Werewolf Journals 01 - Wild in the City

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Werewolf Journals 01 - Wild in the City Page 11

by Camille Anthony

  Look, I want some pussy. Let me just lick your pussy. I won’t put my cock in it until…wait! I can prove I’m different. Dogs don’t like cats, right? Well, I love the hell out of your pussy. That should convince you I am not a dog, no matter any coincidental resemblance!

  Helpless laughter spilled from her and I knew she caught the mental picture I sent her, of a giant dog eagerly licking a tiny, wet pussycat.

  I looked at her--my cute, luscious bitch--lying there with her belly shaking with mirth, her muscles all relaxed and pliable, slowly recovering from her bout of hilarity. All mine.

  Opportunist that I am, I took quick advantage, lunging for my target before she had time to tense back up. Sliding my tongue between her folds, I lapped at her clit, rasping my tongue over the little pearl with feverish determination, expecting to feel her hands dragging me away from my coveted treat at any minute.

  I hand-fed her with pleasure, offering it to her as a trainer feeds his lovebirds, using it to gentle her to my hand. Tender biting tugs on her nipples had her arching her back, mewling in response to the sensations I heaped upon her. The echo of the ecstasy flooding her fed back through our bond. I redoubled my efforts to overwhelm her senses with lust, hoping it would deter her from abruptly ending our love play.

  Imagine my surprise when, instead of resisting me she met my advances with rising ardor, warming to my seductive wooing. Opening her legs wide and meeting my eyes straight on she reached between her legs, shakily unveiling her sex…and her soul.

  I love this--I reared up, licking at her mouth, letting her taste herself on my tongue--but…why?

  “Only one man has ever looked at me with the level of commitment I see in your eyes. No animal could express a deep emotion like that.” She ran her hands over my head and down my ruff. As if to prove she no longer feared me, she even probed my mouth with her fingers, brushing them against my fangs. I licked her for her trouble.

  “For some reason, you have gone out of your way to convince me you love me and I have accepted you as my future husband. Granted, I had no idea what all I was getting, but then, what woman ever really does. You also made a valid point, much as I hate to admit it, about it being a form of bigotry to happily fuck you only when you look like me. I have always prided myself on being fair to all races, no matter what a small minority may have done to me. Therefore, no more excuses and evasions. I have to trust my own judgment in this matter and not kowtow to what others may think or believe. From now on out, I will make love to you--not to the shape you might currently be wearing, but to you, to Hunter. Just, could we wait on the total insertion thingy a little while? I’m not reneging on my promise…it’s just…I need a little more time to come to terms with seeing you like this.”

  What will the neighbors think? I teased her. What happened to joining the P.T.A.?

  Her smile had a reckless edge to it. “I don’t really give a fuck what the neighbors might think and I figure we’ll home school any…puppies. We will form our own PTA: Puppy Training Association.”

  I thought about what she suggested and decided it was fair. I couldn’t expect her to overcome years of social conditioning in one hour. I had hit her with a lot of world changing information and she deserved some time to assimilate it.

  We will wait to fuck until you can accept me as I am, but I get to do everything else with you. Open your legs…I want to eat your pussy.

  We Discuss the Menu

  Fortrayn came through the kitchen door five minutes before eleven p.m., stopped dead in his tracks and gave an enthusiastic wulf whistle.

  “Holy shit, Uncle, you’ve hit the jackpot!”

  Melody screamed, covered as much as her hands could hide--which wasn’t much--and ran for our bedroom, her facial expression an interesting blend of horror and intense arousal. Despite her initial horrified response, being caught en flagrante de nekkid obviously turned her on. Hmmm… I’d have to explore that with her at a more opportune time.

  The flash of her bouncing chocolate-hued bottom burned in living color across my retina. I turned to my leering cousin, snarling a warning. Chagrined that I hadn’t heard or smelled his approach, I growled a severe scolding about his impertinent behavior. I may not have sniffed him out, but he certainly had known I was…entertaining.

