Tales of the Quiet Kitty 2: Dancing with the Devil

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Tales of the Quiet Kitty 2: Dancing with the Devil Page 2

by Camille Anthony

  With a resigned shrug and a mental promise to follow through on his ideas at a more appropriate time, Brant tabled the intriguing thought and concentrated on what Willa’s mouth was doing to his cock.

  It was lust-inspiring, seeing her trying to bring him off while helplessly reacting to Bevel’s tongue crawling in and out of her slit. He loved seeing her wriggling and squirming under the Jenari’s slithering tongue as it reamed the tight corridors of her creamy channel.

  His avid gaze honed in on the feathered delta of her mons. Damn! He could see the wriggling movements of Bevel’s tongue moving beneath the thin surface of her skin. How freaky was that?

  Heat roared up his spine, sending a small jet of sperm spurting from the tip of his pulsating cock. “Lick her pussy hard, Bevel. Ream her little hole good.” He gritted the order through his clenched teeth, eyes glowing with excitement.

  “Damn, I’m losing it!” With a lusty growl he gripped Willa’s head and held her in place as he pushed further into her working mouth, forcing his erection past her tonsils.

  “Swallow me,” he ordered hoarsely when she gagged on the throat-full of meat he fed her. “By the stars, breathe, baby, but swallow every inch of my cock right now,” he groaned.

  Like the good little sub she was, she accepted him, swallowing at his command, her happy little thrumming hum vibrating the length of his shuttling cock. His skin tightened, tingling under the snug clasp of her lips and teeth.

  She gave her neck that little twist that enabled her to take him so deep her nose brushed the coarse pelt shielding the base of his organ. He jerked, moaning, back tensing as he drove his hips at her, all control lost in his frantic race to spew his come into her welcoming mouth.

  The muscles in his thighs bunched as he surged forward, fucking her face, dominating her, eyes narrowed and glazed as he watched her take every straining inch of his cock down her working throat. He hissed at the pleasure pouring through him, radiating from his buried shaft. Both hands hugged the back of her head, preventing her from backing too far off his length.

  Her hot mouth felt so good, better than anything in the galaxy, but in the midst of the red haze of need that drove him, he realized she still needed more. With a sigh, he ringed the wide base of his cock with his thumb and forefinger. Squeezing ruthlessly, he halted his imminent explosion. Much as he wanted to come, he couldn’t allow himself that pleasure just yet.

  Pulling back enough to allow her to breathe, he sucked in great draughts of air through gritted teeth, struggling against the urge to slam back into the clinging, sweetly hot depths of her agile mouth. Fuck! He wanted to shaft her mouth hard, to feel her rubbing her nose in his pubic hair while he rode her lips.

  The sly smirk he caught on her pixyish face before she wiped it off made him frown in mock anger. She knew what she was doing to him!

  The Sprite had once told him her entire body was a marvelous instrument to be used for the giving and taking of pleasure. He couldn’t argue that. She certainly knew how to strum a tune that constantly had both Bevel-leveB and him dancing to her beat.

  In playful retaliation and recognition of her needs, he leaned over and applied a flurry of hard smacks to her firm rump. The cracking sounds his hand made on her firm ass caused his cock to spurt in length and girth, to dance in the constricted confines of her mouth.

  Head buried in her crotch, the Jenari groaned happily as he swiped his busy tongue along the wet folds of Willa’s sex. Clearly excited by her eager squirming, leveB dripped golden come from its slitted eye, swaying lazily between the open legs of its primary, overseeing the actions of both men.

  “Bevel, use that snaky tongue of yours to good effect. Yeah…” Brant crooned, “like that. I want our little slut screaming with need. Give her clit a hard licking, but back off before she comes. We don’t want her finishing too soon.”

  Willa stopped sucking long enough to moan in protest.

  When he felt her small lapse against his shuttling flesh, a big grin stretched Brant’s mouth. His cock leaped and come dribbled from the flanged head as he shivered with anticipation.

  She was in for it now.

  Slowly, taunting her silently, he withdrew his length out of her mouth, signaling for Bevel to stop his actions and slide out too. He grinned down at Willa where she knelt at his feet, looking up at him like a distraught baby bird -- mouth hanging open as if begging for the food withheld.

