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Abducted Page 9

by Sara Fields

  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wondered if I’d get to experience all four at once.

  I shivered and Biran entered me, slowly but surely forcing my mind to focus. I groaned with pleasure, his cock stretching me wide. With Dex’s cock still deep in my ass, I felt fuller than I’d ever been. And then Biran’s cock widened, just a little bit.

  Fuck. Please. I wanted more.

  I needed more. And my Vakarrans were going to give it to me.

  Dex and Biran began moving, each one pulling out as the other pushed in. In a steady tempo, they slammed into me, fucking me hard just like I craved. Biran wound his fingers around my wrists, where Robo held me bound. His hands brushed against my own and I loved him for it. Biran was different from the others. Gentle. Sweet. He felt like a best friend to me. I thought he understood me the most out of the four.

  His pace slowly increased, taking me longer, harder, and faster as my body burned for him. My passion began to rise once again, and I knew another orgasm was close. Biran groaned and I shivered, taking every last inch of him and loving it. It made me burn hotter, knowing that he was enjoying the feel of my pussy.

  Dex pinched my ass and I squealed, both with pleasure and pain at being handled so roughly. I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from screaming with desire, but I knew it was a losing battle. I was a lost cause.

  With both dicks pumping into me at once, I could barely stem the pleasure whirling around inside me. I moaned, I pleaded but ultimately, my passion consumed me.

  Unable to hold back, I shattered into a million pieces as my release washed over me. I shook. I trembled and every muscle in my body tightened with it. Electricity buzzed through my veins, setting every nerve within me on fire with ecstasy. Hot pleasure pierced through my core and I shook with it. Dex and Biran groaned low and my orgasm peaked higher.

  Their hot seed pelted my insides, spurting deep into my pussy and my ass at the same time. My screams of pleasure were loud, but I didn’t care. I was having the time of my life. My hips rocked back and forth, and my nipples hardened into tight little rocks.

  Gently, my captors slowed, pushing in and out of me as my orgasm gradually faded into a heady residual burn. I moaned quietly and Biran kissed me.

  “I love watching you come from our cocks,” he murmured.

  The two men pulled out from me painfully slowly and I groaned as inch after long inch left my body. I turned my head, seeing Ejan and Talor sitting off to the side, tucking their own cocks away. I blushed, realizing that they must have enjoyed watching me get fucked by two aliens at once. Both Dex and Biran buttoned their pants back up and I whimpered suddenly at the loneliness. My pussy pulsed, empty once again.

  Dex snapped his fingers and Robo gradually lowered me to the floor, releasing me. My legs felt like jelly. I could feel Dex’s and Biran’s cum dripping down my legs and I looked down at my hands. I swayed back and forth, and someone came up behind me. I turned my head and smiled as Talor took my shoulders with his hands, steadying me.

  I shivered against his chest.

  He picked me up off of the floor and placed me back on the bed.

  “I think it’s time for you to get some rest, don’t you?” he whispered.

  I nodded, feeling the exhaustion of my punishment washing over me.

  He tucked me in and I drifted off to sleep. I felt the bed jostle when they joined me, and I knew no more.

  Chapter Nine


  My four Vakarrans watched over me like a hawk the next few days and inside, I was extremely agitated, but I was careful not to show it on the surface. Instead, it gave me time to connect with the four of them, each one of them surprising me in different ways.

  Biran got to me the most. We’d sit together for hours while he asked me questions about Earth, what my life had been like before. Sometimes, I’d confide him in my feelings of nervousness with his comrades and he would reassure me. I trusted that he wouldn’t share my worries and he never did. He even asked me what my favorite color was and commissioned a dress for me off of his 4D printer. I twirled around in it and the smile on his face had been entirely worth it. I considered him my friend. My confidant.

  Dex also liked to spend a lot of time with me, but he had more diabolical intentions than Biran did. Dex would come up with new ways to torture me sexually, teasing my nipples, taking my ass or fucking me senseless. I loved it all. Sometimes it hurt, but always, I came hard under his touch. Outside of the bedroom, he was also kind, a gentleman. He always had a kind word for me and pulled out my chair when we had dinner. It was nice.

