Four Week Fiancé

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Four Week Fiancé Page 8

by Helen Cooper

  Chapter Eight


  December 19th, 2009

  Dear Diary,

  Sometimes I hate my brother. I know that’s not a nice thing to say, but he can be such a jerk. I was in the kitchen talking to TJ and I am pretty sure that TJ was going to go in for a kiss and guess who comes into the kitchen and tells me to scat and go to my room—like he owns the kitchen or something? I think he’s jealous because TJ and I really get on. He’s such a jerk. And selfish. I don’t know how Cody and I have the same parents. He’s the spawn of the devil. Maybe his real name is Damien and he’s the antichrist come to make my life a misery. Hopefully that’s not blasphemy! I would ask Nonno, but he would just tell me I need to go to church with him every weekend. And while, I am a Christian, I really don’t like going to church every week. I almost feel bad writing that. Like God might strike me down at any moment for saying that sometimes I find church boring. Sigh, now I’m going to go with Nonno on Sunday to make up for some of the sins in the post. See what I mean? Cody ruins everything. Now I’m going to have to see if I can get TJ in that same position by the fridge again. Granted, he might have been reaching for a Coke and not in for a kiss, but a girl can wish, right?



  “I’m here.” Cody’s voice was loud and brash as he burst into the bedroom.

  “Cody?” I groaned as I opened my eyes, my brother’s grinning, handsome face staring down at me.

  “The one and only.”

  “I was sleeping.” I groaned and rolled over in the bed.

  “Don’t be a brat,” he said and ruffled my hair. “Wake up.”

  “Cody.” I rolled over and glared up at him. “Stop.”

  “Morning, Cody,” Sally said and my jaw dropped as she sat up in the bed. Her hair was straight and silky, and her face looked like perfection. I had no idea what was going on, but that was not how Sally normally looked first thing in the morning.

  “Hey, Sally.” He nodded and gave her a quick smile before turning back to me. “Mila, get up now. I need to talk to you.”

  “Um. I’m still in bed, jerk face.” I rolled over and closed my eyes. “And I’m going back to sleep now.”

  “Get up and put your clothes on.” He pulled the duvet off of my body. “Meet me in the kitchen in ten minutes. Or I’ll find another way to get you out of bed.”

  “You’re so rude,” I said huffily as I sat up and glared at him. I felt like Cody was even more insufferable as we got older. Shouldn’t we have been getting closer? Shouldn’t he have been treating me as an adult now and not a kid?

  “Ten minutes, Mila,” he said as he walked to the door and then looked back to face me. “We need to talk about your salary,” he said ominously before walking out of the room.

  “Why do I have the feeling that talking about my salary doesn’t mean he wants to talk about how much of a pay raise I’m going to get?” I looked at Sally and frowned.

  “He didn’t even notice how silky my hair is.” She made a face. “Or the fact that I’m wearing a strawberry milkshake lipstick that makes my lips a little fuller and shiny.”

  “Strawberry milkshake lipstick?” I leaned forward and stared at her lips. “I’m not going to lie, Sally, but even I wouldn’t have known you had on a strawberry milkshake lipstick. How are we supposed to know that?”

  “He would have known if he’d kissed me.” She pouted and lay back down on her bed and sighed. “But he didn’t even look in my direction, let alone kiss me and try and feel me up.”

  “No offense, but I’m glad I wasn’t here to witness my brother feeling you up. That’s not really something I want to see.”

  “We’d keep it under the covers,” she said and I could tell from her tone she was grinning. “I promise you that.”

  “Why, thanks. That makes me feel better,” I said and laughed as I jumped out of the bed. “I’m not showering,” I said and looked through my bag of clothes. I have no time to shower if he wants me in the kitchen in ten minutes.”

  “I wish he wanted me in the kitchen in ten minutes. I wish he were bossing me around.” She sighed. “ ‘Sally, in the kitchen in ten minutes and no panties.’ ”

  “Eww, you do remember he’s my brother, right?” I groaned as I pulled out my hairbrush and started brushing my hair. If I was going to be looking rough, at least my hair could be looking good. “Do you want to go lay out by the lake this morning?” I asked her. “I can just put on my bikini.”

