The Bohemians

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The Bohemians Page 3

by Sean Michael

  Leo stuck out his tongue. “Why can’t you go for the neck like a normal person, little bit?”

  “Can’t reach, mountain man. Should I get the tea pitcher?”

  Evil little bastard -- Leo grinned and gave Stephan another quick kiss.

  A soft rose painted Stephan’s cheeks. “I’m sorry, you two, Leo just makes my heart go and my mind disappear. Please, sit, be at home, eat.”

  Topaz chuckled. “No stress, Daisy. I’m just playing. You look so pretty when you blush.” Leo watched as clever almond eyes flashed up at Quincy. “Do you? Blush for me, Gemini, and let me see.”

  Right on cue the poor man’s cheeks flooded with color. “Sunshine! Behave!” Stephan patted the man’s hand. “Have some fish, Quincy.”

  “Wild, like sunrise, and rich.” Topaz took a piece of fish in his fingers and fed Quincy. Leo looked over at Stephan with an arched eyebrow. Besotted.

  Stephan smiled at him and guided him down to his chair. “Eat, lover -- you need your strength.”

  “Do I?” He sat, drawing Stephan down with him. “I thought I’d already earned my supper, lover.”

  “Oh you have, but what about dessert?” Stephan’s eyes twinkled at him, the long fingers finding a piece of fish and offering it to him.

  “Mm...” He nibbled at the firm flesh of the fish, lips teasing his lover’s fingers. “Key lime pie. That is an incentive.”

  “Technically we brought the dessert,” Quincy pointed out. “Oh. Not that I meant. I...”

  Topaz giggled, leaning against Quincy’s side. “Of course, we had our dessert already, didn’t we, Gemini?”Quincy’s smile grew, the man appearing as besotted as Topaz.

  “Oh?” Stephan sat up, attention turning from him to their dinner companions. “You must share what’s put that look on your face, Sunshine.”

  “Whipped cream and cherries and bright blue eyes, Daisy.” Topaz fit well in the crook of Quincy’s arm.

  “Oh, Quince -- he didn’t show you his cherry trick already!” Stephan laughed, the sound bright. “You’ll have all his secrets discovered in no time.”

  Leo nodded. “He can make balloon animals and cooks the best baklava on earth.”

  Stephan giggled. “And when he’s aroused he smells like lilacs and sandalwood.”

  Quincy’s color was back, but he didn’t look scared off.Topaz ate a cherry tomato, then a spear of asparagus. “You forgot the important stuff. I love pineapple juice and strawberry smoothies, I love to swim and rabbit fur makes me itchy.”

  “I like swimming, too,” said Quincy. “There’s a pool in my building. You should come sometime. Over I mean. To swim.”

  “I’d love that.” Topaz stood suddenly, and held out a hand. “Come see my room, Gemini?”

  Leo grinned, shook his head. Topaz held out longer than he’d thought. He owed Stephan a massage.

  “Breakfast for four at nine, lovelies?” asked Stephan.Topaz nodded, eyes still fastened to Quincy’s. “Perfect, Daisy-love.”

  “Thank you for dinner,” murmured Quincy, hand sliding into Topaz’s. They might not have been there for all these two saw anything outside the color of each other’s eyes.

  “You’re welcome,” laughed Stephan, his lover’s voice bright with happiness.

  Leo nodded, grinning over at his Stephan. “Good night. We’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Night,” said Quincy, the dear lad still trying to be polite.

  Then Stephan’s shining eyes turned to him and Topaz and Quincy were forgotten.

  “You never finished your mahi-mahi, lover -- you’re going to give out half-way through my massage.”

  He laughed, tugging Stephan into his lap. “No one ate much tonight, did they? What do you think, lover? Is our Sunshine in good hands?”

  Stephan’s arms looped around his neck, fingers playing through his hair. “I don’t know, Leo. That one carries a lot of hurt in his heart. It is too late now though, isn’t it? Topaz has already given away his heart.”

  “He offers it around like it’s unbreakable.” He leaned his forehead against Stephan’s. “I worry about him.”

  “And that is why he will be okay, lover -- we will never let him fall too far. His safety net as he soars, yes?”

  “Yes, my love.” Leo smiled, bringing their lips together. “So wise. So beautiful.”

  Stephan murmured, tongue sliding briefly into his lips. “You’re just trying to get out of paying your debt.”