  Ever since we’d come back from the Underground, Ejan had been more and more protective with each passing day. His eyes were always on me, and it was mostly his fault that I hadn’t been able to escape to Xavier yet. Every time I thought I’d be able to steal away, he was there, always with a smug smile and a promise of filthy, dirty sex. Amidst my frustration for him thwarting me, I didn’t hate it. I rather liked it when he grabbed me roughly by the hair and forced me up against the wall, taking my pussy or my ass, just as he pleased.

  Talor got to know me in his own ways, some of which involved me being forced over his knees and punished like a naughty little girl. He liked it when I deferred to him, when I submitted to his demands. When I did that, I was often richly rewarded with his tongue or his cock.

  All four of them enjoyed my body and I liked it too, but it couldn’t last forever. I knew that. I had to leave them. My sister’s life depended on it.

  I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, several days later. The men hadn’t moved me from the side of the bed and I yawned. I sat up and not a single one of them moved. My heart started to pound. This was it.

  Now was my chance. I climbed out of bed slowly and still, my Vakarran captors remained asleep. I picked up my discarded clothes and pulled them back on my body.

  My heart pounded in my chest and I tiptoed to the door. My fingers gripped the handle and I turned it. It squeaked just a tiny bit and I froze, the ensuing silence echoing loud in my ears. The beat of the blood pumping through my veins was the only thing that I heard for a good long few minutes.

  Slowly, after no one moved, I got the courage to continue. It wasn’t locked like I thought it would be.

  The door swung open and I carefully slipped out, but not before I looked back, studying my Vakarrans who had given me an entirely new view of their species.

  I had assumed all Vakarrans were bad. Cruel and evil like the news had portrayed, but now, I knew I had been wrong. These four were different.

  I wondered if a mistake in the Celestial Mates system had been made when it matched me to Prince Radock. Some sort of glitch that paired me with a monster willing to hurt my sister just to get me back. It had to be.

  There was no way Prince Radock was my fated mate. Not when you compared him to my Vakarrans. It wasn’t even a comparison.

  I turned away then, taking a deep breath and walking away from the best thing that had happened to me in my life. I focused on what was important. My sister’s life was at stake. My happiness needed to take a backseat if I was going to save her.

  I wandered down the hall, toward the cargo bay where the ship was that was supposed to take me to Prince Radock. I retraced my steps back, remembering where I needed to turn left and then down the spiral metal staircase. Once I reached my destination, I looked around. There wasn’t too much down there except for my ship that was supposed to take me to Prince Radock from the Celestial Mates Dating Agency. They’d apparently unloaded a lot of product on their trip to the Underground.

  I climbed inside, noticing the door was still open. I sat down in the pilot’s chair and powered the vessel on with the fairly obvious green button at the helm. I paused for a long moment before I figured out the controls and entered the coordinates of Xavier, the station where Radock would be waiting for me. I shivered and bit my lip, listening as the various security checks powered on, one by one. The door shut beside me and the ship rose o
ff the ground.

  The automated craft flew slowly toward the rear of the cargo bay and it opened, and all at once, my ship darted out of the Vakarran vessel into space.

  It soared through the stars. I hoped that my Vakarrans would stay asleep for some time. The computer system of my spaceship indicated I’d arrive at Xavier in an hour or less. I needed my captors not to pursue me for that amount of time. I needed to get to my sister. I needed to save her.

  I settled back and watched as the light of the stars zipped past me. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, hoping that I’d be at my destination when I woke. There was nothing more to do now than to wait.

  * * *

  “Approaching Xavier. Requesting landing permission now,” a robotic feminine voice echoed, and I opened my eyes. I smiled and stretched. I’d made it safely. Outside the window was a big, circular-shaped space station. Pretty lights blinked on and off. I didn’t quite know the purpose of this place, but it didn’t concern me.

