Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 3

by Quinn, Meghan

  Her phone rang displaying a number she didn’t recognize, it was an Atlanta area code so she answered it thinking maybe it was a new client.

  “Hello” Jane answered.

  “Janey Bear, how are you sweetie?” Michael’s voice said from the other line.

  “Mikey! Hey handsome, where are you calling from?”

  “Oh I got a new number once I moved out here. Sometimes it is nice to change numbers so you can throw the press off and un-wanted phone calls.”

  “Oh you are such a smart man.” Jane replied, “What’s going on? I’m so sorry I didn’t spend that much time with you the last night, I got a little carried away with my drinks and acted a bit slutty.”

  Michael laughingly said, “Yes you did, but it was good to see you let loose. I’ve been worried about you. You haven’t returned any of my e-mails in quite some time, two years to be exact.”

  Jane cringed when Michael called her out on dropping off the face of the earth from their relationship. Michael was the one person she could count on to talk to and give her sound advice. She loved Molly but Molly’s theory was sex solved everything. When Jane was dating George, he took over her life and separated her from her friends, Michael being one of them. She felt bad that she stopped talking to Michael, they were always so close. Molly and Michael were crazy together and would always made sure they were the life of the party but when it came to Jane and Michael, they were connected on an emotional level. They always leaned on each other when they needed to talk or needed advice. She didn’t talk to Michael when George cheated on her because she couldn’t face the embarrassment and feared how he would feel about her all of a sudden reaching out to him.

  “I know I’m sorry Mikey. I was in a bad spot after I left Deorge and then I started focusing on my business which seems to be really picking up now.”

  “Don’t sweat it Kiddo, but you can make it up to me if you would like.” Replied Michael.

  “What do you have in mind mister?”

  “Do you have any plans tonight?”

  “Sadly, no. How lame am I? Friday night with no big plans, might as well go adopt ten cats and call myself the old maid.” Jane said sarcastically.

  “I don’t think anyone would call you an old maid after what you wore the last night. Hot damn when did you get so hot? Don’t get me wrong you have always been steamin’ but every man was drooling over you the last night.”

  Jane knew Michael always had some feelings for her but Jane always saw him as a brother, nothing more. She knew it was hard for Michael to accept their relationship as entirely platonic but he did because she knew he cherished their friendship more than not having one at all.

  “Thanks Mikey, it was the dress.”

  “The dress was awesome, but the dress didn’t wear you, you wore the dress and everyone knew it.”

  “Wow Mikey, when did you start watching TLC? I didn’t know you had a bit of gay in you.” Jane said teasingly.

  “Alright, settle down, jeeze I guess a guy can’t pay a compliment without being criticized. Listen, I want to hang out with you and Molly. Why don’t you meet me at Dave and Busters tonight? We’ll have some drinks and some friendly competition like old times.”

  “Oh I see what’s happening here. You want to get a good ass whoopin’ in skee-ball,” Jane replied.

  “Bring it girl! I dare you. Ever since I made it to the big leagues I bought my own skee-ball game and you can bet your ass I will be giving you a run for your money tonight.”

  “We will see about that mister. Will we be seeing your lovely wife?”

  “No, she is hanging with her book club tonight, boring! See you tonight hot stuff.”

  Jane hung up with Michael surprisingly refreshed. She was so happy he got traded to the Braves, she missed him so much. She knew it was going to be good for her soul that they had been reunited. She missed their long talks and cuddling. They were never romantically involved but they had a general understanding that sometimes a person needed some human contact. Molly always tried to tease Jane that her and Michael would wind up together but they both knew they were nothing more but connected by their souls.

  Jane pulled out her phone and sent a text to Molly.

  Jane: Hey lady, Michael wants to meet at Dave and Busters tonight, you in?

  Molly: Hell yea, I need to get some drinks in my system, these kids are driving me insane with their inability to do their multiplication tables.

