Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3)

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Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3) Page 18

by G. M. Scherbert

  Trying to sit up and reach for Markus, forgetting the limits of my incision and surgery. Wincing as I lay back down, Markus quickly moves towards me.

  “Sweetling, are you okay?”

  “Yes, of course. It was only a C-section, I have had them before you know, and if you two have your way, it will not be the last time.” Laughing at myself I look up to see another wave of anguish cross over his face. “Markus? What is it?”

  Shaking his head, he starts slowly, “Sweetling,” grabbing my hand in his he goes on, “they had to give you a hysterectomy when you started bleeding and they couldn’t control it. They said that it was due to the other C-sections and something going wrong with the placenta.”

  I am sure that worry is easy to read on my face as I answer, “OK.”

  Tugging on my hand Abraham gets my attention on the other side and says, “Girlie, you were going to die and they did what they needed to do to make sure that you stayed alive. You and Rebel are both here and will get stronger every day. When we are all at home together we will look back at this as a time of struggle, but we will get through it.”

  “Yes, Abraham we will get through it. Together?”

  “Of course together, Pearl. I told you I am not going anywhere and now that I have held our son, that promise was only made stronger.” Abraham answers before I look to Markus who is nodding his head in earnest.

  “Together, Markus?”

  “Yes, together. We told you that once we had you we would never give you up and that is still the truth. Don’t start doubting us now. I only have concerns about your health and the health of Rebel.We have no doubts about us, never about us.”

  Hearing the door open I notice a cart being pushed in by a nurse. As she reaches into the basket I get a look at my son for the first time. Placing him in my arms I look into the face of an angel and quietly whisper “Rebel.” As he opens his eyes and looks towards me I see the brown depths as if I was looking into a mirror. The moment is quickly ended when he starts to scream and I am reminded that his need to eat is priority one at this stage. Undoing the straps on the robe I am wearing, I let it fall open and position the baby under my breast so that he can nurse. Both Markus and Abraham are entranced by the act of me feeding our son and I know then that our lives will never be the same and never be spent without each other.


  10 weeks later


  This will be the first night that we have all gone out since the accident and Rebel being born. I have been looking forward to this night for some time. I love my children, but I need some change of atmosphere, adult conversation, and a good thorough fucking to start with.

  The doctor cleared me for sex this morning and I could not be happier. Abraham and Markus have refused to touch me since the accident, not even giving me the kisses or caresses that I long for. They are being their usually dominant selves and have decided that waiting for tonight will make the reward better. It is driving me crazy, having these two men around me for the past eight weeks and them treating me like some delicate thing.

  When I approached them last week about having sex, they in turn looked at me as if I was some kind of fucking freak and shut me down quickly. Saying that the doctor hadn’t cleared me and our child still needed my full attention and devotion. I have been at the gym down the street for the last two weeks, without them knowing the extent of my workouts, they think that I have been lounging and hitting the pool. I just need some time to myself and this body started feeling like it was no longer my own. Ember being so near is awesome, literally right down the street; it is easy to have her come watch the kids while I run out.

  I was released from the hospital about a week after the accident and Rebel was able to come home a week after that. By the time Rebel was released, Abraham and Markus had found a house in Chicago and moved all of us in so we could start our lives together. The house is huge and gorgeous; they did such a good job knowing exactly what kind of house we would need. It has a huge fenced in yard, five bedrooms plus an extra room that is being turned into a playroom for us, a sit-in kitchen and a finished basement with enough room for the kids to play.

  Auntie Madge is actually coming down to watch the girls tonight for Abraham, Markus and I’s night out. It is a long drive for a babysitter, but we are going to hang out tomorrow and do a girls’ day, so it actually works out well. She will be here in about an hour so I need to get a move on.

  Markus and Abraham are entertaining the kids while I get ready. The rain has limited the use of the new playground that the men put up just last weekend in the backyard. Instead, they were all playing in the basement when I started getting ready.

  Showering, after taking a long hot bath, I make sure to groom myself well. Knowing that we are going to The Dungeon tonight and not knowing what my Master and Sir will have in store for me, has me on edge. Since that night last week when they shut me down, I have tried every night to get a rise out of them, with no luck.I am sure they have been keeping track and the scene tonight will have some reprimands in it for all that sass.

  Stepping from the shower I am entranced by Abraham standing just inside the closed bathroom door. Taking the towel out of my hands, silently he starts to dry me off, which is something that has become a ritual for them since I have been back from the hospital. One of the men is always here to help me when I get out of the shower: drying me off, putting lotion on me, drying my hair, and whatever else they see fit. It is one of the most amazing things that they could possibly do, and something that I cherish each and every time it happens.

  Moving us to the attached bedroom after drying my body and hair, I find Markus waiting there. As Abraham kisses my head, he leaves the room after handing me off to Markus who has started to rub lotion all over my body, causing my already buzzing body to come nearer to the edge.