  “I will spend the rest of my life touching you.” He ran his hands up Stephan’s spine. “That debt is easily paid.”Stephan arched, body dancing for him. “Too many clothes, lover.”

  “Mmm... here?” He nodded, tugging Stephan’s shirt off, fingers sliding over taut nipples.

  “Oh... yes, Leo.” Stephan stretched, reaching up for the sky, body moving gracefully into each touch.

  Leo leaned down, teeth fastening over one peaked bit of flesh and tugging. His lover tasted of herbs and roses, fresh water and sunshine.

  Stephan cried out, hands sliding over his scalp, belly rippling.

  Perfect. He pulled harder, hands cupping Stephan’s ass.Stephan wriggled in his grasp, rubbing against his hands, so wanton and wanting.

  “Love you. Stephan. Love.” He squeezed, purring against perfect skin.

  “Oh, Leo, yes! Love you so.”

  “Want you to ride me. Want to hear you cry out in the wind.”

  A shudder moved through the lithe body and his lover nodded. “Oh yes, Leo, please. I would like that very much.”

  Leo unbuttoned his trousers, freeing his cock. “Need you, lover. Need your heat.”

  Stephan’s eyes glittered, the long, clever fingers sliding over his prick, tracing the veins, relearning the shape, collecting the liquid that slid from the tip.

  “Stephan.” His head fell back, throat working as his balls tightened.

  “I love you,” murmured Stephan, mouth closing over the pulse point in his neck, fingers circling his cock, stroking.

  He whimpered and shifted, begging for more, for everything. “Love you. Stephan. Oh, I ache for you.”

  Stephan reached for his hand and brought it to his lover’s mouth, sucking in two of his fingers. He panted, hips pulsing in time with that sweet mouth, cock throbbing in Stephan’s hand.

  “Wait for me, lover,” Stephan murmured as his fingers slid out of Stephan’s mouth. Stephan undid the drawstring pants, managing to push the linen out of the way and bring his fingers to the hot little hole.

  “Stephan...” Leo curled his fingers, pushing into his lover. His body shuddered, his cry mingling with his lover’s as heat washed over him.

  Stephan danced on his fingers, eyes burning into him, a soft, joyous smile on Stephan’s face.

  “Forever. I want to watch that look forever.”

  Stephan only gasped, hand squeezing his prick hard. He leaned forward, taking a long, hard kiss. “Please. Now, love. Now.”

  Stephan rose up and his fingers slipped from the tight passage. Then his lover was guiding his cock to that hot hole, Stephan’s body pulling him in.

  “Oh, love...” Stephan’s eyes rolled back and a shudder passed through the slender body.

  “Yes.” Leo wrapped his hands around Stephan’s waist, mouth finding the smooth throat, tongue sliding over saltsweet skin.

  “Leo.” The moan was sweet and needy, presaging Stephan’s moving up and coming back down again, his lover riding him with abandon.

  He moved up into each thrust, the cushion sliding beneath him, his toes gripping the ground as they made love, the night wind cool and sweet on his skin where Stephan’s heat didn’t kiss it.

  Stephan’s hands wandered, pushing his shirt up, fingers playing over his nipples and tracing the scarring at his hips and along his sides. Sweet noises began to fill the air, the song of their love. Stephan rested in his hands, the most precious body in the world trusting him to love and support, to care. “Love you. My Stephan. Love you so.”Stephan cried out his love to
the sky, seed splashing between them as the heat around his cock rippled.

  Leo shuddered, letting himself go, letting his need fly free, eyes filled with stars.

  Stephan collapsed against him, nuzzling into his neck, warm and pliant. He held his lover close, humming soft and low. He rocked Stephan, focused on the sweet beating of that heart.

  “I love you, Leonaka.” Soft licks and kisses painted his neck.

  “Mm... I love you, Stephan.” He smiled as the lights went off in Topaz’s rooms. “What shall we do for breakfast, lover?”

  “Each other?” Stephan asked, eyes still glazed and full of love.

  “You always have the best plans.”

  Stephan laughed softly and went back to nuzzling and kissing. His lover stopped suddenly several minutes later. “Did you mean to eat, with Topaz and his Gemini?”

  Leo chuckled. “Yes, my love. Although your plan is much more appealing.”

  Stephan laughed. “Well do each other first then, lover, and then we’ll go to the market and pick up fresh rolls to go with the muffins.”

