Ride the Dragon : Hot Sex Mystic Fantasy

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Ride the Dragon : Hot Sex Mystic Fantasy Page 1

by Selena Sexton


  Because even if he was a monster, their time together was something special to her.

  Selena Sexton

  Copyright Information Page

  Copyright © 2012 by Selena Sexton. All rights reserved worldwide.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be access by minors.

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  Other Titles by Selena Sexton

  Ride the Dragon: Hot Sex Mystic Fantasy

  Panties Optional: Sex School Story

  Romantic Flights: Mile High Club

  Club Nightshade:Fantasy Erotic Story

  Sneaking With Teacher: Sex School Story

  Save the Night for Me: Sex Story

  Soaking Wet: Sexy Story

  Erotic Stories For You

  * * *

  Princess Amagoria walked the forest pathways, her bare feet feeling the loamy earth beneath her and her bare skin being caressed by the gentle evening breezes. She had shed her blue dress back at the boundary to this area. Clothing was allowed, of course. But he preferred her to be naked when she approached.

  He. Him. The…thing that controlled this section of the forest and claimed it as his own. He had arrived here in Pallathor nearly two years ago, and laid his claim to this place, protecting it from any who would argue his right of ownership.

  It wasn’t the only thing he had laid claim to.

  Her long red hair spilled over her shoulders and down her chest, tickling her breasts and her sensitive nipples. She was only just nineteen, and being naked still had a certain thrill for her. Especially now that she knew what it could lead to. Did lead to, where he was concerned.

  There were two birch trees ahead, one to either side of the path. This was the marker. The unofficial doorway into his living space. The forest around here was his by claim, and fools walked there. But this path led into his home. And it wasn’t just foolish to come here. It was a death sentence.

  Except for Amagoria. She had been chosen to be the Kingdom’s emissary when she was just seventeen years old, barely a woman, and still naïve to many things adults did. She wasn’t ignorant of those things any longer. He accepted her presence here. In fact, he had required it as a condition of his not wiping out the villages of Tragon and Trapol, which had declared war on him.

  That war had lasted the space of an afternoon, when none of the brave men the villages sent out had come back.

  Her thin body trembled as she reached the two birch trees. She knew what she was here for. She had done this once a week for the last year and a half. But it didn’t make it any less exciting.

  Swallowing, she brought up her courage and stepped forward.

  He knew she was there immediately, as he always did. Here, the path ended in a clearing, and lanterns were lit around it in the branches of trees overhead. In that dim light she could see him, standing opposite her, far enough back that the lanterns cast thick shadows over his cloaked form.

  She curtsied to him, her nakedness making the gesture feel awkward. He had seen her this way several times before, and she was over being bashful as she stood there revealed to him. In fact, the thought of him even now staring at her smooth flesh, at her developed breasts, at the dark cleft between her thighs, aroused her. She felt her face flush, and felt the heat rising in the depths of her most secret spaces. Her fingers trailed idly across her crotch, stroking her pubic lips and her swelling clit.

  “Good evening, Amagoria,” he said to her in his growling voice. “It is time again.”

  She bowed her head, trying to keep her fingers from playing with herself. It was like they had a mind of their own. He always had this effect on her.

  Because even if he was a monster, their time together was something special to her.

  He thumped forward into the light, massive body huddle beneath that cloak he insisted on wearing until he knew she was alone. There had been far too many people who had feared him just because of his looks. He didn’t take that chance anymore.

  But now he let the cloak fall to the ground around him and stood to his true height. The beast within was magnificent to her eyes. Dark, sleek skin that covered a muscular and thick body. Arms with corded muscles that led to huge hands. Huge, but gentle hands. His neck was long and sinewy and bent low to keep his head at her eye level. His eyes were the glowing yellow of purest gold, slitted like a snake’s and set to either side of his leonine face. A mane of short, dark green hairs swept from the top of his head all the way down the back of his neck and down his body to end just before the tip of his whip-like tail.

  He stretched, and as he did his wings unfurled, dark and leathery and beautiful.

  This was Vonor, last King of the Dragons.

  He saw the smile on her face and huffed through his nostrils. “How is it, little angel-mine, that you do not turn and run away whenever you see me? Perhaps I would enjoy tying you down and forcing myself on you.”

  She laughed. His caustic humor had scared more than one person near to death. But she understood him. “You would not enjoy that at all, and we both know it. What good is sex if both partners are not enjoying it?”

  He nodded once and came closer to her. His one hand reached out and stroked her cheek. She thrilled to his touch. “You have a wisdom that many of your kind lack, Amagoria.”

  She took hold of his hand, her own hands dwarfed by his one, and moved his fingers down to her breast. “Touch me here,” she whispered. And as he did, she felt the electric shock that connected her nipples and her vagina thrum with intense sensation.

  Vonor chuckled. “Yes. Much wisdom. That’s why I chose you for this.”