  He schooled his face into stern lines, his voice into disapproving tones. “I felt that protest, you naughty Sprite. Go and fetch my belt and come right back. If you dawdle, we won’t fuck you again until after the krasn fruit is loaded.”

  Her eyes widened in true fear at his threat. Leaping up, she flew to obey his command. Her iridescent wings fluttering in a violet, maroon and fuchsia blur, she flitted out the open door and zipped down the corridor, tiny feet dangling more than three feet from the ground.

  Chapter Three

  A great belly laugh erupted from Brant. He shook his head, marveling at her gullibility. By now Willa should know he could never set out to deliberately starve his little bedmate.

  Then again, why should she? His smile slowly faded. Corporate training was no joke. In fact, it was a bitch.

  Like him, Willa had been subjected to brutal years of Corporate “training.” Sprites required the ingestion of life-carrying sperm and the psychic absorption of the emotional emanations given off during orgasm to flourish. Yet it had taken her almost a ship’s month of semi-starvation before finally opening up to them.

  He felt humbled at the trust she’d exhibited by revealing her nutritional needs and the peculiar genetic make-up of her people. The knowledge she’d entrusted to them could spell the demise of her and her sisters.

  Ever since learning her secrets, he and Bevel had kept Willa stuffed full of cocks, orgasms and sperm. They’d become as excited as she as they tracked and measured the rapid regrowth of her body feathers.

  Her silky nest fronds had filled in first and now completely covered the little fuchsia-hued cunt he loved to eat. The next major growth had been on her head. She called those crest plumes. Her wings came in last. The first time the feathery, multi-hued glory had unfurled, the three of them had held a lengthy fuck-fest. They’d put the ship on autopilot while they tried out every position they could think of, inventing new ways they could make love to her while she hovered in flight. Two ship’s days later, they’d finally collapsed in an exhausted puddle of entwined limbs, drooping wings and flaccid cocks.

  Now he watched her frantically retreating down the corridor, noticing how her full flirty tail feathers fluttered in her wake. Wind turbulence parted the fronds, revealing the well-turned globes of her trim ass. He loved the way those feathers felt brushing his belly when he took her from behind or how they tickled his balls when he was cock-deep in her tight pussy.

  Biting his lip to hold back his indulgent chuckle, Brant clamped down on his rising ardor. Crossing his arms and leaning back against the hip-height railing in front of the captain’s seat, he exchanged a meaningful glance with Bevel-leveB before returning his gaze to his retreating lover’s lush curves.

  Cilia waving, leveB stiffly extended its length, raised its head and nodded at Brant. Swaying side to side, the snake-like cock gave a little sinuous shimmer -- its way of indicating amusement.

  Bevel turned his sightless eyes toward his captain. They gleamed with his usual teasing humor. “Oh, you are ssoo right, leveB. Brant, if you could ssee your face! Sshe iss more than a handful, you know. Sshe hass you jusst where sshe wantss you!”

  “Not yet, she doesn’t.” Brant absently fisted his cock, running his thumb over the seeping head while he thought of how they would all soon be reaping the benefits of Willa’s coming satisfaction.

  “By the time we finish taking turns spanking her, whipping her nipples and making sure she has a few strong orgasms, she’ll be ready to slurp on you and leveB until you both ejaculate. Only then will I take her. I’ll slide a dildo
up that tiny ass while I give her the rough, turbulent fucking we both need.”

  Bevel clapped his hands, a wide grin exposing his tentacled tongue. “Oh my, that doess ssound exssellent. Are you going to sselfisshly sspirit her back to your chamberss again, or do we get to watch thiss time?”

  Brant’s mood soured as he gazed at his pilot. “I’m surprised at you, Bevel. You obviously didn’t listen. This session’s for Willa. She needs more than my sexual attentions to achieve full regeneration of her plumes and fronds. They may have grown fuller in the last two months, but they still need more nourishment.”

  Brant watched in fascination as leveB jerked into a stiff, upright position, curved tight to the firm plane of Bevel’s stomach. The cock undulated and swayed, obviously conveying its sentiments to its primary. “Uh oh, buddy, looks like you’re in trouble now. By the looks of it, you’ve gone and managed to piss your better half off.”

  Bevel grabbed the mushroomed crown of his cock -- the only part of his stiff organ that was smooth and free of cilia. He couldn’t pry it away from his belly. “What did I ssay wrong?”

