Guilty Gucci

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Guilty Gucci Page 19

by Ashley Antoinette

  “Agh!” she screamed in a desperate attempt to maintain control of the car. The driver pulled up to Raegan and rolled down his window.

  “Pull over!” he shouted as he lifted a pistol up to show her he was strapped.

  Raegan grabbed the pistol from her passenger seat and held it up as she raised an eyebrow in rebuttal. Nigga, you’re not the only one who can pop something, she thought angrily as she kept driving like a bat out of hell. There was no way she was stopping that car. She knew who sat in the back seat of the town car and she most definitely wasn’t trying to see him. She could only imagine the type of revenge he sought and tears came to her eyes. She held on tightly to the steering wheel and then slammed the car into the driver’s side door. “Get ... away ... from ... me,” she shouted as she rammed the car again, this time making the town car rub against the metal divider on the side of the road. Sparks flew as the metals clashed but Raegan never let up on her gas. Her eyes bugged in horror when she saw the town car recover and she knew that her escape was impossible when the driver resumed his speed. He stuck his gun out of his window and fired two shots, deflating both of her passenger side tires. The Benz fishtailed out of control as she desperately fought to maintain control of the car. The world around her was like one carousel of confusion as she spun wildly, gripping the steering wheel. The collision that stopped it all wrecked her brain on impact as her head jerked back. The foggy haze that enveloped her made it hard for her to process her thoughts. Her mind said, run! But her body didn’t listen. She saw a figure looming over her as her car door was opened.

  “No,” she protested as she slapped at the hands that snatched her from her seat. She scratched and swung, clawed and fought, but her efforts were futile. The large driver picked her up, bear hugging her, as he carried her to the tinted town car. Kicking, screaming, and spitting, Raegan did all she could to free herself but she knew that there was no getting away ... not from this. Her shoulder was on fire and she was bleeding profusely but she refused to go down without a fight. She ignored the pain as she struggled to break free. The back window of the car rolled down.

  “Get in the car.”

  As soon as she heard his voice the fight within her left her body. The emotional dams she had built up broke as tears flowed down her cheeks.

  “Don’t do this,” she whispered as she looked him in the eyes. She could see the resentment, the rage ... the need for vengeance in his deadly stare.

  Her plea fell upon deaf ears as she watched the tinted window roll up and she was forced into the car. As she sat, trapped in the back seat, fear filled her. She closed her eyes and cried silently as she thought about all the things she had done to bring her to this point. “Reason, please just let me speak with Nah ... please! Let me explain.”

  Reason chuckled and shook his head. “Now the bitch want to explain,” he mumbled to the driver sarcastically. “Yo, fam, turn that broadcast up.”

  The sound of a national news station filled the air.

  “In the news today a group of three young women robbed the downtown branch of First National Bank today. The three unidentified suspects held it up at gunpoint. The branch manager was able to flip the alarm and alert police, which caused the ladies to flee with two million dollars. Three people were injured in the robbery and police have labeled these women as the Red Bottom Bandits due to their oddly fashionable disguises. If you have any information that will aid in the arrest of these perpetrators please contact your local police ... who will in turn contact the federal authorities. The suspects are armed and extremely dangerous... .”

  “What you think? You think I should contact the police, Raegan?” Reason asked her as he nodded for the driver to turn off the radio. He sat beside her menacingly as the car pulled off. He was too calm and the smirk on his face taunted her. She knew that it was over. She was caught and a murderous goon like Reason only had one fate in mind for her. “I knew you were a snake bitch the first time I laid eyes on you. You’re too fucking pretty. It’s the ones like you who hide ugly motives. My man trusted you ... I never did,” he said.

  “I didn’t know it was Nahvid’s spot,” she defended as tears fell down her face.

  Reason cackled in her ear as he unbuckled his pants. “I’ma fuck the dog shit out of you before I blow your head off.” He grabbed himself mannishly as he loomed over her. She kicked him off, letting her legs fly at full speed but he was too strong for her. He wrestled her down onto the seat and spread her legs forcefully.