  “Then we can come home, play in the shower and then eat?” He nipped Stephan’s full lower lip, hugging tight.”You see? I’m not the only one with good plans!””You inspire me.” Leo stretched, sliding out of the heat of Stephan’s body. “Let’s put the food away and go take a bath, love.”

  “Yes, Leo.” Stephan stood and stretched, letting his pants fall around his ankles. Stepping out of them, Stephan headed for the flowerbeds. “Let me just say goodnight to my pretties.”

  He watched the sweet curve of Stephan’s ass for a second before beginning to gather the dishes, leaving his own butterfly to flit among the blossoms.

  Chapter Six

  Topaz had shown Quincy the loom, the wall hangings. He’d shown off the yarn room and the little niche where Moira and her kittens slept. He’d shown the long circular stairway leading up into his bower.

  His room was a riot of blues and greens, a nest, really. The bed took up three-quarters of the room, piled high with blankets and pillows, surrounded by a hand-woven green netting, dried herbs woven into the cloth.

  His clothes and books were kept in handmade baskets, strewn over the floor. The effect was peaceful, oceanic and quiet. Beautiful. His.

  Almost as beautiful as those sweet eyes.

  “This is my room, Gemini.”

  “Wow, it certainly is different -- colorful.” Quincy wandered around, glancing into the baskets.

  “It’s a good place.” He relaxed against the doorframe, watching Quincy look. The baskets on the walls held crystals and herbs, CDs and candles, little pieces of pottery and his pincushion collection.

  Quincy turned to him and smiled. “It suits you.”

  “Is that a good thing?” He smiled back, moving toward Quincy. “Can I have my kiss now?” He’d been very patient and very good and he was very tired of waiting.

  “Only if it can be more than just a kiss.” Quincy’s eyes were dark, lids heavy.

  “As much as you want, Gemini. I want you.” Topaz moved into Quincy’s arms, lifting up for a kiss.

  Quincy’s hand slid along his cheek into his hair, mouth lowering slowly, as if his Gemini were savoring the moments leading to their first real kiss. Finally their lips were together, Quincy’s mouth pressing and warm. The softest sound left him, happiness flooding him in a warm, sweet wave. Oh. Oh, sweet heaven. Was this what they felt, Ku and Daisy? Quincy moaned, hands wrapping around his arms and pulling him closer. A warm tongue parted his lips, Quincy pressing into his mouth.

  He pushed against Quincy’s body, lips parting to give Quincy a taste. Strawberries. Quincy tasted sweet and tart and just like strawberries.

  “Oh God, Topaz... you taste...” Quincy whimpered and pulled him closer still, the long body warm and welcoming. Quincy was warm and soft, hair tickling his fingers. They shared another kiss, this time Topaz got to explore, finding that those white-white bottom teeth only looked perfect, one tilted just enough to be fascinating.He could feel Quincy’s need blazing against his belly, felt the little whimpers before he heard them.

  “Bed?” Topaz reached out, pulled the netting aside. He’d have asked something more sensible, but he just... couldn’t.

  “I don’t... I didn’t bring anything with me.”

  “I have some.” He smiled at Quincy, loving those eyes. “No stress, Gemini. I just want to keep kissing you and you make my knees jiggly.”

  “Oh... I want more than kissing Topaz, I just didn’t want to start something we couldn’t finish.” Quincy was breathless and flushed. “Kissing you makes me... not jiggly.”

  Oh. Oh, good. He laughed, crawling back into his nest and drawing Quincy into the silken softness. “I want you. I want to know everything about you.”

  “I’m yours,” whispered Quincy. “Do with me as you will.”

  “I just want to know you in my soul, Gemini.” Topaz moved into Quincy’s arms, lips parting as their mouths met again. When Quincy deepened the kiss, he caught that hot tongue, sucking in counterpoint to the beating of their hearts.

  Quincy’s fingers moved to the buttons on his shirt, slowly undoing them, oh so slowly undoing them.

  He moaned into Quincy’s mouth, shivers rocking his body. He was hard and fluid all at once. Lost and focused. Needing and wanting. Magic.

  At last Quincy pulled his shirt off, fingers beginning to explore, warm on his skin, leaving tingles wherever they touched.

  When Quincy found the scar -- long and wide, running from his lower back, around his side and up to his rib cage -- those fingers traced it, following its path.

