Werewolf Journals 01 - Wild in the City

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Werewolf Journals 01 - Wild in the City Page 7

by Camille Anthony

  “Didn’t you say you only lived a few blocks from here?”

  At my nod, she shrugged her shoulders.

  “That’s okay, then. My ankles can hold up that long.”

  She glanced up at me out of the corner of one sherry-brown eye as she clung to my arm, steadying her precarious balance as she pranced beside me. “But if I wake up dead in the morning, I’m gonna be seriously pissed at my misjudgment!”

  Her gallows humor startled a bark of amusement out of me. After a moment, she joined in, her infectious laughter ringing on the night air. If I hadn’t already begun falling in love with her, that carefree, infectious sound would have done it for me. Contagious and gay, she exhibited the childlike exuberance of true innocence.

  In lust and more than half in love, my feet never touched the ground as we hurried through the quiet evening. We made record time since I took the straight route home, without all my earlier meandering detours. Other than the fact she kept refusing to take my proposal seriously, all went well until we reached my apartment.

  I had just put the key in the door when the memory of my apartment’s messy condition slapped me in the face. Serious thoughts of flaying my slob of a cousin crossed my mind. “Crap!”

  “What’s wrong, Hunter?”

  “Nothing. Much. Will you do me a favor, baby? Wait right here for a minute.”

  Slipping my arms out of my jacket, I draped it over her shapely shoulders. Initiating a deep kiss, driving my tongue through her parted lips, I squeezed her abundant flesh against the hard lines of my aroused body. Her arms came up, clinging to my shoulders and I reluctantly let go. Backing away before I lost what little control I had and fucked her there on the stoop, I slowly lowered her arms and disengaged from her clinging lips. Giving her a last, lingering, promise of a kiss I whispered, “Be right back.”

  I ducked through the door, leaving her hugging my jacket and gasping for the breath I’d snatched with that lurid mouth-to-mouth communication.

  Quick as a flash, I whipped through the living room, snatching up every piece of stray clothing, and tossed them into Fortrayn’s room. For good measure, I folded a suspiciously stained sheet into an impromptu sack, bundled all the dirty dishes into it and threw it in after the soiled laundry.

  “You hiding the body in there?” I heard her stamping her feet and envisioned her chafing her arms.

  Shit! Was I?

  My head jerked up and I glanced frantically around before realizing she had been kidding. Shaking my head at my jumpiness, I slumped in relief.

  “Not tonight!” I hollered back. I sped up. I didn’t want her becoming too chilled or nervous, or leaving. Quickly plumping the couch pillows, I straightened the coffee table and stashed the Playboys under the cushions of the loveseat. Breathing in and out a few times, I reordered my ‘cool’ and headed for the door. Cleanup had taken just under five minutes.

  “Place is just a bit messy and I didn’t want you to think me a slob. That title belongs to the young cousin living with me!”

  Flinging opening the door, I found her facing the street, body poised to make a quick getaway.

  I shot her an aggrieved look. “Were you planning on just disappearing into the night without a good-bye, see-you-later, kiss my ass, taking my leather biker jacket with you? If you did that, I’d have had to hunt you down, woman.”

  She wouldn’t have gotten far. She could never hope to escape my detection. With the scent of her pussy seared into my brain, I could pick her out of a crowd, blindfolded, from six blocks away.

  She gazed up at me, her expressive face revealing her struggle with guilt and trepidation. Bending to brush my lips over hers, I reiterated my promise that I would never intentionally hurt her. I would always place her safety and well-being above mine.

  As always, she relaxed into the kiss and I slid my hands around her thick waist, gently turning her back toward the open door. What I had in mind to do to her didn’t belong on the front door step.

  As soon as the door shut behind us, I climbed all over her, devouring her full lips. Damn, but they felt and tasted wonderful, lush and sweet! Crowding her up against the wall, I pushed my jacket from her shoulders. Digging my fingers into her full ass cheeks and nudged my cock into her soft belly, I ground against her heat in a frenzy of lust.