  “Please, Markus, I can’t handle this. It is too much for you and Abraham to be so caring and handle me in such a way without giving me what I need.”

  Hearing his first and only word I know what is meant by it immediately.

  “Need?” he says as he continues to rub the lotion into my skin. Not making eye contact or speaking any more as he finishes, he gestures to a wrapped box next to the bed. Going over to it I unwrap it and am taken aback by what I find. A matching corset and panties, thigh highs stockings, and a flowing patterned knee length spaghetti strap summer dress. Glancing back towards Markus, I find that he has left me alone in the room to get ready.

  Dressing as quickly as I can I head back into the bathroom to do my hair and apply some light makeup. Glancing towards the clock I note that Madge will be here in ten minutes and we should be leaving shortly after that. Finishing up, I clean up and head towards the voices of the children and the men that I love.

  Walking into the living room, I find Madge is already here,I walk over to hug her. Markus and Abraham are both dressed and ready to go as well, as they stride back into the room with trays of snacks for the kids. Moving towards me each man takes a turn complimenting me and kissing me passionately, driving me again to the edge.

  “Come, Sweetling, let’s go. We need to stop at the clubhouse before we get to the restaurant, somethings need to get sorted.”

  Kneeling down, I give Iris and Rose kisses and hugs before walking to Rebel’s bassinet. Leaning over, gently kissing him on the head, I then walk out the back door after Markus and Abraham.

  Driving to the clubhouse takes about a half hour from our new house and as we pull up, the sun has just started to set. The clubhouse looks like there is a party in full swing and I am startled that they are bringing me here for our first night together since the baby. As we walk in, however, I understand exactly why we are here.

  The men have decided that it is time to put ink onto not only my flesh, but to paper as well. Laid out before us, I find not only Gun and a mock tattoo station set up, but Preach as well, with a shit eating, I told you so, grin on his face. Each man in turn walks up to me huggi
ng me and telling me how happy they are to be here to commemorate this day.

  Looking towards Markus and Abraham they step closer reaching for my hands, and move us closer to Gun.

  Markus speaks first, “Pearl, it is time that we got our ink on you. We have waited and we will not wait any longer, so sit down and bare that gorgeous back of yours to us.”

  They help me into the chair, have me straddling it, as I pull the straps of my dress over my shoulders in turn, leaning forward I hug my arms around the seat.

  Gun and the men talk for a few seconds before a pattern is put on the skin in between my shoulder blades and the needle starts buzzing. Grinding my teeth together through the beginning of the tattoo, I find a quiet place in my head as the buzzing continues and I am zoned out until it stops a while later.

  Getting up with help from Markus and Abraham, I look over to Gun who has his phone out and shows me the picture he has just took of the new ink on my back. The beautiful tat incorporates both Markus and Abraham’s names under a property of banner and some beautiful ribbons and flourishes. The smile that spreads on my face let’s not only Gun, but Markus and Abraham know as well, that this is something that I am very happy and proud of. Gun bandages the tattoo quickly and I adjust the dress again as I am led towards Preach.

  Abraham is now the one talking and not a soul in this place speaks as soon as he begins. “We have brought Pearl here tonight to not only get our ink onto her, but put ink to paper as well. Preach has agreed to perform the ceremony and you will all be here as our witnesses.” Turning to me he goes on, “Pearl, here in front of the brothers we will exchange our vows and make this shit legal. Now.”

  Turning from Abraham to Markus I am surprised and shocked to see him stepping off to the side as Abraham comes to stand beside me. Pulling me into him he goes on, “We have decided that I will be your legal husband, Pearl. Know that in our eyes, or the eyes of anyone who knows us however, there is no distinction between Markus and I, he is just as much your husband as I am about to be.”

  Nodding my head, we turn towards Preach who steps forward with a book in his hand. Only then Markus returns to us and takes his place at my other side. Running quickly through the vows, Preach touches all the high points before telling me to kiss my husbands, which I have been longing to do and find no problem with whatsoever. Cheers come from all the brothers as the men take turns kisses me deeply.

  Looking through the crowd, I see Ember resting with her back on the bar. My smile grows seeing that she and Doc are next to each other, and cannot stop from touching each other. Theirs has been as rough a road as any could be, but they seem to be finding a way to make it work. Waving towards them, I hope that I will get to speak with them before this night is over.

  Turning back towards my men, I hear Markus shout out over the crowd. “Let’s get this shit started brothers. It has been a long road, but things are finally on the up and up. Abraham and I have inked our old lady and tied her down to us forever it’s time to fucking party.”


  -Until we meet again-

  Doc’s Ember

  –Due out 2016-


  I have never been a one-woman man, or ever settled down, or been with a woman for more than a night or two, in all fucking honesty. That just gives them too many ideas, and I don’t have time for that shit. All I have time for is to release some pent up aggression and blow off some steam in between the jobs I run for the brothers. They have been my only family for as far back as I can remember, and I can’t see that changing anytime soon.