  “I think leveB knows the score. I told you this time was for Willa and my usual wants didn’t come into it. Not only were you supposed to watch, hell, you were to participate. But I don’t like your sly insinuations about my being selfish with Willa. As punishment, there’ll be no cock sucking for you and I don’t think leveB is happy about that.”

  Nodding its agreement, leveB angrily twitched itself out of Bevel’s grasp and snapped downward, heading toward their balls. A startled yelp flew from Bevel’s mouth. He attempted to recapture his sentient cock.

  “Helloss! Don’t do it, leveB!”

  Brant’s hand tightened on his own cock, his other hand cupping his furred balls as he curiously watched leveB burrowing between Bevel’s legs, inadvertently squeezing their balls as it neared its destination.

  The frantic jig Bevel was doing, trying to avoid getting penetrated by his own cock, was the funniest damned thing he’d seen in a long while. It was also the hottest. It should have been impossible to feel such arousal and humor at the same time, but Brant simply couldn’t stop the chuckles tickling the back of his throat.

  “Aiyeeeeee!” Bevel shuddered. He had no choice but to stand still and widen his shaking legs or suffer the pain of having his balls crushed by the sawing action of his errant erection. “I’ve told you… never in public, leveB!”

  Watching in lurid curiosity and simmering lust, Brant swallowed thickly as leveB relentlessly approached Bevel’s tight, ungreased asshole. Several of its longer tentacles hooked themselves along the opening of the tightly clenched sphincter. Applying equal pressure, the pseudopods pried the resistant entry open and held it gaping as the self-aware cock slithered into its primary’s ass. The width of the sentient cock stretched the resilient entrance wide as leveB forced its way deeper into the dark channel. The pseudopods released their hold as they were drawn in the wake of leveB’s deep plunge.

  Brant had never seen the like before. “I don’t fucking believe it!” he gasped, struggling to get the words out past shocked laughter. “Oh, Bev, you should see yourself! Guess leveB is intent on getting his head wet regardless of your fuck up…”

  “Thiss iss sso embarrassing!” the Jenari wailed. He stood stiffly, legs splayed, blind silver eyes glittering with reluctant, awakening lust. His face a picture of embarrassment and arousal, he bunched his hands into fists as his body helplessly responded to his own cock digging deeply into his anal cavity.

  A husky cry escaped the Jenari’s open mouth as leveB seated itself with a final push. Whimpering, Bevel rocked on his heels, the muscles in his buttocks fluttering, clenching rhythmically on the thick intruder wedged tightly in his ass. A groan escaped his locked jaw as leveB began to pull out slowly before thrusting forcefully back into their dark, constricted opening.

  “You cannot know how I hate it when he doess thiss in front of otherss!”

  Brant grinned at his second-in-command and brother-in-law, baring his sharp teeth in an expression that consisted of equal parts amusement, arousal and pure curiosity. “Doesn’t look like hate from where I’m standing. I don’t think leveB is gonna let up any time soon. Might as well relax and enjoy your ass-fucking, Bevel.”

  Body rigid with conflicting emotions, Bevel swiveled his head over toward his captain. Face dark gray with chagrin, he lowered his chin. “Ssir… Brant… I… um… don’t know what to ssay. Pleasse excusse thiss lapsse -- leveB sseemss to have losst all -- arrgh!”

  Brant tilted his head for a better view. “Has Letshya seen this? Has she ever ordered you to fuck yourself for her enjoyment?”

  “Yess,” the Jenari hissed on a sigh. “Sshe often orderss leveB to fuck my ass when he hass finisshed taking her in the ssame manner.”

  Brant’s breathing escalated as excitement raised his cock belly-high. “Then I order you to accept this fucking. Let me see you enjoying it.”

  Shy as a virgin, Bevel shuddered as he lowered his head. He shook all over as his unsteady hands coasted up his body to cover his flat nipples. His fingers plucked frantically, tugging and twisting on his hardening tips as his hips began a languid humping motion in response to leveB’s strong thrusts. “Oh, planetary sstarss, I cannot sstand it!”

  His fingers pinched the stiff buttons of his nipples as his mouth hung open, allowing his writhing tongue freedom. Going up on his tiptoes at the height of a particularly vicious thrust by leveB, he lost his balance and fell forward, collapsing over his navigational console. He flung his arms out at the last moment, barely stopping his torso from slamming onto the panel. His muscles quivered with the strain of supporting his upper body as his hips continued to jerk out of control.

