Heather's Heart (Suddenly Single Book 1)

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Heather's Heart (Suddenly Single Book 1) Page 9

by Renee Lovins

  "Completely dealt with. He put himself in rehab. Turns out one of the reasons she broke up with him, not that she told me at first, was he had started doing drugs. So he isn't an issue. And she is going to graduate with a 3.6. Not perfect, but not bad. Apparently working your ass off helps." Chris grinned at me and I grinned back.

  "I have to go." He set down the coffee, and walked towards me, his arms fitting around me so perfectly. "Kiss for a good day?"

  I didn't answer, I just kissed him.

  It was a good day.


  He showed up early Friday afternoon, and the second five PM hit, I logged off. He had wine ready for me, and he fumbled a bit trying to bring up the subject. Me, I was eager, so I made life easier for both of us.

  "Come to the bedroom with me. You did get condoms, right?"

  He held out a box and I grinned, and pulled him into the bedroom. It wasn't perfect, it was awkward and there was fumbling, and not all of it because of the cast. But at the end we figured out each other's responses, pleasure points, and while it wasn't the greatest sex in the world it was nice. By the third time, it was damn good.

  The best part was feeling loved, wanted, and sexy again.

  Chris fit into my life, not perfectly, but we both wanted it, so we worked out the issues. I wasn't ready to give up my house, nor he his, so for now it was the occasional weeknight and weekends when schedules allowed.

  I admitted this might be a long term thing when I received an envelope in the mail, with Lana Thompson as the sender. Inside was an invitation to her graduation. There was a hand written note on the bottom.

  Heather - I hope you'll come to my graduation. I'd like to get to know the woman my dad has fallen in love with. I enjoyed time I spent with you, but I'd like to get to know you better. - Lana

  I sat down and cried after I received that, and I faced the fact that I had fallen in love with him too. I walked, well hobbled back into my bedroom. The cast came off the day before Lana's graduation, and I couldn't wait. I stood and looked at our wedding picture. The pain was still there, but it didn't have the sharpness, the jagged edges that caught and tore.

  "I'll always love you, John. But I think it's time for you to go back to the hallway."

  I lifted the pic up and carried it back to the hallway. I set it down on the empty hook that waited for it. My heart swelled a bit with sweet pain, but that was okay. With a last smile I walked back to my desk and the letter that lay there. I had a graduation to RSVP for and a certain man to inform I had fallen in love with him.

  For a full list of my books, please visit my Amazon author's page.

  Renee Lovins

  If you would like to order the next books, go here –

  Samuel's Secret

  Carla's Cruise

  Phillip's Promise

  I love to receive email and will respond to most emails.

  [email protected]

  I hope you enjoyed this story, and if like me you are a widow, maybe it gave you the hope that loving again is possible.


  Renee Lovins lives in Atlanta, Georgia with three cats, a library full of books, and misses him with every breath.




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