  She turned knowing eyes on him with an eyebrow quirked. “The only reason?” She took his other hand and encouraged him to touch the warm, slick heat between her legs.

  His finger pet her pubic area, stroking the short red hairs, and pressing harder to caress the lips of her opening. She spread her legs for him and then he was pressing against her clit and she had to grab hold of his arms to keep from falling down.

  He twisted his head closer to her ear. “Not the only reason,” he admitted.

  Gently, very gently, he twisted his one finger into her crease. She moaned and whined as she took his digit into herself. His hands were bigger than any man’s could be, and his finger pushed her close to her limits. Not like his cock would, when he got to it, but still.

  Vonor bent his neck over so that his mouth was right next to her right nipple even as he continued to finger the left one. She threw her head back and let his hand take her weight as her legs trembled from excitement and arousal and need and a hundred other emotions she never knew she would have before meeting him. His breath was warm over her bare skin in the cool evening air, and then his tongue was flicking at her, its serpentine length dragging across her stiff little nub and just as he did that he twisted the finger that was up inside of her and it set off that special spot she had just up and inside of her hole and she screamed as she exploded over him, the first of what was sure to be many orgasms.

  He let her body work through its spasms until she was resting against him and shaking and trying to focus her eyes.

  Then he started on her again.

bounced his hand underneath her and the motion imitated intercourse and she felt herself rocking with his motion, playing on his finger as though it really were his cock.

  Then he lifted her up into the air and off her feet.

  This was new. This was something she had never done before, never even considered before, being held in the air by him with his finger in her and his mouth on her breast and the world spun around her as she tried to collect her thoughts, tried to speak, tried to think…

  She went off again, bucking her legs in the air, working herself around his finger. She beat her fists against his chest and cried out in wordless ecstasy and never wanted it to stop.

  “Yes, angel-mine,” he lisped against her with her breast in his mouth. “Yes, hit me harder. Harder!”

  He asked for this sometimes, and she didn’t understand it but did it anyway. It made him feel better. Maybe it was the way dragons fucked each other. She didn’t know, and she wasn’t going to ask. It was what he wanted. So she gave him what he wanted.

  Her fists beat down on his shoulders and his chest and he was the one to moan now as she did it and his tongue trailed up her chest and slipped around her neck and…squeezed.

  It wasn’t painful. It wasn’t too much so that she couldn’t breathe, but breathing became harder and her head became lighter and his finger was in her still and she was flinging her legs everywhere to get every bit of her touched inside and she was beating on him and being used by him and she didn’t know what was happening and she lost track of the world around her and all she knew as her body in his hands and then her whole being blew apart as she came on him and came and came and came.

  He let go of her neck, and she drew a deep breath that brought the world back into being around her. The lights of the lanterns seemed brighter. The trees stood out in more detail. Vonor’s face floated in front of her own and she could see every line of it, every crease and scale and mark and she threw her arms around his long neck and held on for dear life and didn’t want it to end.

  “Are you all right?” he asked her, his low gravelly voice kind and affectionate. “I…haven’t done that with you before. I didn’t know how you would take it. Sex between dragons is different than sex with you fleshlings.”

  She nodded into his shoulder, not sure what she was saying yes too. Clearing her throat she finally found her voice. “That was the best yet. I don’t want to be a fragile flower that you have to tiptoe around. I want you to use me, Vonor. I want you to do whatever you want with me.”

  He laughed, threw his head back and laughed into the night. “Angel-mine, you have the worth of any dragon female! Two, even! I knew I chose wisely when I picked you to come to me.”

  “Come to you. Yes,” she drawled in a voice dripping with innuendo as she gave her hips a sensual twist on his finger. “I want to come to you. I want to come all over you.”

  He laughed again, softly, and bending down, bit her shoulder. Not gently.

  She yelped but then relaxed into it, feeling his teeth break the skin, feeling the nerves in her muscles ignite under the piercing pressure. “Yes,” she moaned.

  Then he was laying her down in the soft grasses, his finger trailing over her ass and her wet slot as he withdrew his hand and she almost cried at the emptiness in her. He pinned her arms to the ground with his heavy hands and she knew it wasn’t necessary but it was what he wanted.

  And what he wanted from her, she wanted to give to him.

  But she wanted something in return.

  “Get in me, Vonor,” she said to him, her eyes narrowed and intense. “I want you in me now.”

  He chuckled and twisted his neck across her breasts and then up away. “You want it, do you?”

  He was kneeling in-between her legs and she kicked at him, hooked her ankles behind his thighs and tried to pull him down to her. “Yes, damn you, yes! Get in me!”

  She looked down the length of her naked body and could just see his crotch, could see the bulk of his erection, stiff and ready. It was different than a man’s. Larger, to be sure, but also it had small bumps along the shaft that were like fleshy scales, and that aroused her sensitive areas like nothing else she could imagine. In the dark of her room she had tried to do to herself what he could do with his dick. She had tried any number of toys sold to her by a very discreet saleswoman, and none of them had ever completed her the way the texture of Vonor’s dick could.