  “Yeah, let’s do that.” She grinned and sat up. “I brought a sexy black bikini that I got at Macy’s last weekend.”

  “Macy’s?” I asked, surprised. Sally was a budding fashionista and she never shopped at Macy’s.

  “Yeah, my grandma sent me a hundred-dollar gift card to use.” She made a face. “I was thinking I could get a pair of heels, but they were all so fugly. So I figured what else can I get? None of their jewelry was cute, but I saw this two-piece and tried it on and the top was made for my bust.”

  “Lucky.” I pulled out the bikini that I’d bought at Target. “I can never find swimsuits that fit me well. My boobs are too big, so I always feel like I’m about to pop out.”

  “You’re the lucky one.” She stared at my boobs. “I’d die to have 34Cs.”

  “Um, so would I.” I laughed. “I’m 38D.”

  “Oh, wow.” She looked surprised.

  “And when I say D, I mean double D.” I laughed again and then groaned as I realized I only had about five minutes left to make it to the kitchen before Cody marched back to my room and started acting like some sort of tyrant. He could be so annoying sometimes, but I knew better than to call him out. Especially now, and especially about money. “Close your eyes.” I giggled as I pulled my top off and turned around. I quickly pulled my bikini top over my breasts and struggled to pull the material over all of my cleavage. “Argh.” I groaned. “This top seemed to be full coverage when I was in the store.”

  “It looks hot,” Sally said as she opened her eyes again. “You should be proud to show off your body. Every guy at the lake will be staring at you.”

  “Yeah, they will. They’ll be trying to catch a glance of nip.” I groaned and adjusted my bikini top to cover my breasts fully. “And nip is dirty, not sexy. Only skanks have their nipples showing.”

  “True.” Sally nodded in agreement. “If they can see areola, they are seeing too much.”

  “Should I change?” I glanced down at my top and frowned. “And look at my belly. Ugh, it’s hanging out like I’m pregnant.”

  “Mila, please.” Sally rolled her eyes. “You’re far from pregnant.”

  “Only because I haven’t had sex in months.” I made a face. “And you know there is no way I could be pregnant.”

  “That’s true.” She giggled and then stopped when she saw my face. “Seriously though, you look fine. There are millions of women who wish they had your body.”

  “Uh huh,” I said and then looked at my watch. “Okay, I’ll be back to put on the bottoms. I’m sure Cody is in the kitchen waiting for me with a cup of coffee in his hand and a frown on his face.”

  “Tell him I love him and want him in my bed tonight,” Sally said as I made my way out of the room.

  “Okay,” I said lightly as I walked through the door.

  “Don’t you dare tell him that, Mila,” she shrieked as I closed the door behind me and I just laughed. The corridor was quiet as I walked towards the kitchen. I wondered if Barbie and TJ were up yet. I also wondered what had gone on last night. I didn’t think much would have gone on, but I knew TJ had been drunk and seemingly a bit horny based on his comments. Oh my! His comments had kept me up all night. All I’d been up to think about was him holding me up and sliding into me. Even as I walked to the kitchen I could feel my face flushing. Oh, what was TJ doing to me? It was like he knew I’d come here with an agenda and he was trying to one-up me.

  “There you are,” Cody said as I walked into the kitchen. His face was flushed
and angry, and I frowned. Why was he flushed? He’d just gotten here. Was he already working himself up to go off on me?

  “Morning, Mila,” TJ said, and I looked over by the fridge and saw him standing there with a carton of milk in his hands.

  “Morning,” I said, looking back at Cody, whose jaw was tense. “You’re up early.”

  “Early to bed, early to raise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,” he said with a grin.

  “You didn’t go to bed early,” I said and rolled my eyes. “You making coffee?”

  “Cody put it on. It’ll be ready in a minute,” TJ said, and I saw Cody clenching his fists. What had gone on between them?

  “So, what do you want Cody?” I said, walking up to him and glaring. “I thought this was a vacation. I didn’t think I needed to deal with my boss on my vacation.”