  Jane: Isn’t that why you are their teacher? You are supposed to help them…

  Molly: Yea, yea, yea oh P.S. Luke sent me a note, I read it at work and almost had an orgasm at my desk, he is so hot. I love that man.

  Jane: Molly, maybe you should wait to get home to read things from him.

  Molly: Where’s the fun in that? See you tonight…wear something hot, I expect you to pick someone up tonight.

  Wear something hot? Well she is not donning that red dress again. She decided on a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top blouse to show off her arms that she worked out almost every day to achieve such tone and a pair of black stilettos that screamed sexy. She wore her hair in her natural wave and put on some natural toned make up with a little bit of pink lip gloss. Hmm, she had been cleaning up pretty nicely recently. Not too shabby for being cheated on two years ago. Ok time to get over it already. But how? It still hurt just as much as it did the day she ran into George on top of that slut, Rebecca. Alright push all negative thoughts out, time to have some fun tonight with some old friends.


  Molly walked into Dave and Busters with a huge smile plastered to her face. Luke was hopefully coming home in a week and she could not wait. She hadn’t seen him in months and missed him terribly, plus she missed the most amazing penis she ever laid her eyes on. She never met a man that could make her feel so incredibly good both inside and out and boy did he make her feel good inside. When he got home she was going to jump him so fast he wouldn’t know what hit him. She needed to make time to go shopping and get a wax. She needed to be ready for her soldier when he got home.

  She brought a little excerpt of her note from Luke so she could show Jane what she was missing out on. She really needed to get her friend Jane back into the dating scene. If only stupid George didn’t show up the night before, Jane was finally letting her guard down and actually getting down with Brady Molly had to admit, Brady was one fine piece of man meat. If she was not with Luke she would throw herself at Brady so fast no other woman would have a chance and she didn’t even bother to care about the man’s womanizing reputation. She bet he was dynamite in bed, good looks and his height just said he could fuck like no tomorrow. She would talk to Michael and see if they could set Jane and Brady up. The two seemed to have some serious chemistry and Molly thought it would be a shame for that kind of sexual chemistry to go to waste. So if she had to meddle a little bit more in her friend’s life then so be it. She was actually doing Jane a favor.

  Molly spotted Jane as she came through the doors. Damn, her girl looking good. Finally, Jane was starting to find her herself again. Molly knew Jane was slowly losing her best friend when she started dating George but there was nothing Molly could really do about it. Molly tried saying something to Jane one day but Jane became very defensive and shut her out. They didn’t talk for days, which was very unlike them. So Molly was happy that Jane was starting to break away from the conservative shell she was in during her years with Douche McGee.

  “Damn girl, looking good. I’m so glad you decided to show off your arms tonight because lord knows you will be flexing them once you kill Mikey in skee-ball!” Molly said.

  “Thanks, you know it’s true, he thinks he is going to be able to kick my ass. When has that ever happened?” replied Jane.

  “Never!” Molly handed Jane her note. “Here I want you to read this, I took an excerpt of my note from Luke so you can see what you’re missing by being single these days.”

  “Molly, you know I always feel uncomfortable reading thes
e, it’s like soft porn.”

  “You know you like it, just read it.” Molly said thrusting it in her face. She saw Jane sigh and reluctantly open the note.


  Jane hated reading Molly’s private letters from Luke. They always made her feel so sad that she would never have a relationship like Luke and Molly’s. They had so much love and respect for each other. Jane knew deep down inside that she could never find that kind of love for herself. They were so honest and forthcoming when it came to each other. Jane never felt that kind of connection with anyone. She opened the paper and read silently to herself…

  I hope that previous paragraph really got you going baby (Thank God Molly didn’t include that part) I want to tell you how much I miss you and not just your glorious tits. I miss hearing your voice, I miss touching your skin, I miss watching you struggle in the kitchen trying to make me something tasty to eat, I miss the way you wear a towel on your head after a shower, I miss the way you look in the morning and I miss the way you feel in my arms. I know this new job is more strenuous on our relationship but I promise I will make it up to you when I get home in a week. I love you so much, baby. Love, Molly’s Man

  Well that’s just rich. Jane was tearing up. Luke was the perfect man, he had no shame in expressing his feelings but he was also so manly. He fought for the country for crying out loud, doesn’t get much manlier than that.