  “What happened?” whispered Quincy, fingers so gentle.”My kidney was malformed, rotten. That’s why I’m so short.” He smiled, pressing Quincy’s hand over the spot. “It kept getting infected, so they took it out.”

  “So you only have one. Is that dangerous?” Quincy asked, lips sliding over his face.

  “It’s in good condition. I don’t drink anything but juice, tea and water, stay healthy.” He pulled back, letting Quincy see the design that was inked over the scar.

  “Oh!” Quincy gasped, fingers tracing the tattoo now. “It’s beautiful. It suits you.”

  “Oh...” He smiled, undulating under the touches. “Thank you. Oh... oh Quincy. That feels so good.”

  Quincy bent, tongue licking at the corner of his tattoo.He arched, a soft cry pushing out of his mouth. “Oh... Oh, so... so good.”

  He was pushed down onto his back, Quincy’s mouth moving over his skin.

  His toes curled, sensation shaking him. “Gemini. Your mouth. Your sweet mouth.” He was babbling, pleasure too big for silence.

  Quincy murmured against his skin, tongue licking, tracing the line of his scar.

  Topaz was gasping, body thrumming for Quincy. No one had done this, no one ever touched it but Stephan and Leo. No one made it sexy.

  “It’s beautiful,” Quincy told him. “You’re beautiful. Taste good -- like a banana split.” Quincy looked up at him, the blue eyes dark and happy.

  “You taste like strawberries. Addictive.” He reached for Quincy’s shirt. “Let me see you?”

  Quincy shivered and nodded.

  Topaz unfastened the shirt, wrinkling his nose at the fabric, stiff and false, keeping Quincy’s scent from him. “You should let me make you some shirts so your skin can breathe.” He pushed it off, leaning in to smell, moaning at the rich, tart scent. “Oh...”

  Quincy’s hands slid through his hair, his Gemini moaning softly.

  To not lean in and taste was more than he could bear. His lips circled one nipple, tongue sliding over the soft skin, tempting and teasing.

  A shudder went through Quincy along with a whimper. “Topaz... oh, it’s been ages, so long.”

  He murmured softly, hands sliding to unfasten Quincy’s slacks. Poor love, so hungry, so needy. Ready and hard. Hands trembling, Quincy returned the favor, undoing the button on his pants, sliding down his zipper.

  They stroked and pushed and wiggled and then, blessedly, they were naked, skin rubbing against skin.

  “Oh! Topaz!” Quincy whimpered and pushed him onto his back, following, rubbing against him so that their pricks slid together.

  He stretched up, moaning at the heat. “Gemini! Love! So good.”

  “Oh, God. Oh, God!” Quincy started down at him, arm muscles working as Quincy ground against him.

  Oh, those eyes. Topaz forced his eyes open, breathing with Quincy, wanting to see. Needing to see. “Please. Show me. Come for me. Please.”

  Quincy’s mouth opened on a soundless scream, the blue eyes remaining open but glazing over, going sightless as heat splashed against him.

  “Oh, Gemini! I was right! You are beautiful!” He shook, nuzzling into Quincy’s throat, mouth open.

  Quincy gasped, panting.

  The skin beneath his lips was salty and tart, flavored with the scent of Quincy’s come.

  He rocked slow and easy, purring as he licked and moaned. He was lost. Lost.

  One of Quincy’s hands slid beneath his hip, pulling him up against the long body, sliding his cock along heated skin. Sweet licks tickled the skin behind his ear.

  “Your turn.”

  “Oh. yes.” He whimpered, head tilting and offering Quincy more. “Feels like magic.”

  “You’re the magician,” Quincy murmured, tongue following the line of his neck. “I’m just a lonely Gemini.””No. You’re not just anything, Gemini. You fill my dreams.” He whimpered, cuddling close, hands moving over Quincy’s spine.

  “Oh, Topaz... how am I going to keep myself from falling in love with you?” Quincy’s gazed down at him, moving their hips together.

  “You’re not.” He wouldn’t lie. “We’re already in love, we’re just not admitting it yet.”

  “Oh... Topaz... Come for me so I can make love to you.”

  He laughed, taking a happy kiss, shivering in his Gemini’s arms as he came, melting. Quincy held him, hands stroking along his sides, gentle and warm.

  Topaz relaxed, purring and moaning as he floated. “Oh, Gemini. Love me. Please. I want to feel you.”

  “Where’s your condoms and lube, Topaz? I don’t want to have to stop and find them later.”


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