  “Funny, Mila,” he said, not smiling. “You need to be smarter about how you spend money. I can’t believe you seriously called me and asked me for a raise.”

  “I was joking,” I lied.

  “No, you weren’t.” He shook his head and sighed. “What’s going on, Mila? Why did you need the money?”

  “Do we have to have this conversation in front of TJ?” I said and glared at him. “I like my private business to stay my business.”

  “I’m like family, Mila,” TJ said as he walked over with a mug and handed it to me. “Cody can say anything in front of me.”

  “Exactly!” Cody said loudly. “Remember you’re like her brother.” He looked over at TJ, who just walked away.

  “Well, he’s not my brother and I like my business to stay my business.” I made a face. “And I don’t want to ruin my trip by talking about money.”

  “You know the business isn’t doing well, Mila,” Cody said gruffly. “We need to be careful.”

  “I didn’t know we were doing badly,” I said and paused. “Are we in trouble, Cody? Like serious trouble?” I looked up at him and frowned. Why was he acting like the world was going to end? My paycheck wasn’t even that high. Certainly not high enough to be causing this much stress.

  “We need to be careful.” Cody nodded. “Things aren’t great right now. Dad is trying to figure out the best plan of action.” He sighed.

  “But?” I said, my voice timid and slightly scared. Maybe this was more serious than I’d thought.

  “But Nonno is challenging him.” Cody looked away from him. “Nonno doesn’t like Dad’s plan.”

  “What?” I frowned, not believing what I was hearing. “But Nonno lets Dad run the company. He trusts Dad, doesn’t he?”

  “Nonno has other plans now.” Cody sighed. “Look, I can’t say much more. I’ve already said too much. Just make sure you’re careful with your money from here on out. I can’t be giving you advances on anything, okay? If you’re in trouble, let me know.” His eyes peered into mine in concern. “Are you about to get evicted or anything?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Nothing like that.” I thought about all my bills coming up and I felt my stomach dropping. I was worried, but I didn’t want to worry Cody. He already seemed like he had enough on his plate.

  “Good.” He leaned over and ruffled my hair. “I’m not that flush right now myself. After buying the house and the Beemer.”

  “Yeah, I understand,” I said and bit on my lower lip. I could see TJ staring at me from the corner of the room, and I felt embarrassed. And slightly ashamed. I wondered how he felt knowing that our family business wasn’t doing so well and that we were on the way to the poor house while he was the son of a billionaire. I wondered if it made him feel uncomfortable. Was he going to feel like we were going to ask him for money if things went badly?

  “Want any breakfast, Mila?” TJ asked softly and I heard Cody inhaling. What was his problem? I glanced at Cody to see what he was annoyed at now, but I saw his face moving to the kitchen door, his eyes alert and a small smile on his face. I looked towards the door and my stomach sank as I saw that it was Barbie who had caught his attention and not Sally. Barbie sauntered into the kitchen in a white tank top, with no bra and short black gym shorts that were practically just underwear.

  “Why, hello.” Cody grinned as he walked towards Barbie. “I’m Cody. Are you Mila’s friend?”

  “Mila Kunis is here?” Barbie’s eyes lit up as she gave Cody a demure smile.

  “Who?” Cody asked, confused, and I wanted to laugh.

  “Mila Kunis,” Barbie said in a Russian accent and I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes.

  “Sorry, what?” Cody looked at me. “Did you change your name, Mila?”

  “What do you think?” I said and rolled my eyes. “Barbie has a memory problem. Along with other problems.”

  “Oh?” He raised an eyebrow at me and then looked back at Barbie. “What problems? Any way I can help you?” He moved closer to her and I could see his eyes narrowing in on her nipples. Trust me to have a brother who was a pervert.

  “I don’t have any problems,” Barbie said.

  “Other than being too sexy,” Cody said and she laughed, her face preening up at him. “I have that problem too, so I know.”

  “Are you frigging kidding me?” I said loudly and looked over at TJ. “TJ is the one who brought Barbie this weekend. They’re dating.”