  “Jesus, Molly, do you want me looking like a raccoon tonight? Why did you want me to read this? So I could cry like a lunatic?”

  “No” Molly scoffed. “I just wanted to show you what you can have when you find true love. It is something so great, so wonderful, it consumes you. Don’t give up girl, you will find it I promise. You had a minor setback but it will happen for you. I’m so proud of you for breaking out of that librarian phase you were in and so is Alby. He was really nervous he was going to have to dump your ass, you know how he is all about image.” Molly said with a wink.

  Jane chuckled, “Yes I know, Alby is such a princess. Thank you for your concern and your encouragement, now let’s go find that fine ass black man of a friend we have.”

  Jane and Molly first stopped by the bar for some drinks then went over to the arcade area to warm up. Jane was the all-time champion amongst them at skee-ball. She knew exactly how to score 100 points in the upper corners. Michael always hated Jane for her superb ball placing. Their competition was all fun and games until the bets started rolling and that was when Michael sadly got himself in trouble, it happened every time. He always believed he was going to beat Jane so he would raise the bets, putting himself in a world of hurt. One time he was so confident in his abilities of beating Jane that he bet her whoever lost had to go streaking through the baseball house. Thank God she won that game because she was not ready to show off her girly bits to all those horny ball players.

  Jane was just beginning to roll some balls when Michael came up from behind her and slapped her butt. She whirled around to tackle him to the ground when she noticed standing behind Michael was Brady Matthews grinning like a fool. Damn, what the hell was he doing here? She instantly became rigid and nervous. So much for a relaxing night with friends, now she had to turn on her singles game. She was not prepared to put on a production tonight. At least she was looking good.

  Damn, why was he here? Michael must have set her up, he would pay for his sins later.

  “Do you always slap each other’s asses as a friendly greeting?” Brady asked jokingly.

  “Only when we are incredibly horny,” Molly replied “Not getting any from the old ball and chain lately there Mikey?”

  “Ha…Ha, I am a very satisfied man, thank you very much. My lady knows how to rock my world and pleasure her man.”

  Jane had only met Michael’s wife once. She seemed very sweet and down to earth. They had a charity foundation together helping children. Michael said she took the foundation very seriously. Although, lately Michael’s wife, Kelly, seemed more materialistic than normal. Jane thought it was a little weird that he didn’t bring her with him. Wouldn’t she want to come hang with his friends and get to know them better since she is new to the area? Jane shook the thoughts out of her head.

  “Too much information Michael,” Jane said pushing him to the side. “Quit stalling and trying to throw off your competition. What are the stakes tonight?”

  Brady chimed in, “Stakes?”

  “Jane here is the reigning champion when it comes to skee-ball and we always place a bet to make things more interesting. It’s always between Jane and I, she seems to always have the edge up on me, but I plan on destroying her tonight and for a good reason,” Michael said winking.

  What was that man up to? He didn’t look innocent at all. Actually he looked like he had been cooking something up in that devious brain of his.

  Jane replied, “And what good reason is that Mikey?”

  “If I beat you tonight, you have to go out with my boy Brady over here,” Michael said patting Brady on the back.

  Jane’s face drained of all color, what was Michael up to? Like Brady even wanted to go out with her. Michael was only embarrassing the both of them. She could wring Michael’s neck right now and wipe that smirk off his face. She glanced at Brady and noticed the same damn smirk on his face. What was he grinning for? Cocky bastards.

  “What does my dear friend Jane get from this bet when she wins?” said Molly. Thank God Molly was there to help her speak when Jane lost her voice.

  “I will give her $10,000.” Retorted Michael.

  Jane’s jaw dropped. She whipped around and stared at him. Did he know what that money would do for her business? Game on!