  When Melody had confessed to being hungry and gone searching for something to eat, I had followed her to the kitchen, determined to continue our romp in surroundings that were more adventurous. Convincing her to spread honey on all her strategically interesting points had taken some doing, but persistence always pays off. I had been in the midst of licking the sweet, sticky syrup from her sweet, sticky flesh--my libido having relegated my mind to somewhere around my hind feet--and that was how I missed Fortrayn’s precipitous entrance.

  This one time, I wished he had been less obedient and less prompt.

  “Whoa! Stop growling at me, it’s no fair blaming me for interrupting you, Uncle. You’re the one who told me to be home by eleven.” Fortrayn tapped his wristwatch, advancing all the way into the kitchen, nose twitching in curiosity. “Funny…she doesn’t smell like din--” His eyes widened, identifying her musk sooner than I had. Of course, fucking her had intensified her scent. With her DNA awakened, any wulf would instantly know her as a Breed female.

  “Uncle Hunter, you go, dog! You’ve found a Breed female! Have you called and informed Chase? Man, what was that astronomical bounty he posted for anyone finding one? You don’t need the money, but it sure won’t hurt having the heir of the Eastern America Pack in your debt. Can I try her out before you send her to him? Oh, man, she smells sweet! Is it true about them being able to take us mid-change?”

  Swallowing my instinctive anger at his erroneous ideas, I barked a harried answer, quickly filling him in on my plans and Melody’s place in my life, anxious to go reassure my bitch. Nudity among den-pack members did not constitute improper behavior.

  “So, you’re keeping her for yourself. Wow! That will totally bum Cousin Chase out when he hears that. So, are we going to rescue your fair Lady from her evil ogre tonight? Cool. It sounds like dinner is going to be exciting. Do we get to scare him? I do like a little adrenalin with my meal…spices things up.”

  Leaving Fortrayn puttering about in the kitchen, I hurried back to Melody, finding her laid out in an ungainly sprawl on the bed, her shoulders heaving as she sobbed into the comforter.

  Leaping onto the bed, I curled up beside her, nudging her hand with my head. She obligingly draped her arm about my neck, still crying as if her heart would break.

  Why are you crying?

  “Your nephew’s--he is your nephew, right?--first sight as he walks into his home is my fat ass waving in the breeze, and you don’t think that’s reason enough to cry?”

  Actually, the term ‘uncle’ is a term of respect among us. Fortrayn is my cousin and since he lives in my den, it is acceptable for him to see your skin. So, no, I do not consider him catching a glimpse of your lusciously dimpled ass something to cry about. You have a beautiful body, one I will proudly show off to my all den members. Everyone in my pack will be secretly--and some not so secretly--lusting after you…especially Fortrayn. If he offends you, I will cuff him.

  “It’s not him causing the problem, I am the problem.” She flopped over onto her back, looking dejected. She swept her open hand down her curvaceous body from neck to pubis. “How can you look at all this and say it’s beautiful?”

  Are you kidding? How can you believe it’s not?

  Her full-blown, dark brown body grew more beautiful to me the more I looked upon her. She had no idea how rare and exotic she appeared and how much the males of my species coveted such ample and well-colored flesh.

  Once the single males catch sight of my pretty, chocolate-colored bitch, there are going to be some envious, disappointed werewulves back on the pack-grounds.

  That seemed to perk her up and she lifted up on her elbows to search my eyes, a smile quivering at the corners of her lips. “Y
ou really think so?”

  I know so.

  “Still,” her smile faded, “what kind of person forgets an innocent teenager lives here, and lets him catch her running around naked--worse, lets him catch me playing adult games with you?”

  Wait a minute, love! Back that shit up. Is that what’s causing all this angst? Honey, Fortrayn may appear young, but he is older than you are. Trust me; by no stretch of anyone’s imagination could you call him innocent. Yes, by our standards he’s still a pup, however, some elders on the council still reckon me a youngster.

  “You’re not telling me this just to make me feel better, are you?” She sat all the way up, peering at me suspiciously. I don’t know what she read in my inhuman face, but whatever it was seemed to reassure her. Did she realize how natural our communication had become? I was learning more of her secrets every minute.

  Come back to the kitchen with me. We need your help plotting how to dispose of your problem.