  He touched the tip of his erection to her wet, sorely wanting cleft. But he held back and would not enter her. She tried to make him, tried to force her body up onto his, and still he teased her with that gentle pressure on her opening when what she wanted was him to rock her hard and fast.

  “Do me!” she yelled out loud, tears in her eyes. “Damn you, Vonor, do me!”

  “Say it,” he said to her.

  She gasped. “No! I will not. Not this time.” She twisted and screamed and shifted and tried everything she could to get him in her and nothing worked. “Fine! Fine! Please, do me! Is that what you want? You want me to beg for it! Please, Vonor, I need you, I need you in me.”

  His smile was triumphant and teasing. “Say my name.”

  She whispered it, holding herself still except for the trembling she could not stop as she felt him push harder on her. “Vonor.”

  “Louder,” he commanded.

  “Vonor!” The last of his name became a high-pitched, mindless cry, as his cock slid into her bit by bit until she had taken in as much of him as she could, her vagina pushed wide, painfully holding him in, her mind losing track of where the pain ended and the pleasure began and vice versa.

  And she came again.

  Even as her muscles were fluttering on him, he was moving in her, pumping into her, and it was everything she could do just to remember where she was as he did her, pumped her, and time and space and reality lost all meaning in the glow of his sex.

  The first time he had fucked her, she had bled for a day. He had been very apologetic and had waited until she was healed and ready before he did her again. What he didn’t know, was that she wasn’t fully healed from him when she came back insisting he do her again. She had just wanted it that badly.

  Now, he forced her hard, but not as hard as he could have, she knew. He knew she could only take so much, and she knew she wanted to be pushed to her limits and past them.

  His hands explored her body now, letting go of her arms now that his body was pinning her down. She could feel his tail rubbing over her legs, up the sides of her ass cheeks, could feel his breath in her hair and smell his musky scent and it all combined inside of her in one small but growing point of emotion and feeling and that point grew until she knew she couldn’t hold it anymore and it was going to blow out of her and she couldn’t stop it and she didn’t want to stop it and then it was happening and she felt everything that she was going out of her in that one orgasm that happened at the same time that Vonor roared into the night air and she felt his cock pulse inside of her until she couldn’t tell which vibrations were from her orgasm and which were from his.

  It was some time later when she came to herself, when her heart rate slowed and her breathing evened out and her eyes focused on Vonor’s smiling face above her. His eyes sparkled in the light from the lamps overhead. His sleek skin shone.

  And she wanted him again.

  She knew that would come, later. They almost always did each other twice in the nights she came to him. There had been a third many times. But not now. Not until her body had recovered enough for her to enjoy it.

  Her hands played over his chest, feeling the smoothness of his skin. He was still in her, and still hard enough to be comfortably arousing. She twisted her hips a little, squeezing herself on him.

  He sucked in a breath as she did. It made her smile to know she could affect him so.

  “Vonor,” she asked suddenly. “Do dragons love?”

  He chuffed at her and twisted his head to one side. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, do drago
ns form…relationships? Do they pair with each other? Do they, you know, attach themselves to one person for life?”

  “Ah,” he said simply. He pulled away from her now, drawing his dick out of her quickly enough that she had to bite her lip to keep from shouting out loud. Sitting up, he regarded her, one arm across his knee. “You are a very good lay, and a fine companion for me on the nights we meet. Isn’t that enough?”

  It had been, when she walked here tonight. Before that, she had looked forward to their one night a week rendezvous, and been content to live her life without him the rest of the week. But now, she had a crazy thought in her head. And she knew it was crazy. But she entertained it anyway.

  “What if it wasn’t? Enough, I mean?” She sat up now too, her legs still wobbly. “What if there were more for us?”

  His mouth sneered at her. “I am the hated King of the Dragons and killer of men. You are the sacrifice I have required to keep from devastating your lands. What more could there possibly be for us?”

  She swallowed and said it before she lost her nerve. “Love? Could there be love?”

  Vonor’s face fell. She had never seen him look this sad. “I had a love once. She was a beautiful dragon. Gold colored, feisty, beautiful big wings. You would have liked her.” He looked up at the darkening sky and at the first few stars. “And then the humans took her from me. I don’t know that I can love again. Ever.”

  She went to him, put her arms around him. “We could try,” she said.

  He held her tightly to him and she felt the rumble of his heart against her own chest.

  Then he spoke, low and earnest. “I don’t think so, angel-mine. We have what we have. Call that love, if you will. Or call it something less. But with you, I think that I shall find the only contentment that I will ever know. Be satisfied with that, and let me be satisfied as well.”

  She was glad that her face was buried into his neck, so that he couldn’t see her expression. If this was all they would ever be to each other, than it would have to do, for her and for him.


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