  She stuck her hand out and said “deal.” Either way she sort of wins if Brady doesn’t technically want to go out with her, she at least would have a chance to go out with a professional baseball player or bank $10,000. How many girls could say that?

  “Fantastic.” Exclaimed Michael. “What are the terms? Best out of three games or highest combine score out of all three?”

  “You know how I like it Mikey,” Jane replied. “Highest combined score out of three.”

  While Michael was picking out their machines she got him a drink. It wouldn’t hurt to get Michael a little loose so she would have a higher chance of winning. Jane brought the drink to Michael, bent over and slowly pulled herself back up right in front of him. She always tried to play the distraction game with Michael, and it always worked in her favor. She was a little shy in doing so since she had not flaunted herself in quite some time and Brady was around so she was a bundle of nerves already but she was able to pull off the “bend and snap” perfectly.

  Michael slapped her ass and said, “It doesn’t work for my wife, it’s not going to work for you doll, sorry. Let’s keep this fair so don’t start flaunting your body at me even though it is hotter than ever these days.”


  “Fine,” Jane huffed. “I guess I will just have to beat you like old times, purely by skill.”

  “We will see. Brady please help Molly Keep score. I don’t totally trust Molly not to be one sided.”

  “He’s right,” Brady chimed in. “I’m counting on Michael to win here and I don’t need you cheating on the scores.”

  Insulted, Molly huffed and said, “I would never cheat, how dare you accuse me of such blasphemy.”

  “Do we really need to get into that right now Molly? Case and point, beer pong championship, sophomore year. Your nipple did not just happen to slip out and distract the other team, I saw you take your bra off in the semi-finals!” Michael accused.

  “A girl has to go to extremes sometimes to win a game, so sue me!” Molly retorted.

  “Alright enough with the nip slip and let’s get this game going! I cannot wait to watch you write that check Mikey. I can really use a new sign for my business.” Jane exclaimed.

  Jane was ready, she always beat Michael. The key to her success was to score some solid points and then go for the big points i
n the top corners. Michael always tried to go for the hundreds at first and never ended up scoring any points in the end. She had this in the bag.

  They started shooting and Jane noticed that Michael was actually doing pretty well, too well. He was scoring all hundreds, nailing every corner shot. Crap she needed to step up her game. She guessed he had been practicing but she didn’t think he was going to be this good. She was on her seventh ball in her first round and she was down by two hundred. Ok three more balls, she needed to get these next three in the hundred holes to stay alive. First one hit off the tip of the hole, Damn! Oh good Michael didn’t make it either, ok she needed to make these last two which she ended up hitting. She was only down by a hundred going into the next game.

  They rotated machines, just to make sure someone was not faring better on one machine than the other. They started the next round. They alternated shots so they could taunt and tease the other. Michael would pelvic thrust in her direction and Jane would shimmy at him while Molly whispered sexual innuendo’s in his ear.

  “Oh Mikey, what big brown balls you have, can I feel them?” Molly said with a husky flair to her voice.

  “Quit it Molly, that is going too far. You can’t try to give a guy a boner when he is shooting. I can’t do that to you.” Michael explained.

  “Wait, she is giving you a boner?” Brady said. “I thought you said she is like your sister. Dude, what is wrong with you?”

  “Hey Brady, I’m trying to do you a favor here and win you a date, you really want to judge me right now?” Michael said.

  “Sorry man, please proceed.”

  Hmm, Jane wondered if Brady put Michael up to this whole night. It seemed rather odd that Michael made a bet for her to go out with Brady. Did Brady actually find her attractive? That seemed a little crazy. No, Michael was just trying to pair up two of his friends, probably so he could give them a hard time later. There was no way Brady Matthews wanted to go out with her, he could have any woman he wanted, and he had. He was a player and the non-commitment type. She was not interested, she did not intend on getting her heart broken again because she knew if she did go out with Brady, that’s exactly what was going to happen, she was going to get her heart broken. To Brady, she was just another notch on his belt.


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