  “Oh, Hunter, must I?” She flinched, cringing away, “I don’t feel up to facing your cousin.”

  Well, I certainly did not intend to accept such cowardice from any mate of mine. Especially cowardice as completely unfounded as this was.

  Yes, you must. So get your chocolate cream confection ass up and headed for the kitchen, woman, before I bite a chunk out of it.

  “Hey, watch it, Fido. Don’t get snippy with me! And don’t you call me ‘woman’ like a punk says ‘bitch’ because I won’t take any disrespectful shit from you.”

  She started for the kitchen, sashaying her dimpled butt in front of me, giving it an extra jiggle for good measure. I woofed loudly, giving vent to wulfish laughter. She detoured by the bathroom, snagged my bathrobe off the heated towel rack and wrapped it about her naked body. With a snicker and a saucy flick of her tongue, she strode on, head held high.

  When we are alone, I will show you what I want you to do with that saucy tongue, I warned her, giving her ankles a loving nip.

  She yelped, skipped to escape the wet swipe of my tongue and fell headlong through the kitchen doorway.

  Fortrayn caught her, his arms tightened instinctively about her lush curves. Her robe flopped open and his eyes turned iridescent. Burning with lust and glowing with the amber light of change, his gaze raked hungrily over her abundant curves.

  I snarled a warning at him to release her, envious of the arms holding my mate.

  Fortrayn, disrespectful pup, took his time setting her on her feet. Muscles bulking up like a rerun of the Hulk series, his height and width grew as he began the rapid slide into mid-change.

  I saw his damn cock stiffen and start to rise, prodding the front placket of his pants and my hackles rose. Angrier than I had ever been in my life, I attacked, leaping for his throat, infuriated that another male would lustfully ogle my mate in my face.

  Melody screamed.

  Fortrayn, his change interrupted, dropped to the floor, belly up, head turned to the side. Realizing how close his bobbing cock swayed to the set of fangs ready to gnaw it off, his insulting erection shriveled and died. Slowly, as he lay motionless on the floor, awaiting my verdict, his body resumed its normal size. He had never been closer to death, and he knew it.

  Melody threw herself down beside the fool boy, reaching toward his tear-stained face. My possessive stance and menacing snarl stopped her mid-gesture.

  Back away from him, now, my bitch. Do not touch him!

  For once, she obeyed instantly and I gave thanks for her discernment. Annoyances aside, I loved my cousin. Given the choice, I would never hurt him. Had Melody put her hand on him in that moment, though, he would have been dead.

  Watching the trembling pup, waiting for him to recover, I sat on my haunches, making sure my body rested between my mate and my den-pack member.

  Get up, fool. You can thank the moon and stars your mother is beloved of my mam.

  Fortrayn rolled over onto all fours, his shaking knees hindering him from standing upright. Fear rolled off his body in a dense fog, acrid and hunger inducing. His eyes flicked up toward mine and then shied away. Keeping his head lowered, moving cautiously and making a wide circle around my mate, he crawled toward me submissively.

  Leaning into him, I licked his face, letting him know I realized his actions had not been intentional. Melody had fallen because of my teasing and no wulf this close to his change could handle a fertile Breed female without busting a boner.

  A couple of more licks and a few cousinly nips to the ears restored Fortrayn’s regular humor. Collapsing onto his scrawny butt, he waved jauntily at Melody. “Welcome to the family, Auntie. You won’t mind if I don’t offer you the kiss of peace right now, I hope.” Jerking his thumb in my direction, he lowered his voice. Pretending to a fright I could smell he no longer felt, he loudly whispered, “There’s a rabid dog in here. He has threatened to bite off something vital if I get too close to his new bone.”

  Melody chuckled and I stared at her, entranced. How had I missed that deep dimple in her left cheek?

  Hardee-har-har. How about we cut the fucking dog comments?

  “Huh?” Fortrayn looked at me, obviously questioning my sanity and rightly so.

  Among Wulfen, we bandied dog jokes about, with no one taking offense; sort of like blacks use the “N” word with each other, but woe betide those outside the group, should that word cross their minds, let alone their lips. My new sensitivity came from Melody’s as of yet unresolved issues with my Wulfen form. I didn’t want any “dog” jokes strengthening her erroneous perceptions of our species.