  The only thing that mattered was protecting my sister from harm.

  A metal door rose, and my ship piloted itself into the landing bays on Xavier. My craft flew to an empty space and slowly lowered to the ground. Once inside, my vessel powered down and the door beside me opened.

  Outside my ship, Prince Radock was waiting for me. He must have been waiting for word of my arrival.

  In person, his eyes were so dark they were almost black. His pointed horns were larger than I had imagined, twisted just like a bull’s. His cherry red skin was like burgundy colored leather, rough and scaly. Just the look in his eyes unnerved me. The evil nature within him was obvious, from the way he stood there to the way his lips rose in a smirk upon seeing me. I rose from the pilot’s chair and swallowed my nerves. I had to be brave. I had to be courageous.

  My sister’s life depended on it.

  “Mya,” he said, and the sound of his voice was like a bucket of icy water dumped right over my head. I tried to hide my shiver, but his smirk grew in size the moment after. He’d seen my revulsion.

  “Prince Radock,” I greeted him, forcing myself to take his hand when he offered, helping me to climb from the ship to meet him. The temperature of his skin was blazing hot, but it only made me feel cold inside. I needed to accept him, but only until I could make sure my sister was safe and as far out of his reach as I could get her.

  “It’s so nice to finally meet you,” he murmured, and I plastered a smile on my face.

  “Likewise. Is Lea here with you?” I asked, getting to the point as quickly as I could.

  The resulting grin on his face was terrifying.

  “She’s up in my apartment, waiting for us. She’s very excited to see you,” he answered, leading me away from my ship and my only chance of escape. I took a deep breath and followed him without a fight. I had to see this through, no matter what it took.

  Prince Radock was not a kind man. I knew just from our limited interactions that he was cruel, that he’d probably take me against my will. He looked like he wouldn’t hesitate to strike me, and I shivered. I’d never felt like that with my Vakarrans, even when I first met them.

  We walked in silence, winding our way through a few hallways until we came upon a nondescript steel door. Radock placed his palm on the scanner beside the door and it slid open. He pushed me roughly inside, I stumbled, and he didn’t reach to steady me, like Talor or any of my Vakarrans would have. Instead, the only sound was the door sliding shut behind us. It was so loud in the echoing silence, it might as well have slammed shut.

  I swallowed nervously, my eyes flitting around the room looking for signs of my sister. She wasn’t there. Utilitarian in style, there was little furniture. Two couches, a coffee table, a kitchen area. All normal. It didn’t even look lived in.

  Every surface was clean. There wasn’t a speck of dust anywhere. It was a bit unnerving. There were a few closed doors. I imagined some were closets, others might be bedrooms, but I couldn’t tell. I turned back toward Radock and the expression on his face was one of victory. His eyes darkened to a chilly black. My stomach twisted into a big knot, and I began to feel sick. What had I done?

  “Where’s my sister?” I asked, unable to stop my voice from wavering with sudden anxiety. My eyes searched for her, any sign of her and found nothing. Something was wrong. Very wrong. What was going on?

  He started to laugh, a bone-chilling sound that left me feeling frozen in fear. He grabbed his belly with his hands and shook with amusement. My heart pounded in my chest and I wound my arms around my shoulders, trying to protect myself whichever way I could.

  Radock advanced on me, still chuckling before his arm shot out, gripping me around the throat with a sudden terrible harshness. I choked and struggled to free myself, but he stood well over a foot taller than me. He was heavy set, probably pushing close to three hundred fifty pounds. He was an alien, a Drugan with skills I wasn’t familiar with, other than the fact he could shift into a dragon at will. And he was royalty, meaning he had money and power.

  I put my hands around his wrist, trying to tear his grip away from my throat, but it was like trying to break through a metal wall. Everything I did was useless against his strength.

  I was powerless, and I hated it. Slowly, he lifted me up and my toes scraped against the floor. I kicked and struggled, but it was no use. It was getting difficult to breathe and the look of glee that passed through his eyes terrified me to the core. He wanted not only to cause me pain, but he wanted to shatter me completely. I could see it deep in the pit of his soul.