  “You fucking bastard,” she screamed. “Stop!”

  He hit her so hard that stars appeared before her eyes causing her entire body to go limp. Her heart pounded with intensity as she tried to think of a way out of this situation. A part of her wanted to jump from the moving car, but they were going too fast and she knew that she would be committing suicide if she reached for the door handle. As if he could read her mind Reason spoke up, “Put the kiddie locks on the doors back here. Don’t want this bitch getting any crazy ideas.” He dug his pistol into her rib cage to remind her who was in control.

  “Reason, please just let me speak with Nahvid ... I ...”

  “Close your mouth before I put something in it,” he said in a low tone. Raegan could see the animosity in his eyes. This was about more than the money to him. He wasn’t doing this for Nahvid ... he was finding satisfaction in it. He was paying her back for choosing Nahvid over him. Raegan’s stomach turned as fear filled her. She tried to guess his intentions but he wore his poker face so well that she didn’t know what he had planned for her. She prayed that he was taking her to Nahvid, but when they pulled up to an abandoned house she knew that wasn’t the case. Reason opened the door and grabbed her arm, snatching her from the car as he pushed her ahead of him toward the back of the house. Boards covered the windows and door but not even those could hide the smell of death that filled the air. This house had been used on many occasions. It was a death chamber and most who walked through its doors never walked back out of them. Raegan planted her feet firmly in the ground, lowering her body in resistance as Reason pulled her harshly toward the door.

  “Get yo’ ass up,” he demanded through clenched teeth while forcing her to her feet. Reason looked at the driver and said, “Wait in the car.” The goon didn’t ask questions; he simply followed orders as Reason pulled back the wooden board and dragged Raegan inside. She held on to the wall in an attempt to stop herself from being forced into the basement, but it was no use. Reason flung her like a rag doll down the entire flight of stairs. She hit the concrete bottom hard, landing on her arm and snapping it like a twig.


  The heavy thud of Ralph Lauren boots sounded off as Reason descended the steps slowly, unfastening his belt as he neared her. Like a one-winged bird she was trapped. There was nowhere for her to run and the lustful look in Reason’s eyes terrified her.

  “No!” Her screams fell upon deaf ears as Reason turned her around and pushed her face into the ground. Rubble dug into her cheek as she struggled to get out of his grasp. His strong hands felt like chains as he gripped her wrists painfully behind her back, handcuffing her in his tight grasp. He pulled her pants down, snatching the denim off of her and revealing her thong.

  “Reason, please ... please don’t do this,” she asked as she heaved helplessly. “You don’t have to do this. Please.”

  Reason mercilessly held her down as he removed his hard ten inches. She felt as he placed it on her ass and in that moment she knew that he was about to torture her. Fire ripped through her body as Reason broke through her anus, plunging himself into her. The sound that erupted from her was inhumane. Like a wounded animal she wailed painfully as he tore through her body and damaged her soul. She clawed the concrete floor so desperately that her fingernails snapped off. Her salty tears fell into her mouth and everything moved in slow motion as she felt every excruciating inch enter her. Reason sweated profusely as he forced himself on her. His grunts of passion sickened her and deep down she
had always sensed jealousy from Reason. He wanted everything that Nahvid had, including his bitch and now he was indulging in her as if he owned her. When he was done with one hole he filled up the other, not even taking the courtesy to wipe the feces off of his penis before he defiled her all over again. Raegan prayed that he would satisfy himself quickly, but unfortunately for her the thought of disrespecting her kept Reason going strong. Nothing about the rape went by fast. It was as if he was taking his time with her, doing the unthinkable and she felt every unbearable moment of it. Her legs shook violently, weakly, until she could no longer take the pain and she blacked out. Physically she was there but mentally she had checked out.