  Never mind, fluff-ball, it’s time to get down to business. Gerald Spenser has already come to the attention of the local police. He is a pimp who forces young teens to whore for him. He is also a major drug dealer, with South American connections and fingers in many of the city’s trouble spots. We recently learned that he is a predator-pedophile, one who enjoys anally raping pre-teen girls. He is also Melody’s murdering brother-in-law and--I bared my fangs in scorn--has just won the nomination to be the main course of tonight’s meal.

  I Take a Backseat on Our Adventure

  The chauffeur being on vacation, I allowed Fortrayn, barely holding onto his skin form, to drive my stretch limo. He did so with reckless speed, taking advantage of this rare--and never to be repeated--opportunity to handle my pride and joy. Ensconced in the spacious back, I chose to ignore his insane driving and concentrated on strengthening the bonding process with Melody.

  As the car hurtled through the night, rushing us toward our destination, a silent, pensive Melody sat with her hands, stiff and cold with nerves, buried in my ruff. I rested my muzzle on my mate’s knee, brooding darkly, planning just how much I would enjoy gutting and ripping out the throat of the human animal that had emotionally mauled my mate. From her unguarded thoughts, I’d learned a whole lot more than the little she had told us about why she had been on that street corner. The knowledge had me looking forward with slavering anticipation to the upcoming meeting with Gerald Spenser.

  Fate was a strange thing. Just that afternoon, Kevin had added Spenser’s folder to my collection, declaring the man had finally exceeded all decency. A special task force had discovered what they believed to be his latest victim buried in a shallow grave, her young skull caved in, her pre-adolescent body mutilated almost beyond recognition. The details of what he had done to the child were too gruesome to share. I suspected my mate had an altogether too intimate acquaintance with the man’s depravity.

  She still hid something from me; her thoughts so used to avoiding whatever she protected, it had become a habit to direct her thoughts away from the area I wanted to penetrate. I vowed to learn the extent of her secrets before too much longer.

  The thought of Melody having once been the victim of this vicious criminal made me sick to my stomach. A boiling wrath raged inside me, violent and all consuming. Only Spenser’s lifeblood, pouring from his still beating heart, would cool it.

  On the floorboards of the vehicle, a black
briefcase rested at our feet, filled with neat stacks of money. Melody had borrowed, begged and sold her last stick of furniture to gather a little over three thousand dollars. Safely tucked away in her secret hiding place, there had been no time to retrieve it before going to beard the monster in his den.

  Getting the money she needed presented no problem for me. I had plenty. I was the heir of a wealthy family. On top of that, I had a monthly stipend from the city and other government agencies that dealt with my security agency. I had a ridiculous amount of cash stashed away in every bank in this city, accessible by credit and debit cards.

  Using our telepathic link, I fed Melody the P.I.N.s to my credit and ATM cards. A few quick stops netted seven thousand dollars, more than enough to meet her requirements. If it became necessary I could use the extra money to distract Gerald’s greedy mind or bribe his henchmen into looking away long enough for me to kill the bastard.

  Beside me, Melody sat somberly, immersed in her thoughts. She turned to me and, as if privy to my own musings, shared her opinions about what to expect from Spenser.

  “He’ll accept the money, but it won’t be enough, you know. Gerald will only demand more and still more. Once he finds out you have money and are willing to spend it on me, he’ll try to bleed you dry.”

  What a coincidence. He isn’t the only one planning to bleed somebody dry.

  “What happens if it goes wrong tonight? What if he isn’t there? What if you get caught trying to kill him?”

  That is not something you need worry about, my love. I promise you, Gerald Spenser will die this night and the police will not hinder us. As for being caught, as long as he is dead…what does it matter?

  “It matters a lot to me! I don’t want you going to jail because of my problems. What was I thinking, pulling you into this? You and Fortrayn should not be caught up in this ugly mess.”

  Neither Fortrayn nor I will go to jail. Stop worrying and think of what you will feel, what you will do when the threat of this man no longer hangs over your head.


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