  That first night that I saw Ember, I knew she would be nothing but fucking trouble, and change everything for me. A trouble that I could not walk away from, even if that is what I wanted. The kind of trouble that I needed to be buried in as frequently as possible for as long as I could keep a hold of her, which I think will not be nearly long enough.

  That night those few years ago will be forever etched on my brain. Five long years ago and it seems like only yesterday. She looked so young and out of place in that clubhouse amongst the other girls. We were celebrating another successful run and Prez found some new girls to help us celebrate. Ember was one of those girls, I know that Prez makes sure that all the girls are over eighteen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she had somehow slipped through. She looked so young and out of place compared to the usual line up of club whores that we see in here.

  Getting up off the bar, after grabbing another beer, I slowly make my way towards her. Her eyes slowly make their way up my body before they reach my eyes. Hungry with lust and fear, her brown eyes quickly hit the floor and a blush creeps over her face. All I can think to myself is what the fuck am I about to get myself into?

  “Ofiara, what are you doing here? You don’t fit in with the woman who are usually here. Fuck, are you even old enough to be here?” I say raising her chin with a finger and looking into her eyes, which have a fire raging in them.

  “What? Of course I am old enough to be here. Why would I be here if I was not old enough to be here? What does that word mean that you said to me? Ofera?”

  “Ofiara. We will get to that shortly, but first I need to get you out of here before the rest of the brothers take notice of you and what is,” adding under my breath, “mine.”

  “I’m sorry, I am not going anywhere with you. I don’t even know your name let alone anything else. I might be young, but I am not fucking stupid to the way these situations work. If you want something from me, we will not be leaving this clubhouse, my ride home is right over there and I will not be going anywhere with you,” pointing towards one of the other woman that Prez brought to help us celebrate tonight.

  “Ok, Ofiara. We will go into my room then to talk, nothing more. Come with me.” Looking over her barely there clothing I can’t stop from putting my arm around her shoulder, and move her quickly towards my room. I am not sure if I want to cover up the flesh that is hanging out, or rip those scraps of clothing off of her to mark this young thing as mine.

  That was the beginning of the end for me, the first night we met, a night that I can’t forget no matter how long I have tried. Five fucking years I have tried to forget her, and for five fucking years I have only had a harder time not remembering her feel, her smell, her touch, and the way she would bend for me.


  I remember the first night I was alone with Doc like it was yesterday. Of course, he thinks that was the first time that we talked, he is wrong. He did not recognize me, and I sure as fuck was not going to bring up that I had been with Clutch and the Knight’s MC. Those years spent with Clutch were nowhere near my best, and the constant domineering and demeaning way that I was treated really wore on me.

  Seeing Doc on and off over the past two years in the Knights clubhouse, I have always been drawn to him. I am not sure why, I mean, he is fucking gorgeous: tall, built, and tattooed, but there is just something about him which I can’t seem to deny.

  Only having the chance to talk with him on a few brief occasions, each time I have found ease and peace speaking with him. The conversations have, however, lead to harsh consequences from Clutch on the one occasion when he caught wind of my speaking with Doc. That one time he thought something was going on with Doc, and passed me around to the brothers to show me what would happen if even my eye wandered too far from him. That was one of the worst nights of my life. Well, up until that point in my life, at least.

  The first night I spent with Doc was not how I imagined it. We sat up until the early hours of the morning and talked. I told him bits and pieces about my childhood and why I left at sixteen. I told Doc about Clutch but, didn’t mention him by name, leaving out most of the dark points in that relationship.

  Doc didn’t try to fuck me that night, he didn’t even kiss me. When I woke up the next day he was still fully dressed sitting on the chair next to the bed I had been sleeping on.

  “Ofiara, you sleep so peacefully, I couldn’t help but watch you. You should get up
though, it is well past noon. I will take you home on my bike. Come on, Ofiara,” reaching to me I extend my hand to him and he helps me off of the bed, pulling me into his arms in a tight hug. It is the weirdest thing, but I swear that he smells my hair as I am in his arms. Pulling back, I look up into his hazel eyes and see so much emotion in them that I am uneasy.

  Quickly walking towards the door, Doc is on my heels helping to steer me through the clubhouse and out to his bike. Handing me his helmet I strap it on with no problem. Looking at him swinging his leg over the bike and nodding towards me to get on, I do so with ease. Trying to sit back away from him, I am quickly pulled forward with rough hands under my knees one at a time. Wrapping me arms lightly around him, he pulls out of the parking lot after asking where I live.

  As we make our way through the streets, I find myself leaning closer into him and running my fingers over his abs absentmindedly. As we turn onto my street, he steadies my hands and just shakes his head no.




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