  It wasn’t until she felt the cold water dripping onto her forehead did she realize that she was in the basement alone. Raegan could still feel the semen dripping out of her and onto her bloodied thighs. A leaky pipe tortured her as it rained one drop at a time onto her forehead. The water rolled down her face, resembling tears so closely that they mixed with her own. Her body felt as if it had been through a war as she tried to pull herself up onto her feet. Her limbs were weak and unstable ... bruised from the many body blows that Reason had rained upon her. Bite marks covered her inner thighs.

  She wanted to scream for help but whom could she call? The only person who could save her was the very same man she had crossed. Nahvid had sent his Grim Reaper to her door and now that she was facing death, she wanted nothing more than to repent. She wasn’t a gangster, a killer, or even a hood chick. She never proclaimed to be tough. She was just greedy. Money had been her motivation and she had used her quest to see her son as an excuse to do bad things. The locks to the basement door clicked and Reason descended the steps. He stood in front of her ... his pistol aimed, ready to take her life.

  “That pussy is good, ma. I see how you had my man’s head gone,” Reason commented as he circled her.

  Raegan whimpered as she tried to pull against the thick ropes that were cutting into her wrists.

  “Please, Reason, just let me go. Please just call Nahvid,” she pleased. “I can explain. He’ll let me explain.”

  Reason shook his head and scoffed sarcastically. “You got a lot of balls, bitch. Taking all of them stash houses the way you did. There isn’t a nigga in town that could get away with what you did. I’ll give you that.”

  “Please just call him,” she said as tears flowed down her face.

  “Thought you were too good for a nigga when I came at you,” Reason spat. The contempt in his tone was evident. “But you threw the pussy at my man. All you bitches are the same. You don’t love that nigga ... you love the money ... the power. That nigga reaping all the rewards while the real soldiers on the field during battle... putting in work. Wouldn’t be no dope game in D.C. without me,” Reason barked. “I got the same jewels, the same whips, the same everything, bitch. My paper long but a greedy slut like you only see the number one man huh? Reason couldn’t pay to sniff that pussy.” He circled her maliciously and kicked her with all of his might, his heavy Ralph Lauren boots caving in her rib cage. “Shit wasn’t even all that. You know how the saying goes though ... ain’t no fun if your homies . . .” Reason smiled wickedly as he let his words linger in midair as circled her.

  “Aghh!” Raegan screamed at the top of her lungs. “Help me!”

  Reason shook his head and wrapped his finger around the trigger of his .45. “Don’t worry, bitch. I have enough of that poisonous pussy. Too much of that shit will make a nigga lose his mind,” Reason stated, smirking at his own joke.

  Raegan closed her eyes and imagined her child’s face. It was the last thing she wanted to see before she was permanently put to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Gucci sat behind the steel table, tapping her foot nervously, while she cupped her face in her hands. The sight of dried blood on her hands caused a sob to escape her. She wondered where her friends were. Had they had made it out of the shootout intact? Were they even still alive? Gucci trembled as she sat waiting impatiently for someone to walk into the room. There was no clock on display and they had taken her phone away from her so she had no idea how long she had been waiting. Her bladder felt as if it would burst at any second and her mind was on overdrive. What’s going to happen to me? What have I done? she thought. Before meeting Raegan and Chanel, Gucci had never been involved in anything where the stakes were so high. If things didn’t fall in her favor, her life would be over. All she could feel was fearful remorse as time tortuously stood still. She wasn’t naive enough to think that she could walk away from this unscathed. The first body that she had ever caught had been a cop and because of that alone she was public enemy number one. When the door finally opened a federal agent walked into the room.

  “I need to use the restroom,” she said urgently.

  “Hold it,” he replied as he pulled out a chair across from her and sat down. In his hands he held a manila folder that contained every important event that had ever happened in Gucci’s life. “Gucci is it?” he asked as he opened up the file and thumbed through its contents. “I’m Federal Agent Jim Starzycki. You want to tell me what happened?”