  She unraveled in my arms, fingers sinking into the thick hair at my nape, clinging to me as I ravaged her mouth. Turning the table on me, she managed to get in some ravaging of her own, delighting me to no end. I wanted her involved, caught up, as lost in this whirlwind as I was.

  Eons later, we broke apart, gulping for air. Switching angles, I came at her again, nipping and biting her lower lip, alternately swiping my tongue across the glossy surfaces to soothe the stinging sensations.

  My demanding lips kept her attention occupied while my hands got busy on that hot, little red dress. The stupid thing sported a cleverly hidden zipper that almost got it ripped off her, being I was in no mood to play ‘hunt the opening.’ On the other hand, if Getting Your Woman out Of Her Dress had been an Olympic event, I’d have set a new world record taking first place.

  Once I had her peeled out of that clinging octopus of a dress, I stepped back to get the full-length picture and almost swallowed my tongue. My arms dropped to my sides and my knees grew weak, almost buckling. My eyes about curled up in my head. I felt a heavy pounding jar my bones and thought my heart thudded out of control. It turned out to be Buford, beating on the door of my pants, screaming to get out.

  “Damn it to hell, woman,” I howled, childishly taking my shock out on her, “you ought to be fucking illegal.” I thought about Kevin’s daughter, who’d be all grown up now. Hell, I’d strangle any male for thinking about doing to her what I wanted to do with and in this woman.

  She looked like dark chocolate nestled in a froth of peach fuzz. The sight made my mouth water and my balls draw up. She hugged her breasts, arms crossed in the classic pose of shy womanhood, as if she had cause to be ashamed. Her merry widow clung to her body in a sinful display of peach-colored lace. The sexy item barely covered her chocolate crème de menthe skin, stopping well above the musky delta of her sex. True peach, with no touch of cantaloupe, the thing was a cock-stretching wonder, contrasting marvelously with the soft shade of her creamy black skin.

  Mouth dry, cock wet with leaking pre-cum, I stood there, done in by her beauty, entranced by her ample charms, nailed to the floor in speechless awe. I swayed before her, watching her come into the knowledge of her power. Straightening her stance, she raised her head proudly and gazed boldly into my eyes. Seeing my wordless approval, she drew her shoulders back, dropped her arms and thrust out her bountiful breasts. Her fat, dark chocolate nubbins--daringly erect and distended--poked through the erotic nipple eyelets cut out of the lace bodice.

  One day, I mused, I would adorn those Olympic classed nipples with a set of chained nipple clamps, claiming them as I intended to claim every inch of her body. Visually devouring those stiff Hershey’s kisses, lost to reality, I vaguely heard her begin to speak. I snapped to attention as her words penetrated the fog of my inattention.

  “Hunter, my name is Melody Spenser and I would very much like you to fuck me, now.”

  She stood there, fear and arousal clouding the air about her, shattering my heart with her trust. Moved tremendously, I knew I had to be in her or die from the crippling need. But, first things first.

  Unbuttoning my jeans, I spread my fly and grabbed hold of my rearing shaft. Running my fist over the fat head, I gathered the slick pre-cum clinging to the small eye. Closing my palm around my cock, I pumped it with smooth, fast motions, eyes on her dark, puffy mound. She had the fullest bush of crinkly curls I had ever seen. It was matted and wet with the evidence of her arousal, and with such visual assistance it only took a few firm strokes to make me spew. Aiming my spurting cock, I targeted those impudent, beckoning nipples and her bush-covered mons, spraying both with a copious flood of hot, thick sperm. Balls still spas
ming, cock jumping, I introduced myself in return.

  “Hello, Melody Spenser--soon to be Melody McCallum!--my name is Hunter McCallum and it will be my honor to fuck you.”

  Having Marked My Property, I Stake out My Claim

  My Melody looked down at her cum-covered breasts and then pointedly over at my still hard, rampant cock. “Why the fuck did you do that? Would you like to explain what this is all about?” Using the tips of her nails, she lifted the soaked cloth away from her chest. Gingerly, she touched fingertips to the semen dripping off her nipples. She glared at me, her expression telling me she didn’t care for my actions. She looked as if she couldn’t believe I had just come all over her.

  “Marking my territory,” I answered gruffly, toeing off my sandals so I could kick out of my pants. My shirt hit the floor shortly after.