  Brant watched entranced as the alien fucked himself. The longest tentacles left outside the Jenari’s anus were writhing and swarming over his scrotal sac, plumping and rolling the balls nestled inside.

  “Damn and blast, you’re making me ache!”

  It was the hottest thing he’d seen since… he didn’t know when. Brant’s own cock hardened at the sight, jutting up thick and strong between his open thighs. Without thinking about it, he gripped his sex and began a slow pumping as he called encouragement to the sentient cock. “Oh, yeah, leveB, fuck that ass, make it yours! Oh, wait… it already is!”

  Brant had never known how the alien’s earless cock could hear or understand what was said to it or about it. It did, that’s all he knew. There’d been too many instances when the damned thing had proven its knowledge. Now, caught up in the sexy scene being enacted before him, he shouted, certain it could hear him. “Fuck the hell outta him, leveB. Shaft him good. Let me see you shoot some come in that tight ass!”

  Chapter Four

  From the corridor Willa heard Brant’s voice calling out lusty suggestions and put on a burst of speed. What was going on in there? Were her guys indulging sexually -- without her? With each other? Her eyebrow fronds twitched into a frown. That just wasn’t fair.

  I thought Bevel-leveB couldn’t penetrate anyone but their bonded mate. Why, that reprobate liar! If he’s in there fucking the captain, I will have his many-tongued cock in my hungry nest by nightfall!

  She flew onto the bridge, trailing Brant’s wide Dinquwr leather belt, ready to slap a couple of butts with it.

  And froze, hovering above the deck, mouth going slack with wonder.

  Helpless cries poured from Bevel’s mouth as his body twisted under the powerful strokes of leveB. Sweat ran down his sides and sheeted his trim flanks.

  Her head turned enough to see her captain without losing sight of Bevel’s rocking hips and saw Brant’s blurred hand motion as he jerked strongly on his flushed cock. She saw him near critical point, eyes closing and mouth opening as he sucked in great draughts of air.

  Moisture flooded Willa’s mouth and nest. She swallowed thickly, drinking in the two males’ rising emotions, letting their lusts flow through her bloodstream. Letting it fill her hu
ngry receptors, satisfying part of her ever-present needs.

  Licking her lips, Willa settled down for the show, heart thumping in response to the heady spice of the two men’s desires flooding the atmosphere.

  Both were panting now, eyes glazed and focused inward as they hurtled toward a finish line only they could see. Brant’s fist pumped his cock, cupping and pinching the leaking head at the apex of each stroke. His lips curled back, revealing the sharp tips of his fangs as his other hand gripped his furred balls, rolling the tender sac with a roughness that showed how close to the edge he was.

  Bevel’s outstretched arms gripped the edge of the console as he twitched under the relentless decobra-like strikes of leveB. The self-aware cock had over half its more than eleven inches buried in Bevel’s ass, the sphincter forced wide as the tentacled penis dug up and in, over and over.

  Her womb clenching in excitement, she watched, eyes watering at the beauty of the sight. These were her two strong men, comfortable enough in their skin to pleasure themselves uninhibitedly, uncaring who might see.

  Suddenly she had an urge to see them indulge in the ultimate intimacy with each other. She would love seeing them fondle and please each other, fuck her between them. Her lips pursed as she pondered the likelihood. If it were the last thing she did, she would make sure it happened… soon.

  A male cry of surrender split the air, startling her and bringing her wandering attention back to the here and now.

  She swiveled to watch Bevel’s head shoot up and back, the muscles in his neck distended as he shouted in pained celebration of his climax. His body jerked wildly as leveB blasted jets of come deep into his rectum, filling him until the copious flood oozed in golden rivulets past the cock buried between his trembling thighs.

  Brant’s husky triumphant roar -- the magnificent roar of a mating Tygyr -- soon joined Bevel’s. Willa’s head snapped around in time to see him slump against the side of the command chair. Head flung backwards, torso bowed, his hips pumped strongly as his fist worked the rigid length of his cock. His come spewed from him in copious amounts, arcing in pulsating waves. It splattered the flat plane of his belly to drip down and coat his balls, the residue splashing onto the deck of the bridge.


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