  Gucci eyed him warily. She knew enough to know that she needed to do more listening then talking. She had heard of too many hustlers who had convicted themselves just by yapping too fucking much. Loose lips had sunken a lot of ships, and she was trying to keep hers afloat as long as possible. She had expected a team of corny officers to walk through the door playing good cop/bad cop, but this man was intimidating. As she surveyed the serious expression on his face and the Brooks Brothers suit that adorned his fit exterior she knew that she was outwitted. Her heart beat wildly inside her chest. There was no keeping her composure. She wrung her fingers nervously, her eyes darted around the room, and her foot tapped against the tiled floor. Gucci was terrified and the apprehension in her timid stare caused the federal agent to smirk slightly, knowing that he had the upper hand.

  “Your sheet looks really clean. No priors, no juvenile records. Good grades in high school, community involvement in your background. You even took care of your mentally disabled mother coming up ... How did you get here? All of a sudden you’re robbing banks and shooting cops?” the agent grilled.

  Gucci remained silent but the tears that filled her eyes let the agent know that she was listening.

  “Seems to me that you’re playing out of your league,” the agent said. “The bank jobs are federal. You shoulder that weight all by yourself you’re looking at being locked up for a very long time, young lady. Now the state charge ... well that’s another ordeal. You shot him in Virginia, sweetness. You better hope he pulls through because as soon as he flatlines you’ll be facing the death penalty.”

  Gucci’s chest collapsed and she felt as if she couldn’t breathe as she processed his words.

  “I don’t want to die ... We never meant for any of this to happen,” she whispered.

  “Who’s ‘we,’ Gucci? What are the names of the other two women? Where are they headed?” he asked. “We are going to eventually catch them and whoever cracks first will be the smartest one. She’ll get the best deal. Protect yourself, because I guarantee when your friends get the opportunity to throw you under the bus ... they will. Now I can’t take these charges away, but I can lighten them ... if you help us.”

  Faced with the consequences to her actions, Gucci felt trapped. “I want a lawyer. You have to get me a lawyer. You can’t deny me that right? You can’t talk to me without my attorney, right?” she stammered.

  “I must say you ladies were pretty slick. We wouldn’t have known your identity if you hadn’t spent the marked money to pay for your mother’s foster care. After that we had you ... now you just have to help us get the other two. We don’t know their names yet, but now that you’re in custody it won’t be long until you put the rest of the puzzle together for us—”

  At that moment Starzycki’s cell phone rang, loudly interrupting the interrogation. Agent Starzycki pulled
the phone off of his belt and flipped it open. The news he received instantly changed the expression on his face. He ended the call and looked at Gucci. “The cop you shot was just pronounced dead.”

  He closed her file with a heavy sigh and stood to his feet. Starzycki came around the table that separated them, pulling her roughly to her feet.

  “Get me a lawyer,” Gucci protested as he dragged her out the door and through the hallways of the precinct.

  “You’ll get your lawyer,” Starzycki shot back as he escorted her down a set of stairs. The more they walked the quieter it became and Gucci noticed that there were no officers in this part of the police station.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked, becoming panicked.

  “This wing of the station is under construction ... so there will be no one here to interrupt,” Starzycki said.

  “Interrupt what?” Gucci screeched as she tried to plant her heels firmly to stop him from pulling her forward.

  “You know what we do to cop killers?” he asked.

  Chanel drove like a madwoman, eyes burning, ass numb, but never stopping as she tried to get as far away from Virginia as she possibly could. Everything had hit the fan and nothing had gone as planned. Now she was on the run, with her girls in the wind, desperate for an escape. Gucci’s arrest had been playing on a constant loop on her XM CNN radio stations and both she and Raegan were wanted. Chanel didn’t know what to do. She had to get out of the car that she was in. Although she had switched the plates she was still pushing her luck. Every cop in the country probably had its description by now and she had to move smart. She got off on the next exit and pulled into a truck stop. Cautiously she looked around before getting out of the car and rushing inside. She half walked, half ran until she was safely inside. Her paranoia was in overdrive. Chanel leaned over the porcelain sink in the public restroom and everything in her stomach seemed to come up. She breathed deeply as she splashed water on her face. “


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