucking red when we get a hold of it. Tomorrow night cannot come quick enough. Call us before you leave tomorrow to let us know you are on your way and we will have the playroom all ready for you as soon as the girls go to bed.”

  “Ok, Sir and Master. I will give you a call as we are leaving Milwaukee tomorrow night. Good night.”

  “Little One, don’t hang up so quickly. Give your Sir and your Master a proper goodbye.”

  “Sorry, Sir. Good Night Master, I love you and can’t wait to have you inside of me again.” Taking a deep breath, she goes on, “Good Night Sir, I love you as well and am longing to be in your arms again.”

  “Goodnight Pet, and be sure to keep your hands off of yourself for the rest of the night and tomorrow. And keep your nose out of things that don’t concern you. Yes?”

  Chapter 42 – Pearl

  Waking in the morning from a restless sleep, I am quick to realize that I am not sure how the discussion between Ember and Doc went last night. As I walk through the house I look out the front window and notice both Doc and Trip’s vehicles outside. Walking into the bathroom, I jump into the shower and lose myself in the relaxing heat of the water. Walking back through the house I am startled by Doc in the living room as I come around the corner.

  “Jesus fucking Christ Doc. You scared the shit outta me. What are you doing sitting in here?”

  “Morning to you too, Pearl. You want me to help you get the girls ready?” Checking his watch, he adds, “you seem to be running a little late from what I remember.”

  “How did your talk with Ember go last night? Were you able to reach some common ground and…”

  “Pearl, I spoke with Prez and Abraham after you went to bed last night. Are you sure that you want to keep up with those questions?”

  Shaking my head as I walk away, I throw over my shoulder, “Please get the girls up Doc, we need to leave, the sooner the better,” adding on even quieter, “because if you men don’t stop telling me what to do soon, I will go the fuck off.”

  Laughing to himself I hear him say, “Ok, I will let Prez and Abraham know that when I talk to them later.”

  Coming out of my bedroom fifteen minutes later, both of the girls are up, changed, and ready to leave the house with sandwiches in tow as well.

  “Jeeze Doc, that is impressive. If I would have known you were so good at getting them ready, I would have employed your services the whole time you were babysitting us.”

  That is when Ember peaks her head around the corner and laughs loudly. “Not likely Pearl. Doc, wouldn’t know what to do with two little girls let alone change and dress them.” Smiling broadly at Doc she looks to me and goes on, “Do you take cream in your coffee? I made you some decaf and also an egg sandwich for the road.”

  Watching her disappear back around the corner, I look back at Doc and shake my head at the exchange that has just happened. “So I take it the talk went well?”

  “Pearl, this is none of your business so stop digging or I will talk to Prez about it. I am going out and load the girls up in the SUV, then we can get to work.”

  “Ok Doc, thanks.” I roll my eyes as I grab the coffee out of Embers hand and take a swig then throw the cover on the mug. Throwing some food in my bag for lunch I grab the egg sandwich and walk out the door.

  The message from Doc during lunch is distressed to say the least. He says that he has seen a couple of Knights around the house when he was there this morning. Trip, who is sitting outside of the daycare has also reported a few Knights driving by there. FUCK! Doc tells me that he has told Markus and Abraham and that they are sending Country back up to Milwaukee to give us an extra set of hands and eyes on the way back to Chicago. They want us on the road as soon as possible after school, so I text Ember with som
e of the stuff that I will need her to pack up before I get home after work.

  Leaving school that afternoon to go pick up the girls, I notice Country in the parking lot and give him a wave as I get into my vehicle. Following me to daycare, then home, he parks down the street a ways, as I pull into the garage. Getting the girls into the house, I double check the stuff that Ember had packed up for us and we are on the road within fifteen minutes.

  Rebel has been a real pain today, so I let Ember drive. The passenger seat is reclined and I cannot seem to find a comfortable position. Sitting the seat back up, I run a hand over my bump that has been a part of me for going on seven and a half months.

  Crossing the border into Illinois I notice a group of motorcycles following behind us. I see Trip, Doc, and Country’s vehicles closing in on us as the bikes weave in between them. Looking into the back seat I see that all three of the kids are passed out and strapped tightly into their car seats. Glancing at Ember I see panic start to take over and that is when I see the bike out of the corner of my eye cut in front of the SUV causing it to spin out on the road and head straight for the ditch and a huge ass tree.

  Screaming is all I hear as everything goes black and then there is nothing.

  Chapter 43– Tank

  I get a call from Doc in a panic. All I can make out is that there was an accident on the drive down to Chicago. I ask him if Pearl and the girls are alright and when he doesn’t answer I start hollering louder “Where the fuck are Pearl and the girls, Doc? What the fuck happened?”

  Striding from the room I walk along the hall waiting for Doc to answer, I walk into the office catching Markus off guard. As he sees the panic on my face he grabs the phone from me looks at the screen putting it on speaker he shouts, “Doc, what the fuck is going on?”

  Doc answers, “There was an accident Blaze. Pearl was transported to the hospital in Kenosha. You both need to get up there as fast as you can. I think the baby is coming and I am not sure how she or the baby is doing. Ember and I have the girls and they have just been released from the ambulance, but you need to get your asses up to Kenosha. I will text the details over to you and we will meet you guys there.”


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