  Her eyes narrowed and her facial muscles tightened. “Not only have you ruined my corset, you’ve managed to piss me off. Where do you get off trying to stake a claim on me? I told you before I belong to no one. Slavery ended a long time ago, and if it hadn’t, I still wouldn’t tolerate being treated as anyone’s property.”

  “I didn’t say property, I said territory. As in, I won’t share you with anyone else, and any male getting within a yard of you is gonna know it. Since you brought up the subject, I have never kept a slave and never held with that ‘white-man-is-superior’ bullshit that some like to bandy around. That being the case, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from ever bringing race up between us ‘cause I’ll tell you this once and for always, your race makes you special in my eyes. No, we are not the same. There are things you have yet to learn about me that will prove my point. No matter what the world or anyone else thinks about our relationship, I’m never gonna give you up. So don’t think the color card will deter me. It won’t. Got that?”

  She raised one elegant eyebrow. “That soap box feel pretty sturdy? You plan on staying up there the whole night?”

  I could feel the heat flood my cheeks. “Uhm, was I preaching?”

  She nodded. “A bit, yeah.”

  I took a deep breath and calmed myself. “Sorry about that. If you’re worried about the corset, don’t. I’ll buy you a hundred more to replace it.”

  “Thanks, but one will do.” She grimaced, reaching for one of the shoulder straps to remove the soiled garment.

  “Leave it!” I barked, caught myself and softened my voice before continuing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you, but, please…leave it on for now. I want to be the one to take it off you.”

  Melody relaxed and let her arms drop to her side. “You’re paying, Hunter, and speaking of wants, I sincerely hope you didn’t waste all your cum in this barbaric display.” She gestured to the semen thickly coating her breasts, mons and thighs.

  “No. There’s plenty more where that came from,” I arrogantly assured her.

  “Then why is it still over there, while I’m over here?” she asked, an adorable pout highlighting her full lips.

  “I guess, because I’m still waiting.”

  A frown creased her eyebrows. “You’re waiting for what?”

  “The correct answer to my marriage proposal.”

  She stiffened. “Enough with the games, Hunter. We both know you don’t have to marry me to fuck me. Hell, I wouldn’t even charge you if I didn’t need the money so badly.”

  I want you.

  I said nothing.

  “You want an answer? Fine. The answer is no!”

  I want marriage with you.

  I just stood there with my dick sticking out.

  I want us.

  My silence and my cock proved more eloquent than words would have been.

  With an exasperated sigh, she flung away, flipping her hands in the air. Lips pressed tight together, she glared at me, frustration at my continued silence visible on her mulish face.

  “Look around at this place, Hunter. I’ve never lived anywhere half as nice and upscale as this duplex. I’m not good enough for you,” she said finally, shaking her head. “How would you introduce me to your family? ‘Hey, Mom, Dad, want you to meet the whore I picked up down on Divisidero and Webster the other night.’ You deserve better.”

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk! My Melody, I believe we’ve already had this conversation. And my parents are going to love you.”

  Anger washed over her face. Anger so hot I felt the heat from across the room. “Why are you being so stubborn? You have no idea of the obstacles you would face if you tried to follow through on any marriage plans with me!”

  “Tell me the obstacles, My Mel. I will make them go away.”

  “Stop calling me that! I am not your Mel. I’m a whore. I fuck for money. Are you telling me you won’t fuck me if I say no to your proposal? Because, I’m still shy of the amount I have to turn in tonight. If you aren’t buying, I’ll have to go find someone who is.”

  My eyes narrowed in true anger. My beast roared, reared its head and glared out of my eyes. She took a step back, her dark face blanching.

  “My cock had better be the only one you take inside your body from this moment on, young lady. I will rip the entrails out of any man who thinks to put his hands on you.”

  “This can’t happen, Hunter.”

  Grabbing my cock and balls, I shook them at her. “Let me introduce you to inevitability. Make no mistake… This will happen! I am definitely going to fuck you tonight and probably every other night of our life together. Speaking of which, you need to know up front that I have an enormous sexual appetite, so I’ll be in your pussy and ass a lot.”