  He was evil.

  “She’s not here. She never was,” he said, his voice rumbling, gradually increasing in volume. He started to laugh again, a reverberating sound of gleeful victory, and I shuddered with fear.

  “Where is she?” I pressed, my voice straining with exertion. I tried to breathe in as much air as I could, but the pressure on my throat was too much. My vision grew hazy for a moment and I tried to calm myself.

  Once I quieted my panic, I met his eyes. And sneered in his direction.

  “You fucking bastard,” I replied.

  “I never took your sister. Just made you think I did,” he grinned haughtily.

  “How the hell did I get matched to an asshole like you?” I whispered, tensing.

  He just laughed.

  “Money gets you whatever you want in this dark little world of ours,” he finally answered. “Everyone has a price, you just have to be willing to pay it.”

  Well, that explained a lot. It also pissed me off. Fury like no other brewed up from deep within my belly. I wanted to hurt him for what he had done, for tricking me and forcing me to leave my one chance at happiness, my Vakarrans.

  I swung my right leg back and kicked him square between the legs. His mouth opened in the most satisfying ‘o’ shape and he made a surprised, strangled crying noise. He dropped me a little so that my feet gained purchase on the floor and I was able to swing my arm over my head and break his hold by slamming down into his wrist. He released me.

  When he finally recovered, he glared in my direction.

  I looked around for an escape and rushed back to the door we came in. He followed.

  “You’re going to fucking regret that,” he yelled.

  The door didn’t open. I pounded on it as I heard his footsteps pound on the floor behind me. He grabbed my hair and jerked me backward, hard and my fury blazed even brighter.

  I yelped in pain as I fell against his chest. He whirled me around, released me, and backhanded me hard across the face. It threw me off balance and pain exploded across my cheek. My vision wavered, and I fell backward with shock, my hand cupping my throbbing jaw.

  “You’re mine, Mya. And I’m going to teach you that you fucking submit to your future king,” he growled, and I cried out in fear. He advanced on me, grabbing my hair roughly.

  My cheek burned hotly from the slap. My scalp ached as he yanked at my hair, pulling hard as he controlled me. With one hand, he tore away my shir

  I squeezed my eyes shut.

  I didn’t want to see what was going to happen next.

  A strangled cry tore from my lips. I had walked straight into a nightmare.

  Chapter Ten


  The next morning was frantic. All four of us woke up to an empty bed. Mya was nowhere to be seen. We searched all over the ship, used all the resources at our disposal, including a body temperature scanner that would alert us to stowaways or passengers on board. Nothing.

  That’s when we realized that the ship she’d arrived on was gone. She’d stolen it and escaped. The four of us stared at the lone, empty spot where it had once been.

  My heart broke. I’d tried to be as kind as I could, to understand how she felt as a human. To ensure she was treated with a gentleness that could change how she felt about us. The way she’d looked at me last night, with warmth and quite possibly love had shattered me to the core.

  I shut my eyes and squeezed the bridge of my nose.

  I’d been myself with her. Completely. I hadn’t held anything back. And now, she’d stepped on my heart and shattered it into pieces. Hurt consumed me.

  Shot myself in the fucking foot, more or less.

  Anger twisted inside me. When we got her back, I was gonna mark her tight little ass with my belt. She would regret running from us.

  We had finally found our woman and she was ours, whether she liked it or not.

  “Dex, start scanning entry logs for her ship. Biran, prepare our vessel for attack. I don’t know where we’ll end up, but we have to be prepared. I want every gun ready to fire. Every laser at full charge. Ejan, check our defenses. Make sure the laser shield is sound and running at full power. I want everything on this. Every fucking thing we have,” he commanded. He was calm and determined, although I knew there was unbridled fury simmering there just under the surface.

  I admired him. I couldn’t control my own anger like he could. I wanted to punch walls, hurt someone and I knew Ejan and Dex were feeling the same way.


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