  “Practically engaged,” Barbie said in a sweet voice and I could see TJ laughing as he stared at me.

  “Not even close to engaged,” he said as he walked towards me and then gave Barbie a gaze.

  “Ugh, I need a massage.” Barbie stretched her arms and pushed her breasts out. “Anyone up for providing me some release? I brought some aromatherapy oils with me.”

  “Not me,” I said and I could feel my stomach curling at how obvious she was. I hated calling other girls whores and sluts but, man, Barbie was a slut.

  “Sure, I’ll help you out.” Cody nodded. “We have some loungers at the back. You can lie face down and I’ll get to work, or we can do it on a bed.”

  “Maybe a bed,” Barbie said with a small smile. “I don’t want to accidentally flash anyone.” She paused and looked at me. “I like to get my massages topless. Feels so freeing.”

  “I’m going to the lake.” I looked at Cody and then at TJ, ignoring Barbie. It seemed to me that she was deliberately trying to flaunt herself in front of me. I knew she wanted to get a rise out of me, but I bet she had no clue how close I was to just slapping her and screaming. And I have never slapped anyone before in my life. “Sally and I need to relax.”

  “Well, make sure relaxing is all you do.” Cody turned to me and his voice was rough. “No shopping and spending money you don’t have.”

  “Yeah, Mila, time to stop the shopping.” TJ said, his eyes laughing at me.

  “TJ, I swear I’m going to go off,” I said to TJ who was barely holding back a grin. I had no idea why he thought any of this was funny. It was far, far from funny. “You tell plastic lady and my brother to stay away from the lake for the next couple of hours, please.” I pursed my lips and he nodded, a solemn look on his face.

  “What about me?” he asked, his green eyes sparkling.

  “What about you?”

  “Can I come to the lake as well?” He licked his lips lightly.

  “No,” I said abruptly and turned away, feeling pissy. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with TJ teasing and confusing me. The morning had already gotten off to a bad start and I was still confused about what had happened the previous evening. I still wanted to know why he’d watched me walking to my room and just stood there. I’d had an awful time getting to sleep. I’d been up half the night debating putting on my negligee and going to find him and offering up myself. I just wanted to see how he would respond. My skin had been tingling all night, and when I’d finally fallen asleep, my dreams were filled with TJ’s smile and his strong arms pinning me against a wall, holding me up as he fucked me hard.


  “I wanted to show Cody my new bikini.” Sally moaned as we settled into
two lounge chairs next to the lake. The sun felt warm on my skin and I closed my eyes as I listened to her complaining that I’d dragged her from the room to the lake without her getting to flirt with Cody.

  “He was all up in Barbie’s silicone,” I mumbled as I settled into the lounger and flexed my toes. “He didn’t deserve your presence this morning.”

  “I can’t believe she wore a white T-shirt and no bra. Who does that? Next thing she’ll be suggesting a wet T-shirt competition.” Sally sounded annoyed.

  “You know you’d enter.” I laughed as I rolled over and opened an eye to look at her. “By the way, just in case you didn’t know, you look hot in that bikini,” I said honestly as I gazed at her. The crisp white material of the bikini complemented her honey complexion, and her long black hair hung past her shoulders and to her back, straight and frizz-free. “It’s so weird seeing you without your curls,” I said as I reached out and touched her hair. “I miss pulling your ringlets.”

  “As soon as I hit the water, I’ll be curly again.” She laughed, her eyes crinkling as she gazed at me. “Your face is looking red,” she said as she peered down at me. “I think we should put on some sunscreen before we get burned.”

  “Yeah.” I nodded and sat up. “Do you have any?” I asked sheepishly. “I forgot to bring any.”

  “You were too focused on your sexy underwear.” She giggled and I nodded. “You know it.” I sighed. “Not that it matters. TJ is driving me crazy. I don’t know what he’s thinking or feeling. And I don’t think I have the nerve to make a move on him.”

  “Just do it.” Sally sighed as she pulled out her sunscreen. “And get on your front. I’ll do your back first.”


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