  She silently shook her head no, adamant in her refusal.

  I nodded mine yes, just as adamantly. “All you have to do is trust me. I will handle all the obstacles facing us. Believe me.”

  “Don’t you think I want to?” An angry frown twisted her face. “I like you, I want to fuck you, but it ends there. I don’t know enough about you to let you interfere. Too much is at stake!”

  “Oh, you know me, all right. Deep down, you know me just as I instantly knew you. You and I belong together and I won’t let anything or anyone come between us.

  “You want money? Fine, I’ll give you the money you need. I’ll give you whatever you want. Just give me the chance to deal with your problems. Give yourself enough time to know me better, eventually come to love me.”

  “Why?” she whispered, fists clenched at her side. “Tell me why you won’t let this subject drop. Why you can’t just fuck me, pay me and let us both go our separate ways?”

  Walking over, I embraced her, wrapped my arms about her. “I’m not very good with romantic words and I’ll probably never use them as often as you think I should. All I can do is tell you what meeting you has done to me, for me. When I awoke this morning, I had no idea you were in the world. I thought all I needed to make my life better was a regular fuck partner. Tonight, meeting you, my world tilted on its axis. Now I don’t want to awaken another morning without you beside me. I no longer want you as a fuck partner. I want more than that with you. I want to hold you, cuddle you close after I’ve taken you in every way imaginable, and some ways not so easily imagined. I want to share my body with you, give you my heart and soul. I want to love you.”

  “You can’t love me. No one falls in love this fast.” Her warm breath bathed my chest, voice husky from--I hoped--the burgeoning joy my admission had brought her.

  I tightened my arms about her, leaned down and licked the delicate swirls of her earlobe. Sticking my tongue inside, I gathered another taste to add to my growing store of Melody memories. “On the contrary, the men of my family fall in love at once, or not at all.” I paused and looked into her slumberous eyes. “I bet you already love me a little, don’t you?”

  “Oh, God, I don’t know! You make me feel…I have never felt this way about anyone before.” She trembled in my arms. “This is happening too fast. It can’t be real.”

  “Tell me how I make you feel. How did you feel in the restaurant? Has
any man made you come as hard as I did tonight? Don’t you think you could grow to love me?”

  “You make me feel a lust and desire I’ve never imagined. Your touch, your smell makes me tremble, makes my insides quiver.”

  She paused, took a deep breath and continued. “I thought I loved someone once, but it was gratitude, not love. When I try to sift through what I feel for you--what you make me feel--I don’t know how to describe it. It is so much stronger, sharper and more needful than anything I’ve ever felt before. It frightens me.”

  “I’m scared, too, so I’ll take that as encouragement.” Sweeping her into my arms, I grinned when she clutched me with frantic fingers, yelling in surprise at the ease with which I lifted her. I kissed her hard, mating our tongues as I intended to mate our bodies.

  Right now, unmated, but aroused, any wulf could make her horny as hell. I wanted to take her beyond that plateau to true need, a singular loyalty. When I finished, she would be bound to me, feel this intense ardor only for me.

  “Let me build on those feelings, Melody. I want to make your insides quiver again. I want to quiver inside you.”

  When she didn’t deny me, only clutched me tighter, I bent my head to hers, hefting her a little higher in my arms to rub noses. “Everything will be all right,” I whispered.

  Thank the Moon I had no worries over the cleanliness of my bedroom. Stopping before the closed door to my room, I dipped my knees, bringing her level with the doorknob. “Get the door.”

  Her shaking hand turned the knob and I walked through the open portal, feeling as if I’d walked over the threshold of commitment. Peace washed over me, calmed me. In the stillness of surrender, my emotions raged brighter. Nothing, no rebellion against losing my bachelor state, hindered the rising passion within me.

  Carrying my Melody over to the bed, I positioned her atop my dark green comforter. Looking down on her sprawled in decadent invitation, a growl rumbled in my chest. My sperm had dried to a sticky, milky substance on her breasts. I bent over and placed my palms on her, massaging her. Concentrating on her swollen mounds, I gently rubbed my ejaculate into her jutting nipples.


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